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Im very delighted that you can come. I was delighted to be invited to her party. I am delighted at/by your success.,1.delighted,1,归纳拓展 with delight高兴地 be delighted atby因而高兴 be delighted to do sth.(be glad to do sth. be happy to do sth.)做某事高兴 to ones delight使某人高兴的是,2,牛刀小试 (1)We were all _ to receive your letter and read it _ delight. Adelight;in Bdelighting;in Cdelighting;with Ddelighted;with 解析:选D。 be delighted to do sth.“很高兴做某事”;with delight高兴地。,3,完成句子 (1)I _ (为你的成功而高兴) (2)_(使他大为高兴的是),he has got the first place in the competition.,am delighted at/by your success,To his great delight,4,2.assist vt.帮助;协助 _n.助理;助手 _n.帮助;援助,assistance,assistant,5,归纳拓展,6, The _ (assist) asked the boss for _ so that he could assist the workers _ improving the efficiency. Would you like to assist me_my English?,with,assistant,assistance,in,7,3. Submit vt.递交;呈递(文件等);使服从,顺从。(submitted) 归纳拓展,8,We have _ homework to our teacher. (submit) I refuse to submit (myself) to his control.,submitted,我不肯听任他的控制。,9,4.eager adj. 热切的;渴望的;热心的 _adv. 热切地 _ n.渴望;热心 _渴望(做)某事,be eager to do sth. be eager for sth,eagerly,eagerness,10, He is eager _knowledge about the party construction because he is eager_ (join) the party. These young people show great _ (eager) for new knowledge. The children were_ (eager) looking forward to the party,for,to join,eagerness,eagerly,11,5. concentrate on集中,聚集 concentrate on(doing)sth.专心(干)某事 拓展:concentrate ones attention on 把集中在,12,单项填空 Teenagers should _ their studies though there are a lot of attractions around them. Adevote to Bfix on Cconcentrate on Dkeep on 解析:选C。devote后常跟宾语energy,time等,再加介词to;选项B若改为fix their attention on也可选;concentrate on sth.专心干某事;keep on doing sth.继续干某事。,13,运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 吵闹声不绝于耳,我无法专心学习。 _ with all that noise going on. 我们应该致力于提高英语。 We should _ our attention_ improving English.,on,I cant concentrate on my studies,concentrate,14,6. acquire vt. 获得;养成;学到(get,gain,obtain),acquire a(good)knowledge of得到知识,精通,运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 我们逐步获得了做这工作的经验。 Gradually we_ in how to do the work.,acquired experience,15, 我们应该努力养成良好的习惯。 We should try to_. 我们必须用功学习才能精通英语。 We must work hard to_ English.,acquire a good knowledge of,acquire good habits,16,7. inform v. 告知,通知 inform sb that inform sb.of sth.把某事告诉某人 keep sb informed of随时告知某人情况 He informed the police that some money was missing. He informed me_ your decision. 他把你的决定告诉了我。 Please keep me informed of what happened.,of,17,归纳:结构类似的词组还有: _ sb.of sth.提醒某人某事 _sb.of sth.抢劫某人某物 _sb.of sth.治愈某人某病 _sb.of sth.警告某人某事 _sb.of sth.控告某人犯某罪,remind,rob,cure,warn,accuse,18,8. depend on/upon依靠;依赖;取决于 depend on/upon sb to do依靠某人做某事 depend on sbs going sth相信、指望某人做某事 depend on sb for sth依靠某人供给某物 Depend on it that请相信 It all depends. That depends.视情况而定,19,You may depend on her _on time. Children_their parents _ food and clothing. You may_she will help you. -Is Tom coming? -That depends. He may not have time.,arriving,depend on,for,depend on it that,20,运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 我不想依靠别人来处理这个件事。 I dont want to_ _the matter.,depend on others to deal with,21,9. case nC情况;病例;案例;箱子。,22,Take the umbrella with you in case it rains.带上伞以防下雨。 In case of fire,ring the alarm bell. 如遇火警,就按警铃。 In no case will I turn against my motherland.我决不会背叛我的祖国。 It is said that well have to do extra work on Sunday. In that case,we cant go to a movie.,23,牛刀小试 _ fire,all exits must be kept clear. AIn place of BInstead of CIn case of DIn spite of 解析:选C。考查短语辨析。in place of代替;instead of代替;in case of万一;in spite of尽管。,24,(2)I can think of many cases _ students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldnt write a good essay. Awhy Bwhich Cas Dwhere 解析:选D。 先行词cases后面的定语从句缺少状语,用关系副词where。句意为:我能想到许多情况:学生明显知道一些英语单词和表达但是不能写出一篇好文章。,25,10. accuse vt.指责;谴责;控告,accuse sb.of (doing)sth.因指责或控告某人 Sb be accused of doing sth被指控,26,运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 他被指控受贿。 He was accused _ taking bribes. 很多员工指责老板不守信用。 Many workers _ having broken his words,accuse the boss of,of,27,牛刀小试 (The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and _him of speeding. Acharged Baccused Cblamed Dwarned 解析:选B。这里是指警察指控他超速,charge和accuse都有“指控”的意思,但charge与with搭配;accuse与of搭配;blame“责备”与for搭配;warn“警告”,warn sb. of“警告某人注意”,,28,11. so as (not)to do sth.为了做某事。,29,1.He hurried through his work _he could catch the train. 他急忙做完工作,以便能赶上火车。 2.She was so angry as to be unable to speak. 她如此生气以至于不能说话。 3.I make full use of my spare time _improve my English.,so as to/in order to,so that/in order that,30,为了考试及格,他很用功。 _ fail in the exam,he worked hard.,In order not to,31,12. demand n.需求;vt. 要求 强烈要求,demand to do要求做 demand that sb.(should)do sth.要求某人 做某事(n.v都要虚拟) demand that sb (should) be done in(great)demand 非常需要的 meet/satisfy ones demands 满足某人的要求,32, 他要求被告知一切事情。 He demanded_ (tell)everything.,to be told,(2) 我要求你放学前打扫完教室。 I demand that you _ (finish) cleaning the class before school.,(should) finish,33,一坚持:insist 二命令:order,command 三坚持:advise,suggest,propose 四要求:request.require,demand.desire,34,13.gifted adj.有天赋的(talented) _n.礼物;天赋 _搭配在有天赋,have a gift/talent for,gift,35, It is known that he was gifted _ painting when he was young.When he grew up,he turned _(gift) artist. He has a gift _ music.,for,in,gifted,36,14. ahead of 在前面;领先 运用:理解划线部分的意思并翻译句子。 They managed to finish the assignment two weeks ahead of time. He is far ahead of his class in English. Two people were ahead of us,travelling fast.,有两个人在我们的前面,他们走得很快。,他们提前两周完成了任务。,他在英语方面远远超过其它同学的水平。,37,15. senior adj.年长的;高年级的;高级的 n. 年长者;前辈;毕业班学生 be senior to 比年长 He is 2 years senior to me. =He is senior to me by 2 years. 反义:junior adj.年少的n.年少者,晚辈,迈克比我大五岁。 Mike is five years senior_ me.,to,38,18. approve v.赞成;认可;批准 approve of 赞成,赞许,同意 说明:指正式批准或接受某个计划、请求或建议等时,是及物动词。 派生:approval n. 同意;批准,39,运用:根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 恐怕你的父母不赞成你和他结婚。 I am afraid your parents wont_ _ . 市议会批准了这项建设计划。 The city council_ the building plan.,approved,approve of your marrying him,40,19.appointment n.约会;任命 _vt.任命;委派 _ 搭配与某人约会,make/fix an appointment with sb,appoint,41,Tom made an_ (appoint) with Kate to meet under that tree. Kate promised she _ (keep) an appointment,_ at last she broke the appointment.,appointment,would keep,But,42,谢谢大家!,43,谢谢大家!,44,

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