2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4 Pygmalion Listening练习 新人教版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4 Pygmalion Listening练习 新人教版选修8CHANGING ELIZAH = Higgins CP = Colonel Pickering E = ElizaListen again and fill in the blanks.H: Good morning, Eliza. My goodness, how _ you are after a good bath! Ready for your _ lesson? You see, Colonel Pickering and I are both here _.E: Than you sir!H: So lets begin. _ your alphabet.E: I know my alphabet. Do yer thin I know noffink!H: Now, now! Lets start again. Say this _ me. (very slowly, loudly and carefully) Do you think I dont know anything?E: Do yer think I dont _ anythink!CP: Do you know, Higgins, I think that was _!H: (far from satisfied) Once more, Eliza. (emphasizing each word) Do you think I dont know anything!E: (very slowly and carefully too) Doo yoo think I dont know anything?H: Now to the alphabet, my girl. Dont _ just say it.CP: Yes, say it, Eliza! Youll _ soon. Do what he tells you and let him teach you in his _ way.E: Oh, well! If you put it _ that! Ahyee, Bayee, Sayee, Dayee H: (bored) _ at once. Now say A, B, C, and D.E: (in tears) But I am _ it. Ahee, Bayee, Sayee, Dayee H: Stop! Say “a cup of _”.E: I cap-o-tee.H: Put your _ forward until it pushes against the top of your _ teeth. Now say “cup”.E: C-c-c. I cant. I cant hear _ difference cept that it sounds more genteel like _ you say it. (begins to cry)H: (angrily) Well, if you can _ that, why are you crying? Now _ again, Eliza.E: C-cup.CP: Splendid, Miss Doolittle. _ mind a little crying, you are doing very well. The lessons wont hurt. I _ not to let him pull you round by your hair.H: Now try the _ thing, Eliza. A cup of tea.E: (very slowly and with emphasis) A cu-up of tea.CP: Good, good!H: Better, better! Now try this _. “The rain in Spain falls _ on the plain”.E: (again with emphasis) The rine in Spine falls minely on the pline. H: (excitedly) Its ing! Its ing! Now try _, Eliza. (slowly) The rain (ai, ai, ai) in Spain (ai, ai, ai) falls mainly on the plain.E: The rai-ain in Spai-ain falls mai-ainly on the plain.P: Miss Doolittle, thats so _ better.H: Now, Eliza, go and practise by _. Keep your tongue well forward _ of trying to swallow it.E: (beginning to cry) Oah! Oah!H: (angrily) Now, Eliza, go and tell Mrs Pearce about this lesson. Think about it and _ by yourself. Away with you! (Eliza is still sobbing, rushes from the room)P: Now Henry, _ you have been kinder to that poor girl after all the _ she made?Workbook-ListeningTESTING ELIZAH = Higgins CP = Colonel PickeringE = Eliza MH = Mrs HigginsM = Maid C = Clara F = Freddy N = NarratorListen again and fill in the blanks.N: Elizas first test is a _ party at Henrys mothers house.H: Well, hello, _! This is Colonel Pickering, and this is Eliza.CP: Good afternoon, Mrs Higgins.E: (slowly and carefully) Good afternoon, Mrs Higgins.MH: (to both) Good afternoon. (murmurs) Now Henry, how is your _ ing along?H: Well, mother, well.M: (announces loudly): _ is Mr and Miss Hill!MH: Good afternoon, Freddy and Clara. Its so _ of you to e. Let me introduce you to Miss Eliza Doolittle, my _ Henry, and his friend Colonel Pickering.F: How dyou do? (shakes hands with everyone)H: _ Im sure.N: Eliza talks to Clara and Freddy _ the others listen.E: (very carefully): How do you do, Mr Hill and Miss Hill?C: Good afternoon. May I call you Eliza and do please _ me Clara. How pretty you look!F: Yes, indeed. May I sit _ to you, Eliza?E: Oh, yes. Please do.F: Now, will it _, do you think?E: There are _ that the rain to the west of these islands is likely to move to the east.F: Oh, how _!E: (crossly) Whats wrong with that, young man? I _ I got it right.C: I hope it wont turn _ though. Theres so much flu about.E: My aunt _ of flu, so they said. But I believe they done the old woman in.C: Done her in? Please _ does that mean, Mr Higgins?H: Oh, thats the new _ talk. To do a person in means to _ them.E: (continuing) Yes, why should she die of influenza? She _ from diphtheria the year before. I believe they done her in. C: (turning to Eliza) Do you mean that?E: (getting enthusiastic) Yes, I do! What _ of her new straw hat that she promised to me? _ stole it, and what I say is: the person who stole it, done her in. Her _ would have killed her for a hat-pin, let _ a hat!F: (cant help laughing) I like the new small talk.E: (angrily) If that was right, why were you _? Have I said anything I oughtnt, Mrs Higgins?MH: Not at all.E: Well, what I say is H: (looking at his watch) Ahem!E: (taking the hint and rising) Well, I must _. So pleased to have met you. Goodbye.MH: Goodbye.F: May I walk you _?E: Walk? Not likely! Im going in a _! (exits) (Freddy and Clara also rise)C: Its time for us to _. Thank you, Mrs Higgins.MH: Its been my pleasure. See you next _ then? (exit the Hills)H: Now, mother, do you think she is _ for the ambassadors garden party?MH: You _ boy. Of course not. She looks all right, of course. But she gives herself _ with every sentence she speaks!H: Never mind about that! Pickering and I will just have to work a little _. Do you think, Pickering, we should take her to the _?CP: Yes, what a good idea! But do you think shell (fade out as they leave the house)Workbook-Listening TaskThe ambassador (A), his wife (W) and their friend, Mr Pommuck (P), are receiving guests as they arrive at the party. Henry (H), Colonel Pickering (CP) and Eliza (E) arrive together. Mr Pommuck catches sight of Henry as he enters the room and rushes up to him.O = official announcerListen again and fill in the blanks.P: Well, hello, Professor Higgins. Do you _ me?H: No, I dont. _ the devil are you?P: Im Pommuck. I was your _ student, your best and greatest pupil. H: What are you doing here?P: Im an _ for the ambassador and I can speak THIRTY-TWO languages. Nobody can _ me when it es to discovering what _ they e from. (Colonel Pickering and Eliza stand in line ready to be introduced to the ambassador and his wife.)CP: Are you _, Eliza?E: No, not me. (laughs) Oh, Colonel, this is too much of a _ for that!O: (loudly) Miss Doolittle, Colonel Pickering and Professor Higgins.W: Hello, my dear. The ambassador and I are so happy to _ you.E: (slowly and clearly) How do you do? (passes on to the party)P: (catches sight of Eliza) My goodness, who is she? I must go and find _. (follows Eliza)A: Now e on, Henry. Tell us about that wonderful _ lady.H: What wonderful young lady?W: You know very well. They tell me there has been _ like this for years. They are all standing on their _ to look at her. (Mr Pommuck es back.)A: Ah, heres Pommuck. What have you found out _ Miss Doolittle?P: Ive found out all about her, ambassador. Shes a _.W: A cheat! Oh no!P: Yes, yes. She cant _ it from me. Her name cant be Doolittle.H: (nervously) Why?P: Because Doolittle is an _ name. And shes not English.W: Nonsense. She speaks English _!P: Thats it! Too perfectly. Can you show me _ English woman who speaks English so well? Only _ can speak it so well.W: Well, _ shes not English, what is she? P: Hungarian. EVERYBODY: (astonished) Hungarian?P: Hungarian and a _.H: Did you speak to her in Hungarian? P: I did. She was very _ and said (imitates Eliza) “Please speak to me in English. I dont understand French”. _. She knows both.H: And a princess?P: Yes, yes, Professor Higgins.W: I agree. She _ be a princess.A: I agree too.H: Well, I _ agree with you. (Pickering enters with Eliza)E: (to Henry) Im ready to go home now. I dont think I can _ it much more. People _ at me so. An old lady said I spoke just like the _. Im sorry if I lost the bet, but I did my _.CP: Youve _ lost it, my dear. Youve won it _ times over. (to Henry) Lets go now, Henry. Elizas _ and Im hungry. Lets go and have _ somewhere.E: Yes please! I feel like some _ food tonight. (all exit)

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