2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 19 Language Communication Workshop课时作业 北师大版选修7.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 Unit 19 Language munication Workshop课时作业 北师大版选修7.单词拼写1Remember to _(束紧)all the windows while you go on vacation.2Many students_(登记) for these courses to widen skills for use in their current jobs.3I think I have the _(能力)to be a tourist guide.4The school promises to serve all the students_(真诚地)with high quality.5You wont be allowed to teach unless you have the_(证书)to be a school teacher.6As the wages were low,there were few_(申请人)for the job.7That Peter blamed me in front of the class did_(使尴尬)me.8Seldom have I heard an_(业余人员)can play the piano as well as Jim.9He was punished for not obeying the_(规章)10A _(守时的)person always does something or arrive somewhere at the right time and is not late.单项填空1Who will_the dinner this time?Apay toBpay forCpay with Dpay of2Public attention at the moment stays_on the problem of how to create opportunities for the laidoff workers.AfocusedBattractedCconcerned Dpaid3Ladies and gentlemen,please_your seat belts.The plane is taking off.Atake BfastenChold Dcatch4(xx芜湖高二检测)He_me a chance to do the experiment once again.Aoffered BprovidedClent Dsupplied5The questions the reporter asked sometimes were_and they made me_.Aembarrassed;embarrassingBembarrassing;embarrassedCembarrassed;embarrassedDembarrassing;embarrassing6Do you have enough to_all your daily expenses?Oh yes,enough and to spare.AcoverBspendCfill Doffer7Do you_modern music?No,I prefer classical music_modern music.Acare about;than Bcare for;toCcare about;to Dcare for;than8Theres no annual fee_you use the credit card at least six times a year.Aprovide that Bprovided thatCeven if Dno matter9The child was always_but this time he did not return home_.Aadequate;in no timeBdedicated;in timeCunconscious;at timesDpunctual;on time10How about_Christmas evening party?I should say it was_success.Aa;aBthe;aCa;/ Dthe;/.阅读理解AThere is no clear advice on how to use your body language.What you do might be explained in several ways,depending on the surroundings and who you are talking to.Youll probably want to use body language differently when talking to your boss pared to when you talk to a girl youre interested in.The following are some effective ways to improve your body language.First,to change your body language you must be aware of your body language.Notice how you sit,how you stand,how you use your hands and legs,and what you do while talking to someone.You might want to practice in front of a mirror.It might seem silly but no one is watching you.This will show you how you look to other people and also give you an opportunity to practice a bit before going out into the world.Another tip is to close your eyes and visualize how you would stand and sit to feel confident,open and relaxed or whatever you want to municate.See yourself move like that version of yourself.Then try it out.You might also want to observe friends,role models,movie stars or other people you think who have good body language.Observe what they do and they dont and take bits and pieces you like from them.Try using what you can learn from them.Some of these tips might seem you are pretending something.But pretend it till you make it a useful way to learn something new.And remember,feelings work backwards,too.If you smile a bit more you will feel happier.If you sit up straight you will feel more energetic and in control.If you slow down your movements youll feel calmer.1We can learn from the passage that_.Abody language is not as important as spoken languageBmovie stars and models always have good body languageCusing more body language can make us more popularDdifferent body language should be used in different situations2What does the author think about practicing body language in front of a mirror?AUseless.BHelpful.CPowerful. DFoolish.3The underlined word“visualize”in Paragraph 4 means_.Asee in ones mindBdiscuss with somebodyClook in the mirrorDpractice again and again4What does the author mainly want to say in the last paragraph?ADont hide your true feelings.BGood body language can help improve your feelings.CTry to stay calm all the time.DGo on learning more about body language.BGreeting Gesturebowing is the traditional form for both greeting and departing.Western and Korean male friends usually greet with both a slight bow and shaking hands.When shaking hands,both hands are sometimes used.Women usually do not shake hands,especially with men,but usually just nod lightly.The senior person offers to shake hands first,but the junior person bows first.Avoid hugging and kissing when greeting.Long direct eye contact is considered impolite.When saying goodbye,the traditional gesture is the bow.Touching GesturesGenerally speaking,the Koreans are not a touching society.So avoid touching or any long form of body contact.You seldom see public display of affection.On the other hand,you may note people of the same sex walking handinhand,which is simply a gesture of friendship.Dont worry about a bit of pushing in stores or when groups board public buses or trains.Apologies are neither offered nor expected.Beckoning GesturesThe open hand or the middle finger is used for pointing:To beckon (招手) someone,the palm (手掌) faces downward and the fingers are moved.Using the arm and hand up,with palm toward the face,is used only for calling dogs or children.Other GesturesRespect is always shown to elderly people,so it is mon to stand up when a person,especially an elderly man enters the room.However,an elder may not give up a seat for a young boy.Men generally have priority (特权) in Korea:go through a door first,walk ahead of women,and women may help them with their coats.5The text is mainly about_.Apoliteness of KoreaBcustoms in KoreaCbody languages in KoreaDrelations between Koreans6How does a westerner usually greet his male Korean friend?AWith bowing.BWith hugging and kissing.CWith shaking hands.DWith a slight bow and shaking hands.7From the first part of the text we can know that_.Ashaking hands is a must for visitorsBkissing each other is polite when two people meetClong direct eye contact should be avoidedDthe old often nod towards the young8According to the text,in Korea_.Ayou can always hear people say “Lady first”Bpeople often show affection in public placesCit is mon for boys to walk handinhand with girlsDtheres no need to say sorry when you push others in stores.翻译句子1假若她能及时赶到,就可以和我们一起去。(provide)_2只要你星期五之前归还,你就可以把这本书拿走。(return)_3他们集中全部注意力寻找解决问题的办法。(solution)_4我宁愿干活不愿坐在那里无所事事。(prefer)_5他们开价八千美元出售这栋房子。(offer)_课时作业(三).1.fasten2.register3petence4.sincerely5certificate6.applicants7.embarrass8amateur9.regulation10.punctual.1.B本题考查pay for的用法。pay for意为“为付款”。其他选项搭配错误。2A句意:当前公众的注意力集中在如何为下岗职工创造就业机会。stay focused on意为“集中于”,符合句境。3B考查动词辨析。这是一句祈使句,please后用动词原形。句意为:“女士们,先生们,请系好安全带,飞机马上就要起飞了。”fasten的意思是“束紧”,take的意思是“拿”,hold的意思是“握”,catch的意思是“抓”,B项最符合语境。4A句意:他给我提供了一个再做一次实验的机会。offer sb.sth.相当于offer sth.to sb.,意为“给某人提供某物”;而provide用于provide sb.with sth.结构;lend借出;supply供应。5B句意:记者问的问题有时候令人尴尬,它们使我很尴尬。第一空填embarrassing(令人尴尬的),修饰questions;第二空填embarrassed(感到尴尬的),形容人(me)。6A句意:你有足够用以支付日常费用的钱吗?有,足够并且还有节余。cover(指钱)够(某事)用。spend花费;fill填充;offer主动提供。cover含义较多,“覆盖,包括,涉及,报道,走一段路,翻多少页书”等都是考查的重点。7B从句子的意思分析,此处讨论的是对两种音乐的喜好,所以第一个空格用care for。care for意为“喜欢”;care about意为“关心,担心”。第二个空格为prefer something to something结构。故B项正确。8B句意:如果一年使用信用卡至少六次的话,你就不必付年费了。provided that“如果,条件是”,引导条件状语从句。9D从“这次没有准时回家”推测出“以前总是很准时的”。第一空白处要填入punctual,第二空白处要填入on time。adequate“适当的”;dedicated“专注的”;unconscious“无意识的”;in no time表示“立刻,马上”。10B句意:圣诞晚会怎么样?我要说它很成功。第一空用the,特指双方都知道的“圣诞晚会”;success作可数名词讲时,意为“成功的人/事”。.1.D细节理解题。本文主要就如何使用身体语言提供了一些建议。根据第一段中的“depending on.are talking to”可知,在不同的场合要使用不同的身体语言。2B推理判断题。根据第三段可以看出,作者认为“照着镜子练习身势语”是有帮助的。3A词义猜测题。根据上下文语境,尤其是第一句中的“close your eyes”以及最后一句“Then try it out”可推知该词意为“想象”。4B段落大意题。根据最后一段可以看出作者认为故意做出某种体态语有助于人们的心情等的改善,故选B项。5C主旨大意题。从本文的各个小标题看出,本文主要是介绍韩国的一些身势语,故C项正确。6D细节理解题。根据第一部分的第二句看出:他们通常以微微点头并握手表示问候。7C细节理解题。从文章第一部分“Long direct eye contact is considered impolite”看出C项正确。8D细节判断题。由文章第二部分最后两句话看出D项正确,其他三项均与文意不符。.1.She may go with us provided/providing (that) she arrives in time.2.You can take the book away as long as you return it before Friday.3.They focused all their attention on finding a solution to the problem.4.I prefer to work rather than sit there doing nothing.5.They offered him the house for 8,000 dollars.


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