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2019-2020年高三英语最后冲刺模拟(三)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Some parents tend to give children _ pocket money to let them learn its value from experience at _early age. A. the; an B. a; theC. /; an D. /; /22. It is reported that more than 100 tons of “gutter oil”(地沟油) has been _ and 32 people have been arrested. A. caughtB. grabbed C. seizedD. snatched23. His failure in the exam was expected. _, it was still very disappointing. A. NeverthelessB. FurthermoreC. BesidesD. Therefore24. The man should be excused because he caused the damage _. A. deliberatelyB. unintentionallyC. meaningfullyD. determinedly25. -It looks as if he were drunk. -So it does. _ A. Hed better give up drinkingB. He shouldnt drunk too much C. Health is more important than drinkD. I wonder why he is always doing so26. The editor-in chief asked me to write an article for him, _ about AIDS patients in China. A. thatB. oneC. itD. this27. So hot a day! I would buy one soft-drink can, but I _ money on me. A. didnt haveB. dont haveC. hadnt hadD. wont have28. She liked to drive around the street in his spare time because he wanted to _ his new car. A. show offB. show upC. show inD. show around29. In the new curriculum, some courses are _, while others are optional for middle school students. A. traditionalB. pulsoryC. impressiveD. significant30. -Is this Mr. Whites office, Mary? -Yes, _. A. thats all rightB. it doesnt matterC. after youD. please yourself31. Yi Jianlian, a promising new star, is ready to _ in a new world of basketball. A. get offB. e offC. turn offD. take off32. I think you could plain, _, of course, you are happy with the way things are. A. whichB. thatC. unlessD. where33. The last few years _ many disasters in and out of China, from earthquake to drought. A. seeB. are seeingC. saw D. have seen 34. -The puter costs $900. -It _ be that expensive. Anyway, it is a used one. A. shouldnt B. mustnt C. will notD. neednt35. Diana, _ for months to find a job as a waitress, finally took a position at a local advertising agency. A. strugglingB. struggledC. having struggledD. to struggle第二节 完型填空(共20小题:每题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 The real power of healing(医治) is not about curing diseases. This was 36 to me by a 37 nurse who spent a lot of time with a woman in a nursing home who hadnt been able to 38 for six years. Edward lifted her in and out of her chair or into the bed, depending on her 39 . She always wanted to talk about God and forgiveness. 40 Edward had had a near-death experience, he felt fortable doing this. One 41 it was so late that Edward slipped out without being the one to put her to 42 . He was 43 for his car in the parking lot when he heard her call, “Edward!” he snuck back(悄悄地溜回) inside and into her room. “Are you sure God forgives us 44 everything?” she asked. “Yes, Im sure, from my own 45 ,” he said. “You know the gospel song that tells us He knows every lie that you and I have told, and though it makes him very 46 to see the way we live, hell always say “I forgive. ” ” She 47 . “When I was a young man, I stole my parents silver and sold it 48 I would have enough money to get married. Ive never told anyone and no one ever found out. Will God forgive me?” “Yes,” Edward reassured her. “God will forgive you. Good night.” When Edward returned to work the next morning, he was told to see the administrator who asked what he had told the woman the night before. “As usual,” Edward explained, “we talked about God and 49 . 50 ?” “At 3:00 A.M. the woman came out of her room and, with 51 , walked the entire length of the nursing home, put her Bible and teeth on the nurses desk and said, “I dont need these any more.” Then she returned and walked back to her room and lay down and 52 .” This is what the soul of nursing is all about, the 53 God created a world where we can all be 54 by showing our pity and empathy(理解)for 55 .36. A. respondedB. revealed C. entitled D. submitted37. A. voluntary B. concerned C. female D. male38. A. speak B. walk C. hear D. see39. A. approval B. reaction C. schedule D. emotion40. A. When B. Unless C. Because D. For41. A. night B. morning C. noon D. afternoon42. A. bed B. chair C. work D. stay 43. A. walking B. accounting C. bidding D. heading 44. A. with B. for C. by D. toward 45. A. imagination B. principle C. explanation D. experience 46. A. unbelievable B. sad C. patient D. unbearable47. A. answered B. sobbed C. sighed D. whistled 48. A. and B. or C. soD. nevertheless49. A. forgiveness B. kindness C. treatment D. devotion50. A. What B. How C. When D. Why51. A. no effort B. no wonder C. no help D. no doubt 52. A. died B. slept C. relaxed D. settled53. A. motivation B. religion C. experience D. reason 54. A. nurses B. doctors C. administrators D. advisers55. A. the sick B. the wounded C. the elderlyD. the public第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Chinas government has been trying all measures to reduce pollution in the past few years. Now people can enjoy a fresh environment everywhere. The following two graphs are adopted from the column of “City Information” on the webpage of Beijing Review.Graph 1: Olympic Cities Air Quality ReportCityDateAPIMajorPollutantAir QualityDegreeQualityConditionBeijingSep. 837N/AVery goodQinhuangdaoSep. 852PM10GoodQingdaoSep. 868PM10GoodShanghaiSep. 867PM10GoodShenyangSep. 888PM10GoodTianjinSep. 854PM10GoodGraph 2: Chinese National StandardAPI ValuesLevels of health concernColorsWhen the API is in this range:.air quality conditions are:.as symbolized by this color:0 to 50Very goodBlue51 to 100GoodGreen101 to 150Slight pollutionYellow151 to 200Moderate pollutionOrange201 to 250Medium pollutionRed251 to 300High pollutionPurple301 to 500HazardousBrownNotes: *API stands for Air Pollution Index(指数). *Particulate matter (PM10) is a major ponent of air pollution that threatens both our health and our environment. It consists of very small liquid and solid particles floating in the air. *Sulfur dioxide(SO2) acts as an acidInhalation(吸入) results in labored breathing, coughing, or a sore throat and may cause permanent lung damage.56. According to Graph 1, which of the following cities has the worst air pollution?A. Qinhuangdao. B. Tianjin.C. Qingdao D. Shenyang. .57. If your city is symbolized by either red or purple, the pollution in your city is .A. Moderate or high. B. Moderate or slight. C. Medium or high. D. Medium or slight. 58. Which of the following statements is TURE?A. With API value below 150 the air is free from being polluted.B. The colors from purple to Yellow indicate the air quality is being much worse.C. When there are floating solid particles and dust in the air, it is dangerous pollution. D. On September 8th the color-symbol of Beijing Citys air quality is Blue.59. When more citizens are beginning to have labored breathing soon after they are in the open air, it suggests that .A. there is a large amount of sulfur dioxide in the air B. it is so cold that they may have caught a coldC. they are starting to cough or have a feverD. they must be infected with permanent lung diseaseBFriendships are some of the most important relationships that we will ever have in our lives. But how to build a solid friendship? Here are five tips for you. Tip 1. _True friendships can only be built in honesty. This is more than just telling the truth. Being real and open about who you are and your thoughts and feelings are a part of building a solid friendship. If your “friends” dont even really know you, who are they really friends with?Tip 2. Shared ExperiencesAs you build your friendship, you will share many experiences together. Some of these may be great adventures or hard times that the two of you go through together. These shared experiences are things that you will laugh about, talk about, and cry about no matter how much time passes.Tip 3. Sacrificial(牺牲精神的)loveLove is the basis(基础)of all solid relationships. I am not referring to the emotion(情感) of love, but to the action of love. Love is what will cause a friend to get out of bed in the middle of the night to help another. Love is what will put aside someones own wants to make sure that their friend is alright.Tip 4. UnderstandingWhen a friendship is solid, it will be based on each others understanding. You may not agree with everything that a friend says or does, but you will be able to put yourself into his or her shoes to begin to understand. Offering understanding to a friend is very important, as it allows them to feel that they have someone in their corner that they can talk to and who will offer advice and suggestions, without having to worry that if they dont always follow it, the friendship will be lost.Tip 5. AcceptanceA solid friendship is one in which two people accept one another, faults and all, for just who they are. There is no having to build up false excuses, or hide away the “dark secrets” from one another. We accept each other as whole, plete, and totally unique people.60. Whats the best title of Tip 1? A. Introduction of yourself.B. Telling the truthC. HonestyD. True friendships61. Which tip can remind us of an English proverb “Love me, love my dog”?A. Tip 2.B. Tip 3.C. Tip 4.D. Tip 5. 62. Whats the meaning of the underlined part “put yourself into his or her shoes” in Tip 4? A. Exchange your shoes with his or hers.B. Try on his or her shoes.C. Put yourself in his or her position.D. Force yourself.63. Whats the best title of the whole passage? A. A solid friendshipB. The most important relationshipsC. Five tips for youD. Tips on how to build a solid friendshipCThe right to pursue happiness is issued to us all with our birth, but no one seems quite sure what it is. A holy man in India may think that happiness is in himself. It is in needing nothing from out side himself. If wanting nothing, he lacks nothing. We westerners, however, are taught that the more we have from outside ourselves, the happier we will be, and then we are made to want. We are even told it is our duty to want. Advertising, one of our major industries, exists not to satisfy these desires but to create them-and to create them faster than any mans money in his pocket can satisfy them. Here, obviously someone is trying to buy the dream of happiness and spending millions upon millions every year in the attempt. Clearly the happiness-market is not running out of customers.I doubt the holy mans idea of happiness, and I doubt the dreams of the happiness-market, too. Whatever happiness may be, I believe, it is neither in having nothing nor in having more, but in changing - in changing the world and mankind into pure states.To change is to make efforts to deal with difficulties. As Yeats, a great Irish poet once put it, happiness we get for a lifetime depends on how high we choose our difficulties.It is easy to understand. We even demand difficulty for the fun in our games. We demand it because without difficulty there can be no game. And a game is a way of making something hard for the fun of it. The rules of the game are man-made difficulties. When the player ruins the fun, he always does so by refusing to play by the roles. It is easier to win at chess if you are free, at your pleasure, to cast away all the rules, but the fun is in winning within the rules.The same is true to happiness. The buyers and sellers at the happiness-market seem to have lost their sense of the pleasure of difficulty. Heaven knows what they are playing, but it seems a dull game. And the Indian holy man seems dull to us, I suppose, because he seems to be refusing to play anything at all.The western weakness may be in the dreams that happiness can b e bought while eastern weakness may be in the idea that there is such a thing as perfect happiness in man himself. Both of them forget a basic fact: no difficulty, no happiness.64. Who shares the same idea of happiness with the author?A. The Indian holy man B. The great Irish poet YeatsC. Advertisers D. The buyers and sellers at the happiness-market65. What does “happiness-market” mean in the second paragraph?A. It means a place in which people can buy things happilyB. It means a market which lacks happy customersC. It means a pure state for the world and mankindD. It means a market where people try to buy happiness with money.66. According to the passage, which of the following is Right?A. The Indian holy man is much happier than westerner.B. The westerners understand happiness better than the Indian holy man.C. There is no fun without playing by the rulesD. Both the eastern weakness and western weakness are the same.DEvery morning, Allie wakes up and acpanies her friend to the washroom. She turns on the light, soaps up a washcloth, and begins cleaning her friends face. Is Allie an extremely devoted panion? Yes! Allie is a monkey who helps her disabled friend perform everyday tasks. Monkeys like Allie are just one of many kinds of animals that help improve or even save human lives. But not all animals are suited to do every job. Certain animals are hired for specific jobs based on their characteristics. By using different methods of conditioning (training animals to act in a particular way in response to a stimulus, or signal), humans can teach animals to perform extraordinary tasks. So how do you get an animal employee to its job? The answer is career-training. Trainers teach the animals to obey their instructions on mand through a process called conditioning.Most trainers condition animals by using positive reinforcement, rewarding an animal for doing something correctly, says animal behaviorist Bailey. For example, trainers teach their dogs how to sniff out drugs by hiding a narcotic-scented(带有毒品气味的)towel. “Dogs love to retrieve(衔回)objects so the towel bees a reward.” Says Morris Berkowitz, who heads up a canine(犬科的)drug-sniffing program in New York. After repeating this game of hide-and-seek many times, the dog begins to “associate the smell with a reward,” says Berkowitz. When he gives the mand, or stimulus, the dog seeks out drugs.At Helping Hands Monkey Helpers for the Disabled, monkeys are trained twice before being teamed with a disabled human. First, monkeys are placed with a foster family to bee socialized to people. For five years, families help the monkeys adapt to a human environment, so the monkeys will trust and enjoy being around people. Taking the monkeys in when theyre four to six weeks old is important, says Bailey. Thats when monkeys normally bee socialized to other monkeys, she says. Second, trainers at Helping Hands train the monkeys to perform specific tasks to assist a particular person. For example, a monkey may be trained to scratch an itch, or slip a floppy disc into a puter drive. Trainers reward the monkeys by using positive reinforcement, such as food, drink, praise, and affection. This phase of training can take a year.67. The passage mainly discusses _ A. the operation of the “Helping Hands” program. B. the method of training monkeys to perform specific jobs. C. the kinds of animals suited to do jobs for the disabled D. the significance of conditioning animals to perform tasks.68. Humans can teach animals to do some specific jobs mainly based on_. A. animals traits B. trainers methods C. the tasks to doD. career training69. Conditioning refers to a method of training animals to _. A. recognize a signal B. send a signal C. bee socialized D. execute instructions70. The example of dog seeking out drugs in the 4th paragraph indicates that_. A. animals recognition of mands is based on rewarding of correct performance. B. positive reinforcement means rewarding animals as they perform a mand. C. positive reinforcement training is just like a repeated hide-and-seek process. D. some intelligent animals do not need repeated training for recognizing mands.卷(30分钟,50分)第四节:任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案写在答题卡上相应题号的横线上。Society today tells us that automatic pencils are a lot better than manual ones which you have to sharpen every 5 seconds. Maybe this is true. However, there are some benefits from using an old-fashioned traditional pencil which you cannot get with an automatic one. To be honest, it is quite convenient to use an automatic pencil with an easy press on the button. Meanwhile a manual pencil doesnt enjoy any plus point. But it is sort of strange that manual pencils should be used in standardized tests today. Chances are that the manual pencil makes the line of grey look nicer. Nowadays, it is always a battle of who has the newest, most high-tech gadget (小装置). From pencils, cars to clothes. The newer it is, it seems the more popular it bees. If you walk around school, you will for sure find at least three out of ten people walking around with the latest iPhone4. If you are one of the luckier ones walking around with the newest Nokia phones, you will get laughed at. Maybe an automatic pencil is better at the moment, but after using it for a while, usually the pencil will break. Most people lose them and dont remember to carry extra lead (铅芯) to fill them up with, as it sometimes can do so much that it needs a lot of lead. Just like an iphone4 needs to be charged after it has done so much work. As for the manual pencil, the lead will also run out but unlike the mechanical pencil it will last longer. Besides, the automatic pencil and the iphoned are more likely to get stolen while the manual pencil along with the Nokia phone will be left alone and most likely returned to you. TitleAutomatic Pencils (61)_ Manual Pencils?Peoples (62) _towards different high-tech gadgetsThe newel- gadget like the iphone4 bees more (63) _.You will be (64) _ at if using the Nokia phones at school. Advantageswe can use the automatic pencil more easily by (65) _ the button. The manual pencil is (66) _ to make the line of grey look nicer. The manual pencil can last longer. (67) _The automatic pencils usually tend to (68) _ after being used for a while. People often (69) to take more lead along to fill the automatic pencil up with. (70) _ with the manual pencil, the automatic one is more likely to get stolen. 附加卷(20分)附加题:书面表达(满分20分)在学习生活和工作中,与人合作是非常重要的。请你根据下表中所提供的信息,写一篇题为 “Cooperate with others”的英文演讲稿。为何与人合作1. 在忙碌的、现代化的社会中,要想有效地完成一项工作,我们必须学会与人合作。2. 可以节省时间和精力。3. 从合作者身上学到很多。与谁合作与喜欢的人合作心情愉快,一起分享工作中的快乐和痛苦与不喜欢的人合作比较困难,但只要更多地关注我们的工作,而不是合作者本人,时间长了,也会发现他是一个很好相处的人。怎样做一个好的合作者请你发表自己的观点(至少2点看法)注意:1对所给要点,逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。2词数150左右。开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总数。3演讲稿中不得提及考生所在学校及本人姓名。参考词汇:合作者 partnerGoo


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