2019-2020年高中英语 第五单元过关检测卷 新人教版选修6.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 第五单元过关检测卷 新人教版选修6一、用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子1The film the children so much that they all shouted with .(excite)2When it es to job interviews,first are important,which can both the interviewers and the interviewees deeply.(impressive)3At one time he lacked the to do well in his study,but the teacher kept him.Thanks to the ,he has made progress.(courage)4He could hardly believe his good that when he was to get to the airport late; the plane was delayed.(fortunate)5Her about the pain of childbirth made her very .(anxious)6 like to go to places to seek for .(adventure)答案:1excited; excitement 2.impressions;impress3courage;encouraging;encouragement;encouraging4fortune;unfortunate;fortunately 5.anxiety;anxious6Adventurers;adventurous,adventure二、 翻译下列词语1与比较_2全部焚毁 _3前往 _4努力 _5匆匆看一遍,浏览 _6由到不等 _7完全透明的 _8有的天赋 _9回想,想到 _10各种各样 _答案:1pare.with/to 2.burn to the ground3make ones way 4.make an effort5glance through 6.vary from.to7crystal clear 8.have a gift for9think about 10.a variety of/varieties of三、 用上述词语完成下列句子1We _ to persuade him to give up the immoral profession.2She _ the letter,and cried out immediately.3The price of the houses in New York _5,000 _12,000 per square metre,depending on the position and environment.4He _ to the guests and shook hands with them warmly.5If you _her work _ his,you will find hers is much better.6From a very young age,she _music,which is a great factor to her success.答案:1make an effort 2.glanced through3varies from.to 4.made his way5pare.with 6.had a gift for四、语法填空14yearold Taburi Watson was shot and killed on Wednesday night.He was riding his bike near St Andrews Place and 87th Street 1._ about 7:25 pm when one or more attackers fired shots.More than one bullet struck the teenager,2._ moved a short distance from his bike and fell down.Neighbors came outside after hearing shots and found him lying on the ground.Taburi 3._(declare)dead after being transported to HarborUCLA Medical Center.His death was 4._ fourth in December that might be related to two warring gangs(帮派)in the Manchester Square and Gramercy Park areas east of Inglewood.Another victim,Kashmier James,25,was shot on Christmas night after celebrating the holiday 5._ her family.She had stopped to visit a friend in the 1700 block of 85th Street near Western Avenue.As James stood in the street outside 6._ friends home,two men in a blue car stopped.One man got out and fired nine shots at James,7._ (strike)her at least once in the head.Her 3yearold daughter 8._ (witness)the shooting from the back seat of Jamescar.Her relatives said James was not involved in gangs and was 9._ (probable)in the wrong place at the wrong time.The office of City Councilman Bernard Parks has offered a 50,000 reward 10._ valuable information.1解析:考查介词。时间的前面要加介词at。答案:at2解析:考查定语从句。关系代词引导的定语从句修饰先行词the teenager,且关系代词在从句中作主语,此处要用who。答案:who3解析:考查被动语态。根据语境可知,此处意为“Taburi被宣布死亡”。答案:was declared4解析:考查冠词。序数词前加定冠词表示“第”。答案:the5解析:考查介词。此处要用介词with,with sb.意为“和某人在一起”。答案:with6解析:考查代词。此处用her指代James。答案:her7解析:考查现在分词。One man和strike是主动关系,故此处用现在分词短语作结果状语。答案:striking8解析:考查时态。此处是描述过去发生的事,故要用一般过去时态。答案:witnessed9解析:考查形容词变副词。此处要用副词修饰后面的介词短语。答案:probably10解析:考查介词。a reward for sth.意为“对奖励”。答案:forB卷综合检测(测试时间:120分钟评价分值:120分)第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Powerful enough to lift 1,000 pounds,capable of going where no man can go and able to stop a flowing oil well,a team of undersea robots have bee known as superheroes in the effort to stop the oil pouring into the Gulf of Mexico.The underwater remoteoperated vehicles are able to stand 5,000 pounds of deepsea pressure in the Gulf of Mexico.They can also lift a ton,take photos,and they are the bestequipped vehicles in the world.“They are very active and they are playing a very vital role in everything we do,” BP spokesman Mark Salt said in a statement.“People cant be down there,but these robots can do.”Robots are working 5,000 feet below sea level to help contain the leak(泄漏),which has poured out millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico since the Deepwater Horizon,a kind of offshore drilling(钻孔) equipment operated by BP,blew up on April 20,killing 11 workers.The cameras that provide the data are attached to the robots as they work around the leaking site.They made news this week when one robot bumped into a cap that had been collecting some of the oil,forcing BP to remove it for about 10 hours and leaving the flow into the Gulf unchecked.However,theres been only one other problem in two months,despite their demanding tasks.The most popular remoteoperated vehicle is known as the “ROV”and is being used in the project. Its 11.5 feet long and weighs 8,000 pounds.It has humanlike arms and its wrists can work continuously like a drill. Jeffrey Harris, an employee from Oceaneering International Inc., which provided about 14 robots to work in the Gulf, said,“Its like a construction worker, but it is doing one of the most demanding jobs in the world.”1According to the passage,undersea robots are being used to _Atake photos along the seaside beachBdo experiments on deepsea pressureCcollect as much of the oil from the oil well as possibleDhelp stop the oil flowing into the Gulf of Mexico解析:细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知,水下机器人的主要任务是阻止墨西哥湾的原油进一步泄漏。答案:D2What is the news in Paragraph 4 about?AThere was an explosion and 11 workers were killed.BA cap was used to collect oil.CA robot around the leaking site was missing.DOne robot bumped into a cap while working.解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中“They made the news this week when one robot bumped into a cap.”可知,新闻内容是一个机器人在工作时撞上了一个集油的漏斗引发事故。答案:D3What do we know from the passage?AUndersea robots play an important role in stopping the flow of oil.BAn undersea robot in the Gulf of Mexico weighs 1,000 pounds.CUndersea robots can do whatever they are asked to.DThe Deepwater Horizon is also an undersea robot.解析:推理判断题。根据文章第二段中Mark Salt所言可知,水下机器人在堵漏过程中起到很重要的作用。答案:A4Which of the following statements is NOT true about the “ROV”?AIt is doing a difficult job.BIt weighs 5,000 pounds.CIts just like a construction worker.DIts a popular remoteoperated robot.解析:细节理解题。由最后一段中“Its 11.5 feet long and weighs 8,000 pounds”可知B项与原文不符,正确。答案:BJames Camerons Avatar,the latest science fiction film has opened up new possibilities for research and imagination.Researchers and mon people are trying to find out whether the putergenerated world could exist somewhere in the universe.James Cameron and his team took special care while drawing the main backgrounds,plot and characters for this film.A lot of thought went into planning the exact location,the biology,geography,climate and the life science in the film.A study of all these elements shows that a lot of the science presented in Avatar is actually possible.According to Ray Villard,the writer of A Look at the Science of “Avatar”,there are moons among the solar system that can provide the environment for existence of a diverse life form.However,their distance from the sun is quite long and therefore,for the time being,life might not exist on them.The vegetation and animal life of Avatar also aroused interest among researchers.The plants could municate among themselves as well as with the characters in the film.The credibility behind the idea has been thought about by some people in the scientific munity.Jodie Halt,a researcher at the University of California,was the person responsible for the creation of the magical plants that people see in Avatar.According to Halt,the munication between plants was based on a scientific concept of “signal transduction”This theory tries to figure out whether some plants are able to exchange signals with other plants and humans as well.Since this concept of plant science is still under research and investigation,one might hear something about plant munication in the near future.Despite enthusiastic reviews that the makers of Avatar received for the scientific research behind the film,there are certain areas that are a bit difficult to believe,for example,the concept of floating mountains.However,on the whole,it can be said that the makers of Avatar have got most of their science right.5What does the passage mainly discuss?AWhat themes Avatar involves.BHow the idea of Avatar came into being.CWhy the film Avatar has bee so popular. DWhether the science presented in Avatar is reasonable.解析:主旨大意题。从全文的主题句即第一段的末句中“.whether the putergenerated world could exist somewhere in the universe”并结合全文内容可知D项最符合文意。答案:D6According to the passage,the writer Ray Villard_Ahas written a book to discuss the science in AvatarBis a wellknown expert on life formsCworks with Jodie Halt,a researcherDtook part in creating the film Avatar解析:细节理解题。A项照应第三段中提示性信息“.Ray Villard,the writer of A Look at the Science of Avatar”,故A项正确。答案:A7According to the passage,some scientists believe that _Alife really exists in certain moons in the solar systemBanother diverse life form had existed for a long timeCmunication could take place among plantsDhumans can send signals to plants at present解析:细节理解题。根据第四段末句“The credibility behind the idea has been thought about by some people in the scientific munity”可知,部分科学家相信植物之间能够相互交流。答案:C8Which of the following statements is TRUE about “signal transduction”?AIt has bee the hottest topic since the ing of Avatar.BIt involves munication between humans.CIt is still under research and investigation.DIt explains how animals municate.解析:细节理解题。根据第五段中“.this concept of plant science is still under research and investigation”可知C项正确。答案:CIn the decade of the 1970s,the United Nations organized several important meetings on the human environment to study a very serious problem.We humans are destroying the world around us.We are using up all of our natural resources.We must learn to conserve (保护) them,or life will be very bad for our children and grandchildren.There are several major aspects to this problem.Population.Most problems of the environment e from population growth.In 1700 there were 625 million people in the world;in 1900 there were 1.6 billion;in 1950,2.5 billion ;and in 1980,4.6 billion.In the year 2200 there will be 6.3 billion.More people need more water,more food,more wood,and more petroleum.Distribution(分布)Scientists say there is enough water in the world for everyone,but some countries have a lot of water and some have only a little.Some areas get all their rain during one season.The rest of the year is dry.Petroleum.We are using up the worlds petroleum.We use it in our cars and to heat our buildings in winter.Farmers use petrochemical to make the soil rich.They use them to kill insects on those plants.These chemicals go into rivers and lakes and kill the fish there.Thousands of people also die from these chemicals every year.Chemicals also go into the air and pollute it.Winds carry this polluted air to other countries and other continents.Poverty.Poor farmers use the same land over and over.The land needs a rest so it will be better next year.However,the farmer must have food every year.Poor people cut down trees for firewood.In some areas when the trees are gone,the land bees desert.However,people need wood to cook their food now.Poor people cannot save the environment for the future.We now have the information and the ability to solve these problems.However,this is not a problem for one country or one area of the world.It is a problem for all humans.The people and the nation of the world must work together to conserve the worlds resources.No one controls the future,but we all help make it.9According to the passage,our world is being destroyed mainly because .Apollution is getting worse and worseBpopulation is increasing greatlyCwe humans are using up all of our natural resourcesDdistribution is not reasonable解析:从第一段的第二、第三句可知答案。答案:C10Most environmental problems e from .Aforests Bpopulation growthCtoo much rain Dpoor distribution解析:从第三段第一句可知答案。答案:B11Good distribution means .Ahaving things in the right place at the right timeBcutting down forests and selling them to other countriesCbuilding water systems to carry water to farmsDconserving our natural resources解析:从第四段可知答案。答案:A12In the writers opinion,.Aall the countries in the world should cooperate to save our worldBthe countries that have more ability should do more to protect our environmentConly poor farmers are destroying the environmentDits unfair for some countries to have more water解析:从最后一段可知答案。答案:ANot long ago,I spent the morning having coffee with Kanzi.He invited me.Kanzi is a bonobo,a close cousin of the chimpanzee(黑猩猩)Researchers say Kanzi knows 384 words.But he probably knows dozens more.He uses sheets to display colorful symbols that stand for the words.Kanzi can build thoughts and sentences by pointing at the sheets.Sue Rumbaugh joined Kanzi and me for coffee.She is a scientist at the Great Ape Trust,a research center in Iowa.“We told Kanzi that a visitor was ing,”she says.“Hes been excited.”The Great Ape Trust is home to seven bonobos,including Kanzi.They have been raised from birth with both spoken language and symbols as part of each day.Scientists are discovering that humans are not the only animals that can use language or tools,or have feelings.Crows are good at using tools,for example.In an experiment,crows proved good at bending wire to create a hook(钩子)They used the hook to fish a basket of food from a plastic tube.Monkeys practice charity.A xx study showed that monkeys will share food with monkeys who are familiar to them rather than keeping all the food for themselves.Elephants feel sad over their dead.If they find elephant bones,they gently examine them with what looks like sadness.Scientists have also found that the way animals hunt and live together may drive intelligence higher.Animals behave most cleverly when they are hunting for food together.Christine Drea is an animal biologist.Last year,she conducted an experiment in hyena(鬣狗)cooperation.She placed food on a platform.The animals could get the food only if they pulled a rope together.In less than two minutes,the hyenas figured out that cooperation was the key to success.“My jaw dropped,”Drea says.Research is showing that animals are surprisingly intelligent.Our pets may know more than we ever imagined.And that is raising questions about how we treat them.Can animals feel? Should they be kept in zoos? What do you think?13According to the passage,Kanzi_Amade coffee for the writerBcan speak human languageCis a smart animalDis a lovely child解析:细节理解题。从信息句“Kanzi is a bonobo,a close cousin of the chimpanzee”可知,bonobo是一种动物,再结合第一段中后面几句可知,Kanzi很聪明。答案:C14In Paragraph 3,the author mentions crows,monkeys and elephants to _Ashow that those animals are cleverer than humansBprove that animals can be intelligent in some waysCpare the differences between animalsDremind humans to learn from animals解析:推理判断题。从第三段的主题句(即该段第一句)可知,作者先提出论点:并不是只有人类才会使用语言、工具和拥有感情;再通过列举几种动物说明这个论点。答案:B15What does Drea probably mean by saying “my jaw dropped” in Paragraph 4?AShe felt very surprised at the way the hyenas behaved.BAt that time the hyenas attacked her and she was injured.CShe understood why the hyenas enjoyed playing together.DShe finally decided to stop the hyenarelated experiment.解析:推理判断题。从前一句“In less than two minutes.”可推知,鬣狗的聪明程度超乎Drea的预料,因此A项释义最衔接前文的语境。答案:A第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。While it is impossible to live pletely free of stress, it is possible to prevent stress as well as reduce its effect when it cant be avoided._16_17_When you are nervous,angry or upset, try releasing the pressure through exercise or physical activity.Running, walking, playing tennis, and working in your garden are just some of the activities you might try.Take care of yourself_18_ If you easily get angry and cant sleep well enough, or if youre not eating properly, it will be more likely that you will fall into stressful situations.If stress repeatedly keeps you from sleeping, you should consult a doctor.Make time for yourselfSchedule time for both work and entertainment.Dont forget, play can be just as important to your overall wellbeing as work._19_Go windowshopping or work on a hobby.Allow yourself at least a half hour each day to do something you enjoy._20_Stress can result from disorganization and a feeling that “theres so much to do, and not enough time”Trying to take care of everything at once can be too much for you and as a result, you may not achieve anything.Instead, make a list of everything you have to do, then do one thing at a time, checking off each task as it is pleted.Set out to do the most important task first.ADo whatever you like and want to do.BYou should make every effort to eat well and get enough rest.CMake a list of things to do.DTry physical activity.EYou need a break from your daily routine to just relax and have fun.FYou could smile to yourself in front of a mirror every day.GThe following are suggestions for ways to deal with stress.16解析:本文是总分结构,后文是各种减压方法,所以选G。答案:G17解析:本段的Running, walking, playing tennis.都是体育锻炼。答案:D18解析:本段的中心话题是照顾好自己,所以吃好睡好是照顾好自己的表现。答案:B19解析:本段围绕的话题是留给自己一些时间,所以休息是最符合这一主题的。答案:E20解析:这里的“theres so much to do, and not enough time”及“make a list of everything you have to do”暗示了答案。答案:C第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D),选出最佳选项。After lunch, without permission from parents, the two boys set off to explore the part of the beach which lay beyond the headland (陆岬,伸出海面的尖形高地). They had persuaded their young sister to_21_,saying that the long walk would be too_22_for her. Once they had got in the head land, the beach reached away endlessly before them. It was like_23_a new world. There were damp, dark caves to_24_,there were many_25_among the rocks, full of sea creatures(生物);and, here and there along the beach were those_26_objects, washed up and_27_by the tide.The afternoon passed_28_. The sun was already_29_when the boys reluctantly (恋恋不舍地)_30_to make their_31_homewards. But long before they reached the headland, they could see that the tide had e in so sudden that they were now_32_from either end of the beach. Their only chance of_33_was to find a way up the cliff(悬崖) nearby.They soon find a narrow path_34_the cliff top. But half way up their path was_35_by a large rock which they could not climb_36_. The two boys had to_37_at the top of their voices,_38_that someone might_39_over the top of the rock, and finally came their father with two policemen._40_of them climbed down a rope which was lowered over the rock. The boys were then pulled to safety, and thus saved from spending a miserable night on the cliff.21A.keep quiet Bstay behind Ctake a rest Djoin them22A.tiring Bexciting Cuninteresting Dimpossible23A.discovering Bfacing Cenjoying Dimagining24A.look up Bexplore Chide in Dsearch25A.lakes Brivers Cwaterfalls D


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