2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 7 The Sea综合检测 北师大版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 7 The Sea综合检测 北师大版必修3.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1Everybody said it was a perfect rescue;no one had ever known _ one.Athe betterBa betterCa best Dthe best2(xx山东高考)This is a really lively party.Theres a great atmosphere,isnt there?_.The hosts know how to host a party.ADont worry BYes,indeedCNo,there isnt DIt all depends3I _ him out of the idea of dropping the experiment.Aadvised BpersuadedCconvinced Dsuggested4A new _ bus service to Tianjin Airport started to operate two months ago.Anormal BusualCregular Dmon5Zhangjiajie is so _ that Ill go there once more if I have a chance.Aattractive BenergeticCindependent Dpatient6(xx铜陵高一调研)Paper produced every year is _ the worlds production of vehicles.Athe three times weight ofBthree times the weight ofCas three times as heavier asDthree times as heavier as7(xx合肥高一检测)In order to attract more customers,many supermarkets usually sell their goods at a good _ at weekends.Adiscount BprofitCbargain Dcost8(xx新课标全国卷)Tony can hardly boil an egg,still _ cook dinner.Aless BlittleCmuch Dmore9It sounds like something is wrong with the cars engine._,wed better take it to the garage immediately.AOtherwise BIf notCBut for that DIf so10(xx安庆高一调研)Our house has reached the point _ so many things need _ and its so hard to find the time to fix it.Aat which;to do up Bthat;doing upCon which;to put up Dwhere;putting up11_is mentioned above,the number of the cattle here has been limited to 200.AIt BWhichCThat DAs12I have no problem _ my English,that is,I have no problem _ English.Awith;learning Bin;withCof;for Dlearning;to13He _ a silver cup _ the winner.Apresented;to Bpresented;withCpretended;to Dpretended;with14Mothers were sitting on a bench chatting,with their children _ beside them.Aplaying Bto playCplayed Dhaving played15(xx江西高考)_one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.AWhoever BWhateverCWhichever DWherever.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)After a long day at school,I walked home with my heavy schoolbag.Sleepy and _16_,I threw my things on the couch and grabbed something from the _17_ to eat.I passed by the living room and wished I could watch TV,but I knew my _18_ would take me the whole night.I took my schoolbag and went _19_ to my room.I tried to understand chemistry and _20_ sleepiness at the same time.I was stressed out and _21_.I wanted something to cheer me up.Later,I _22_ the sound of the front door opening.And I waited for itthe sound of my mom singing._23_ she sings offkey(跑调),it made me excited that she was here.I ran down to greet my mom.We _24_ each other and I ran back upstairs.I like it when my mom was happy.Her _25_flowed down to me and I got the strength to _26_ the stress again.Sometimes I wonder how my mom can still be _27_ after ing back from work.Every weekday,she wakes up _28_ in the morning to go to work and spends all hour on the bus before getting downtown.At a _29_ factory,she works standing for the whole day and draws patterns for clothes over and over.After work,she gets stuck in _30_ for two hours on her way back home.When I _31_ my school life with her work life,I should not be the one to _32_.At least I have some interesting things to do at school,but one mistake at work can cost my mom her job.I _33_ that my mom has a positive attitude and lives her life with a joyous heart,though there may be _34_.Seeing her happy makes me feel _35_,too.16A.heavy BbusyChungry Dunlucky17A.classroom BkitchenCbedroom Dapartment18A.dream BsupperChomework Dexperience19A.downstairs BupstairsCoutside Dinside20A.break off Bput offCget off Dfight off21A.bored BshockedCworried Dfrightened22A.felt BrecordedCraised Dheard23A.But BThoughCIf DAs24A.shook BhelpedChugged Dtouched25A.need BideaCfaith Denergy26A.face BchangeCaccept Dleave27A.creative BsensitiveCpositive Dpetitive28A.early BsoonCfast Dlate29A.furniture BtobaccoCcar Dclothing30A.chat BtrafficCduty Dtask31A.replace BexchangeCconnect Dpare32Aplain BdecideCstudy Dplay33A.achieve BnoticeCappreciate Dimprove34A.accidents BdifficultiesClies Ddifferences35A.successful BskillfulCgood Dimportant.阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AMany people believe sharks are dangerous and will always try to hurt or even kill humans.In fact,94 percent of the worlds species are harmless to humans.A shark exhibition at the National Aquarium(水族馆)in Baltimore,U.S.proves this.Visitors can touch young sharks,see their eggs develop and watch a dozen different species swim smoothly around a huge tank.Most people fail to realize that shark attacks dont happen very often.Humans are more likely to be killed by lightning than by a shark.And to make this point clear,the museum has set up a special touching pool for children.There,kids can learn,from an early age,not to fear sharks.They can watch them develop inside the eggs and feel the skins of them.“People fear what they dont know”,said Nancy Hotchkiss,an organizer of the exhibition,which runs till December.“Sharks have been round for 400 million years and play an important role in the oceans food chain.We want people to discover that sharks are amazing animals that need our respect and protection.”Its shocking that 100 million sharks are killed every year by humans around the world.A study,published in January in the US magazine Science,found that almost all recorded shark species have fallen by half in the past eight to fifteen years.Thousands of sharks are hunted in Asia for special foods,such as shark fin soup.And many others get caught in nets,while fishermen are hunting other fish.More than half of all sharks are smaller than one metre long.“Some fishing methods are actually cleaning out the ocean,”said Dave Schofield,the manager of the aquariums ocean health program.“The fishermen threw them away like rubbish.”It is a worrying situation and some areas have taken measures in place to protect these species of fish.36The main purpose of the shark exhibition is to _.Ashow how sharks are born and develop in the oceanBlet people know more about sharks and protect themClet children learn not to fear sharks from an early ageDshow how shark species have fallen in the past few years37In the last paragraph but one,the underlined word “them”refers to _.Asmall sharks Bfishing boatsCfishing nets Dfishing methods38What does Dave Schofield mean by saying“some fishing methods are actually cleaning out the ocean”?ALarge sharks cannot be caught by some fishing methods.BOnly small sharks can be caught by some fishing methods.CThe ocean is being made cleaner by some fishing methods.DToo many sharks are being killed by some fishing methods.39It can be inferred from the passage that the writer is _.Asurprised to know sharks always hurt peopleBhappy to know sharks are harmless to peopleCworried about the present situation of shark speciesDpleased to know the ocean is being much cleanerB(xx重庆高考)Not all bodies of water are so evidently alive as the Atlantic Ocean,an Sshaped body of water covering 33 million square miles. The Atlantic has, in a sense, replaced the Mediterranean as the inland sea of Western civilization. Unlike real inland seas, which seem strangely still, the Atlantic is rich in oceanic liveliness. It is perhaps not surprising that its vitality has been much written about by ancient poets.“Storm at Sea”,a short poem written around 700, is generally regarded as one of mankinds earliest artistic representations of the Atlantic.When the wind is from the westAll the waves that cannot restTo the east must thunder onWhere the bright tree of the sunIs rooted in the oceans breast.As the poem suggests, the Atlantic is never dead and dull. It is an ocean that moves, impressively and endlessly. It makes all kinds of noiseit is forever thundering, boiling, crashing, and whistling.It is easy to imagine the Atlantic trying to draw breathperhaps not so noticeably out in midocean, but where it meets land, its waters bathing up and down a sandy beach. It mimics(模仿) nearly perfectly the steady breathing of a living creature. It is filled with symbiotic existences, too: unimaginable quantities of creatures, little and large alike, mix within its depths in a kind of oceanic harmony,giving to the waters a feeling of heartbeat,a kind of subocean vitality. And it has a psychology. It has personalities: sometimes peaceful and pleasant, on rare occasions rough and wild;always it is strong and striking.40Unlike real inland seas, the Atlantic Ocean is_.Aalways energeticBlacking in livelinessCshaped like a squareDfavored by ancient poets41What is the purpose of using the poem “Storm at Sea” in the passage?ATo describe the movement of the waves.BTo show the strength of the storm.CTo represent the power of the ocean.DTo prove the vastness of the sea.42What does the underlined word “symbiotic” mean?ALiving together.BGrowing fast.CMoving harmoniously.DBreathing peacefully.43In the last paragraph, the Atlantic is pared to_.Aa beautiful and poetic placeBa flesh and blood personCa wonderful worldDa lovely animalCputers are very important to modern life.Many people think that in the future puters will be used in lots of everyday life.It is thought that we wont have to go shopping because we will be able to get most things which are sold in shops on the Internet.There will be no more books because we will be able to get all texts from puters.The Internet will be used to play games,see films and buy food.Most telephone calls will be made by puters,too.Some people are glad about these new ways of shopping and municating(交际)Others do not think that puters will replace our old ways.Lets look at books,for example.Some people think that one day we will not read books made of paper.Instead,we will buy and read books using puters.We will read texts on small pocket puters.The puters will keep many different books in them at the same time.We wont need to turn lots of pages and paper will be savedputerized(计算机化)books will be used more and more.Is Internet shopping such a pleasure as going to the shop?Many people say it is not.It is a pleasure to go in to shops and look at things you want to buy.It is also unlikely that many people will want to read large texts on our puters.Because paper books will perhaps be more friendly.Maybe puters wont change these two habits.44In Paragraph 1, it is thought people will use puters for _.Aplaying games,shopping and making telephone callsBmaking telephone calls,having meals and seeing filmsCseeing films,buying food,and going for holidaysDplaying games,making telephone calls and seeing the doctor45Which reason for using puterized books is NOT said in the passage?AWe wont need any paper.Bputerized books wont be very expensive.CWe wont have lots of pages.Dputers can keep many different books in them.46Paragraph 4 tells _.Aabout puterized booksBabout the old and new ways of shopping and municatingCif the Internet will change our habitsDabout future uses of puters47The title for this passage is _.Aputers will Replace Shops and BooksBputers Are the FutureCputers will Do Everything for ManDHow puters Change Our HabitsDPassage 1As one of Chinas most popular and widely known legend,the story of Monkey King is set to return to screens with 3D effects.It may feature many of the same leading actors from the earliest 1986 TV series Journey to the West.According to the producer,which can be got easily in the market,the TV drama,with a total investment of 150 million yuan,will be,aired on Sichuan TV.Almost 90 million yuan has been put into 3D effects with each 45minute episode containing eight minutes of 3D.“The 3D effects not only cost us a lot of money but also a lot of time.”director Kan WeiPing said.“We had to put off its broadcasting time,which was set at first this summer.” Passage 2The Solar Roadway is an intelligent road that provides clean renewable energy using power from the sun,while providing safer driving conditions along with power.American inventors of the Solar Road said that it will power itself,and reduce the countrys carbon marks.Many panels are fixed on the Solar Road.The top of the Solar Road panels is made of glass and the inventors are working together with top glass researchers to develop super strong glass that would offer vehicles pulling power they need.The Solar Roadway creates and carries clean renewable electricity and,therefore,electric vehicles can be recharged at any rest stop,or at any business that uses solar road panels in their parking lots.Such parking lots will be safer at night with the light provided by LED within the road panels.The inventors say their solar roadway has many applications and advantages from main roads to driveways,parking lots,bike paths and runways.48Whats Passage 1 mainly about?AThe origin of the story about Monkey King.BMonkey King will return to screens with 3D effects.CThe brief introduction to the TV series Journey to the West.DThe amount of money invested on the 3D TV series Journey to the West.49About the 3D TV series Journey to the West we can learn that _.Ait contains 45 episodes in totalBit will feature new actors pletelyCwe could watch it on TV after the summerDwe can enjoy it at home just with normal glasses50What can be inferred about the Solar Roadway from Passage 2?AIt will have a bright future.BIt cant work without electricity.CThere wont work without electricity.DThe electric vehicles cant be recharged on it.51Passage 2 is most probably taken from _.Aa science fictionBa research paperCa product brochureDa technology reportEWhen you start your preparation late,it would give you two results.Firstly,it would increase your stress as you would have to plete so many things at a very short span of time.Secondly,owing to limited time,you would not be able to carry on with a healthy preparation and you would end up securing less marks in the examination.So,if you have registered for the Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT),make sure that you start preparing ahead of time,so that you have enough time to correct your mistakes and at the same time,you can revise all the PCAT chapters well.When you plan for an early start,make sure that you stick to your decision.You should study and control your mind in such a way that you continue with your study,irrespective of(不考虑)your other works.Turn off your puter,television or mobile phone,when you sit to study.This would enable you to concentrate on your PCAT study and make your study session a stressfree one.Do not delay.We all know“Tomorrow never es!”So,do not spend your time dillydallying.Instead,finish your work within time.An early preparation would ensure that you give time to each of your subjects and improve your flaws.At the same time,you would get more time to practice PCAT sample papers.The more you practice,you would get time to correct your mistakes.Moreover,regular practice would enable you to know the pattern of the questions that you are going to encounter in your examination.While studying or practicing your PCAT papers,if you do not understand anything,make sure that you take help from the experts.In the end,make sure that you make a timetable of revision along with your study timetable.Revision would enable you to grasp your chapters and regain all that you have studied in your memory.52If you want to gain a good mark in PCAT,youd better_.Ahave a good revision ahead of timeBavoid any chances of making mistakesClearn something from your puterDkeep studying without playing all the time53What can we learn from Paragraph 2?APCAT is very easy if you concentrate on it.BIf you work hard,youll succeed some day.CYou can only enjoy yourself in your spare time.DYou should try to revise all the lessons as you have planned.54It can be inferred from the last paragraph that_.Astudy timetable and revision timetable are both importantByou should pay more attention to your revision than studyCstudy timetable is more important than revision timetableDrevision is just to regain what you have learned55You can get over some difficulties and do better in your exam by _.Ameeting your close friendsBdoing sample papers regularlyCdoing exercises in the morningDcollecting all kinds of questions.任务型读写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)The earths ocean can reach depths of up to 11,000 metres.That is deep enough to cover Mount Qomolangma!Marine(海洋的)scientists divide the oceans into five zones.Each zone is different mainly as a result of how much sunlight reaches it.Most of the life in the ocean can be found in the first zone,which begins at the surface and goes down to about 200 metres.Because there is sunlight at this level,plants are able to grow.Marine animals such as dolphins,sharks,sea turtles and sea lions,and of course a variety of fish,live in the sunlight part of the ocean.It is difficult to hide from other animals in the area,but many species have adapted by being dark on the top and light on the bottom.This makes it hard to see them against the dark water below and the blue sky above.The second starts at 200 metres and goes down to about 1,000 metres.Some sunlight can reach this level,but it is not enough for plants to grow.Because this zone is relatively dark,many of the creatures that live here are able to make light with their body.The light from these animals makes the water look like a sky with moving stars in it.The third zone is dark.This place,about 3,000 metres deep,may not seem a likely habitat(栖息地),but there are more creatures here than one might think.Most of the animals that live here are black or red because of the lack of light.At this depth,a slow shower of what looks like snow is falling.This phenomenon,called“marine snow”,is actually nutrients falling towards the bottom of the ocean.It is source of food for the creatures that live in the deep.Below 4,000 metres,the temperature is near freezing and there is no light at all.In fact,the zone is so dark and empty that scientists named this zone after the Greek word for “no bottom”There is not much life to be found in this cold and unpleasant part.But some creatures manage to survive here despite the high water pressure.The very deepest part of the ocean is 2,000 metres further down.At this depth,the water pressure is extremely high and life is very difficult for the few creatures that live herepared to the other zones,this one has very little life.Since there is no light here,some animals dont have eyes.When scientists explored the very deepest parts of the ocean,they did not expect to find any life at all.It turned out that there are creatures as far down as 10,000 metres.They usually survive by living close to deep sea vents,“chimneys” that sent out gases from within the earth.56._ConditionsLife 60._How do the animals adapt?Surface to 200 metresSunlight,plantsMarine animals and a variety of fishMany species bee dark on the top and light on the63._. 2001,000 metresNot enough sunlight,relatively darkMany creaturesMany creatures ar

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