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2019-2020年高三英语考前练习3注意事项: 1答题前,考生务必用05毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、座号、考生号、县区和科类填写到答题卡和试卷规定的位置上。 2第I卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。 3第II卷必须用05毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须填写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应的位置;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。第I卷(共105分)第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共l0小题;每小题15分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1It is_ world of wonders,_world where anything call happenAa;the Ba;a Cthe;a D不填;不填2Tom finally passed the driving test,and he owed his success to the efforts he_Amakes Bhad made Cwas making Dhas made3Its hard to imagine how so many strange ideas occurred to him,none of_ are practical Awhich Bthem Cwhat Dthat4It took a long time for the connection between high blood pressure and heart attack_.Ato make Bto be made Cmaking Dbeing made5The girl had been suffering from lung canceryet she acted as if nothing_ to her while we were togetherAhappened Bwould happen Chas happened Dhad happened6With a knife in his hand,the burglar rushed into the bank,only his eyes_.Aexposing Bbeing exposed Cexposed Dto expose7The time of the conference cant be adjusted,_reported 10 days in advanceAnevertheless Bdespite Cunless Dthus8Im terribly sorry that I cant join you for the camp_We can go another timeAGo ahead BThats OK CThats right DDont mention it9Have all of you received the invitation to his party?No,_only some of usAit was Bthere was Cthere were Dthey were10The police are desperate to find_ is of use to help them find the murdererAwhenever B. whichever C. whomever Dwhatever第二节完形填空(共30小题;满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A)(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) A husband and wife had been married for more than 60 yearsThey shared everything,talked about everything and kept no 11 from each other except that the woman had a box in a drawer that she had warned her husband never to 12 or ask her about Hed never thought about it ever sinceOne day the woman got very sick and the doctor said she wouldnt 13 To sort out their affairs,the husband 14 the box and brought it to his wifes bedsideShe 15 it was time that he should know what was in the box Opening it,he found two small 16 and a sum of money totaling 25,000He asked her about the contents“When we were to be married,”she said,“my grandma told me the secret of 17 marriage was never to argue,and I should just keep quiet and crochet(用钩针织)a doll when I got angry with you” The man was so 18 that he had to fight back tearsShe had only been 19 with him twice in all those years of living and loving!“Honey,”he said,“that 20 the dolls,but what about the money? Where did it e from?” “Oh,”she said“thats the money I made from selling them”11AdistanceBsecretsCpromisesDspace12Aopen Bremove Clock Dlose l3Asurvive Brebuild CrecoverDworsen14Atook away Bput away Cput down Dtook outl5Aagreed Badmitted Cadvised Dreminded16Aballs Bcaps Cgloves Ddolls17Arich Bpoor Chappy Dsadl8Aexcited Bmoved Cembarrassed Dannoyed19Aangry Bcontent Cpleased Ddisappointed20Ashows Bintroduces Cexplains Dmakes B)(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分) When I was 10 years old,my mother passed away because of illnessI had to move to the USA to live with my fatherThere I met my 21 for the first time and from the beginning she made sure that I was safe and weleOver the past several years she 22 everything I neededI am happy today because I have a 23 stepmother Yesterday I went to see her for Mothers DayWhen 24 her my gift,she held my face in both of her hands and 25 meeven though I had the flu! Her simple act of affection 26 me back to my very first night in AmericaAfter I was 27 from the airport,we went home and she unpacked my 28 Then she took me shopping for new clothes 29 the ones I had brought with me from Africa were a bit worn That night before I went to bed,she came to my roomShe told me she was 30 to have me and that she would take good care of meBecause I was 31 shown affection as a child,I did not Know how to 32 what she said so I just stared at her Before she walked out of my new room,she asked me for a 33 But I had no idea what she was talking about because I had never heard the 34 before 35 she didnt give upShe told my father that she 36 me to give her a hug and asked him to explain to me what she 37 My father explained 38 a hug was and told me why people hugged in AmericaThen my new mom opened her arms 39 and shyly I opened mine and we hugged That was my very first hug and I was eleven at that timeIm 23 now and, 40 ,I have received many hugs since then21Astepmother Bcousin Cbrother Dsister22Apreserved Bprovided Cmanaged Ddesigned23Abeautiful Bstrict Ckind Dserious24Aordered Bsupplied Cbought Dpresented25Akissed Bpraised Cweled Dforted26Akept Btook Cheld Dgave27Abrought up Bhelped out Cseen off Dpicked up28Aschoolbag Bpurse C1uggage Dscarf29Asince Bthough Cwhen Dif30Aeager Bthankful Cglad Dconfident31Afrequently Balways Conce Dnever32Areact to Bsee to Capply to Drefer to33Achat Bhug Cfavour Dhelp34Aquestion Bword Cstory Dsuggestion35ASince BSo CBut DAnd36Adetermined B1onged CinvitedDwanted37Ameant Brequired Cdemanded Dordered38Awhat Bhow Cwhere Dwhich39Adirect Bwide Csuddenly Dquickly40Asurprisingly Binterestingly Chopefully Dthankfully第二部分阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A A three-year-old girl with an IQ above 160 has just bee the youngest person in Arizona to be accepted into Mensa In fact,doctors said young Alexis Martin did so well on intelligence tests they couldnt even calculate her IQ score exactly Mensa is an international club which only accepts members who have an IQ score in the top two per cent world wide The average person scores an IQ of approximately 100But when Martin scored 160,the highest possible rating on the test,she matched the IQs of geniuses like Albert Einstein,Stephen Hawking,and Bill Gates,who are also thought to be in a similar rangeMartins parents said their little girl had given them signs she might be gifted for a long time.From 12-18 months old,wed be driving around in the car and she would recite her bedtime story from the night before,her father, Ian,told ABC 15 She didnt just recite them,she recited them exactly Shes consuming books at a 5th grade reading level and even taught herself Spanish on the familys ipad Anytime she learns a word and just picks it up through anything,she never uses it in the incorrect context,said fan And while her parents are grateful for her intellectual prowess(高超技艺),they are worried about what unique challenges it might give to raising Alexis One of the doctors who tested her said Alexis could never go to a normal school and that children with her level of intelligence often suffer from high anxiety unless theyre around similarly gifted boys and girls Does she go into kindergarten early? We are kind of hesitant because we do want her to get that social aspect,Ian said41According to the passage,an IQ score shows_Athe level of ones intelligence Ba childs intelligence development potentialityCthe average level of peoples intelligence Dthe educational background of a child42Suppose the population of the whole world is 7,000,000,000,which of the following can be accepted into Mensa club?A70,000 B70,000,000 C1 40,000 D1 40,000,00043From the underlined sentence in the passage we know that Alexis_Ahad been offered gifts in the process of her growing upBhad been showing her outstanding intelligence since very early ageChad the tendency to top all of the children of her ageDwould reach her intelligence peak in a short time44Which of the following is true of Alexis Martin?AShe was able to recite her bedtime stories when she was only 10 months oldBShe is now teaching herself a language spoken in another part of the USCOnce she learns a new word,she is able to use it in the correct wayDShe is deeply worried about her future45It can be interred from the passage that_ABill Gates IQ score is similar to that of AlexisBAlexis will soon be employed by MensaCA 5th grade book is a textbook for children under the age of 5DAlexis will surely bee a genius in the futureB Clenching your fist could be enough to help you get a grip on your memory Research suggests that balling up the right hand and squeezing it tightly actually makes it easier to memorize lists Later, when it is time to get back the information,it is the left hand that should be clenchedIt is thought the movements activate brain regions key to the storing and recall of memories The American researchers suggest those who are short of a pen and paper should try the trick when attempting to remember a shopping list or phone number In the study, volunteers were given a rubber ball and asked to squeeze it as hard as possible before trying to memorize a list of 72 words They squeezed the ball again a couple of minutes later, ahead of recollecting as many of the words as possible The first group of the volunteers used their right hand on both occasions,and the second group their leftThe third group clenched their right fist ahead of memorizing and their left ahead of recall and the fourth did the oppositeThe fifth group held the ball but did not squeeze it Those who squeezed with their right hand,followed by their left,remembered the most words The next best were the volunteers who made a fist with their right hand both times,while those who didnt squeeze at all did better than those who led with their left It is thought that the movement of clenching the right fist activates a brain region that is involved in storing memories,while squeezing the left hand awakens an area that is key to getting back information Lead researcher Dr Ruth Propper said:The findings suggest that simple body movementsby temporarily changing the way the brain functionsCall improve memory46Whats the writers purpose to write the passage?ATo make known the result of the experimentBTo tell people memory depends mostly on their handsCTo show the function of body movements in memoryDTo state that good memory benefits from labor47If you want to recall something in your memory,you should clench_Ayour fight hand Byour left handCboth of your hands Dyour left hand first,and then right48The underlined word “trick” in the fourth paragraph is the closest in meaning to“_”Amethod Bgame Ccheat Dexperiment49Which group in the experiment remembered the fewest words?AThe first group BThe second groupCThe fourth group DThe fifth group50Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?AMemory experiments on body movementsBWhat is a good memory?CGood memory lies in actionsDClenching hands improves the memoryC Shirley Femple Black,who was one of the most famous child stars of the 20th century,died of natural causes on February 10,xx The dimpled(酒涡)actress found fame at the height of the Great Depression (1929-1933)in movies including “Heidi,”“Curly Top”and“Bright Eyes”。 Born in Santa Monica,Calif,on April 27,1928,Temple Black was admitted into a dance school at the age of threeAfter a number of bit parts she got all the attention with her performance of “Baby Take a Bow” in her first feature film “Stand Up and Cheer”Audiences around the world poured to see her in films such as“Curly Top”“The Little Colonel”and“The Littlest Rebel”Licensed merchandise(商品)including dolls,dishes,and clothing also capitalized on her wholesome image Femple Black was the top box-office draw for four years in a row between 1935 and 1938She won a special Academy Award in early 1935 for her“outstanding contribution to screen entertainment”in the previous year At the height of her fame,Temple Black earned praise from President Franklin DRoosevelt who called her “Little Miss Miracle” for raising the publics spirit during times of economic hardship, even going so far as to say that,“as long as our country has Shirley Temple,we will be all right” However, the stars popularity waned in her late teensShe married Charles Black in 1950,a marriage that lasted until his death in xx at age 86 In 1988,Temple Black became the first person to achieve the rank of honorary Foreign Service officer of the United States and a year later she took up tile post of ambassador to Czechoslovakia,where she served until 1992 In 1 999,the American Film Institute ranking of tile top 50 screen legends ranked Temple at No18 among the 25 actresses “I have one piece of advice for those of you who want to receive the lifetime achievement awardStart early,”she remarked humorously in xx as she was honored by the Screen Actors Guild51From the passage we know that Shirley Temple_Aowned different licensed merchandiseBwas born during the Great DepressionCdied peacefully without any serious diseaseDgained fame for many bit parts52Shirley Temple attracted peoples attention in the film_ABright Eyes BCurly TopCThe Little Colonel DStand Up and Cheer53We can infer from the passage that_AShirley inspired the American people during the Great DepressionBShirleys popularity decreased after she became an ambassadorCShirley began her acting career from the age of threeDShirleys marriage didnt last long54Which of the following is true according to the passage?APresident Roosevelt praised Temple for her contributions to the worldBTemple once served as US ambassador to CzechoslovakiaCTemple was ranked at No25 among the most famous actressesDThe marriage of Charles Black and Temple lasted 50 years55According to the passage,we can see Shirley Temple was_Aunusual and cautious Bdaring and humorousCcareful and confident Dtalented and outstandingD A new report from the United States surgeon general finds that smoking tobacco is even deadlier than had been knownThe report says smoking causes birth diseasesa leading cause of death among babiesIt also links smoking to cancer of the liver and colon,diabetes and other illnesses The first USsurgeon generals report on tobacco and health was released in 1 964It was the first scientific report to link smoking with lung cancer and heart diseaseNow,50 years later, Acting Surgeon General Boris Lushniak has released a new reportHis report provides more evidence about smoking tobacco and how it can harm health “If were going to work together to achieve a society free of tobacco-related disease,this must be understood,”said Lushniak The new report urges increased use of tobaccocontrol measuresThe suggested controls include raising prices of cigarettes,and expanding bans on smoking in enclosed spaces. Doctor Lushniak also said smoking holds back the bodys natural defenses for fighting diseaseHe said this increases a smokers likelihood of getting an infectious disease One of the most disturbing findings is that the disease risks from smoking by women have risen sharply over the last fifty yearsWomen are now as likely to die from smoking as men,women smokers risk of lung cancer is now the same as men,and more women die from chronic lung disease than men,”said Lushniak The new report finds that those who do not smoke are at a higher risk for stroke if left unprotected from tobacco smokeThe latest research also shows damage to unborn childrenBabies are more likely to be born with cleft palate(先天性腭裂)if the mother smokesThe chemicals in tobacco smoke can have lasting effects on brain development in a fetus(胎儿) The surgeon general would like to see more action to keep young people from developing a smoking habitHe supports higher prices on cigarettes,more anti-smoking media campaigns and more help for people who want to quit smoking56The new findings shows that smoking tobacco_Acan cause lung cancer and heart diseaseBhas little to do with diabetes and other diseasesCis the biggest health killer in the worldDdoes greater harm than what had been widely known57From the new report,we learn that_Amental disease is a number one cause of deaths among babiesBsmoking weakens the bodys natural defensesCwomen smokers have a higher risk of lung cancer than menDtobacco smoke has no bad effect on unborn children58The underlined word “this” in Paragraph 3 refers to_Athe evidence about smoking and how it harms healthBa society free of tobacco-related diseasesCincreased use of tobaccocontrol measuresDthe first USsurgeon generals report59Which of the following will receive Lushniaks approval?ADecreasing prices of cigarettesBAllowing smoking in enclosed spacesCMore anti-smoking media campaignsDMore help for people who smoke60What is the best title for the passage?AAnti-smoking Media CampaignsBThe First USSurgeon Generals ReportCTobacco-control Measures Benefit WomenDSmoking Causes More Health ProblemsE We often associate off-season travel with cost-cuttingYou know,its something to be done as a last resort,not something that you actively look forward toAnd it surely is reasonable,isnt it? Off-season just seems like a polite term for depressing weather,and a lack of good conditions for travelingRecently,however,this term has begun to gain a steady stream of followersThe so-called peak season,on the other hand,is constantly losing ground owing to the large crowds and high costs that tend to be associated with it Off-season travel isnt to everyones tasteSo this is the time when airline panies e down to earth and offer a bunch of gifts to keep their business going onYou can mainly expect lowered fares and automatic upgrades if youre a frequent travelerOff-season means an encouragement for the hotel businesses as wellOrdinarily,5-star luxury is only something that we tend to dream of, but this is the perfect time to transform this into realityGrand chain hotels cut their rates like crazy in order to fill up their rooms during this time,and worry not,the availability is fairly acceptable tooSo make the most of it and book a fashionable room in a 5-starOf course, youre free to spend the amount youve thus saved 011 shopping Every season has its own charm,doesnt it? For instance,people usually prefer to visit Europe in the summer,which is regarded as the best time to be thereBut really,doesnt it get rather sweltering (闷热)if youre in Naples or Madrid in July? Ever spent a Christmas in either places? Its highly remended,if I may addIts the perfec

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