2019-2020年高中英语 期末综合复习检测题 新人教版必修3.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 期末综合复习检测题 新人教版必修3I. 单项选择 (15分)1. Shall we go for a walk _ watch TV? Thats a good idea.A. instead of B. rather than C. in place of D. in the place of2. After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, _ our astronauts desire to do is walk in space.A. whereB. howC. thatD. what 3. The launch pad from which Shenzhou VI is launched can be seen from a _ of 10 miles.A. lengthB. distanceC. wayD. space4. Its getting dark. Wed better _ in a hotel for the night. A. set up B. settle down C. set out D. settle up5. They live in a beautiful village, with many trees and flowers _ it. A. surrounded B. surrounds C. surrounding D. to surround6. Poisonous things mustnt be put _ childrens reach so that they cant cause unexpected troubles. A. into B. out C. within D. near7. The news _ is spreading around China is that the bird-flu broke out in Anhui Province.A. that B. what C. D. whether8. I wonder what I should learn in the future? You may learn art since you _ painting and drawing. A. benefit from B. have a gift for C. look forward to D. are tired of9. Going on a trip into _ space must be quite _ exciting experience.A. /; the B. the; the C. the; an D. /;an 10. Dont give up halfway, Andy. Youll succeed _ if you keep on working like this.A. in return B. on time C. in time D. by accident11. How the big forest fire has _ remains to be a mystery.A. broken up B. broken out C. taken place D. turned up12. _ youve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it. A. Now that B. After C. Although D. As soon as13. _ days went by, he didnt succeed in anything he had planned.A. With B. When C. As D. While14. When he came back to life, he found himself _ in the woods and his mobilephone _.A. lied; had been stolen B. lain; had stolen C. lying; stolen D. laying; was stolen 15. Im taking my driving test tomorrow._!A. Cheers B. Good luck C. e on D. CongratulationsII 完形填空(30分)Five and a half years ago my father was suddenly rushed to the hospital for an operation. At the time,we had no idea that he was_16_ill.The operation did not go well and he remained_17_.Due to the laws of our state,we were_18_to keep him on a ventilator (呼吸机) for 72 hours against his wish of stopping medical treatment if he was too ill.At the end of day two,I was_19_in the waiting room and watching others walk their fathers around who had had_20_.Typically,I am very happy for others that are_21_,but that evening,I guess I was a little_22_because I finally realized I would_23_be able to hold my fathers hand and walk down the hall again.I had to jump up and run down the hall to_24_everyone.This was not in my nature but I just had to be_25_.After running for what seemed like a long time,I went into a rest room. I sat in a stall (小隔间) and_26_for at least five minutes.When I came out of the stall there was a_27_by the sink. I went to_28_on the water to wash my face and she came to hug me though I didnt know her. She held onto me_29_I finally stopped crying. Then she grabbed a paper towel,wet it and_30_it to me. She looked at me and smiled and then left. She never spoke one word but she touched my_31_.She_32_me that you do not need to be a conversationalist to help_33_the hurt in others.Never_34_to hug someone who may need it today. You can make a_35_in someones life without ever speaking one word.16. A. slightly Bseriously Cprobably Dsimply17. A. unfortable BuneasyCunfortunate Dunconscious18. A. inspired Btrained Cforced Dforbidden19. A. sitting Bplaying Cchatting Dreading20. A. dinners Bdoubts Cideas Doperations21. A. changing Brecovering Creturning Dleaving22. A. angry Bpleased Ccurious Dfoolish23. A. even Bstill Cnever Dalways24. A. catch up with Badapt toCplay jokes on Dget away from25. A. single Balone Cnegative Dimpolite26. A. cried Bshouted Claughed Dplained27. A .doctor Bmanager Cstranger Dnurse28. A .turn Bput Ctake Dtry29. A. but Bsince Cwhen Duntil30. A. said Bhanded Clent Dsold31. A. face Bhair Cheart Dleg32. A. taught Bpromised Creminded Dintroduced33. A. see Bremember Cdescribe Dheal34. A. learn Bhesitate Ccontinue Ddream35. A. choice Bmistake Cdifference DdecisionIII阅读理解(40分)第一节:从四个选项中选出正确答案。AFor many people in the US,sports are not just for fun. Theyre almost a “religion”. Thousands of sports fans buy expensive tickets to watch their favorite teams and athletes play in person. Other fans watch the games at home,sticking to their TV sets,never missing a game. Many a wife bees a “sports widow” during her husbands favorite season. Americans devotion to sports has created a new class of wealthy people:professional athletes. Sports stars often receive milliondollar salaries. Some even make big money by appearing in advertisements for soft drinks,shoes and almost everything.Sports are an important part of American culture. Throughout their school life,Americans learn to play many sports. Many students try out for the school teams. Athletic events at universities attract scores of fans and benefit the whole munity. Many people also enjoy nonpetitive activities,like hiking,cycling,horseback riding,camping or hunting.Many sports were imported from other countries. Europeans brought tennis,golf,bowling and boxing to America. Football and baseball came from other Old World games. Only basketball has a truly American origin. Americans export sports fever as well. Satellites broadcast games to sports fans around the globe. NBA is a good example. The names of American superstars like basketball great Michael Jordan have bee household words all over the world.36. Many a wife bees a “sports widow” in the US probably because_.Athey are serious in religionBthey are devoted to sportsCtheir husbands stick to sportsDtheir husbands are missing37Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AThe US sports stars can earn a large sum of money via the media.BAmerican students go in for various sports and athletic events.CLots of American people take part in nonpetitive activities.DAmerican people like to exchange different sports from each other.38We can infer from the passage that_.Aall the Americans are sports fansBsports culture influences the worldCmost Americans like petitionDAmerica has invented many sports39The writer mainly intends to tell us_.Ahow important sports are in AmericaBwhere sports can help to make moneyCwhy sports are so popular in AmericaDwhat affect Americans everyday lifeBA handsome middleaged man walked quietly into the caf and sat down. Before he ordered,he couldnt help but noticed a group of younger men at the table next to him. It was obvious they were making fun of something about him and it wasnt until he remembered he was wearing a small pink ribbon (丝带) on the lapel of his suit that he became aware of what the joke was all about.The man pretended not to notice it,but the whisper and laughter began to get to him. He looked one of the rude young men straight into the eye,placed his hand beneath the ribbon and asked,“This?”With that the young men all began to laugh out loud. The man he spoke to said,“Hey,sorry,man,but we were just menting on how pretty your little pink ribbon looks against your blue jacket!”The middleaged man calmly invited the joker to e over to his table,and politely seated him. As unfortable as he was,the young guy had to,not really sure why. In a soft voice,the middleaged man said,“I wear this ribbon to bring awareness about breast cancer. I wear it in my mothers honor.”“Oh,sorry. She died of breast cancer?”“No,she didnt. Shes alive and well. But her breasts nourished me as a baby,and were a soft resting place for my head when I was scared or lonely as a little boy. Im very grateful for my mothers breasts,and her health.”“Umm,”the young replied,“yeah.”“And I wear this ribbon to honor my wife,”the man continued.“And shes okay,too?”the young guy asked.“Oh,yes. Shes fine. Her breasts have been a great source of loving pleasure for both of us,and with them she nurtured and nourished our daughter 23 years ago. Im grateful for my wifes breasts,and her health.”“Uh,huh. And I guess you wear it to honor your daughter,also?”“No. Its too late to honor my daughter by wearing it now.” Shaken and ashamed,the young guy said,“Oh,Im so sorry,mister.”“So,in my daughters memory,too,I proudly wear this little ribbon,which allows me the opportunity to enlighten others. And here.”With this,he reached in his pocket and handed the young man a little pink ribbon. The young guy looked at it,slowly raised his head and asked,“.?”40. The young men joked about the middleaged mans _.Alooks Bribbon Cattitude Dclothes41. What may have happened to the mans daughter?AShe died of breast cancer. BShe was ill with cancer.CShe had gone abroad. DShe got married.42. What will the young man probably ask at the end of the story?AMay I give it to my mother? BCan you help me put it on?CWill you please forgive me? DShall we have some drink together? 43. What is the best title for the passage?AAn Unusual Meeting BAn Impressive LessonCBe Grateful to Your Beloved DA Little Pink RibbonCHave you ever received a gift that was so clearly not your taste that you wondered if perhaps it had been handed to you by mistake? Worse, have you ever given a present and watched your friend look as though she had opened the wrong box? Maybe she responded with a polite Why, thank you, but you knew you had missed the mark. Why do presents sometimes go wrong? And what do your choices (good and bad) reflect about your personal qualities? Choosing the right gift is an art, I believe. It calls for empathy the ability to put yourself into someone elses head and heart .Were all able to do this; in fact, were born with a kind of natural empathy. After the earliest period of childhood, however, it needs to be reinforced (加强)by our parents, teachers, friends. When it isnt, were not able to understand other peoples feelings as sharply. This can show in the gifts we select, and so can many other emotional (情感的) qualities. Think back to the presents youve given over the past year, the time and effort you put into your selection, how much you spent, your thoughts while you were shopping, and your feelings when the receiver opened the package. Keep in mind that what you choose displays your inner world. Of course, you may express yourself differently with different friends, relatives, and other people you know. We live in a society where exchanging presents is an important part of munication. Ignoring the tradition wont make it go away. If you really dislike such a tradition, tell your friends ahead of time.44. The underlined expression you had missed the mark means you had failed to _.A. make her feel better B. keep your friendshipC. receive a present in return D. get the expected effect45. Which of the following is the main idea of the second paragraph?A. Natural empathy needs to be reinforced.B. Emotional changes influence ones choice of gifts.C. Selecting the right gift is an ability people are born with.D. Choosing gifts requires one to understand the receivers.46. In the third paragraph, the author tells us that_.A. attention should be paid to the receivers responsesB. one learns from what he did in the pastC. the choice of gifts reflects ones emotional qualitiesD. one should spend more time choosing gifts47. The best possible title for this passage is “_”. A. Ways of Choosing Gifts B. An Important TraditionC. Exchanging Presents D. Message in a GiftDWhen we think of leadership,we often think of strength and power. But what are these really,and how do they operate?Leadership today is not about forcing others to do things. Even if this is possible,it is shortterm, and tends to produce unexpected and unwanted results. If you order someone to do something against their will,they may do it because they feel they have to,but the anger they feel will do more harm in the long term. They will also experience fear.Fear causes the thinking brain to shut down,making the person unable to function at his or her best. If they connect you with this emotion of fear,they will bee less functional around you,and you will have succeeded in not only shooting yourself in the foot,but possibly making a very good employee or partner unable to perform effectively. Fear does no good to leadership.The way we influence people in a lasting way is by our own character,and our understanding and use of emotion. We can order someone to do something,which may be part of the work day;or we can employ them at the emotional level,so they will bee fully devoted to the projects and provide some of their own motivation. Todays work place is all about relationships.Anyone works harder in a positive environment in which theyre recognized and valued as a human being as well as a worker. Everyone produces just a bit more for someone they like. Leaders understand the way things work. They know the pay check is not the single most important factor in the work life of most people.The true strength of leadership is an inner strength that es from the confidence of emotional intelligenceknowing your own emotions,and how to handle them,and those of others. Developing your emotional intelligence is the single best thing you can do if you want to develop your relationship with people around you,which is the key to the leadership skills.48. The writer thinks that it is not _for us to connect leadership with strength and power.Apossible Bnecessary Ceasy Deffective49. People may NOT be working hard when_.Atheyre regarded as human beingsBthey like their leadersCmoney is taken as the most importantDleaders understand the way things work50. This passage is most helpful to those who_.Ahave strength and powerBare going to make a speechCwould like to be leadersDare to be excellent employees 第二节:根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 51 Such as runny noses, sore throats, nothing quite like the mon cold to make you feel miserable. But experts believe that there is no link between cold weather and catching colds. 52 . Internal Medicine expert, Dr Meenakshi Jain of Max Hospital says, “One reason could be that people are likely to stay indoors, so the virus can spread easily. 53 ” The mon cold is a viral infection that can be caused by any of up to 250 strains of virus, the most mon group of which are the rhinovirus that hit the nose. 54 “They are transmitted through the nose respiratory passages, by touch, and by contact with airborne particles that are created by sneezing or coughing,” says Dr Jain.There is no cure for the mon cold and antibiotics are of no help. However, there are some precautions which can help: 55 In this case, you can protect your hands from getting germs. Dont touch your eyes, nose and mouth, which can limit your chances of infection. Dont share drinking glasses or utensils with anyone as this will prevent the spread of the virus. Make sure to eat enough fruits to boost your immune system.A. Also the virus thrives in humidity.B. Drink lots of fluids to avoid dehydration.C. They are responsible for anywhere between a third and half of all mon colds.D. Get enough sleep and youll certainly feel better.E. So why are we particularly vulnerable (脆弱的) this season?F. Wash your hands regularly.G. Its winter and you have probably noticed germs are everywhere.第二卷第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(10分)下面短文中共有10处错误,每句中最多两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分Although it was autumn, but it was snowing in Tibet. It was such cold that our legs felt like blocks of ice. On the late afternoon, we found that our water bottles froze because cold weather. But we still enjoyed us during the journey. At one point, we were surprising to find ourselves cycling through clouds. In the valleys colorful butterflies fly around us. It was a great fun to cycle down the hills as it gradual became much warmer. So we had to change our warm coats for Tshirt and shorts.第二节 书面表达(25分)为增加师生对中国航天的了解,你校将举行一次讲座。假设你是学校的广播员,请根据下面的表格提示的内容,写一份英语广播稿,通知全校师生。讲座主题中国航天 (China Spaceflight)主讲人北京大学李博教授时 间1月5日,星期四下午2:30地 点学校报告厅讲座内容介绍中国航天发展的背景、简要历程,神舟系列飞船的发展概况以及中国航天员的情况。注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 要点齐全,符合英语口语特点; 3. 广播稿的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数; 4. 参考词汇:背景 background 航天员 astronaut 过程 process Dear teachers and schoolmates,May I have your attention please? I have an announcement to make. _ Thats all. Thanks for your attention.Module 3期末综合复习检测题I. 单项选择1. B. 考查短语辨析。rather than意为“而不是”;干扰项为A. instead of,意为“代替,而非”,但of 为介词,如果用A,正确形式应为instead of watching TV.2. D. 考查主语从句的引导词。what our astronauts desire to do为主语从句,what 作do的宾语,意为“宇航员渴望做的事是在太空行走。”3. B. 考查名词辨析。a distance of 10 miles, 意为“10英里的距离”;而A项中的length表示“长度”。4. B. 考查短语辨析。B. settle down意为“安顿下来”; A. set up意为“建立”; C. set out意为“出发”。5. C. 考查with的复合结构。it指代前面的village一词,many trees and flowers与village的关系为“围绕着”,表主动,应选C. surrounding, 意为“许多树和花围绕着村庄。”6. C. 考查介词短语搭配。within childrens reach 意为“在孩子够得到的范围内。”7. A. 考查同位语从句。that is spreading around China为同位语从句,修饰前面的the news。8.B. 考查短语辨析。A. benefit from 意为“获益”;B. have a gift for意为“有某方面的天赋”;C. look forward to意为“盼望”;D. are tired of意为“厌倦”;根据句意可选B。9.D. 考查冠词用法。into space意为“进入太空”,space前不加冠词;experience在此处意为“经历”,为可数名词,所以quite an exciting experience意为“一次相当令人兴奋的经历”。10. C. 考查介词短语辨析。A. in return 意为“作为回报”; B. on time意为“准时”; C. in time意为“及时;迟早”,本句中意为“ 如果你像这样一直努力,你早晚会成功的。”D. by accident意为“偶然”。11. B. 考查动词短语辨析。A. broken up 意为“结束”;B. broken out多指火灾战争等爆发; C. taken place 多指某事有计划或安排发生;D. turned up意为“出现”。12. A. 考查状语从句中连词的使用。根据句意,意为“既然你有机会,应该好好利用。”now that 意为“既然”。13. C. 考查状语从句。As days went by,意为“随着时间的流逝”,其中as为连词;干扰项为A. With, with 为介词,正确形式应为“With time going by”。14. C. 考查分词作宾补的用法。根据句意“他发现他自己正躺在树林中而且

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