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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习第二部分题型突破专题14完形填空记叙文二对点特训AMy mother has been a true inspiration to me and changed the way I look at life. Since my birth she has made it evident that I would bee _1_ and that I would be one of the great ones. She has taught me that I can do anything if I put my _2_ to it. As a young boy, I struggled to achieve tasks that came _3_ to others. I had problems with writing, reading and especially speaking. I didnt talk the way _4_ kids did and did not respond to questions or stay alert(警觉的) to my surroundings. My reading was poor _5_ with teachers helping me, and my speech was hard to _6_. My writing was not at the _7_ it should have been. Even simple things like knowing my left from my right or being able to snap my fingers(弹手指) were _8_.My mother _9_ all my challenges and as a professor with a Ph.D., decided to _10_ the situation early in my development. She didnt want me to _11_. After a while, we did indeed get over all the problems that had _12_ me. She spent hours every day _13_ me everything I needed to know,determined to help me learn. _14_ her I would not be anywhere close to the level I am now. In addition, she gave _15_ for my life. She told me what to do and what not to do. Her expectations have always been high _16_ she knows that I can do it. For that, I thank her. She would not allow her son to be incapable. She never _17_ on me, and to this day she tells me education is a must. I will be a _18_ person if I continue to follow her lead. She encourages me to study hard for my _19_ and attend college.She used her gifts as a _20_ to help a childher childand now I have the opportunity to bee something.体裁:记叙文题材:个人经历主题:母亲的坚持铸就了孩子的成功语篇导读:作者小时候无法像其他正常的孩子一样读书、写字和讲话,但是他的母亲从未放弃过他,一直鼓励他,帮助他克服困难,最终作者才有机会成为一位成功人士。1A.everythingBnothingCanythingDsomething【解析】D根据文章最后一句中的I have the opportunity to bee something可知,此处表示作者能成为一位出色而成功的人,故选D项。2A.mindBbrain CfeelingsDwork【解析】A根据语境可知,作者的母亲告诉作者,只要能全神贯注,作者就能做好任何事。put ones mind to sth.是固定短语,全神贯注于某事。3A.smoothlyBstrongly CfrequentlyDeasily【解析】D根据下文writing, reading and especially speaking可知,这些事情对于其他人来讲都是很容易(easily)做到的。smoothly顺利地;strongly强烈地,坚强地;frequently频繁地。4A.averageBordinary CnormalDmon【解析】C根据上文I had problems with writing, reading and especially speaking.可推知,作者的说话方式跟其他正常的(normal)孩子不一样。average平均的;ordinary普通的;mon常见的。5A.justBever CevenDonly【解析】C句意:即使(even)在老师的帮助下,我的阅读也很差,而且我所讲的话很难让人理解。6A.hearBwriteCreadDunderstand【解析】D 根据上文可知,作者的说话方式不正常,所以他讲的话不容易被人“理解”。7A.levelBlength CspeedDdegree【解析】A根据语境可知,作者的写作水平没有达到在他那个年龄段应该达到的水平(level)。length长度;speed速度;degree程度,学位。8A.problemsBexcuses CworriesDduties【解析】A根据语境可知,像分清左右或弹手指这样一些简单的事情对作者来讲也是“问题”。9A.sufferedBobservedCremovedDtolerated【解析】B根据下文可知,作者的母亲看到了作者所面临的困难,决定帮助他。suffer遭受;observe观察,注意到,看到;remove移走;tolerate容忍。10A.studyBfind CchangeDkeep【解析】C根据语境可知,作者的母亲决定在作者早期成长过程中帮助作者“改变”这种状况。11A.fightBstruggleCstrikeDchallenge【解析】B作者的母亲不想看到自己的儿子在这种困境中挣扎(struggle)。fight战斗;strike撞,击;challenge挑战。12A.interruptedBdisturbedCterrifiedDtroubled【解析】D根据get over all the problems可知,作者在他母亲的帮助下克服了那些曾经让他烦恼的(trouble)问题。interrupt打断;disturb打扰;terrify使恐惧。13A.teachingBgivingCsupportingDreminding【解析】A根据下文determined to help me learn可知 ,作者的母亲每天花几个小时的时间去教(teach)作者需要知道的所有知识。give给予;support支持;remind提醒,使想起。14A.WithoutBExceptCBesidesDBeyond【解析】A根据语境可知,“没有”母亲,作者就不可能达到目前的水平。15A.informationBadviceCpromiseDexpectation【解析】B根据下文She told me what to do and what not to do.可知,作者的母亲给了作者很多建议(advice)。information信息;promise承诺;expectation期望。16A.beforeBthough CbecauseDunless【解析】C句意:她对我的期望一直都很高,因为她知道我可以做到。根据语境可知,此处应用because 引导这个原因状语从句。17A.set upBgave upCpushed upDlooked up【解析】B根据上下文语境可知,作者的母亲从未放弃(give up)过作者。set up建立;push up推上去,提高;look up向上看,查找。18A.richBfamousCsuccessfulDpowerful【解析】C句意:如果我继续跟随我母亲的引导,我就可以成为一个成功的(successful)人。rich富裕的;famous著名的;成功的;powerful强大的。19A.trainingBgradesCexperimentsDabilities【解析】B根据下文attend college可知,作者的母亲鼓励作者努力学习提高成绩(grade),考上大学。training训练;experiment 实验;ability能力。20A.womanBdoctor CsisterDteacher【解析】D根据as a professor可知,作者的母亲教会了作者很多东西,对作者来讲,他的母亲发挥出了她作为“老师”的天赋。BOur children grew up on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, although my husband and I sometimes sneak one late at night with a glass of milk. I believe that the success of this _1_ loved concoction(混合物) lies not in the brand of peanut butter, _2_ in the jelly.The right jelly _3_ the palate(味觉), and homemade jelly is the only choice.My motherinlaw was the jelly maker in this family.But she didnt provide a wide range of flavors. It was either grape or blackberry. This limited choice was a wele _4_ in the days of toddlers, siblings and puppies. All I did was to _5_ baby food jars, which my motherinlaw would seal with wax(蜡) and _6_ back home with us. _7_ I wanted to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, all I had to do was reach for one of the little jars. Jelly making was just a way of _8_ for my motherinlaw. She always did it, setting the _9_ jelly on the shelves.My fatherinlaw died several years ago and last December, she also _10_. Among the things in the house to be divided by her children were the _11_ canned goods. The other day I reached my pantry(食品储藏室) for jelly for a quick sandwich. Sitting all alone on the far side of the shelf was a small jar of grape jelly, whose lid was _12_ in some places. _13_ on it were “GR” for grape and the year when the jelly was made.As I picked up the jar, I suddenly realized something that I had _14_ to see earlier. This was the last jar we would ever have from the _15_ loving hands. We hardly ever opened a jar of jelly at table without _16_ about those thousands of little jars she had filled. It seemed like such a small thing, and most days it was something that was _17_ for granted.No longer was it just a jar of jelly. It was the end of a family _18_. We have hundreds of pictures and many more memories that we expect to _19_ the years and to pass on to our children. The jar of jelly wont keep that long. It will either have to be eaten or _20_but not today.体裁:记叙文题材:人际关系主题:感悟亲情语篇导读:作者的孩子是吃着婆婆亲手做的果酱长大的,这些年来婆婆做了数以千计的罐装果酱。她去世后,家中存放的唯一一罐果酱引起了作者对亲情的感慨。1AconsequentlyBmentallyCuniversallyDabsolutely【解析】C根据文章第一句“我们的孩子从小吃夹花生酱和果酱的三明治,然而我和丈夫有时也在深夜就着牛奶偷吃一个”可知,这种食物是老少皆宜的。consequently因此,结果;mentally精神上;universally普遍地;absolutely绝对地。2A.rather thanBbut ratherCor ratherDother than【解析】Bnotbut rather不是而是,是固定用法。3A.frustratesBexcites CsurprisesDdelights【解析】Ddelight the palate表示“口感好”,符合语境。frustrate挫败,阻挠;excite激起,使兴奋;surprise使惊奇。4A.alarmBreminder CreliefDbelief【解析】C这个有限的选择在那些日子里成为一种受欢迎的安慰(relief)。alarm惊恐,警报;reminder提示,提醒者/物;belief相信,信赖。5A.saveBprotect CtickDpossess【解析】A“我”要做的就是把婴儿食品罐都收集(save)起来,婆婆会把这些食品罐用蜡封好,然后寄回家给我们。protect保护;tick(钟表)嘀嗒作响;possess拥有。6A.holdBput CcheckDsend【解析】D参见上题解析。send邮寄,派遣。7A.WhereverBWheneverCWhateverDHowever【解析】B这里用Whenever引导时间状语从句,表示“每当”。每当“我”想做夹花生酱和果酱的三明治时,“我”只需拿出其中一个小罐子出来就行了。8A.lifeBpetenceCchallengeDprofession【解析】A对“我”的婆婆来说,制作果酱已经成为她的一种生活(life)方式。petence竞争;challenge挑战;profession职业,专业。9A.flatteredBflashedCacplishedDfigured【解析】C她总会做,然后把做好的酱放在架子上。acplished完成的,符合语境。flattered感到荣幸的;flashed闪烁的,炫耀的;figured有形状的,图示的。10A.gave awayBbroke awayCpassed awayDput away【解析】C根据上下文可知,这里表示去年12月,婆婆也去世(pass away)了。give away放弃,泄露;break away脱离,放弃;put away把收起来。11A.fragrantBcharmingChistoricDremaining【解析】D在婆婆的遗物中,有那些剩下的(remaining)罐装食品。fragrant芳香的;charming迷人的;historic有重大历史意义的。12A.rustyBdullCawkwardDmusty【解析】A婆婆留下的这罐葡萄果酱摆放在架子的末端,盖子上面有些地方已经生锈(rusty)了。dull钝的,迟钝的,无趣的;awkward尴尬的;musty发霉的。13A.WrittenBAttachedCDescribedDConveyed【解析】A罐子上面写着代表葡萄的“GR”以及制作这罐果酱的年份,故选Written。attach使依附,贴上,系上;describe描述;convey传达, 运输。14A.postponedBrejectedCfailedDavoided【解析】C这里用fail to do sth.表示“没能做某事”。拿起这罐果酱的时候,“我”突然领会到“我”没有早一点儿看到的东西。postpone推迟;reject拒绝;avoid逃避。15A.superbBpatientCacademicDmature【解析】B这是我们可以吃到的最后一罐由那双有耐心的(patient)、充满爱的双手制作的果酱。superb极好的;academic学术的;mature成熟的。16A.kiddingBremarkingCremendingDmenting【解析】A在饭桌上,我们总是拿婆婆做的那些成千上万小瓶的果酱开玩笑。kid拿开玩笑,符合语境。remark评论,注意到;remend推荐;ment发表评论。17A.consideredBtakenClookedDtreated【解析】Btake sth.for granted认为是理所当然的。18A.ruleBprincipleCreligionDtradition【解析】D婆婆去世了,家里再也没人做果酱了,家中的这个传统(tradition)从此结束了。19A.reflectBsurviveCassociateDremind【解析】B我们有成百上千的照片和更多的记忆,我们希望这些东西可以在以后的岁月里保存下来(survive)并且传给我们的孩子。reflect反映,反射;associate把连接起来;remind提醒,使想起。20A.cut outBrun outCthrown outDbrought out【解析】C那罐葡萄果酱,要么被吃掉,要么被扔掉(throw out)。cut out切断,删去;run out用尽;bring out拿出。CPeter and Paul had got permission from their parents to camp in a field close to their farm. But, being adventurous boys, they knew it would be more _1_ to camp in the woods that lay beyond the river. Excitedly, the boys _2_ with their tent and food.Carrying their heavy _3_, the two brothers walked along the riverbank, hardly noticing the distance or the sun beating down. They were eager to reach their _4_ before lunchtime. As they entered the cool, shadowy woods, they began to search for a suitable camping spot. Peter wanted to _5_ close to the river at the edge of the woods, _6_ Paul, who was older, insisted that they camp further away. _7_, Peter followed his brother deeper into the _8_. “This really is a wonderful setting!” said Paul in excitement. They _9_ their tent, and settled down to eat the sandwiches they had made, then decided to find their way _10_ to the river to catch some fish.“Are you sure that this is the right _11_?” whispered Peter shakily. “Im sure we passed that hollow tree just a while ago.” Paul walked _12_ silently. “Look, there it is again. Were lost, arent we?” plained Peter. Paul had to admit that he didnt know where they were. _13_, they were a long distance from where they were _14_ to be. They were not even _15_ of where they had set up their camp. They sat in _16_ for a few minutes until Peter had a bright idea. “Why dont we look for clues(线索) the way that trackers _17_ in the movies? We werent careful about how we walked, so Im sure we would have left _18_ some broken tree branches and leaves.”Carefully, the boys _19_ the marks that they had left, until finally they found their campsite. Hurriedly, they packed their belongings and set off _20_ the direction of the river.What would their parents think of their adventure?体裁:记叙文题材:人物故事主题:丛林冒险语篇导读:两个喜欢冒险的孩子贸然闯入了茂密的树林,不幸迷失了方向。危急之中,其中一人联想到了电影中追踪者寻找线索的方法,最终他们走出了困境。1AsurprisingBexcitingCannoyingDfrightening【解析】B本句的前半部分提到这两个孩子喜欢冒险,由此可知他们认为在河那边的树林中野营更“刺激”。下一句中的Excitedly也是提示。2A.went roundBwent backCwent awayDwent through【解析】C他们满怀激情地带着帐篷和食物离开(go away)了。go round四处走;go back回来;go through通过,完成。3A.loadBtentCfoodDstorage【解析】Aload表示“负荷”,此处指上文提到的他们携带的帐篷和食物。4A.grasslandBdestinationCfieldDriver【解析】B他们急于在午饭时间前到达“目的地”,即河那边的树林。5A.liveBlie CwaitDstay【解析】D上一句提到他们在寻找合适的营地,所以用stay,表示“停留”。6A.butBand CorDso【解析】APeter想把营地安扎在河边,“可是” Paul却坚持在更远的地方安扎营地。7A.UnconsciouslyBUnfortunatelyCUnwillinglyDUninterestingly【解析】CPeter不情愿地(unwillingly)跟着Paul朝树林深处走去。unconsciously无意识地;unfortunately不幸地;uninterestingly乏味地。8A.woodsBfarmCsettingDcamp【解析】A由上文可知,Paul不愿把营地安扎在河边而是在更远的树林里,故此处应选woods。9A.put offBput onCput downDput up【解析】D此处put up表示“搭起”。put off推迟;put on穿上;put down放下,记下。10A.forwardBnearCbackDfurther【解析】C上文提到Peter想在河边安扎营地,而Paul则要去树林深处,由此可知他们决定“返回”到河边去捉一些鱼。11A.placeBmark CwayDtime【解析】C他们显然是在树林中迷失了方向,因此Peter颤抖着问Paul所走的是否是正确的“道路”。12A.aloneBaboutCinDon【解析】DPaul默默地“继续”往前走。此处on表示动作的继续。13A.After allBAt lastCAbove allDAt first【解析】APaul不得不承认他不知道他们身在何处。毕竟(after all)他们离应该在的地方很远。at last最后;above all尤其是,最重要的是;at first开始,最初。14A.discoveredBencouragedCpersuadedDsupposed【解析】Dbe supposed to do sth.表示“应该做某事”,此句的意思是:毕竟他们离应该在的地方很远。15A.afraidBsureCinformedDreminded【解析】B两个人在树林中迷失了方向,他们甚至不能“确信”营地安扎在了什么地方。16A.enjoymentBsatisfactionCdisappointmentDimagination【解析】C他们既找不到原来的路,又记不起营地在什么地方,因此“失望”地坐了几分钟。17A.appearBdo CworkDbehave【解析】B此处do代指本句前面的look for clues,以避免重复,意思是:我们为什么不像电影中的追踪者那样寻找线索呢?18A.behindBout CasideDaround【解析】APeter相信他们在道路上留下(leave behind)了一些痕迹。leave out遗漏;leave aside搁置;leave around乱扔。19A.fetchedBwatchedCfollowedDcollected【解析】C两个孩子仔细地“跟踪”他们留下的痕迹,最终找到了他们的营地。20A.forBat CtoDin【解析】D他们匆忙打点好物品,朝河的方向走去。in the direction of朝方向。

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