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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册 module1How to learn English 教案 外研版撰写人:_时 间:_(一)(二) : 知识技能目标: () 词汇:围绕本单元话题,学会准确地发音和使用translate, translation, correct, match, number, repeat, grammar, pronunciation, spelling, term, advice, write down, mistake, notebook, else, radio, newspaper, message, each other, excellent, orchestra等词汇 () 语法功能:熟练掌握how about, you should/shouldnt do, why dont you? Its a good idea to , try (not) to 等结构,并运用这些结构向别人征求或提出建议,谈论英语学习的方法,能够听懂并从中获取有效信息情感目标:通过一系列听说练习和对征求或提出建议的表达方式的学习,使学生会理解西方人如何提建议,掌握与他人交流时语言的得体性,掌握如何照顾对方的情感并对他人的建议表示感谢教学重点和难点: 通过一定量的听说训练, 使学生熟练掌握提建议的表达方式, 并可以运 用所学习的语言知识点流畅的与他人交流. 培养学生学习的计划性和策略性.4. 教学步骤: Step1: Lead-in活动: ask and answerT: We have learnt English for such a long time, are you sure about how to learn English? Do you often talk about your good ways you learn English?设计意图: 导入本单元话题, 在开学第一课就提醒学生总结学习方法, 激发学生学习兴趣, 指导本学期英语学习, 为下一步教学的展开做好铺垫.Step 2: presentation1. Words:活动: ask and answer T: Q1: When we learn English, we practice pronunciation and listening, what else do we learn about English? S: discuss in groups and answer. (grammar, reading, speaking, vocabulary, writing, translating) T: Q2: How to practice these things? (answer, ask, check, correct, match, number, repeat, say, write,translate)设计意图:通过问答,让学生自主学习本单元新词汇,包括准确的发音和正确的使用单词,并初步总结以往英语学习方法 活动: listening T: Look at the words in Activity 2, listen and match them with the conversations.设计意图:巩固刚才学习过的英语单词,锻炼学生听的能力,使学生听懂相应的文字材料2. Expressions: 活动:drilling T: make a questionnaire and let the students choose the one they are best at, and then tell the whole class their ways to manage it with the structures asked. (以vocabulary为例) TQ1: Who is not good at vocabulary? S: finish the questionnaire and hands up if they are not good at a certain item. TQ2: give the class an example to give suggestions then ask: if you are good at vocabulary, can you give your suggestions about vocabulary like me? S: hands up if they think they are good at vocabulary.ItemsI am best atThe ways to manage it备注Vocabulary用you should/shouldnt do给出建议Reading用How about doing给出建议Speaking用try to / try not to do给出建议Listening用why dont you给出建议writing用Its a good idea to do 给出建议Punctuation自己选择一种方法给出建议设计意图:通过问答练习,让学生就英语学习方法进行交流,并进一步熟悉和巩固以前学习的有关提建议的表达方式,充分训练本单元的语言功能项目活动:dialogueT: When you learn English, you can meet with all kinds of problems, please make a dialogue to talk about your troubles in your English study and give suggestions.S: work in small groups and make a dialogue with the structures they learnt just now. Show the dialogue to the whole class.设计意图:以小组为单位,运用所学语言结构作对话,巩固刚刚学习过的语言结构,使学生掌握和流畅地使用该结构合理地向别人提出建议;照顾对方情感,交流英语学习方法,促进共同进步。Step 3: dialogue活动:listening TQ: listen to the tape and fill in the blanks in Activity 4.S: listen carefully and take some notes in the form in Activity 4, and check the answer.设计意图:锻炼学生听力,以及边听边写的瞬时记忆的能力,将所学语言结构放在具体的语言环境下,使学生能听懂关于提建议的英语对话,进一步巩固所学知识点,同时帮助学生实现正确的语音语调的输入。活动:read the dialogueT: let the students open the book and read the dialogue in different roles, and show it in class.S: finish the task in groups. 设计意图:分角色朗读对话,让学生体会语言使用的情感,并在语言环境中进行模仿练习,激发学生学习热情,为后面的语言创新练习做好铺垫.活动3: make a new dialogueT: let the students make a new dialogue and talk about their own problems with the structures they learnt in class. Show the dialogue in class.设计意图: 在原有对话的基础上进行创造性的发挥, 构成一个新对话, 巩固所学语言结构, 锻炼学生的综合语言运用能力, 激发学生的创造性, 检测学生对本单元语言知识的掌握程度.Step 4: morality and homework活动1: morality T: We always meet with all kinds of problems not only in English, also in other subjects. But it is always happy to help others to solve the problems. When you help others, you are promoting your own improvement.设计意图: 使学生情感得以拓展升华, 更加明确本单元学习的必要性, 指导学生在以后 的学习中有目的有方法对学习进行及时的总结,并乐于助人.活动2: homeworkT: write down all the good suggestions you get in class, use the structure as many as possible. 设计意图: 总结课堂所学的提建议的表达方式, 总结课堂上所获得的对自己有效的英语 学习方法, 培养学生学习的策略性. 课题: Unit 2 Please help me!一 课型: reading and writing二 教学目标1. 知识技能目标(1) 词汇 围绕本单元话题,学会准确地读出和使用improve, conversation, breath, basic, language, shy, remember, enjoy yourself,等词语。(2) 语法 巩固已学过的向别人提建议的表达方式和相应答语, 能够使用这一语法功能项目进行表达和交流。(3) 技能 通过听磁带能够初步了解文章所讲述的内容,并同时找出文章中所讲到的英语学习工程中出现的三个具体问题分别是什么; 通过阅读课文能够快速找出所需要的有效信息。2. 情感目标通过对细节阅读能力的培养, 使学生了解文中讲到的三种英语学习问题的有效解决方法, 培养学生恰当的向他人提建议的方式, 照顾他人, 乐于助人的情感。3. 教学重点和难点通过小组合作的方式,提高学生快速掌握文章脉络并且迅速获取有效信息的阅读能力;具有注重培养并逐步形成策略性学习的意识;巩固已学过的向他人提建议的英语表达方式及其答语, 使学生会运用该结构进行表达与交流。三 教学过程Step 1. lead-in:活动:ask and answerT: Whats your favourite subject at school? Do you think English difficult?T: show the title, and ask : Whats your problem about English study?S: Think carefully and answer.设计意图:导入课文,通过题目谈论并预测文章内容。激发学生学习兴趣,调动学习积极性, 复习上一单元所学习的知识,为下一步教学的展开做好铺垫。Step 2. pre-reading 活动:listening TQ: Which ones can you hear from the tape? A. Understanding real EnglishB. Translating English into ChineseC. Learning vocabularyD. Writing in English E. Speaking English S: listen carefully and make a choice. (A, C, E)设计意图:锻炼学生听力,并以此让学生能够初步了解文章大概内容,进一步熟悉本单元话题。Step 3: while-reading 活动1:fast reading TQ:Put the three choices in right order. (A, E, C) 设计意图:锻炼学生快速阅读能力,把握文章主要内容和文章脉络。 活动2:skimming and scanning Para. 1: T: Are there a few questions in English study? S: read and find out the answer quickly. Para. 2-3: T: Whats the problem? What about the suggestion? Do you have other suggestions for Li Hao?S: read and answer, discuss about the answer of the third question in small groups. Para. 4-5: T: Whats the problem? What about the suggestion? Let the students act out “take a deep breath and smile”. Para. 6-7: T: Whats the problem? What about the suggestion? Give the students more suggestions about pronunciation and spelling. 设计意图:逐一阅读并分析文中提及的三个英语学习的具体问题,锻炼学生快速获取有效信息能力,通过交流,做动作和听取老师给与更多建议的方式,让学生形成好的正确的英语学习方法的概念,培养学生英语学习的策略性,锻炼学生英语表达能力。活动3:retelling S: read the passage loudly, work in small groups of four, and try to make a dialogue to act out the text.设计意图:纵观课文,从总体上把握文章内容并内化成自己的东西。让学生最后用自己的对话将课文中内容用自己的语言表达出来,锻炼学生的英语思维,口语表达等一系列综合语言运用能力。Step 4:post-reading活动:exercises S: finish off the exercises in activity 3, check the answers in class. 设计意图:纵观课文,巩固课文中所学到的英语学习的方法,培养英语学习的策略性。Step 5: morality and homework 活动:moralityS: choose one of the classmates, and tell him or her what you want to help them with.设计意图:让学生通过选择自己在英语学习方面帮助的对象,促使其主动的总结自己在英语学习中做得较好的方面的经验和方法,增强自信心,培养乐于助人的精神。活动:homeworkT: list the things which you are better at, and summarize the experience, share with your classmates. 设计意图:让学生抓住时机及时总结自己在英语学习中较成功的地方,激发英语学习热情,学习他人经验,取长补短,指导今后英语学习。Unit 3 Language in use三. 课型: revision and application一. 教学目标(一) 知识技能目标(1) 词汇 围绕本单元话题,巩固本模块以学习过的三会四会词汇, 能够准确读写并熟 练运用这些单词和词组, 如 translate, correct, pronunciation, excellent, improve, conversation, write down, each other, enjoy yourself, all the time等(2) 语法 学会使用remember to do 结构向他人提出建议, 巩固已学过的用英语向他人提建议的表达方式以及相应的答语, 能够熟练的运用, 表达, 并能完成相应的语法练习题。(3) 技能 能够听懂磁带, 理解所听到的语篇内容,完成一定的听力联系任务。(二) 情感目标通过一定的听说读写练习, 拓展话题, 培养学生学习的策略性, 乐于助人的情感。(三) 教学重点和难点通过小组合作的方式,和听说读写的练习, 使学生熟练掌握提建议的表达方式及其相应的答语, 会恰当的使用不同的提建议表达方式向别人提出建议, 完成一定的练习任务. 二. 教学过程Step 1. lead-in: 活动: ask and answer T: Do you think English is hard to learn? When you meet with some problems in your English study, what do you usually do? 设计意图: 导入本单元授课内容, 为下一步教学活动的进行做好铺垫. Step 2. Listening 活动1: listen and check S: listen to the tape carefully, and check the expressions of advice in activity 1. Check the answers. 设计意图: 通过听力练习, 锻炼学生在听力材料中获取有效的细节信息能力, 帮助学生复 习已经学习过的提建议表达方式, 熟悉相应的语言环境, 拓宽语言应用环境, 拓宽学生思维. 活动2: listen and answer S: listen carefully again and answer the questions in activity 2. Check the answers. 设计意图: 帮助学生更深层的理解对话内容, 使提建议的语言应用环境进一步清晰, 用 口头回答的方式, 锻炼学生的口语表达能力.Step 3. Drilling 活动1:speaking T: I have a student, hes Jack, he has a big problem in English study. Look at the pictures and tell me why cant he learn English well? S: open the book and talk about the pictures in small groups. 设计意图: 学生通过小组讨论的方式, 共同分析总结英语学习成绩不令人满意的原因, 同 时启迪学生当自己成绩不理想时, 注意分析自己的主观原因, 提醒学生逐一英 语学习的策略性. 活动2: speaking T: Can you give Jack some good suggestions about English study? S: discuss in small groups, find out a series of good English study strategies, and tell the class. 设计意图:小组合作锻炼学生的团队合作意识,通过帮助别人制定英语学习策略,激发英语学习的热情和对英语学习策略的探究热情,促进学生间交流,同时也是帮助学生自己制定学习策略活动3:speaking and writing T: There is another girl called Helen, she has a problem in English study, suppose you are the Language Doctor, finish all the blanks in Activity 6. 设计意图:巩固练习,检测对英语学习策略的掌握程度.Step 4: writing 活动:writing T: give each of the students a piece of paper, S: Let them write down their problems in English study on the top of the paper. Give the paper to one of their friends. Let them write down the suggestions at the bottom of the paper. Give the paper back. T: Choose some of the students to read out the suggestions on the paper, the whole class add some more suggestions to the paper. 设计意图:为别人写出建议,锻炼学生动笔能力,一帮一结对的方式,培养学生合作,互相帮助的精神,增强班集体凝聚力活动2: match S: with the words in activity 8, match to make different phrases as many as they can in small groups, check which group get the most phrases. 活动 设计意图:基础短语组合训练学生对基础知识点的掌握,同时为了激发学生们的学习热情,活跃学生英语思维,活跃课堂气氛, 鼓励英语基础弱的学生们的英语学习信心Step 5: around the world 活动: reading and talking S: read the material and talk in class about more different kinds of English materials for improving their English. 设计意图:了解更多有助于英语提高的文字刊物,并集思广益,共同寻找其它种类的有助于英语学习的刊物或英语文字材料。 Step 6: homework T: make a plan for English improvement based on the suggestions you have got from the classmates. 设计意图:综合本模块中所获得的适合自己的英语学习方法,制定合理的学习计划,培养学生英语学习的策略性,增强英语学习的效率和趣味性,增强学生英语学习的信心。10 / 10

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