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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册Unit9Canyoucometomyparty(第5课时)SectionB(3a-SelfCheck)学案(新人教版)撰写人:_时 间:_1学生复习邀请函的表达方式,阅读相关邀请函并能回答相关问题,掌握生词opening, concert, headmaster, event, guest, calendar, daytime。2学生能够根据3a的邀请函,然后根据日程表中的计划安排来描述自己或他人必须做的事情,达到综合运用所学知识的目的。3学会人际交往的基本常识,学会有礼貌地邀请别人以及回答别人的邀请的方式,做一个有礼貌的人。【学习重点】学生能够综合运用所掌握的知识并根据相关提示来完成写一个简单的邀请函的任务。【学习难点】学生能通过写一个邀请函及答复伙伴的邀请函,达到综合运用所学知识的目的Learning action tips:By asking questions of the new library opening ceremony invitation, writing leads to the significant events of the invitation define the learning task of this classthe writing of the invitation.Task 1Learning action tips:Students preview the words on Page7172, read them by phonetic symbols, underline them in the text and mark the Chinese meaning.【Method coach】辨析by,with和inby强调用某种交通工具,方法和手段。with 强调用某种工具。in强调用某种语言,材料。【导练】(1)We traveled to Europe by plane.(2)Most of us like to write with a pen.(3)Dont speak Chinese. Say it in_ English.Task 2Learning action tips:1要求学生快速默读3a的短文,然后要求学生回答短文后的问题,最后找几个学生朗读短文,并在全班更正答案。2完成教材3b的任务,邀请几位同学在全班展示自己的邀请函和回复。老师要注意发音,及时纠正。情景导入生成问题1T:Do you know how to write an invitation to the parents?S:_2T:Do you know how to write invitations about other events?S:_自学互研生成能力Task 1Lets read the new words and the phrases.1I can read.(我会读)opening,concert,headmaster,event,guest,calendar,daytime2I can write.(我会写)翻译下列短语:(1)的开幕式the_opening_of(2)在学校的礼堂in_the_school_hall(3)以书面形式回复此邀请reply_in_writing_to_this_invitation(4)给一个充分的理由give_a_good_reason(5)恳请每一个父母invite_each_parent(6)欣赏我们学校的音乐会enjoy_our_school_concert3I can summarize.(我会总结)情态动词can的用法:表示请求,邀请或允许,多用在口语中,意为“可以;能”等。(1)“Can you ?”意为 “请你好吗?”表示说话人请求对方做某事。(2)“Can I?”意为 “ “我可以吗?”用来询问对方是否允许自己做某事。(3)cant表示拒绝或不允许。(1)Can you go to the movies with me? 你能和我一起去看电影吗?(2)Can I watch TV for a while? 我能看一会电视吗?(3)You cant go out on school nights.你在上学的晚上不能出去。Task 2Make conversations and write an article.1I can make conversations.(我会编对话)A:Can you (1) go_shopping (去购物)with me next week?B:(2) Sure,_Id_love_to.(当然,我乐意。)When?A:Well, what are you going to do (3) on_Monday_evening(在星期一晚上)?B:I must study for the English test. (4) What_about(怎么样)Tuesday evening?A:Sure. (5) Catch_you_on_Tuesday_evening(在星期二晚上再见。)【Method coach】辨析reply与answer(1)两者均可用作动词,表示“回答”。answer常用作及物动词,reply常用作不及物动词,和to连用,即answer the questionreply to the question回答问题。(2)两者均可用作名词,意为“对的答复/回答”,后面均接介词to。(3)answer 是常用词,表示一方提出问题,另一方回答,多用于一般性应答;而reply则较正式,多指经过考虑后答复。(4)answer还可表示接听(电话)或对门铃声响作出反应,后面常接telephone,door,bell,doorbell等名词。【导练】(1)你应当马上回复这封信。You must reply_to this letter right away.(2)He didnt answer my question.(改为同义句)He didnt reply_ to my question.Task 3Learning action tips:1First students finish the dialogue in self check 2Let students read the invitation in self check 2,require students to give a proper reply and give a reasonable reason.3Let students read aloud and act the invitation out and reply in self check 2 in role in pairs. Teacher pays attentions to students pronunciation and corrects it in time.【备注】2I can use.(我会用)结合课文内容,引导学生完成3a的问题。让学生阅读课文,注意写邀请函要包含的信息。3I can write.(我会写作)让学生根据3b发出的邀请函,写一篇回复拒绝,然后读给自己的搭档听。Dear Jim,UK. I am going to see him at the airport on Tuesday, and show him around the city. However, thanks for inviting me to your party all the same. I hope you all have a good time.交流展示生成新知Preshow:Show in groups. (Time: six minutes)Task 1:First read the words and phrases in groups,then read together and sum up the usage of the words in groups,mark the difficult words in pronunciation and understanding(students can ask teacher for help)At last,write them on the blackboard.Task 2:First discuss and check the answers of Task 2 in groups, then discuss and set scenes to perform the dialogues,write them on the blackboard.Promotion show:Class show. (Time:sixteen minutes)Task 1:1.I can read.(1)Read together, pay attention to the pronunciation of “event”,“guest” and “calendar”;(2)Consolidate the words by word games.2I can write.(1)Translate the phrases into English or Chinese by answering quickly;(2)Read together;(3)Spot test:consolidate the usage of the phrases by making sentences.3I can summarize.(1)Sum up the usage of modal verb“can”;(2)Spot test: consolidate with exercises,check the answers by answering quickly, then explain with “Method coach”Task 2:1.I can make conversations.(1)Choose some students to translate the dialogues in Task 2;(2)Read together.2I can use.(1)Finish 3a,check answers and explain methods;(2)Read together;(3)Imitate the passage according to different scenes,ask 1or 2 students to report in oral.3I can write.(1)Imitate 3a and write an invitation according to 3b ;(2)Write a reply.当堂演练达成目标根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1Youd better write everything you have to do next week on the calendar2Thank you for inviting me to your party.3How many major sports events are there in this year?4He gave me no chance to reply to his question.5There were many guests at her birthday party.课后反思查漏补缺收获:_存在困惑:_4 / 4


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