2019-2020年高中英语 Unit13 People Period Three课时作业 北师大版必修5.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit13 People Period Three课时作业 北师大版必修5.语境填词1Going away to college has made me much more i_.2Though their p_ differed,they got along quite well.3Ill try to meet my parents r_.4The famous writer is still _ (敏锐的) in thought though he has attained the age of ninetytwo.5Kate has a great _ (渴望) to travel.选词填空1Doing morning exercises _ your health.2What you once did _ me _.3He has _ smoking and drinking.4She _ be late for school.But now she doesnt go to school late again.5I _ go camping with you.同义词辨析1用aboard,abroad,broad或board填空(1)The plane crashed killing all 100 people _.(2)Ive never lived _ before.(3)He was six feet tall,with _ shoulders.(4)Can I put this notice on the _?(5)They try to go _ for further study.2用give up或give in的适当形式填空(1)You ought to _ smoking;I _ it _ last year.(2)She would rather die than _.(3)At last,the little girl had to _ to her brother.单项填空1We failed to persuade him _ drinking.He still loves wine.Ato give in Bto give over Cto give up Dto give off2Please go _ the ship quickly.There is only 10 minutes left.Aabroad Baboard Cboard D to board3Finland gained independence _ Russia during the First World War.Aon Bof Cfrom Dwith4The woman _ her sons and daughters _ and see her from time to time.Asuggested;to e Bhoped;to eCdesired;ing Ddesired;to e5At the _ of the interviewers,the official agreed to remain in his office.Asuggestion Brequest Crequirement Ddemand6Youll just have to be _ and wait till Ive finished it.Agrateful Bgreedy Cpatient Dconfident7All the applicants must satisfy the _ for admission to the university.Aappointments Brequirements Cachievements Dagreements8Some of the heat near the earths surface can _ electricity.Ause to make Bbe used to making Cused to make Dbe used to make9I felt so bad all day yesterday that I decided this morning I couldnt face _ day like that.Aother Banother Cthe other Dothers10Some people around us bee more and more selfish and they only care _ themselves.Ain Babout Cof Dwith.完形填空Last weekend,my kids along with a few other kids from the neighborhood volunteered to help me wash my car.My 10yearold daughter came up with the idea of _1_ other peoples cars as well.It was pretty _2_ outside and I had no plans to _3_ to stay in the bright sun. She _4_ wanted to give lemonade(柠檬汽水) to passersby for free.I had seen little kids _5_ and sell fresh lemonade for a small cost but not free.Although I felt _6_,I decided to help her._7_ she asked me,“What if we _8_ this a smile car wash?” I couldnt hold back my tears and _9_ her and the other kids to go outside the house and e up with _10_ ideas.While I kept myself busy in drying the car,the gang walked up to me with a(n) _11_ with beautiful images of smiles.They had “Free Car Wash” written on it and the _12_ of their exercise was “smile”It was pretty neat to see a team of kids ranging 511 years old with the _13_ to do something for others.All that seemed _14_ and came right from their heart.Nothing seemed to _15_ to them:their playtime and the heat outsidethey just wanted to _16_ others and do something nice in the munity!I helped them make some fresh lemonade and brought out some additional _17_ to help clean cars.Passersby were _18_ and one even shouted back to them saying “God bless you,my kids”One of them even tried giving them 5 dollars,which they refused.A pretty heartwarming _19_!I feel blessed by being _20_ by such wonderful and loving souls.1A.dryingBrepairingCwashingDdecorating2A.quietBhotCdifferentDdirty3A.suggestBavoidCcontinueDpractise4A.furtherBthereforeCalreadyDhardly5A.chooseBenjoyCbuyDserve6A.worriedBpopularCconfusedDdifficult7A.LatelyBSimplyCThenDLuckily8A.showBleaveCmakeDorder9A.challengedBexpectedCinvitedDencouraged10A.creativeBreadyCchangedDfamiliar11A.boardBopinionCideaDcar12A.purposeBtroubleCsecretDtheme13A.needBdutyCimaginationDskill14A.importantBdisappointingChopefulDnatural15A.matterBobjectCbelongDrefer16A.relaxBtryChelpDsmile17A.friendsBragsCchildrenDfruit18A.interestedBamazedCboredDfrightened19A.sceneBgiftCstoryDexplanation20A.supportedBunderstoodCrefusedDsurrounded(1)used to do sth.过去常常做某事其否定形式 其疑问形式(2)be used to do sth.被用来做某事(3)be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事这三个短语易混易错,希望同学们在下列例句中掌握其用法:(1)Jack used to go swimming on Saturdays,but now he doesnt.Jack以前经常在星期六去游泳,但现在不去了。(2)As we all know,a knife can be used to cut things.我们都知道,刀子可以用来切割东西。(3)I am used to getting up early every day.我习惯了每天早起。课时作业答案解析Period ThreeLesson 2Personalities and Jobs.1.independent2.personalities3.requirements 4sharp5.desire.1.is good for2.made;mad3.given up4.used to5.would like to.1.(1)aboard(2)abroad(3)broad(4)board (5)abroad(1)aboard prep.上(船、飞机、火车);在(船、飞机、火车)上;adv.在/上(船、飞机、火车)上。(2)abroad adv.到国外;在国外。(3)broad adj.宽的,阔的;辽阔的;广大的,广泛的。(4)board n薄木板;(有特殊用途的)硬薄板;膳食;v.上车/船。2(1)give up;gave;up(2)give in(3)give ingive up放弃;give in屈服。give up可作及物动词短语,后接名词或动名词,而give in只作不及物动词短语。give in to sb./sth.向屈服。.1.Cgive in屈服,让步;give over住手;give up放弃,戒除;give off发出,放出(光、热、气味等)。2Baboard prep. 上(船、飞机、车等);abroad在国外,到国外;board v上车(船)。3Cgain independence from.脱离而获得独立。4D句意为:那位妇女希望她的子女们时常地来看她。desire sb.to do sth.是固定搭配,表示“希望某人做某事”。5Bat the request of固定搭配,意为“应的邀请/要求”。6C此题考查形容词词义辨析。grateful感激的;greedy贪婪的;patient有耐心的;confident自信的。7B句意为:所有申请人必须符合大学的入学条件。meet/satisfy the requirements符合条件,符合句意。8Dbe used to do sth.被用来做某事;used to do sth.过去常常做某事;be used to doing sth.习惯做某事。9B句意为:昨天一整天我的心情都很郁闷,以致于今天早晨我决定再也不能过那么一天。another day 泛指“另外一天”;other作定语时,其前通常加some,several,one等限定词;the other强调两者中的另一个;others不作定语。10B句意为:我们周围有些人变得越来越自私,他们只知道关心自己。care about关心。.1.C根据上一句的wash以及本句的as well可知,作者的女儿想出了为别人洗车的主意。2B根据本句后面的in the bright sun可知,外面非常炎热。3C由于天气炎热,作者不打算继续在阳光下呆着。continue继续,符合语境。suggest建议;avoid避免;practise练习。4A上文提到作者的女儿想给别人洗车,此处又提到她想免费给路人提供柠檬汽水,由此可以判断应选A项。5D根据本句后半部分内容可知,作者见到过一些小孩子靠卖柠檬汽水赚取少量费用,故应选D项。6C上文提到作者见到过一些小孩子靠卖柠檬汽水赚取少量费用,可是自己的女儿却打算免费地帮助别人,作者没有想到自己的女儿会有这样的想法,因此感到困惑。7C根据上下文内容可知,then“然后”,是最佳答案。lately最近;simply仅仅;luckily幸运地,均不符合语境。8C作者的女儿想搞一次微笑洗车活动。show展示;leave留下;order订购,均不符合语境。9D根据本句的前半句内容可知作者很感动,由此推断应选D项,作者鼓励(encourage)孩子们。challenge挑战;expect期望;invite邀请,均不符合语境。10A根据上下文内容可推知,作者想让孩子们想出创造性的主意。11A根据上文的“他们想给别人清洗车辆并免费提供柠檬汽水”以及下一句中“They had Free Car Wash written on it”可知,答案为A项。12D他们活动的主题是“微笑”。故答案为D项。13B这群孩子把帮助别人看作是他们的责任(duty)。need需要;imagination想象;skill技巧,均不符合语境。14D本句后半句提到这是发自他们内心的想法,由此可知,一切看起来应该是十分自然的。15A由于他们是真心真意地想帮助别人,即使是牺牲了玩耍时间,而且外面非常炎热,对他们来说也没有关系。object to反对;belong to属于;refer to涉及,提到。16C他们只是想帮帮别人,为社区做点贡献。17B根据本句后面的“to help clean cars”可知,作者又拿出一些碎布用来擦车。18B过路人对他们的行动惊奇不已。19A作者目睹了所发生的一切,认为这种场面感人肺腑。故选A项。20D孩子们是在作者的身边劳动,而且是孩子们自发产生的想法,由此可以判断应该选D项。

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