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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册 Unit7 Lesson55教案 冀教版撰写人:_时 间:_.Situation of this lesson in this unitThis unit concerns about hobbies . Different kinds of hobbies are interesting. Students are interested in these. In this lesson , Brian tells us about what happened in that day in a letter. Everyone shows their own hobbies in class. Through this lesson , Students can learn about some different hobbies in north America . Students would like to talk about their hobbies in a letter. Teaching objectives Knowlege aims:1. words and phrases : take part in , real , so did most of my classmates. 2. Grammar: Verbing Teachnique and ability aims: 1.Students can catch and understand the information about hobbies through the main words in the context. 2.Students can express their hobbies using proper words and talk about hobbies in groups. 3. Students master the sentence patterns to express hobbies. They can tell their hobbies or other things in a letter. Emotion aims:1. Ss like to tell others about their hobbies in English either in a letter or in other forms.2. Ss would like to learn about the differences of hobbies between China and western countries.Difficult and important teaching pointsDifficult pointsImportant pointsNew words: real take part in write to verbing Verbing forms can be subjects and objects, students must make sure how to use them.Sentence patterns: send (back) - to bring-to- show sb sth So+be(do,does)+he (she, they). Teaching methodsTask-based teaching method. This method is that the teacher sets some different tasks to be finished so that students learn English in class or after class. Through these tasks Ss can master the knowledge and learn English well . Communication method. Ss can ask and answer some questions in pairs or groups to practice English. Of course the teacher can take part in this activity.Learning methods1. Ss have been learning English for more than two years. They can talk about some things around them. Especially their hobbies. They would like to talk about their hobbies in class.2. Ss will have an interest in learning English if they can use English to do something. In this point, how to write an English letter seems useful for them. Learning by using , learning for using., Guides for SslearningSs can learn a lot Tell Ss they can learn from their partners. . teaching properties: recorder, pictures . teaching proceduresTASKSTEACHING ACTIVITYDESIGN PURPOSE Pre -tasksClass openingFind the student who is on duty today. Then ask him or her to give his duty report. Prepare some pictures, these pictures show the class different people have different hobbies. Then show some pictures . First, ask : What does Li Ming like to do? Whats his hobby?Get one volunteer to answer the questions as a model. Then show up other pictures one after another. When showing each picture , first have Ss talk about the picture in pairs ,then one pair talk about it as the questions for the first picture above. This step will last longer till six pictures are showed finally.The duty report is an usual thing to practise speaking. Show some picturesand talk about others hobbies. Talking hobbiesHave Ss talk about their own hobbies as following: For example:A: What do you like to do?B: I like watching TV.A: What is your hobby?B: My hobbies are watching TV and reading. What do you like to do?C: I like fishingB: whats your hobby?C: My hobby is fishing. What do you like to do ?D: I like playing ping pong.Talk about the studentsTask cyclesLeading inshow the picture about Brian and say: Brian likes collecting stamps. He wrote to his Grandpa Rex, then ask :What did Brian ask his Grandpa to do for his collection?Have Ss scan the letter and find the answer to the question.Draw Sss attention to this lesson.listeningPlay the tape for Ss to listen , then fill in the blanks using proper words and phrases to finish the questions below.1. Brian asked his Grandpa _ the stamp _ _ to him for his hobby.2. In class everyone _his or her favourite hobby _school. 3 Danny showed us_, it was_ one .I enjoyed Jennys hobby best. Her hobby is_.4. Our teacher says that gardening is enjoyable and easy to learn. Everyone can_ _ _gardening.5. Jenny had a very good idea . She said that we would _ a gardening club.6. Jenny and Brian joined the club, _ _ most of our classmates. Key :1. to send back to 2. brought to 3. his family tree real gardening4,take part in 5. organize 6. So didThis step for Ss is to practise Sss listening. Ss can finish the sentences by catching the main (or key) information . Ss need to write while listening to the text.readingplay the tape one more time for Ss to listen . Ss follow the tape and repeat. Then have them read the letter in pairs, check each others pronunciation in order to study from each other.Ss can learn from each other.HHave Ss ask and answer some questions about this letter. See which pair replies to the most questions. Then show some questions on the screen. Let Ss answer them.When was the letter written?What did he do in class this morning? What did Danny show in class? Is it a real one?What did Brian teacher think of gardening?Whats Jennys good idea for gardening?Did Brian join it?Bs interest in learning English well.Look and summaryAsk Ss to go over this letter as a whole. Let Ss summarize how to write a letter and an envelope. Then the teacher say:Ask Ss to make sure how to write a letter in English.Post-taskwriting假设你叫王明,昨天收到了笔友David的信,得知他不久要到北京来学习中文。他想了解如何学好中文。请你用英文给他回复一封信绍学习中文的体会和方法,提出你的建议,以及表达你帮助他学好中文的愿望 Ask Ss write a letter to David, At last show the SsHere is a model.Sample:Dear David, Beijing to learn Chinese. Chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it now. Its difficult for you because its quite different from English. You have to remember as many Chinese words as possible. Its also important to do some reading and writing. You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practise your listening. Do your best to talk with people in Chinese. You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you. If you have any questions, please ask me. Im sure youll learn Chinese well. Hope to see you soon in Beijing. Yours, Wang Ming Pay attention to the structure of an English letter. Write a letter to their friend and talk about something around themDoing exx1. Is your hobby_A. play football B. playing the football C. playing soccer D. play the soccer2. My brother _the army last year.mber C. joins D. joined.3. Can I _ playing basketball? (选项同上)4 Tom did his homework last night. _ A. So do I B. So am I C. So did I D. So does I5. Could you _your phone_me. I want to have a look. A. giveto B. show to C. send for D. bring backCheck if Ss have mastered the important words or sentence patterns.Homework1.write a letter about your hobby to your best friend.2.Do the Exercises in the activity book.3.Review the contents in this unit.Designing of the blackboard Questions: What do you like to do? What is your hobby? Language points1. send-to-2. show sb sthshow sth to sb3. bring-to-4. take part in + (n or doing)5. So be (do.does) he, she, they.8 / 8

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