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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册Unit6Imgoingtostudycomputerscience(第2课时)SectionA(1a-2d)教案新人教版撰写人:_时 间:_aims:一、功能:Talk about future intentions.二、词汇和常用表达: Wntist, be sure about, make sure.Sentences: What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be an engineer. How are you going to do that? Im going to study math. 三、学习策略: Sum up the patterns and useful expressions in the conversations. Get some listening information from the picture. 四、文化知识:Help students to know about Hemingway and his work The Old Man and the Sea. And tell all students to study hard to make their dreams.Teaching and learning steps:Step 1. Pre-listening activitiesTask 1. PreviewRead from P41 to P42 and put the following into English orally. Then write them down without looking at the book.1. Put the words and phrases into English.(1) 计算机程序设计员 _ (2) 工程师 _ (3) 篮球运动员 _ (4) 科学家 _ (5) 小提琴手 _(6) 钢琴家 _2. Put the sentences into English.(1) 你长大后要干什么工作? _(2) 我想成为编程人员。_(3) 你怎样才能做到呢?_(4) 我会学习计算机科学。_(5) 我父母想让我成为一名医生。_(6) 不是每个人都知道他们会干什么工作的。_Check the preview. (设计意图:通过课前预习可以使学生更有针对性地学,老师更有针对性地教。)Task 2. Warm up and lead inT: Boys and girls! Do you know the man in the picture?Ss: Yes.T: Who is he?Ss: He is Zhou Jielun.T: Yes. He is a singer. And singing songs is his job. Just like me, Im a teacher. And teaching students is my job. In our daily life, we have all kinds of jobs. I have some pictures about jobs. Do you know their names?Show the pictures to the students and ask them to answer. T: Do you think these jobs are interesting? Please look at 1a and rank them. _ doctor _ engineer _ teacher _ violinist _ bus driver _ pilot _ pianist _ basketball player_ scientist _ actor(设计意图:让学生说出图片中人物的职业,很好的复习了学生学过的有关职业的单词。)Task 3. PresentationT: I have a picture of a boy. Suppose you are the boy.grow up A: What do you want to be when you grow up?B: I want to be a basketball player.A: How are you going to do that? B: I am going to practice basketball every day. (设计意图:假设学生是图片中的小主人翁,让学生利用be going to 结构谈论将来可能将要从事的职业,这样既复习了有关职业的词,又训练了将来时态的句型,同时为下面的听力训练打下了基础。)Step 2. Listening Practice IWhile-listening activitiesTask 1. Listen for the general idea of 1b.T: Boys and girls, please look at the picture in 1a. In the picture some students are talking something. Now lets listen and see what they are talking about .Ok? The general idea of the conversations is about A. their dream jobsB. actions they should takeC. A and BTask 2. Listen for the specific ideas of 1b.T: Class, we all know there are four jobs in the conversations. How is everyone going to do that? Listen and fill in the blanks. Then match the items.basketball player b. study _ scienceengineer c. practice _ every dayactor d. study _ really hard(设计意图:通过初听培养学生听取大意的能力,而细听主要是培养学生听细节、听重点的能力。)Post-listening activitiesShare your dream job(晒晒你梦想的工作) We have known other peoples dream jobs. Now I want to know what you want to be and how you are going to do that. Please work in pairs to practice.You can use:A: What do you want to be when you grow up?B: I want to be .A: How are you going to do that?B: Im going to.Students work in pairs to show their conversations.(设计意图:通过让学生利用目标语言对话,巩固练习所学新句型,锻炼学生的英语口语表达能力。)Step 3. Listening Practice IIWhile-listening activitiesTask 1. Listen for the general idea of 2a.T: Boys and girls! Look at the picture in 2a. Heres a boy named Cheng Han. Can you tell me what he is doing?S1: Dreaming.S2: Thinking about his future.T: OK. First lets listen and get the general idea of the conversation.The general idea of the conversation is about Cheng Hans A. dreamB. jobC. plan for the future(设计意图:利用课本插图设置悬念,激发学生听对话的欲望。)Task 2. Listen for the specific ideas of 2a and 2b. (1) T: Class, please look at the picture in 2a again. Can you guess what Cheng Han wants to be?S1: Doctor.S2: Actor.S3: Teacher.Listen. What is Cheng Han going to do? Check () the correct boxes in the picture. (2) T: Now we all know that Cheng Han wants to be a teacher. But he has other plans for the future. Where is he going to move? Howwhen is he going to start? Please listen to the tape again and fill in the chart in 2b.(设计意图:通过提问题,让学生明确所要完成的听力任务,并熟悉在做听力练习时所要重点把握的句型和内容。)WhatWhereHowWhen(3)Check the answers.(设计意图:在学生做听力填空之前,先给予一定的听力策略指导,以帮助学生有针对性地去听,这样可以提高做题的准确率,消除学生对听力的恐惧心理。)Post-listening activitiesTask 1. Retell: We have known something about Cheng Han. Now lets talk about his plans about future.( ) Cheng Han wants to be a _ when he _. He is going to _ high school and college first. He is going to move to _. He is going to learn how to _children. ( )WhatTeacherWhereShanghaiHowLearn how to teach childrenWhenFinish high school and college first(设计说明:本部分内容设计为两部分,对于中下等的学生可以选择难度较低的来完成,而中等偏上的学生可以选择难度较高点的来完成。设计时重在培养学生们口头表达的能力,通过复述让学生更好地内化语言知识。)Task 2. Role-play (2d)(1) Ask students to read the conversation in 2d aloud. Then ask them to put the conversation into Chinese.(2) Let students answer the questions. Then let students read them loudly in pairs. Last let students ask and answer in pairs in front of the class with looking at the books.What is Ken reading? _What does Ken want to be? _How is Ken going to do that? _What do Andys parents want him to be? _(设计意图:回答完问题后,让学生两人一组大声朗读、互相问答,目的是让学生在读的过程中深刻理解对话内容,提高了他们口语表达能力,为下面的角色扮演做准备。)(3) Play the recording for students to listen and imitate. Then ask students to practice the conversation for some minutes. Last ask some pairs to role-play the conversation and see which pair is the best. (设计意图:先让学生听录音跟读,纠正自己的语音语调。再让学生以小组竞赛的方式分角色表演对话,使所学的语言知识得以有效输出。)Step 3. Teachers words(设计意图:教育学生要为了实现自己的梦想而努力学习,努力奋斗。)Step 4. Inquiry into knowledge by translationAsk students to look at the following sentences and try to summarize the language rules. Then fill in the blanks. The students can help each other and have a discussion after doing the following by themselves.一、Im going to practice basketball every day. _practice是及物动词,practice basketball的意思是“_”。如果后面跟动词作宾语,动词要用 _ 形式。如:Jim practices _ (ride) a bike every day. I practice _ (swim) once a week.二、Im going to keep on writing stories. _keep on 后的动词要用 _ 形式。如:他不停地跑,终于赶上了最后一班汽车。_三、Im not sure about that. _be sure 的意思是“_”;后面还可跟to do,意思是“一定要”;be sure后面还可以跟宾语从句,如:一定要按时来这儿。_ 一定要关好门窗。_我确信他们会赢得比赛。_(设计意图:本节课的翻译探究先让学生自己在组内讨论,组内学生如果能把答案都讨论出来并展示,教师用语言给予鼓励表扬,若解决不出,看其他组有能解决的吗,最后老师再点拨。而且配有句子,可以更好地帮助学生理解知识点。)Step 5. The end-of- class test一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. What does Jim want to be when he _ (grow) up?2. That old man was good at _ (fish).3. They wanted us _ (get) up early.4. The teacher told them to keep on _ (run).5. Im going to go to a _ (cook) school.二、翻译下列句子。1. 你确信窗子开着吗?_2. 请确保每位同学都有英语课本。_3. 我长大后想当一名工程师。_4. 我朋友打算上表演课。_5. 玛丽擅长画画。_(设计意图:对所学重点知识进行当堂检测,让学生先自己做,发现不会的地方,然后分组讨论解决疑难问题。)Step 6. Homework1. List all the jobs you know.2. Recite the conversation in 2d.本课亮点:1. 预习检测环节,可以使学生了解本节课要学习的重点。2. 导入环节,以学生喜欢的明星导入,引发他们的学习兴趣。通过询问图片中人物的职业,很好的复习了学生学过的有关职业的单词。3. 语法呈现环节,通过观看姚明幼时的照片和成为篮球巨星后的照片,让学生了解总结be going to 的含义、语法结构及常与那些时间状语连用。4. 对话练习环节,让学生利用be going to 结构谈论自己将来可能将要从事的职业,这样既复习了有关职业的词汇又训练了将来时态的句型。5. 听力练习环节,通过初听培养学生听取大意的能力,细听培养学生听细节、听重点的能力,教师给予适当的听力技巧指导。6. 教师寄语环节,教育学生要为了实现自己的梦想而努力学习,努力奋斗。不足之处:表演对话时部分后进生不能顺利完成任务而耽误时间,影响了整个课堂的节奏,可以考虑让他们看着译文表演对话。本节课容量较大,后进生难以全部消化。答案:Step 1. Pre-listening activitiesTask 1. Preview(3) How are you going to do that? (5) My parents want me to be a doctor. (6) Not everyone knows what they want to be.Step 2. Listening Practice ITask 1. Listen for the general idea of 1b. cTask 2. Listen for the specific ideas of 1b.Step 3. Listening Practice IITask 1. Listen for the general idea of 2a. cTask 2. Listen for the specific ideas of 2a and 2b. Post-listening activitiesTask 1. Retell: teacher, grows up, finish, Shanghai, teachTask 2. 1. The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway.2. He wants to be a writer.3. He is going to keep on writing stories.4. They want him to be a doctor.Step 4. Inquiry into knowledge by translation一、我会每天练习篮球。练习打篮球;动名词 riding swimming二、我会继续写小说。 -ing形式;He kept on running and caught the last bus. 三、我还没有把握 / 还不确定。确信,有把握的 Be sure to close the door and windows. Im sure they will (the match).Step 5. The end-of- class test一、1. grows 2. fishing 3. to get 4. running 5. cooking 二、1. Are you sure the windows are open? 2. Please make sure every student has an English book.3. I want to be an engineer when I grow up. 4. My friend is going to take acting lessons. 5. Mary is good at / does well in drawing.10 / 10

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