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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册 Unit 4 Whats the best movie theater Section B(2a-2e)学案 (新人教版)撰写人:_时 间:_1学生能掌握本课时的核心重点单词和短语,读懂文章。2学生会运用比较级和最高级描述人物的才能。3学生能通过开展小组活动学习,了解一些选秀节目的实质及目的,正确对待生活中的一些歌星及影星,不要盲目地追风,做追星族。【学习重点】学会并掌握阅读技巧,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综合阅读能力。【学习难点】通过阅读训练和交流,理解短文并完成相关要求Learning action tips:Play some talent shows to the students, and ask:Whats it? Which is your favorite show? Why?Students talk freely, and three minutes later, the teacher lead to learn the superlative degree of adjective.Task 1Learning action tips: Preview the words on Page29 in the word list. Students read the words by phonetic symbols, then underline new words in 2b and mark the Chinese meaning.【Method coach】watch 为感官动词,意为“观看;注视”watch sb. do sth.“观看某人做某事”(经常发生或已做过的事情);watch sb. doing sth.“观看某人正在做某事”(强调所做的事正在进行中)。同watch这种结构一样的还有:see,look at, notice, hear等动词。Thats/ Its up to sb. to do sth. 表示“由某人决定做某事”。常用于口语交际中。play a role in sth./ doing sth.意为“在方面发挥作用”。【导练】(1)When I walked past the park, I saw some old people doing (do) Chinese Taiji.(2)Its up to you to_decide (decide) what to buy.(3)学校在教育中起着最为重要的作用。 Schools play_the_most_important_role_in_ education.情景导入生成问题1T:What is it?S:_2T:Which is your favorite show? why?S:_自学互研生成能力Task 1Lets read the new words and the phrases.1I can read.(我会读)talent, have seriously, give2I can write.(我会写)翻译下列短语 :(1)be good at擅长于(2)才艺秀talent_show(3)around the world全世界 (4)有一个共同点have_one_thing_in_(5)look for寻找 (6)the most talented dancers最有才艺的舞者(7)各种各样的人们 all_kinds_of_people(8)sing the most beautifully 唱得最优美(9)认真对待 takeseriously(10)get a very good prize 得到一个很好的奖(11)由决定 be_up_to (12)play a role发挥作用(13)编造(故事,谎言等)make_up (14)for example 例如3I can understand.(我会理解)请尝试翻译以下课文中的句子。(特别注意画线部分的单词)(1)Its always interesting to_watch other people show their talents.观看其他人展示他们的才艺总是有趣的。(2)Talent shows are getting more_and_more_popular才艺表演节目越来越受欢迎。(3)Thats up to you to_decide那由你自己来决定。(4)They usually play a role in_deciding the winner.他们通常在决定获胜中发挥作用。(5)However, if you dont take these shows too seriously,_they are fun to_watch但是如果你不把这些节目太当回事,它们还是有看头的。你还有不太懂的句子吗?请把它们写下来,并在组内讨论时翻译成中文。_Task 2Read 2b and get the main idea of the passage.1Fast reading.(快读)(1)请写出2b问题的答案。Which three talent shows are mentioned?American_Idol,_Americas_Got_Talent,_Chinas_Got_Talent.(2)完成P30页2d的任务,画线标出2b中所有的最高级。2Careful reading.(细读)(1)细读文章,回答问题。They_try_to_look_for_the_best_singers,_the_most_talented_dancers,_the_most_exciting_magicians,_the_funniest_actors_and_so_on.Task 2Learning action tips:1Fast reading.Students read the passage quickly,know the main idea well and finish the tasks in 2b,2c.Students try to translate the difficult sentences in the passage.2Careful reading.Students read the passage carefully, then finish the chart and answer the questions after reading.Finish the task in 2d.3【Method coach】不定式做主语时常用it作形式主语,而将真正的主语放在句末,其结构为:Itsadj.for sb.to do sth.have意为“有相同特征”。【导练】(1)Its hard for me to_dance (dance) well.(2)我和我姐姐有很多相似之处。I have_a_lot_in_ with my sister.Task 3Learning action tips:,then fill the results in the diagram.At last have a report.Teacher: Make a survey,whos got talent in our group/in our class?When you interview, you can ask your classmates like this: Who is the best dancer/singer/soccer player?Who plays basketball/ speaks English/best?【备注】 Who decides the winner? The_people_who_watch_it.Why do some people not like these shows?Because_some_people_think_that_the_lives_of_the_performers_are_made_up.(2)完成教材2d的任务。让学生读课文,然后至少用四个最高级写句子。Best_singer:In_my_class,_Tom_is_the_best_singer_because_he_can_sing_fast_songs_very_well.3I can retell.(我会复述)你能写下文章的要点,并根据它们进行复述吗?大胆挑战一下自我吧!_Task 3Finish 2e.结合2e的内容,使用下列句型进行采访,先小组内交流,再把采访结果填入表格,最后做汇报。Who is the best dancer/ singer/ soccer player ?Li Fei is.How many students agree with him?Twenty.交流展示生成新知Preshow:Show in groups. (Time: six minutes)Task 1: First read the words and phrases in groups,then read together and sum up the usage of the words in groups,mark the difficult words in pronunciation and understanding(students can ask teacher for help)At last,write them on the blackboard.Task 2: First discuss and check the answers of Task 2 in groups, then discuss and set scenes to perform the dialogues, use different reading methods to understand the text.At last,write them on the blackboard.Promotion show:Class show. (Time:sixteen minutes)Task 1:1.I can read.(1)Read together,pay attention to the pronunciation of seriously;(2)Consolidate the words by word games.2I can write.(1)Translate the phrases into English or Chinese by answering quickly;(2)Read together;(3)Spot test:consolidate the usage of the phrases by making sentences.3I can understand.(1)Help students to translate the key sentences with the phrases in “I can write”;(2) Distinguish the key words with method coach,consolidate by finishing the exercises,check the answers by answering quickly.Task 2:1.Fast reading.(1)Read the passage quickly and understand the main idea;(2)Answer questions by spotting test.2Careful reading.(1)Read the passage with the questions,then answer them in details;(2)Read the passage again,use the information to finish the questions;(3)Write sentences about the superlative degrees according to the answers. 3I can retell.(1)Retell talent shows, write the key words or sentences on the blackboard;(2)Interview classmates with the superlative degrees, finish 2e and ask students to report.当堂演练达成目标根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1Movie World has the worst service2Lisa showed her talent for singing.3Tony has little in common with Larry. Tony is different from Larry.4Many people, for example,_Chen Yanxi, like to have coffee in the morning.5Tom was the winner and he won a prize课后反思查漏补缺收获:_存在困惑:_4 / 4

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