2019-2020年高三英语5月推中试题1 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语5月推中试题1 含答案1、I like this fancy car which can speed up very fast , but I dont have enough money to buy _ .A. oneB. itC. thisD. that2. _ lifes ups and downs , he can face the world with a positive state of mind now .A. To have experiencedB. Having been experiencedC. Being ExperiencingD. Having experienced3.I didnt expect John missed last nights match .As far as I know , he _ his grandparents on Saturday nights .A. goes to visitB. went to visitC. has gone to visitD. was visiting5. To get the certificate , you must satisfy all the conditions _ .A. requiringB. requiredC. to be requiredD. being required7.Do you think you will be able to finish your writing by five oclock today ?_ . Ill be busy with experiments all day .A. Not a chanceB. Not yetC. Not a big dealD. Not a little8. Many people agree that _ knowledge of English is a must in _ international trade today .A. a ; 不填B. the ; anC. the ; theD. 不填 ; the9.When you _ with the dictionary , dont forget to put it back on my desk , will you ?A. will finishB. are finishingC. will have finishedD. have finished11. The shelter is expected to help the homeless live _ the bitter winter .A. acrossB. withC. throughD. against12. Reading for fun means much to us and we _ never tell where its influence stops .A. mustB. needC. canD. should2. For_ cancer patients there may not be _ bright future; today has to count.A. / ; / B. /; a C. the; / D. /; the【举一反三】不定冠词的特殊用法:(1)用于序数词之前,表示数量或序数的增加: 如:Soon I saw a second plane.不久我又看到了另一架飞机。 This is the second time that Ive read the book. “这是我第二次看这本书。”Do you want to read it a third time?“你还想看第三次吗?” (2)用于表示“非常”、“很”等意义的most前: 如:This is a most interesting story. 这是一个非常有趣的故事。(3)用于物质名词前,使之转化为具体名词,表示“一种”、“一杯之量”等: 如:A coffee, please. 请给我来杯咖啡。 Id like a tea, please. 我要来杯茶。 (4)用于抽象名词前,使之具体化,表示与该之相关的具体的人或事: 如:He was a success in business. 他事业成功。 Its a pleasure to talk with you. 同你谈话是件令人愉快的事。 (5)用于指人的专有名词前,指某人、某人的作品或艺术品、似(式)的人等: 如:A Mr Smith wants to see you. 一位名叫史密斯先生的人想见你。 (6)用于某些由动词转化来或具有动作意味的名词前,表示一次、一番等义(通常与have, take, make, give等动词连用): 如:Lets go out for a walk. 我们出去走走吧。 如:Do you care for a smoke? 抽烟吗? Would you like a drink? 要喝一杯吗?(7)有的不可数名词或本来带有定冠词the的名词,由于受定语的修饰,其前可用不定冠词,表示某种状态。此时的不定冠词含有类似a kind of的意思: 如:have breakfast 吃早餐have a quick breakfast 吃快餐 the world 世界a world like ours 像我们这样的世界 (8)构成短语表示数量: 如:a few apples 几个苹果;a little money 一点点钱 a lot of time 许多时间;a great many friends 许多朋友With the loss of her husband in the earthquake, the two children mean _ to the young mother.A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something_ you are travelling near or far, weve got tips on saving money and packing smart.A. When B. Where C. Whether D. If I was bored staying here for years, _ whether I should try someplace different.A. wondered B. to wonder C. wondering D. wonder_ money for school fees, I had to take another part-time job.A. In case of B. In need of C. In spite of D. In charge ofLife teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it _ and is beyond our control.A. has passed B. will pass C. passed D. had passed This drug is less likely to cause side effects when _ late in the day.A. taking B. taken C. to take D. takes It sounds like a wonderful match. How I wish I _ it like you.A. watch B. have watched C. would watch D. had watched1. Everything in my life has fallen to pieces. My life is such a mess! _. I know how you feel. A. By no means B. I cant agree more C. Ive been there D. I cant find any reasons May I borrow your dictionary? _ Here you areABy all meansBBy no means CBy the way DBy this means此题应选A。By all means意为:可以;没问题选项 B(By no means)主要用来表示否定(语气较强),意为:当然不行;绝不是。主要有两种用法:1)by all means表示同意或许可,意为:可以;没问题。如: Can I sit here?我可以坐这儿吗? Yes,by all means可以,请坐。2)by all means 表示请求或意愿,意为:一定要;务必。如: e to the party by all means务必来参加晚会。 By all means tell him the news务请把这个消息告诉他。2、by no means决不, 一点也不;主要用来表示否定(语气较强),意为:当然不行;绝不是。如 Can I go out like this?我可以这样出去吗? By no means绝不可以。 You havent lost heart, then?那么你还没有灰心? By no means绝对没有。 Can I go out like this?我可以这样出去吗? By no means绝不可以。 You havent lost heart, then?那么你还没有灰心? By no means绝对没有。2. France is a main destination for U.S. travelers, _ second only to the United Kingdom, according to _ merce Department report. A.不填; a B. 不填; the C. a; a D. the; the4. Many memories of old times were _ by the conversation we had together that evening.A. called up B. turned up C. taken up D. kept up9. Mom told him he was forbidden to watch TV for a month. _, he stormed out of the room. A. In responseB. In turnC. In returnD. In advance14. That night, trapped alone in the mountain, she felt cold, hungry and scared. She _. A. should have cried B. might cry C. would cry D. could have cried16. I will go to the party if I dont have to dress up. Well, actually, it doesnt matter _ youre dressed. A. whatB. whetherC. how D. when 1Both of the two dresses are attractive! Which one should I pick? _! A. What a shock B. Either will do C. Just my luck D. Its none of my business2. Everyone has potential, but whether he can reach his potential _the environment where he has grown up.A. depends on B. bases on C. insists on D. focuses on4When the accident happened, John rushed to call for a doctor. _, we stayed with the injured worker.A. Indeed B. Meanwhile C. Finally D. Therefore5. _anything, give me a call and Ill be glad to help you within my power.A. Had you required B. Should you requireC. You required D. You were to require6. Learning English well is no easy task. But _, a man who wants to achieve his dream has to make great efforts.A. on the other hand B. as a result C. on the contrary D. in addition7. Would you mind my ing with you to the mall? _. Lets go.A. Take your time B. Take it easy C. Not in the least D. Dont mention it8 It shames me to say it,but l told a lie when_at the meeting by my boss A.questioning B. having questioned C.questioned D. to bequestioned9 Alice returned from the managers office,_ me that the boss wanted to see me at once.A. having told B. tells C. to tell D. telling 10 Laws that punish parents for their little childrens actions against the laws get parents_.A. worried B. to worry C. worrying D. worry 11_the programme, they have to stay there for another two weeks.A. Not pleting B. Not pletedC. Not having pleted D. Having not pleted 12_ ,we were taken to see the library.A. We had been shown the classrooms B. Being shown the classroomsC. Having been shown the classrooms D. Having shown the classrooms 13 _to give up smoking,he threw away his_ cigarettes.A. Determined; remained B. Determined; remainingC. Determining; remained D. Determining; remaining 14 After_ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.A. being interviewed B. interviewedC. interviewing D. having interviewed

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