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教学资料参考范本九年级英语上册Unit 3 Letters from the past撰写人:_时 间:_The main activities are 1a, 1c and 2.本课重点活动是1a,1c和2。.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Master some useful words:follow, London, dialog, autumn2. Learn present continuous to show the future.Im flying to Disneyland tomorrow.3. Discuss differences in English among different English-speaking countries.Teaching aids 教具录音机/教学图片/简笔画图片/课件(任老师选).Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1.(教师展示或在黑板上贴张有伦敦标志的图片,复习已学的问候语。)T: Nice to see you again. Today well go to a new topic. First, lets look at the beautiful pictures on the blackboard. Were flying to some place to see our friends. Can you guess where were flying today?Ss: London. We can see Big Ben in the picture.T: Thats right. What should we say when we meet them there?Ss: Hello, nice to see you again.T: Yes. What should we say when we want to express that our friends did something well?Ss: Well done!(板书如下:)London Hello Well done2. (教师呈现另一幅图,师生互动对话。)T: Look at this picture. What place is it?Ss: Sydney.T: Yes. Sydney is in Australia. As we know, Australia is also an English-speaking country. But Australian English isnt the same as British English. For example, in Australia people say “gday” instead of “hello”and“Good on ya, mate!”instead of“Well done!”Ss: Thats really interesting.T: Would you like to know more about that, class?Ss: Of course wed love to.3. (教师在黑板上贴上不同情景的简笔画,根据每幅简笔画分别讨论在不同的讲英语国家英语表达间的不同之处。) (师生根据简笔画讨论英语间表达的不同,并板书在黑板上。)hellogday Well done! Good on ya, mate!sheilasheilas trunkboot(让学生根据图画和板书两人一组操练。)For example:S1: What should we say when we meet other people in Britain?S2:Hello.But what about in Australia?S1:Gday instead.S2: What should we say when someone did something well in Britain?S1: Well done! And what about in Australia?S2: Good on ya, mate!(每组的两名学生就板书的关键词互相操练一遍。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:5分钟)1. (教师让两名学生到台前即兴表演,复习原来的对话,从而引出对话1a。)S1: What should we say when we meet other people in Britain?S2: Hello. How about in Australia?S1: Gday instead.S2: What should we say when someone did something well in Britain?S1: Well done! And what about in Australia?S2: Good on ya, mate!2. (设置并板书听力任务,让学生带着任务听录音。)T: Jane, Kangkang and Wang Junfeng are talking about something interesting. Listen to the tape and answer the questions.(1) What are Jane, Kangkang and Wang Junfeng talking about?(2) Are there any differences in English among different English-eaking countries?(3) Could you tell us what the differences are?(教师尽可能多地找学生回答以上问题,调动全体学生的积极性。)3. (在熟悉对话1a的基础上让学生在课本上划出重点词句并加以理解,教师补充解释。)For example:I cant follow you.Can you speak more slowly, please?Is Australian English the same as British English?Im flying to Disneyland tomorrow.(板书并讲解以下内容:)follow, speak more slowly, the same as, fly to.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:5分钟)1.(教师再放一遍录音,要求学生不看课文,只看黑板上面的关键词,加深对话印象。)T: Listen to the tape again. Dont look at your text, but you can look at the key points on the blackboard.2.(利用关键词分排找出一名学生代表进行造句比赛,看哪排造句又多又好,每句加两分。)T: OK. Its time to make sentences. The first row, begin with “follow you”. Ready? Go!(教师给出几排推荐的学生的比赛分数,看哪排为优胜者。)3.(在前面操练的基础上,根据板书内容复述课文。本活动采取分组活动,全班按八人一组,每组选出一名学生针对1a的内容进行一分钟的简短演讲。)T: Now I think most of you have been very familiar with 1aFor example:Ladies and gentlemen,Im very happy to speak here.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1.(通过1a的学习及对一分钟演讲内容的评讲,让学生做1c。)T: Boys and girls, good on ya, mate! Everyone in each group has given us a wonderful speech. From 1a we know something different in English among different English-speaking countries. Now lets do 1c(教师找学生说出答案,并板书:)used, same, change, differences, succeed, know2. (在完成1c的基础上,进行相关2 Work alone的听力训练。)T: Well, weve learned a lot about differences in English among different English-speaking countries. Here is a passage about the differences.(1)Listen to the tape with these questions and choose the right answers.(根据所听录音内容,让学生两人一组,询问结果并了解彼此做题的方法及录音对话中有关讲英语国家英语的不同表达方式,对有异议地方做好标记。)(2)Check up(学生互校答案后与老师核对,找出自己听漏或听错的原因。最后老师在针对易错题分析的基础上让学生再听一遍录音以求对录音原文有个整体把握。)(3)(学生在接受了大量的语言输入后,会有意识地模仿对话,产生练习的欲望。教师应提供给学生一个热情表演的情景,激发学生兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,提高学生应用英语的能力,培养他们的合作精神。)T: Ill ask some students to act the dialog out in front of the class and teach them how to master the skills of listening.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:15分钟)1.(引入学生讨论在日常生活中常遇到的一些不同的表达方式。)T: OK, after learning this section we have been very familiar with the differences in English among different English-speaking countries. In order to express our meanings more quickly, we have different expressions in our everyday life. Here are some examples. Discuss with your partner and try to guess the meaning of the following e-mail English.E-mail EnglishNormal EnglishBTWby the wayF2FOICCUHow RUGR8 (在学生讨论得出结果后和教师核对答案,教师点评此类e-mail英语表达的不同特点和方法,并要求学生分组讨论出尽可能多的e-mail英语,并做好记录向学生报告以求资源共享。)T:After discussing, you can check up the answers with me. You can give more e-mail English if possible and share them with your classmates.2. (分组活动。把学生按自己习惯分成若干小组交流,然后做一个调查,把讨论结果列表加以记录。)T: Now discuss the differences in English among different English-speaking countries in groups. Then make a survey of your partners and fill in the chart. Then report it to your class.SituationsBritish EnglishAustralian EnglishMeet other peopleHelloGdayDo something well.For example:S1: In Britain, we say “hello” to each other when we meet other people, but in Australia we say “Gday”.S2Britain while we say“Good on ya, mate!”in Australia.S3: .S4: .3. Homework:(1)(课后让学生根据收集课本以外有关讲英语国家不同英语表达的资料,比较他们之间的不同之处,制作一个表格加以区分以加深印象。)(2)(根据自己收集的素材在理解的基础上写一篇小短文,培养学生的自主学习能力和自我构建能力,了解英语国家文化意识,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。)Write a short passage. (about one hundred words)For example:As we know, English is widely used around the world. But there are differences in English among different English-speaking countries. Section BThe main activities are 1a, 1b and 2.本课重点活动是1a, 1b和2。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. (1)Master some new words and useful expressions:see sb.off,victory(2)Learn some useful sentences:Whats up?I hope I wont have any difficulty.Whenever you need help, send me an e-mail or telephone me.2. Go on learning present continuous to show the future:I cant believe that Im flying to Disneyland.Im leaving for California.My uncle is meeting us tomorrow.Im leaving soon.3. Talk about the sign languages and body languages: Im sorry.Its a secret. Calm down.Im puzzled.Im just kidding. Have a victory.Teaching aids 教具录音机/教学挂图/多媒体课件/简笔画图片.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:15分钟)1.(检查上节所布置的作业,找学生根据所收集资料和写的短文在课堂上让同学们做个即兴演讲。)T: (After checking the homework) Good on ya, mate! You all did that quite well.Ss: Thanks, dear teacher.United States to visit Disneyland. I will give this chance to the person who performs best. Who can have a try? Whod like to be the first? You can begin like this.For example:Ladies and gentlemen,As we know, English is widely used around the world. But not all the English speakers can understand each other all the time because there are some differences in English among different English-speaking countries. Sometimes.(这个复习活动旨在激发学生口语操练的兴趣,根据各位同学的表现,教师和学生共同评定出一名优胜者,把去迪斯尼乐园参观的机会给他,为导入下一步做铺垫。)2. (通过演讲竞赛活动,选出口语、语音等能力俱佳的优胜者去参观迪斯尼乐园,自然导入本课重点之一,即现在进行时表将来。)T: The winner is. He is the lucky dog. (Teacher and the students) Congratulations!He is flying to Disneyland tomorrow.(教师板书。)He is flying to Disneyland tomorrow.T: Boys and girls, look at the sentence on the blackboard. Do you know what tense it is?Ss: Present Continuous.T: Yes. Is he on the way to Disneyland?Ss: No.T: Has he arrived at Disneyland?Ss: No.T: Then could you tell me whats the meaning of this sentence? Who can?S1: It means he will fly to Disneyland.S2: It means he is going to fly to Disneyland.T: Yes, thats right. But if we plan or hope to do something eagerly in the future, we should express like this instead.(教师指导学生观察黑板上的句子,要求学生给出更多例句。)T: Class, can you give me more examples?S3: Im leaving for Beijing soon.S4: .S5: .3. (教师展示1c图画,给出一些关键词,让学生用将来时态造句并板书。) T: Here are some pictures. Now make sentences with the key words given below, using present continuous to show the future.leave for Disneyland this afternoon travel to Canada tomorrow begin at 7 oclock go to Shanghai next weekPicture 1: . is leaving for Disneyland this afternoon.Picture 2: . is traveling to Canada tomorrow.Picture 3: . in twenty minutes.Picture 4: . is beginning at 7 oclock.Picture 5: . is going to Shanghai next week.4. (在熟悉了现在进行时表将来的用法之后,两人一组对话操练。)T: Pair work. Make dialogs with your partners according to the following example.For example:S6: When are you leaving for Disneyland?S7: Im leaving this afternoon.(在每个小组充分训练之后,教师找出几组表演对话。)(通过训练,学生已熟练掌握现在进行时表将来的用法,为进一步呈现和理解1a做好准备。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1. (设置并板书听力任务,让学生带着任务听录音,从整体上对对话的意思加以把握。)T: Listen to the tape and find out the answers to these questions on the blackboard.Where is Wang Junfeng flying?What time is Wangs flight?What should Wang Junfeng do if he needs help?Who is meeting them tomorrow?(听录音回答问题。)Answers: He is flying to Disneyland.At five oclock.He can send Kangkang an e-mail or telephone him.His uncle is meeting them tomorrow.2. (教师再放录音,要求学生边听录音,边在练习本上写出现在进行时表将来的句子和关键词句并板书。)T: Listen to the tape again and write down the sentences that use present continuous to show the future and key words or phrases.(教师要求学生找出他们并板书。)Im flying to Disneyland.Im leaving for California.My uncle is meeting us tomorrow.Im leaving soon.(1)(在Step 1和听力理解的基础上,师生共同作如下总结。)现在进行时表将来时常有“意图”、“安排”(但不是固定不变的)或“打算”的含义,这种现在进行时比较生动,给人一种期待感。它常表最近或较近的将来,所用动词多是转移动词。如:Im going.When are you starting?Im leaving tomorrow.表将来的现在进行时除用转移动词外,亦可用某些非转移动词。如:Im meeting you after class.She is buying a new bike soon.see sb. off, be worried about, ask for a ride.(2) (根据选出的重点短语进行链条式接龙造句游戏。)T: Boys and girls, lets have a chain drill with the phrases you picked out from the text. Go!S1: I saw my old friend off just now.S2: .S3: .3. (在学生熟悉了对话内容的基础上进行分组对话练习,然后让每组分角色进行表演。)T: Class, now its time to work in pairs. Each group chooses some students to play a role in the dialog, then act the dialog out.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:5分钟)1 (教师放录音1a,学生听,注意语音语调。)T: Listen to the tape, pay attention to the stress and intonation.2. (学生跟录音机读,找学生进行人机对话。)T: Read after the tape, then suppose you are Wang Junfeng, listen to the tape and make a dialog with Kangkang, Michael.3. (准备一些指令性动作,如go shopping, leave for Shanghai, fly to America等等,让一些同学来抽签,抽到哪个指令就只能做一些相关的动作,让其他各组同学来猜,进行组与组间的评比。)T: I have some cards here. There are some instructions on them. Ill ask one student at a time and you should do the action according to the card you get. Other students should guess what hes going to do.S1: What am I going to do?S2: You are going shopping. Am I right?S1: Yes, you are right./ No, you are wrong.S3: What am I going to do?S4: You are.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1. (利用powerpoint课件呈现课本P64的一些常用体态语的图画,让学生猜一下它们的意思。)T: Look at the pictures. They are mainly about the sign languages and body languages. These gestures are often used in the United States. Do you know their meanings, class?(利用图画布置任务,激发学生积极讨论每幅图画所代表体态语的含义。)T: You have discussed the gestures with your partners. Have you got that?Ss: Yes.T: OK. Give me the meanings of the pictures you have known.S1: Picture 1 means “Im just kidding.”S2: Picture 2 means “Have the victory.”S3: .S4: .(教师根据学生所说出的体态语含义做出合理的板书设计。可让学生运用发散思维列举出更多的体态语。)2. (在熟悉这些体态语的基础上,教师让学生根据不同的体态语事先做成简笔画的卡片,组织学生进行“猜一猜”的游戏。)T: Boys and girls, lets work in groups and each group has four students. We stick the gesture cards on the back of one student. He/She can ask some questions about the gestures, and the other three just describe the gestures and make the student who has pictures on the back guess what the gestures mean.(通过此小游戏让学生在娱乐中掌握了不同体态语及其含义,激发了学生学习的兴趣。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)1. (引导学生收集不同国家的手势语的不同含义。)T: Suppose youre a volunteer of the 20xx Olympics Games. Try to search the Internet for information as much as possible and then make a form like this. Then make a report to your class.CountryGesturesMeaningAmericaGermanyAustraliaJapanIndia2. Homework:Write ten sentences using present continuous to show the future.Section CThe main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Master some new words and useful expressions:pronounce, written English, pronunciation, as for2. Review present continuous to show the future.3. Discuss the differences between British English and American English.Teaching aids 教具录音机/教学挂图/一张世界地图/多媒体课件.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)1. (教师引导学生复习Section A的不同讲英语国家英语表达的不同。)T: Boys and girls, we have learned differences in English among different English-speaking countries inSection A.Now Ill ask the group which hasnt performed in the front to practice that.S1: Hello, what should people say when they meet other people in Britain?S2: Hello, but what about in Australia?S1:Gday instead.S2: What should people say when someone did something well in Britain then?S1: Well done! And what about in Australia?S2: Good on ya, mate!S1: .S2: .T: They did a good job, didnt they?Ss: Yes. They did a good job.T: What should we say to them, class?Ss: Congratulations!T: Yeah, congratulations to them. (clapping)(复习此对话中表达法的不同,目的就是为导入1a英语国家在拼写、发音、表达等三方面的差异做铺垫。)2. (教师呈现一幅世界地图,为谈论英语国家文化风俗习惯创设一个情景。)T: Look at the picture. What is it, do you know?Ss: A map of the world.T: We have been learning English, but could you tell me which countries are English-speaking countries?S3: Britain, America.S4: Canada, Australia.S5: New Zealand.S6: .3. (学生回答同时师生一起在世界地图上找出这些国家的具体位置,可以介绍这些国家的customs, greetings, food, sports等,接着导入1a中语言方面的差异。)T: Youre right. English is spoken as the first language in these countries and they have many differences, such as customs, greetings, food and so on.Ss: That sounds interesting. Could you tell us something about that, dear teacher?T: Of course. In this section well learn the differences among different countries, especially the differences between American English and British English.Ss: Aha, they speak the same language. Are there any differences between them?T: Yes. Can you guess the differences between them?S7: Er, spelling.S8: Expressions.S9: The sound. I know American English and British English have different sounds.S10: .T: Hmm, sound means pronunciation.(教师板书,并写出其动词形式。)pronunciation pronounce(让学生用两词造句,熟练其用法。)For example:The letter “s” in the word “house” pronounces s. Americans are used to pronounceV:rin American English.4. (让学生根据英语语言的不同方面分组讨论,了解拼写、表达、语音三方面的差异。)T: Class, now we know there are mainly three differences among different English-speaking countries, such as spelling, expressions and pronunciation. Do you want to learn some more about the differences between American English and British English?Ss: Thats great.T: OK, lets learn Section C 1a.(自然过渡到下一步。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1. (阅读前,教师设计一些问题用板书或多媒体展示,让学生听录音,采取小组抢答形式,多让几个同学发言。)(1)Whats the difference between “color” and “colour”? Which do you prefer? Why?(2)Can you pronounce /ht/ and /hB:t/? Do you know how to spell this word?(3)What differences can you tell between British English and American English?(4)Is written English quite different from oral English between British English and American English?(5)When can you find the differences in spelling easily?(6)Do people from the two countries have any difficulties in understanding each other most of the time?(通过抢答调动全体学生的参与意识,在多数学生回答之后教师进行评价,这样也不会挫伤学生积极性。)2. (限时默读,然后合上课本设计一个英美语言差异的表格,加以填充。)T: Well, read 1a quickly and silently. Make a form with your books closed and fill in the form according to the passage.(学生设计表格,教师可找一名学生上黑板画出表格并填充。)For example:DifferencesBritish EnglishAmerican Englishspellingpronunciationexpression3. (在熟悉课本的基础上,让学生找出更多实例。)T: Aha, its time to work in pairs. Discuss with your partner and try to find out more examples to show the differences in spelling and expressions between British English and American English. Are you interested in doing this, class?Ss: Yes.T: OK. Ready? Go!(经过一番讨论之后,找学生在黑板上写出课文之外的拼写、表达方面的词汇。)For example:British English: _American English: _Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)1. (做游戏“你知道我是哪国人吗?”参照本话题学过的英语国家在拼写、发音、表达等方面的差异,了解谈话双方信息。)For example:S1: Hello. May I ask you a question?S2: Of course you can.S1: What do you call a man who works in a bank?S2: We call him a clerk kB:k.S1: Thanks. Im sure youre an English man.S2: (In surprise) How do you know that?S1: I know that from your pronunciation.S2: Oh, I see. Wow, you did your homework so well. Good on ya, mate.S1: Aha, I know youre from Australia. In Australia, people call their friends “mate”.S2: Thats right. There are differences in English among different English-speaking countries.(以此游戏形式多找几组操练。)2. (通过操练学生已熟悉1a,利用板书的表格,让学生复述1a。)(方案一)T: OK. Were familiar with the differences between American English and British English. Ill ask some students to recite the text without looking at the books. You can use the form on the blackboard.For example:Some people may not clearly know the differences between American English and British English. However, American English is different from British English in spelling, pronunciation.(方案二)(教师可模仿接龙游戏进行复述课文的操练。)T: We can recite the text just like a chain drill. You can begin like this.For example:S3: Some people may not clearly know the differences between American English and British English. However, American English is different from British English in spelling, pronunciation.S4: When a learner is used toD, B:, 5V(r),he may not understandB:t,:,5:Vimmediately.S5: .S6: .Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1. (教师把准备好的英美不同的表达习惯分给学生,让学生分成两组,把卡片分给他们并让他们互相贴在每位学生的后背上,然后每组各自围成一圈,每个学生把对方背上贴的英式或美式单词用英语描述出来,找出对应的英式或美式英语的表达方式。)T: Now my students, lets play a game “Find your friend”. Here are some cards, which have different expressions between American English and British English. Find out the other card with the same meaning.Ss: That would be fine. But how to play?T: Divide yourselves into two groups. Stick the cards on the back of your partners, then describe the words and find out your friend.2. Pair work.Look at 2. Look and try to match the words with the same meanings with your partner.(多找几名学生说出答案,教师核对答案。板书答案。)1d 2b 3j 4e 5f6h 7I 8c 9g 10a3. (王俊峰完成了他的迪斯尼乐园之旅。同学们让我们一起和他共享吧。进而导入了Work alone。)T: Wang Junfeng has finished his travel to Disneyland. Lets enjoy it with him.OK?Ss: OK, thats wonderful.T: Look at 3. Match the pictures with the right sentences.(找学生说出其答案,师生共同核对答案。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)1. (世界飞速发展,各国文化交流趋于国际化,为筹备20xx年奥运会,假设奥运会筹委会派你去国外考察、学习,为更好地取得效果,请你制作一张表格把你所了解的英语国家语言各方面的不同作以记录。)DifferencesBritish EnglishAmerican EnglishAustralian Englishspellingpronunciationexpressi


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