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2019-2020年高考英语总复习微专题训练第37练外貌特征类单词识记:heavy young appearance blankboot confused muscular clothingdark delighted doubtful dresselderly fair ugly smoothsweater beard blouse elegant短语扫描:build on/upon在基础上发展;依赖,依靠build up树立;逐步建立;增强heavy traffic拥挤的交通ring off 挂断电话ring up打电话(给)be serious about对很认真judge by appearance以貌取人be of average height中等个头below/above average低于/超过平均水平on average 平均;通常跟踪训练.语境填词1It was the presidents second public (appear) to date.2He made efforts to move the (heavily) furniture.3This (cloth) sells well to the teenage market.4She had been in what doctors described as in a (confuse) state of mind for five years.5Walking through the deep snow in my high (靴子),I finally reached the farmhouse.单项填空6I hope they will finish the project in time,but they themselves are very that it will.Acertain BconfidentCdoubtful Dsuspicious7I the hobby of fishing as a child.Abuilt up Bset upCkept up Dtook up8He was a good student and scored average in most subjects.Abelow BofCon Dabove9When taking an examination,youd better relax yourself to prevent your mind from going .(xx江苏镇江期中)Aaggressive BblankCaccurate Dcautious10Everything seemed to be going for the first two days after I moved to New York.Avividly BgenerallyCfrequently Dsmoothly知识运用与阅读能力专练.完形填空A handsome man can earn a fifth more than a plainer colleague but a beautiful woman is not paid a penny more than her averagelooking colleagues,new research has shown.The study by senior economists found that being goodlooking 1 male workers could earn 22 percent more than colleagues who looked 2 .Researchers said good looks did not give women a similar 3 .Andrew Leigh,the former economics professor at the Australian National University who coauthored the report,said,“ 4 can be a doubleedged sword for women.”Some people still 5 good looks and intelligence are inpatible(不相容的) in women so a goodlooking woman cant be that 6 ,but theres no dumbblonde syndrome(无脑综合征) 7 mens pay.He said that 8 he believed goodlooking women may also 9 more,the research did not 10 his theory.The research found that 11 men in all jobs,from manual labor to highlypaid professional 12 ,can earn 22 percent more than their colleagues doing a(n) 13 role.Men with belowaverage looks face a(n) 14 battle in the office,with ugliness reducing a mans earnings by 26 percent 15 an averagelooking worker.Former male model Ian Mitchell,28,who has a first class 16 in history from Edinburgh and now works for a cosmetics(化妆品) pany,told the Sunday Times:“It gives you 17 ,and I suspect people 18 to warm to you more quickly.”The study,entitled Unpacking the Beauty Premium(保险费),was the largest exercise of its kind and repeated a 19 from 1984 to see if the beauty premium had changed.Leigh said the research showed people in the workplace were “lookist” and he hoped the findings would encourage 20 to revise their prejudice.1A.guaranteed BmeantCconducted Dappealed2A.average BenergeticCsmart Dhorrible3A.benefit BadvantageCopportunity DawardCBeauty DReputation5A.expect BsuspectCignore Dbelieve6A.productive BeffectiveCattractive Dpopular7A.harming BencouragingCaffecting Dsuffering8A.since BalthoughCas Dbecause9A.earn BbenefitCproduce Dlearn10A.approve BdevelopCaccelerate Dsupport11A.handsome BgiftedCintelligent Dmon12A.positions BcareersCknowledge Doccasions13A.important BdifferentCfair Dsimilar14A.disappointing BchallengingCpromising Dinspiring15A.based on Brelated toCpared with Dconnected with16A.role BaltitudeCdegree Dprivilege17A.ambition BreferenceCsatisfaction Dconfidence18A.attend BobtainCattempt Dtend19A.survey BconclusionCperformance Dconstruction20A.employees BemployersCinterviewers Dbusinessmen.阅读理解(xx浙江宁波十校联考)Sixteen years ago,Eileen Doyles husband,an engineer,took his four children up for an early morning cup of tea,packed a small case and was never seen or heard from again.Eileen was astonished and in a state of despair.They had been a happy family and,as far as she knew,there had been nothing wrong with their marriage.Every day of the year a small group of men and women quietly pack a few belongings and,without so much as a note or a goodbye,close the front door for the last time,leaving their debts,their worries and their confused families behind them.Last year,more than 1,200 men and nearly as many women were reported missing from homethe highest in 15 years.Many did return home within a year,but others rejected the past pletely and are now living a new life somewhere under a different identity.To those left behind this form of desertion is a terrible blow to their pride and selfconfidence.Even the finality of death might be preferable.At least it does not imply rejection or failure.Worse than that,people can be left with an unfinished marriage,not knowing whether they will have to wait seven years before they are free to start a fresh life.Clinical psychologist Paul Brown believes most departures of this kind to be well planned rather than impulsive.“Its typical of the kind of personality which seems able to ignore other peoples pain and difficulties.Running away,like killing yourself,is a highly aggressive act.By creating an absence the people left behind feel guilty,upset and empty.”21Eileen Doyle reacted that way after her husbands leaving,because she .Afailed to hear from him for a long timeBhad no idea what was wrong with their family lifeCblamed herself for something wrong she didDwondered why her husband took up all their children22According to the passage,those people left their families behind for the following reasons EXCEPT .Athey couldnt bear their spouse(配偶)Bthey were afraid of the burden of debtsCthey wanted to forget the past pletelyDthey wanted to start a new life somewhere else23The man or woman left behind with an unfinished marriage usually .Aadmits their responsibility for the situationBfeels embarrassed and uselessCwill have no legal marriage life for seven yearsDwishes the person who has left were dead24Some people would even prefer the death to the running away of their spouse because .Atheir spouse would feel greatly relievedBtheir spouse would feel no pain during the deathCtheir spouses death would contribute to them starting a fresh lifeDtheir spouses death would not bring a feeling of rejection or failure25Whats the authors attitude towards the departures of this kind?AObjective. BSupportive.CNegative. DPositive.答案解析高考高频单词与短语识记排查跟踪训练.1.appearance2.heavy3.clothing4.confused 5boots.6.Cbe doubtful about/of/that.对疑惑的,不肯定的;be confident that对有信心的;be certain of/about/that对确定的;be suspicious of/that对有怀疑的/有疑心的。7D考查动词短语辨析。build up树立,逐步建立;set up树立(榜样),创立,建立;keep up坚持,继续,使不低落; take up从事,开始做,学着做。根据句意可知选D项。 8D句意为:他是一个好学生,大多数科目得分高于平均水平。above average高于平均数;below average低于平均数;on average平均起来,一般说来。根据句意可知选D项。9B句意为:考试时,你最好放松自己以防止大脑变得一片空白。blank空白的,茫然的;aggressive好斗的,挑衅的;accurate准确的,精确的;cautious小心的,谨慎的。10D考查副词词义辨析。句意为:我搬到纽约后的头两天一切似乎进展得都很顺利。vividly生动地;generally总的来说;frequently频繁地;smoothly顺利地。知识运用与阅读能力专练.完形填空1B根据文章首句可知,长相帅气的男性要比相貌平平者收入高五分之一还多,即长得帅就意味着男性职工比长相普通的同事多挣22%还要多。故选B。2A与前面的being goodlooking相对比,应用average“普通的”。上文的“a beautiful woman is not paid a penny more than her averagelooking colleagues”也有提示。3B结合前后文的内容可知,此处指好的长相并没有给女性类似的优势。benefit利益;advantage优势;opportunity机会;award奖励。故选B。4C结合语境可知,此处意为“美丽对女性来说是一把双刃剑”。good looks对女性来说相当于beauty。5D根据后面的“good looks and intelligence are inpatible(不相容的)in women”可知,一些人认为“女性的美貌和智慧是不会共存的”,这是他们的看法。expect期望;suspect怀疑;ignore忽略;believe认为。故选D。6A根据上文的内容可知,女性美貌和智慧不能兼具,从而说明美丽的女性并不高效。productive富有成效的,多产的;effective有效的;attractive吸引人的;popular受欢迎的,流行的。故选A。7C结合前文叙述可知,与“漂亮女性被认为并不高效”形成对比,帅气男性的工资并不会受到无脑综合征的影响(affect)。其他三项的主语通常是人。8B根据句意可知,此处表让步关系,故选B。9A根据前面的副词also可判断出,这里指漂亮的女性也能像帅气男性一样挣得更多。故选A。10D根据语境可知,这项研究并不支持他的理论。approve赞成;develop发展;accelerate加速,促进;support支持。故选D。11A根据语境可知,此处意为“帅气的人比同事多挣22%还多”,故选A。12B与前面的manual labor相对应,这里是高薪职业。position位置,职位;career职业,事业;knowledge知识;occasion机会,场合。故选B。13D根据语境可知,各种职业都存在帅气占优势的现象,再结合常识可判断出,这种比较只能是类似工种之间。故选D。14B根据后面所修饰的名词battle,再结合语境可知选B。disappointing令人失望的;challenging有挑战性的;promising有前途的,有希望的;inspiring鼓舞人心的。15C很显然,这里是Men with belowaverage looks和an averagelooking worker在酬劳上的比较,故选C。16C根据后面的介词短语from Edinburgh可判断出,这里说的是学位,故选C。17D根据Ian Mitchell的模特身份以及全文讨论的话题可推断出,这里的主语it指代的是goodlooking,ambition抱负;reference参考;satisfaction满意;confidence自信。故选D。18D根据后面“warm to you more quickly”可知,人们往往会更快对你产生好感,这种现象是与相貌平平者的境遇相比较而言的。attend出席;obtain获得;attempt试图;tend倾向(于)。故选D。19A根据前面的动词repeated可判断出,此处与research类似,故选A。20B根据前面的“people in the workplace were lookist”及后面的“to revise their prejudice”可判断,职场人是“相貌控”,那么需要改变偏见的应该是雇主,且根据上文的叙述可知,好相貌带来好收入,决定职员收入多少的当然是雇主,故选B。.阅读理解21B推理判断题。根据文章的第一段,特别是最后一句话Eileen Doyle反思自己的婚姻没有问题,由此推断是因为家庭生活出了问题才导致丈夫离开家出走。故选B。22A细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句话的“.leaving their debts,their worries and their confused families behind them”可知B、C、D三项都是人们离开家的原因,故选A。23B细节理解题。根据文章第三段的最后一句话“Worse than that,people can be left with an unfinished marriage,not knowing whether they will have to wait seven years before they are free to start a fresh life.”可知选B。24D推理判断题。根据文章第三段第二、三句“Even the finality of death might be preferable.At least it does not imply rejection or failure.”可知选D。25C推理判断题。objective客观的;supportive支持的;negative否定的;positive积极的。通读全文,特别是文章最后一段的“Running away,like killing yourself,is a highly aggressive act.”可判断作者对这种做法是持否定态度的。故选C。

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