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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册 Unit 3Our HobbiesTopic 3 Section A 教案 仁爱版撰写人:_时 间:_.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1.Learn some new words:shower, radio, duck2. Learn the past continuous tense:(1) What were you doing at this time yesterday? I was taking a shower.(2) What were you doing from seven to nine yesterday? I was learning English.(3) Yes, I was./No, I wasnt.(4) What was he/she doing at nine oclock last Sunday morning?3. Go on learning some useful expressions on making a telephone call:(1) May I speak to Jane?(2) Hold the line, please. Teaching aids 教具图片/录音机/小黑板/多媒体课件/幻灯片/玩具电话/照片. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:15分钟)通过唱英语歌,看图说话等形式复习现在进行时并导入过去进行时;借助图片呈现新单词,为导入新课作准备。1. (用一首英文歌,营造愉快的课堂氛围,师生问答复习现在进行时。) T:Good morning, everyone! What a nice day! Im glad to see you. Ss:Glad to see you, too! T:Do you want to sing a song with me? Ss:Yes. T:OK. First listen to me. Then follow me.Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping?Brother John, brother John.Morning bells ringing. Morning bells ringing.Ding dong ding. Ding dong ding. (教师教学生唱这首歌。) T:Do you understand this song? Ss:Yes. T:Who can tell me what kind of tense it uses in this song? S1:The present continuous tense. (教师帮助学生回答。) T:Who can tell me the form of the present continuous tense? S2:be (am/is/are)+doing T:Please look at these pictures. Then make similar conversations after the example.(把以下四幅图片逐一展示给学生,让学生用现在进行时练习对话。)Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4Example:T:Look at the young woman. Is she running?S3:No, she isnt.T:What is she doing?S3:She is dancing.2. (教师设置情境,由现在进行时,导入过去进行时。)T:What time is it now?Ss:Its (视具体情况回答。)T:What are we doing now?Ss:We are having an English class now.T:Good. You are having an English class now. But you were having a math class at this timeyesterday.(教师手指班内的课程表,帮助学生理解该句的含义。)(板书)You were having a math class at this time yesterday.(教师板书、解释过去进行时的概念及结构,并与现在进行时进行对比。)(板书)present continuous tense: be (am/is/are)+v.-ingpast continuous tense: be (was/were)+ v. -ingT:Can you say a few sentences with the past continuous tense?S4:I was doing my homework at this time yesterday.S5:3. (教师再次展示之前四幅图片中的Picture 1,师生对话操练过去进行时的特殊疑问句。)T:OK. Look at this picture. What was the girl doing at this time yesterday?Ss: She was dancing at this time yesterday.(板书)What was the girl doing at this time yesterday?4. (教师出示一个小女孩在淋浴的图片。)T:What is she doing?Ss:She is taking a bath.T:Right. We can also say she is taking a shower.(板书,解释shower,并要求掌握。)shower5. (教师出示一个学生在听收音机的图片。)T: What is the boy doing? He is listening to the radio.(板书并要求掌握。)radioT:S6, do you often listen to the radio?S6:Yes, I do./No, I dont.(出示一女孩在吃烤鸭的图片,图片下方注明时间“at twelve, yesterday”。)T:What was the girl doing at twelve yesterday?Ss:She was having lunch.T:Yes, she was eating Beijing roast duck.(板书并要求学生掌握duck,理解roast。)Beijing roast duckStep 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 7分钟)通过听录音回答问题,跟读并查找关键词句,初步学习目标语言。学习1a。1. (让学生听1a录音,回答问题。)T: Now we are having an English lesson. What is Jane doing now? What was Jane doing at this time yesterday? Lets listen to 1a and find out the answers to these questions.(出示小黑板。)(1)What is Jane doing now?(2)What was Jane doing at this time yesterday?(核对答案。)2. (让学生跟读1a录音,并画出关键词句。)T: Listen to the tape and repeat it, then find out the key words and sentences.(板书并讲解关键词句。)HelloThis is May I Hold the lineWhat are doing?practicing the violinat this time yesterdaycallednobody answeredtaking a shower3. (让学生再读1a,总结本课的电话交际用语并板书。)(1)May I speak to ?(2)Hold the line, please.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)通过表演对话和编对话,使学生在交际中掌握过去进行时的用法。巩固1a,完成1b。1. (播放多媒体课件,学生与多媒体对话。练习1a。)(教师充当Janes mother。)T: OK, lets make a conversation with CAI. Im Janes mother. Youre Maria. Begin!Example:T:Hello!Ss:Hello! This is Maria speaking. May I speak to Jane?T:Hold the line, please.CAI: Hello, Maria!Ss:Hello! What are you doing, Jane?.2. (转换角色,让学生充当Jane。) T:Practice the dialog in roles again. Now, you act as Jane.3. (三个学生一组根据黑板上的关键词及1a的挂图,练习并表演对话。)(两分钟后请几组学生表演,利用玩具电话操作。)T:Please use the toy phone to practice the dialog in groups of three according to the key words and sentences. In two minutes, Ill ask several groups to act them out in the front.4. (学生两人一组操练对话,完成1b。) T:Please look at the pictures in 1b. Then make conversations with your partner after the example.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:7分钟)通过接龙游戏,表演对话以及做调查,使学生熟练运用过去进行时态。完成2a和2b。1. (师生对话,导入过去进行时的一般疑问句。)T:I was watching TV at nine oclock last night. Were you watching TV at that time last night?S1:Yes, I was.S2:No, I wasnt. I was sleeping.(板书并讲解过去进行时的一般疑问句的构成及简略答语。)Were you watching TV ?Yes, I was./No, I wasnt.(让学生做接龙游戏,操练过去进行时的一般疑问句。)T:Lets play a game in chains. Practice the general question of the past continuous tense after the example.Example:S3: I was doing my homework at eight oclock last night. Were you doing your homework then?S4: Yes, I was. Were you doing your homework at eight oclock last night?S5: No, I wasnt. I was listening to music. Were you listening to music at that time?S6: 2. (让学生根据2a的图片,模仿例子进行操练。)T:Please look at these pictures in 2a. Ask and answer in pairs after the example. Ill ask several pairs to act them out in the front.Example:S7: What were you doing from seven to nine yesterday?S8: I was listening to the radio. Were you listening to the radio?S7: Yes, I was. / No, I wasnt.(请几组学生进行表演。)3. (学生做小记者进行调查。)(将全班学生分成五人一组,每组挑选一名小记者调查本组的成员。)Example:R:What were you doing at nine oclock last Sunday morning?S9:I was reading English.R:What were you doing at nine oclock last Sunday morning?S10:I was running.(让学生根据调查结果向全班做一个报告,完成2b。)T:Give a report to your class according to the survey and finish 2b.G1:G2:(对于报告流畅的小组,给予表扬。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:6分钟)通过看照片编对话和做调查写报告的形式,培养学生综合运用所学知识的能力。1. (通过多媒体课件出示多张本班学生的照片,照片人物所做的动作各不相同,让学生就所看到的动作,依次完成一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时、过去进行时共四种时态的转换。)(照片上显示男生A正在打篮球。根据照片进行对话。)T:What does A usually do on the playground after school?Ss:He usually plays basketball.T:Did he play it yesterday?Ss:Sorry. I dont know.T:Is he playing football now?Ss:No, he isnt.T:What is he doing now?Ss:He is playing basketball.T:What was he doing at five yesterday?Ss:He was playing basketball.(学生两人一组做类似对话,可用各种句型。)2. (用幻灯片出示表格,让学生两人一组,互相询问上星期天的各个时间段在做什么,然后将调查结果填入表格。)T:Please make a survey in pairs about what your partner was doing at different times last Sunday. Then fill the results into the table.NameTimeWhat was he/she doing? 6:007:00 a.m. 9:0010:00 a.m. 11:0012:00 a.m. 2:003:00 p.m. 5:006:00 p.m. 8:009:00 p.m. (教师提问几名学生,并给予评价。)3. Homework:根据你上星期天的真实活动情况写一份报告,并总结自己的星期天过得怎样。板书设计:What were you doing from seven to nine yesterday?Section Aduckam/is/are+v.-ingtake a bath = take a showerwas/were+v.-inglisten to the radioMay I speak to Jane?Hold the line, please.7 / 7

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