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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册 unit9 Section B 2教案 人教新目标版撰写人:_时 间:_Teaching Aims and Objects:1.Teaching Goals:Learn how to write a biography.2. Learning &teaching contenta)New words: well-known, pianist, could, hum, piece, accordion, Poland, alive, athleteb)Phrases:because of , hum songs, a piece of music/ difficult pieces of music, at the age of, win the first prize, take part in / take an active part in , etc.本课由人物传记入手,训练学生的阅读能力及写作能力。2. Key points and DifficultiesReading and writing practice.阅读练习和写作练习为本课重点。StepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesMethodologyStep 1 Greetings and Revision(4 minutes)1. Greetings. 2. a Guessing GameT: Last period we learnt some words to describe a person. Please describe a person for us and we guess who it is. S1: She is an actress. She is outstanding.S: Is she?S1: No. She is young and beautiful and acted in the movie.S: Is she?3. Leading in T: Very good!Now please guess who I am talking about! He is young and handsomeHe plays piano very wellHe performed in CCTVs Spring Festival evening gala with Wang Lihong.S: Li Yundi!T: Good job! Today we are going to learn something about Li Yundi. Guess the people your classmates describe.Students answer teachers questions.猜猜看游戏,学生挑选自己感兴趣的公众人物描述,其余学生补充提问并猜测。此活动既复习了上节课描述人的词汇,又引发了学生兴趣,为教师下一步导入做好铺垫。由讨论学生喜爱的明星入手,逐步引入描述人的词汇。同时练习了前几节课学习的重点句型。Step 2 New Words and Phrases(8 minutes)New words: well-known, pianist, could, hum, piece, accordion, Poland, alive, athletePhrases:because of , hum songs, a piece of music/ difficult pieces of music, at the age of , win the first prize, take part in / take an active part in , etc.Learn the new words.学习教材56页生词。不能孤立地学习生词,将生词放在句子中学,学生用生词造句子。学生在造句子的同时关注生词和句子结构,对培养语言能力有所帮助。句子难度不宜太大。Step 3 Reading(15 minutes)Activity 3a Reading PracticeT: Read the passage please. Then finish the exercises on the screen.True or False( )1. He began to learn the piano when he was seven.England.( )3. He was born in 1982 in Zhu Zhou.( )4. He won the first prize.Then ask students to finish the chart and check the answers.Ask students to fill in the blanks. (Show the passage on screen)Read the passage and finish the exerceses.Finish the chart.Fill in the blanks.学生阅读文章,读完后教师基于文章内容给出几道判断正误练习,由此检测学生对文章大意的掌握。学生完成课文后的表格,由此检测对文章细节部分的掌握。在大屏幕上出示本篇文章,将关键词汇留白,由学生根据记忆填空。借此深入掌握文章内容和结构。Step 3 Reading(15 minutesWriting Practice: how to write a biographyT: A successful biography should include the peoples date of birth, hobbies, achievement, career, personality and so on.Give students some writing tasks.T: Here are three writing tasks. You can choose one of the topics. 3b.Look at the information in 2b. Write an article about Laura. Group work. Write an article according to the given information. 3c. Write about a person you admire. Then ask one or two students to read their passages.Choose one of the topics and write a biography.教师从李云迪文章入手,向学生介绍写作策略。本课写作为人物传记,教师介绍人物传记应当包含的要素,学生从三个写作任务中任选其一进行当堂写作练习。Step 4 Summary (2 minutes)T: Can you tell me what we learnt today?Sum up the key points learnt today指导学生总结该节课所学的知识,有助于学生加深理解,巩固知识,并且将知识系统化。Step 5 Homework (1 minutes)Recite the passage.作业是课堂的巩固与延伸,课堂所涉及的东西是有限的,学生课后可以做适当的拓展。学生通过查阅资料对优秀人物有所了解,同时增长他们的课后知识,使所学知识不断地延伸Blackboard Designing Unit 9 When was he born? Period 4New words: well-known, pianist, could, hum, piece, accordion, Poland, alive, athletePhrases:because of , hum songs, a piece of music/ difficult pieces of music, at the age of , win the first prize, take part in / take an active part in ,教学过程 5 / 5

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