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教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册 Module 7 A famous story模块教案 (新版)外研版撰写人:_时 间:_A.单词和短语:fall, follow, hole, rabbit, ssh, ground, tea party, twice, once or twice, suddenly, pink, pocket, field, think about, deep, while, land, dry B.交际用语:1. Ssh!2. Sorry!3. Whats the book?Its about4. Why was it running?5. Alice was sitting with her sister by the river. 6. It was sitting in a tree and was smiling at everyone.7. They were having a tea party in the garden.8. She was playing a strange game!9. Where was it going?10. To see if you remember the story! 11.The Cheshire Cat was sitting on the grass. No, it wasnt. It was sitting in a tree.12. The white rabbit was looking at its watch. Yes, it was. 13 What were you doing at 5 am yesterday? I was getting up. 二. 教学目标1. Function: Telling a story2. Structure: Past continuous3. Skills: 1) Listening and understanding the plot development of Alices Adventures in Wonderland. Understanding the major characters and events.2) Participating in a role-play with the teachers guidance.3) Reading and understanding the sequence of events in Alices Adventures in Wonderland. 4) Writing a short passage about what happened after Alice fell down the rabbit hole.4. Around the world: Stories5. Task: Writing a short story about your own experience.三、重点及难点: Grammar: Past continuous 四、教学设计: Unit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river.Teaching modelListening and speaking Teaching method PWP approach Teaching aims1. Key vocabulary: fall, follow, hole, rabbit, ssh, ground, tea party2. Key structures: Past continuous: was / were + v-ing Teaching aidsTape recorder, OHP , videoTeaching StepsStep 1 Warming-up1. Enjoy a play: Alices Adventures in Wonderland2. Show some pictures and tell the story: Alices Adventures in Wonderland3. Look at the pictures, and talk something about the pictures.4. Introduce the new words.5. Learn the new words.6. Read the new words.Step 2 Listening practice.1. Ask the students to read the words in the box in Activity 1.fall follow hole rabbit strange2. Play the recording once without stopping.3. Listen and underline the correct words.4. Play the recording again and ask the whole class to check with a partner.5. Check the answers: Step 3 Listening practice.1. Ask the students to look at the pictures and read through the sentences in Activity 2.2. Play the recording once without stopping.3. Listen and underline the correct words.4. Play the recording again and ask the whole class to check with a partner.5. Check the answers: Step 4 Listen and read.1. Show some pictures, and ask the students to talk about them.2. Ask the students to read the conversation silently.3. Play the recording and ask the students to listen and read the conversation.4. Read the conversation.5. Act it out.6. Learn “Everyday English”1) Ssh!2) Sorry!3) Its about1. Ask the students to read the sentences in the box in Activity 3.2. Read through the sentences. 1) Alice was _ with her _ by the river.2) The white rabbit with a _ ran past.3) The Mad Hatter, the March Hare and a mouse were having a _ party.4) The Queen of Hearts was _ a strange game.3. 4. Ask the students to check with a partner.5. Check the answers: Keys:1. sitting sister 2. watch3. tea 4. playing Step 6 1. Ask the students to read the words in the box in Activity 4.fall hole smile strange watch2. Read through the sentences. 1) Something is _ if it is not usual. 2) You _ when you are happy.3) You can wear a _. It tells you the time.4) A rabbit _ is a place where rabbits live.5) You _ when you move down quickly to the ground3. 4. Ask the students to check with a partner.5. Check the answers: Keys: 1. strange 2. smile 3. watch 4. hole 5. fallStep 7 Listen and repeat.1. Play the recording once without stopping.2. Play the recording again and ask the whole class to repeat.1) The Cheshire Cat was sitting on the grass. No, it wasnt. It was sitting in a tree.2) The white rabbit was looking at its watch. Yes, it was. 3. Now work in pairs. Listen and repeat.Step 8 Work in pairs.1. Ask the students to read the conversations in Activity 6 aloud.2. Do an interview.Student A: You are a school newspaper reporter. Youre interviewing a school basketball star about what he did yesterday. Student B: You are a star on your school basketball team. A school newspaper reporter is interviewing you. What were you doing at 5 am yesterday? I was getting up. 3. Work in pairs.Step 9 Grammar一般来说,过去进行时是指“过去的某一时间进行发生的动作或事情”。一、结构1. 过去进行时由“主语+was/were + 现在分词”构成 例如: We were having supper when the phone rang. 我们正在吃晚饭时电话响了。2. 过去进行时的否定式由“was/were not +现在分词”构成 例如: This time yesterday Jack was not watching TV. He was repairing his bike. 昨天这个时候,杰克不是在看电视,而是在修理自行车。3. 过去进行时的疑问式由“was/were +主语+ 现在分词”构成例如: Were you playing basketball at four yesterday afternoon?昨天下午四点你们在打篮球吗?二、基本用法1. 过去进行时的基本用法主要表示过去某一时间正在进行的动作。如:He fell asleep when he was reading. 他看书时睡着了。2. 过去进行时表示感情色彩与现在进行时相似,过去进行时也可表示满意、称赞、惊讶、厌恶等感情色彩,也通常与always,forever,continually等副词连用。如:They were always quarrelling. 他们老是吵架。 3. 常用的时间状语:this morning,the whole morning,all day,yesterday,from nine to ten last evening,when,while,at that time,just now,a moment ago常见考法: 对于过去进行时的考查,多以单选、词语运用或完形填空的形式考查学生在具体语境中灵活运用时态的能力。在考试中,会让大家判断是否该用过去进行时。典型例题1:Mary_ a dress when she cut her finger.A. made B. is making C. was making D. makes解析:割伤手指是已发生的事情,应用过去时。同时,when表时间的同时性,表示“割伤手指”的时候“玛丽做衣服”的动作正在进行,它提供事情发生的背景,因此用过去进行时。答案C.Step 10 Do exercises:A. 用动词的正确形式填空。1. John _(work) all day yesterday.2. They _(talk) to each other when the teacher came into the classroom .3. What _ you _(do) at ten oclock yesterday I _(study)in class4. When Harry _(have) breakfast Lily _(telephone) him 5. When I _ (go) to school this morning I _ (see) a car running into a bus6. This time yesterday Jack _ (mend) his bike.7. I _ (write) a letter at ten last night.8. It was six. The Greens _ (have) supper.9. When you _ (knock) at the door yesterday , I _ (do) some washing.10. While my mother _(watch) TV, I _(make) a kite.Keys: 1. was working 2. were talking 3. were, doing; was studying 4. was having; telephoned 5. was going; saw 6. was mending 7. was writing 8. were having 9. knocked; was doing 10. was watching; was makingB. 单词拼写 1. _(突然) it began to rain heavily . 2. How_ (奇怪的) it sounds .3. They are digging _(洞) to plant trees .4. There are all kinds of _ (手表) in that museum.5. Many trees_(倒下) in yesterdays storm .Keys : 1. Suddenly 2. strange 3. holes 4. watches 5. fell C. 中考链接( ) 1. Yesterday evening, I _ along the street when I suddenly met my teacher. A. walk B. walked C. was walking D. am walking( ) 2. Why didnt you answer my telephone yesterday? Sorry. I _ a bath. A. took B. take C. am taking D. was taking( ) 3. When I came back yesterday evening, my brother_ homework. A. is doing B. has done C. was doing Keys: 1.C 2. D 3. C Step 11 HomeworkRemember the words of Unit 1 and prepare the text of Unit 2.Unit 2 She was thinking about her cat.一、学习目标:A.单词和短语:fall ,follow, hole, rabbit, ssh, ground, tea party, twice, once or twice, suddenly, pink, pocket, field, think about, deep, while, land, dry B.交际用语:1. Ssh!2. Sorry!3. Whats the book?Its about4. Why was it running?5. Alice was sitting with her sister by the river. 6. It was sitting in a tree and was smiling at everyone.7. They were having a tea party in the garden.8. She was playing a strange game!9. Where was it going?10. To see if you remember the story! 11.The Cheshire Cat was sitting on the grass. No, it wasnt. It was sitting in a tree.12. The white rabbit was looking at its watch. Yes, it was. 13 What were you doing at 5 am yesterday? I was getting up. 二. 教学目标1. Function: Telling a story2. Structure: Past continuous3. Skills: 1) Listening and understanding the plot development of Alices Adventures in Wonderland. Understanding the major characters and events.2) Participating in a role-play with the teachers guidance.3) Reading and understanding the sequence of events in Alices Adventures in Wonderland. 4) Writing a short passage about what happened after Alice fell down the rabbit hole.4. Around the world: Stories5. Task: Writing a short story about your own experience.三、重点及难点: Grammar: Past continuous 四、教学设计:Unit 2 She was thinking about her cat.Teaching modelReading and writing. Teaching method Top-down approach Teaching aims1. Listening and understanding the plot development of Alices Adventures in Wonderland. Understanding the major characters and events.2. Participating in a role-play with the teachers guidance.3. Reading and understanding the sequence of events in Alices Adventures in Wonderland. 4. Writing a short passage about what happened after Alice fell down the rabbit hole.Teaching Objectives 1. Key vocabulary: twice, once or twice, suddenly, pink, pocket, field, think about, deep, while, land, dry2. Keys structure: Past continuous: was / were + v-ingTeaching aidsRecorder , OHP , videoTeaching StepsStep 1 Warming-up1. Enjoy a play: Alices Adventures in Wonderland2. Review the text of Unit 1. 3. Show some pictures.4. Look at the pictures, and talk something about the pictures.Step 2 Work in pairs.1. Ask the students to look at the picture in Activity 2 and say what you think is strange.1. It is standing up on its back legs. Rabbits can only walk on four legs. 2. It is wearing clothes. Rabbits dont wear clothes. 3. It is looking at a pocket watch. Rabbits dont carry watches and cant tell the time.2. Introduce the new words.3. Learn the new words.4. Read the new words.Step 3 Reading.1. Play the recording and listen to the tape carefully.2. Read the start of Alices Adventures in Wonderland and guess what happens next.3. Ask the students to read through the passage.4. Read the passage by themselves.5. Read the text together.Step 4 Number the events in the order.1. Read the passage again.2. Number the events in the order they happened in Activity 3.a) Alice landed on some dry leaves. b) Alice was sitting by the river with her sister. c) Alice fell down a hole. d) A rabbit ran by. e) Alice ran across the field after the rabbit.3. Check with a partner.4. Call back the answers from the whole class.Keys: a) 5 b) 1 c) 4 d) 2 e) 3Step 5 Answer the questions.1. Ask the students to the words in the box in Activity 4.deep dry field once or twice pink pocket2. Ask the students to read through the passage in Activity 4.1) Was Alice interested in her sisters book? How do you know?2) What colour were the rabbits eyes?3) Where was the rabbits watch before he took it out?4) What did Alice run across after the rabbit?5) What did she fall down?6) Where did she land?3. Answer the questions. Use the words and expression in the box.4. Check with a partner.5. Call back the answers from the whole class.Keys:1. No, she wasnt. Once or twice she looked into her sisters book.2. They were pink.3. It was in its pocket. 4. She ran across the field after the rabbit.5. She fell into a very, very deep hole.6. She landed on some dry leaves.Step 6 Learning to learn.1. Look for was / were doing sentences:1) Alice was sitting with her sister by the river and her sister was reading a book. 2) she was going to get out again. 3) She found she was falling down into a very, very deep hole. 4) She was falling for a long time. 5) While she was falling, she was thinking about her cat, Dinah. 2. Learning to learn.You may find books like Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Harry Potter very interesting but too difficult. Try to read simplified versions of the books you like. Step 7 Writing.1. Match the answers with the questions in Activity 5.( )1. What did Alice find on a table?( )2. What did Alice do with the key?( )3. What did Alice find next?( )4. What happened to Alice when she drank from the bottle?a) She became very small.b) Alice found a small key on a table.c) She found a bottle with the words “DRINK ME” on it. d) She opened a small door with the key and saw a beautiful garden.2. Check with a partner.3. Call back the answers from the whole class.Keys: 1. b 2. d 3. c 4. a4. Write what happened to Alice after she found a small key on the table. Use the answers in Activity 5 to help you.Alice found a small key on the table, she opened a small door5. Now imagine what will happen next.Step 8 Important and difficult points1. Once or twice she looked into her sisters book.(她偶尔看一眼姐姐的书,但书上既没有插图也没有对话。once or twice的意思是“偶尔,一两次”。例如: I read some books in library once or twice a week. 我一周去一两次图书馆看书。2.“And what is a book for,” thought Alice, “without pictures or conversations?” “没有插图也没有对话的书有什么用?”爱丽丝想。Whatfor? 表示“有什么用,为什么?”例如: What did Tony go with me for? 托尼为什么和我一起去?3. Suddenly she landed on some dry leaves 突然,她落到了一些干树叶上。land on的意思是“落到上”例如: The plane landed on the beach because of a thick fog. 由于大雾飞机降落在海滩上了。His kite landed on the playground at last. 他的风筝最后落到了操场上。Step 9 Do exercises:A. 单词拼写 1. How beautiful her _ (粉红色的) dress is!2. In autumn , the rice_ (田地) look beautiful .3. _(突然) he stood up and ran across the road .4. The old man was standing with his hands in his _ (口袋).5. He goes to Hong Kong on business_ (两次) a month .6. That hole was very _ (深).Keys: 1. pink 2. fields 3. Suddenly 4. pockets 5. twice 6. deepB.完成句子。1. 我刚才看见了露西和莉莉, 她们正在阅览室看书。I saw Lucy and Lily just now . They _ in the library .2. 他无事可做,感到很无聊。He _ and felt so board .3. 猎人看见那只狼正在追赶一只兔子。The hunter saw that wolf _ a rabbit .4. 正当她往下掉的时候,她正在考虑她妈妈。_ she was falling, she _ her mother.Keys: 1. were reading books 2. had nothing to do 3. running after 4. While, was thinking aboutStep 10 HomeworkRemember the words of Unit 2 and prepare the text of Unit 3.Module 7 A famous storyUnit 3 Language in use一、学习目标:A.单词和短语:fall ,follow, hole, rabbit, ssh, ground, tea party, twice, once or twice, suddenly, pink, pocket, field, think about, deep, while, land, dry B.交际用语:1. Ssh!2. Sorry!3. Whats the book?Its about4. Why was it running?5. Alice was sitting with her sister by the river. 6. It was sitting in a tree and was smiling at everyone.7. They were having a tea party in the garden.8. She was playing a strange game!9. Where was it going?10. To see if you remember the story! 11.The Cheshire Cat was sitting on the grass. No, it wasnt. It was sitting in a tree.12. The white rabbit was looking at its watch. Yes, it was. 13 What were you doing at 5 am yesterday? I was getting up. 二. 教学目标1. Function : Telling a story2.Structure: Past continuous3. Skills: 1) Listening and understanding the plot development of Alices Adventures in Wonderland. Understanding the major characters and events.2) Participating in a role-play with the teachers guidance.3) Reading and understanding the sequence of events in Alices Adventures in Wonderland. 4) Writing a short passage about what happened after Alice fell down the rabbit hole.4. Around the world : Stories5. Task: Writing a short story about your own experience.三、重点及难点: Grammar: Past continuous 四、教学设计:Unit 3 Language in useTeaching modelRevision and application Teaching method Formal and interactive practice Teaching aims1. Function: Telling a story2. Structure: Past continuous3. Around the world: Stories4. Task: Writing a short story about your own experience.Teaching aidsTape recorder , OHP , handoutsTeaching StepsStep 1 Revision1. Review the sentences (was /were + doing) that we have studied in Unit 1& 2.2. Show some pictures to talk about the pictures.Step 2 Language practice1. Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole class.1) Alice was sitting with her sister by the river. 2) It was sitting in a tree and smiling at everyone.3) They were having a tea party in the garden. 4) Where was it going?2. Show some pictures to talk about the pictures.3. Work in pairs.4. Grammar: Past continuousStep 3 Underline the correct words.1. Ask the students to read through the sentences in Activity 1. 1) Suddenly, all the lights in my house were going off / went off. There was heavy rain outside.2) I called you up at seven oclock last night, but nobody answered it. Really? Im sorry, but I was teaching / taught a piano lesson at school.3) I was seeing / saw you and Tom in the library just now. Oh, we showed / were showing several visitors around the school.2. Underline the correct words. 3. Ask the students to check with a partner.4. Check the answers:Keys: 1. were having 2. went off 3. was teaching 4. saw, were showingStep 4 Writing. 1. Ask the students to write sentences about what you were doing.1) At about seven oclock last night, _.2) This morning, on my way to school, _.3) This time last year, _.4) Last Saturday, from about 1 pm to 4 pm, _.2. Work in pairs.Step 5 Play a game. 1. Ask the students to read through the conversation in Activity 3.A: At eight oclock last night I was watching TV. How about you, B?B: At eight oclock last night I was sleeping. How about you, C?C: At eight oclock last night I was having dinner. How about you, D?D: 2. Work in groups of four. Play a chain game.3. Write down what each member of your group was doing at eight oclock last night.Sun Li was watching TV at eight oclock last night.1) _.2) _.3) _.4) _.Step 6 1. Ask the students to read through the words in the box in Activity 5. have nothing to do once or twice run after think about what for2. Ask the students to read through the sentences in Activity 5. 1) The dog is _ the cat in the garden.2) _ is this machine _?3) He _ and was very bored.4) She is _ how to finish the story. 5) I wrote to him _, but he didnt answer.4. Ask the students to check with a partner.5. Check the answers: Keys: 1. running after 2. What for 3. had nothing to do 4. thinking about 5. once or twiceStep 7 1. Ask the students to read through the words in the box in Activity 6. conversations hole pink pocket river strange2. Ask the students to read through the passage in Activity 6. Alice was sitting with her sister by the (1) _ and her sister was reading a book. Her sisters book had no pictures or (2) _ in it. Then a white rabbit with (3) _ eye


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