2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4 Global warming单元综合测试(II) 新人教版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 4 Global warming单元综合测试(II) 新人教版选修6 第一部分听力:配听力检测题第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. _ people traveling abroad has decreased greatly because of the economic crisis. A. Quantities of B. The number of C. The amount of D. A number of22. Their training program covers the whole _ of skills, from the most basic to those involved in running a pany. A. range B. subject C. ability D. Tendency23. The service in this hospital is not very good, but patients have to _ up with it. A. e B. catch C. put D. keep 24. You can borrow my camera, _ you promise to give it back before Saturday. A. in order that B. as long as C. as far as D. in case that25. Something unexpected happened, but _ it was a pleasant journey. A. on the whole B. on average C. to a degree D. in detail26. The supermarket being built downtown _ in two months. A. has pleted B. will be pleted C. will have pleted D. has been pleted 27. Thanks to the economic policies, consumer demand has been growing _ after falling for nearly six months. A. faithfully B. automatically C. immediately D. steadily28. I ordered two jackets last weekend on the Internet, and they _ yesterday, but didnt. A. would arrive B. arrived C. had arrived D. should have arrived 29. I rang you at about ten, but there was no reply. Oh, that was _ I was at my doctors. A. when B. why C. where D. what30. _ any change to your plans, please inform me immediately. A. Will there be B. Should there be C. There will be D. There should be 31. Theyve promised that the average pay of employees will increase _ 8 percent. A. to B. up C. by D. on 32. _ is good for students to have part-time jobs and get experience. A. There B. What C. As D. It33. I wonder _ he persuaded his father to give up smoking.He showed him pictures of lungs damaged by cigarettes. A. it was how B. how was it that C. how it was that D. how it was34. Is _ a possibility that well have such a big house next year? A. this B. there C. that D. what35. Youre so tired. Why not ask your boss for a leave? _.A. Youre wele B. Maybe I should C. No, I wont D. Thank you very much第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,然后从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I have been doing this for 20 years. Why do I need a sign to remind me? Every other week in my neighborhood we place either recycled bottles or paper out with our garbage. There is a 36 alongside the road that says This is bin week or This is paper week. It is changed every other week. But I can never 37 which week is which. Every week, I make a(n) 38 to look for the sign. There was a period a few months ago when no one changed the sign. I had 39 emotions. I was confused, angry and concerned. Confused because I didnt know what to do. 40 because someone should have changed it! Concerned because, after 41 that someone for almost twenty years, I 42 perhaps something had happened to that someone. Then, yesterday I finally saw the man who 43 the sign. I slowed down and wanted to tell him how much I 44 what he did. I couldnt stop in time 45 I found a traffic sign that said The Next Exit Is 2Km. I drove as the traffic sign 46 . By the time I got back, the man was gone. I felt so 47 . I should have stopped and just said thank you. I 48 in front of the sign and thought about how many times I looked for it to tell me what to do. I was 49 that all too often I missed a(n) 50 because I was looking for a sign. I wanted to tell that someone how 51 I think his efforts were but missed the opportunity. So, I wrote a(n) 52 and placed it next to the sign. If you have been 53 to move forward towards a dream, say 54 to someone who lends you a hand; this may be the sign youve been looking for. The note 55 , This is do it nowweek.36. A. Ban B. Sign C. Notice D. Signal37. A. Realize B. remember C. Analyse D. Consider38. A. Promise B. decision C. Wish D. Effort39. A. Strong B. Strange C. Mixed D. simple 40. A. Puzzled B. Surprised C. Annoyed D. Excited41. A. relying on B. checking on C. searching for D. figuring out42. A. Understood B. plained C. Hoped D. Worried43. A. Made B. Changed C. Covered D. Removed44. A. Cared B. valued C. Appreciated D. Respected45. A. But B. Because C. So D. If46. A. Indicated B. Stood C. followed D. placed47. A. Cheerful B. meaningful C. Regretful D. Worthwhile48. A. pulled over B. carried through C. looked through D. went over49. A. Reminded B. warned C. Requested D. Persuaded50. A. Judgment B. opportunity C. approval D. courage51. A. Unacceptable B. unbearable C. Imaginable D. admirable 52. A. Note B. schedule C. Advertisement D. Letter53. A. Struggling B. seeking C. Desiring D. Hesitating54. A. Greetings B. Thanks C. Sympathy D . Responsibility55. A. Writes B. Tells C. Says D. teaches 第三部分阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AWhen 18th-century scientists first came across Australias platypus (鸭嘴兽), they thought it was a trick. It is not surprising that the platypus made people confused. This funny-looking animal has feet and is a kind of warm-blooded mammal (哺乳动物) . While other mammals usually keep their blood at around 37 degrees, the platypus has a lower body temperature of 32 degrees. As to its appearance, the platypusmouth is not really like the ducks; its mouth actually looks a bit softer. The platypus closes its eyes when swimming instead of watching its hunters. It uses its mouth to pick up outside information made by the creatures underwater. Strangest of all, the platypus is a mammal that can lay eggs. And there is only one other kind of mammal that can lay eggs, the echidna (针鼹鼠) of Australia. Both the platypus and the echidna lay soft-shelled eggs, and both feed their young with their own milk that es out of their skin. These animals also walk in a way that is similar to crocodiles (鳄鱼), with legs on the sides of their bodies rather than under them. Though pretty in a special way, the platypus is actually one of the few mammals that are poisonous. A male platypus has knife-like bones on its back legs which have enough poison to kill a dog. The platypus has the honor of being one of the oldest mammals in the world. Until the early 20th-century, it was hunted for its fur, but it is now protected. Although the platypus is easily influenced by pollution, it is not under any immediate threat.56. What can we learn about the platypus? A. It has a lower body temperature than other mammals.B. It only closes its eyes when underwater.C. Its the only poisonous mammal in the world.D. It feeds its young on wild animal meat. 57. Which of the following is NOT used as a parison in the passage? A. The crocodile. B. The echidna.C. The duck. D. The dog.58. The characteristics of the platypus that have been described in the passage include _.a. the color of its skin b. the way it gets informationc. its walking pose d. its strange appearance A. b c d B. a b c C. a c d D. a b d59. We can learn from the last paragraph that the platypus is _. A. hunted for its meat B. in danger of extinctionC. endangered because of air pollution D. well-protected now BFor years, school systems across the nation dropped arts to concentrate on getting struggling students to pass tests in reading and math. Yet now, a growing body of brain research suggests that teaching arts may be good for students across all subjects. Arts appear to play an important role in brain development. Brain research in the past several years has just began to uncover some surprising ideas about how students learn. Now scientists are investigating how training may change the structure of studentsbrains and the way they think. They are asking: Does putting a violin in the hands of an elementary school student help him to do math better? Will learning to dance or paint improve a childs spatial (立体的,空间的) ability or ability to learn to read? However, research in those areas, Professor Jerome Kagan of Harvard said, is just like a drug for cancer. There arent many conclusions yet that can be translated into the classroom. A four-year study, being carried out by Ellen Winner of Boston College, is looking at the effects playing the piano or the violin has on students who are in elementary school. Winner said she was quite skeptical (怀疑的) of claims that schools that had introduced the arts had seen an increase in test scores. She had previously looked at such claims and found they couldnt be backed up by research. Winner also has studied the effects of music on attention. What she found was that in those students who showed motivation and creativity, training in arts helped develop their attention. Even without research though, Winner said the value of an arts education is doubtless, for so many children who arent good at learning can gain self-confidence through arts.60. The underlined phrase backed up in the third paragraph means _. A. suggested B. supposed C. opposed D. Supported61. The passage is mainly about _. A. the role arts play in brain developmentB. the future of school arts educationC. the relation between arts and test scoresD. the development of brain research62. In Paragraph 2, the author uses a drug for cancer to _. A. explain that the investigation is like looking for cancer drugsB. introduce the field of the research involvedC. show the research into arts hasnt proved effectiveD. prove that scientistsinvestigation is in vain63. What can we learn about arts education from the passage? A. Winner is sure that arts education is of value.B. School systems never focused on arts education in the past.C. Brain research in the past focused on the way arts students think.D. Students who showed motivation and creativity easily focused their attention. CMei Lanfang (1894-1961), the great master of Peking Opera, made outstanding contributions to the development of the opera and the spread of the beauty of Chinese theatre all over the world. He gave his first performance at the age of eleven and became well known before he reached twenty. Mei not only inherited(继承) the fine traditions of Peking Opera, but also improved it with his own creations. In his 40-year stage career, he played more than one hundred roles. He was the first to change the tradition that female characters paid attention only to the art of singing, dancing, expression, and martial arts to develop prehensive (综合的) roles. Mei designed various kinds of dances to help express the character of the roles he played. He created a sword dance, a plate dance, a feather dance and many more. Mei Lanfang was the first to introduce Erhu, a two-stringed musical instrument, into the Peking Opera. Today more than sixty years since its introduction, Erhu has bee one of the main instruments used in the acpaniment (伴奏) for Peking Opera. Mei was the first person to introduce Peking Opera to foreign countries. Meis performances were a great success and the University of Southern California awarded him a doctors degree; thus Mei became the first operatic doctor in Chinese history. During his stay in the United States, Mei met Charlie Chaplin and the American singer Paul Robeson. After the liberation in 1949, Mei once served as director of the China Peking Opera Theater, director of the Chinese Opera Research Institute, and vice-chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Besides his autobiography (自传), Forty Years of Life on the Stage, several of his articles and essays have been published in The Collected Works of Mei Lanfang. 64. The title of this passage might be _.A. The Development of Peking OperaB. Mei Lanfangs Passion for Peking OperaC. Mei Lanfang the Master of Peking OperaD. Mei Lanfangs Understanding of Peking Opera65. Mei Lanfang was NOT the first person to _.A. develop the female characters into prehensive rolesB. introduce the musical instrument Erhu into Peking Opera C. design the feather dance and the plate danceD. perform in a foreign country66. In the United States, Mei Lanfang _.A. was greatly weled because of his excellent performancesB. studied for a long time at the University of Southern CaliforniaC. became the first operatic doctor in the world D. wrote his autobiography in his free time67. After the foundation of the Peoples Republic of China, Mei Lanfang _.A. managed to set up the China Federation of Literary and Art CirclesB. published many books on the development of Peking OperaC. paid more attention to directing Peking Opera performancesD. showed his talent in writing and gradually became a writer DFour decades ago a group of college students visited the mountains of Borneo to examine moth (蛾) populations. Now a team of British scientists, including a member of the original trip, has returned to the same sites to repeat the survey. They have found that, due to rising temperatures, the insects now live 68 meters higher. Global warming is forcing tropical (热带的) species uphill to escape the rising temperatures at a rate of nearly 2 meters a year, the new study from Borneo suggests. Since this was the only chance to repeat the original survey, the scientist did everything they could to do it exactly the same way, going at the same time of year, in July and August, using photographs to find the exact original sites of the moth traps. While this is the first study of insects, a few other studies of tropical species are starting to appear, said Thomas. If you look across all those studies, youll find the same results, and its extremely difficult to think of any other explanation for them. While some species might survive by finding places on the mountains with temperatures similar to those of their original habitats, others may run out of habitat on the rocky peaks, warns the study. In a paper in the journal Naturein xx, Thomas and 13 other experts analyzed the habitats of 1,100 species on five continents, and estimated that on average one quarter were at risk of extinction. Last year a paper published in the Public Library of Science in the US warned that the risk of extinction in the tropics was being more and more serious. The authors, Jana and Steven Vamosi, estimated that 20-45% of tropical species were at risk of extinction.68. If the temperature continues to rise at the same rate for ten years, the insects will live about _.A. 6.8 meters higher B. 17 meters higherC. 34 meters higher D. 68 meters higher69. Whats the problem for some species moving up mountains?A. Therell be too little space.B. The temperature will be much too low.C. They will be at greater risk of extinction. D. Theyll find it hard to adapt to the environment.70. We can learn from the passage that _. A. this survey of moths has been carried out many timesB. some scientists have put forward other explanations for the resultsC. scientists tried to repeat the original surveyD. 20-45% of tropical species were estimated to be at risk of extinction in xx第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错 Last weekend I drove to a mountain village calling Xianju with my friends. Xianju is famous by its peach festival, that attracts tens of thousands of tourists each summer. When I got out of the car, I was astonishing to see a hill covered with peach tree, and fruit farmers sold fresh peaches at the bottom of the hill.I could hardly wait climb up the hill. Along the way there we had a great time picking and tasting of the delicious fruit. Before we return, I tried to pick as much of them as I could for my friends. How greedy I was! 第二节书面表达(满分25分) 自2008年6月1日起至今,限塑令已经实施一年多了,某英文报现正以限塑令的实施效果为主题进行征稿。请你写一篇短文,谈谈限塑令实施以来你的生活和周围环境发生了哪些变化。要点提示:1. 有些商场开始提供纸袋;2. 多数人开始使用自备购物袋;3. 白色污染大大减少,环境质量有所提高;4. 个别市场仍然免费提供塑料袋;5. 你个人的看法。注意:可适当增加细节;词数100左右。参考答案及听力原文参考答案21-25 BACBA 26-30 BDDAB 31-35 CDCBB 36-40 BBDCC 41-45 ADBCB 46-50 ACAAB 51-55 DADBC 56-60 ADADD 61-65 ACACD 66-70 ACBAC 短文改错1.calling 改为called 2. by 改为for 3 that改为which 4. astonishingastonished 5. tree 改为trees 6 . sold改为selling 7. climb 前加to 8. 去掉of 9. return 改为returned 10. much 改为many书面表达(One possible version:) Last June, the government issued a ban on plastic bags in supermarkets. Great changes have taken place. Some supermarkets began to offer paper bags. More and more consumers are also using environmentally-friendly bags. The use of plastic bags has decreased greatly, and we no longer see white plastic bags thrown here and there. Our living environment has bee cleaner and more beautiful. However, some markets still offer free plastic bags, and some customers, thinking only of the convenience, are unwilling to take bags when they go shopping there. I think everyone has a duty to help protect the environment. Lets use reusable bags or baskets instead of plastic bags.

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