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2019-2020年高三12月阶段性检测英语含答案本试卷分第I卷和第卷两部分,共10页。满分150分。考试用时120分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第I卷(共105分)第一部分 英语知识应用(共两节,满分55分)第一节 语法和词汇知识(共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1 Weifang you see today is quite different city from what it was 10 years agoAThe;a B;a CThe; DA;a2 Mum,I really think Dad should have a break and get relaxedYesHe_ too longAread Bhad read Chas been reading Dis reading3Living in a highly society,you definitely have to arm yourself with modern technology and skillsApetitive Bfierce Cattractive Dsensitive4Chinadaily. . cn is the largest English portal site in China, news,business information and learning materialsAto provide Bprovide Cprovided Dproviding5Barack Obama delivered a speech to 500 local youths during his visit to China,many of_ were from Fudan University and Tongji UniversityAthem Bwhom Cwhich Dthose6A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city, _all four people on board. A. killed B. killing C. kills D. to kill7Ill ask the teacher about the attributive clause. Im very puzzled about it.Thats just _ most of our classmates have doubt.Awhat Bwhy Cwhere Dhow8She got stuck in a terrible traffic jam on the highway to Shanghai,or she dinner with her family nowAwill be having Bwould be having Cis having Dwas having9Youve got your flat furnished,havent you?YesI some used furniture at the Sunday Market and it was a real bargainAwill buy Bhave bought Chad bought Dbought10In 1778, Bank was elected _ president of the Royal Society, _ position he held for 43 years. A. the; the B. 不填; a C. a; a D. 不填 ; the11 I cant believe that Jeff _ have quarreled and fought with his boss. - Well, if one _ ask for trouble, it just cant be helped.A. would; will B. must; may C. should; must D. need; dare 12With the nuclear crisis worsening in Iran, the worlds attention is fixed again on is called the Middle EastAwhich Bthat Cwhat Dit13_ piano is her main focus,shes also great at guitarASince BOnce CUnless DWhile14Cheer up! Everyone may have periods in their lives everything seems toughAwhich Bwhere Cwhen Dthat15Hey,you havent been acting like yourselfEverything is OK? .ASure, it is BIm fine,thanks CThats good DIts a pleasure16.Finding a job in such a big pany has always been his wildest dreams.A.under B.over C.above D.beyond17.They will send kids to college it takes, even if that means a huge amount of debt.A.whoever B.however C.whatever D.whichever18. around the lab, we were taken to see the library.A.Being shown B.Showing C.Having been shown D.To show19. Are you still working in that pany, Mary?No, it is ten months _ I worked thereAafter Bthat Cbefore Dsince20.I have passed my examination easily, but I made too many stupid mistakes.A.must B.will C.shall D.could21.Although her disease her eyesight and forced her to leave the dance floor, she refuses to fall into self-pity.A.has affected B.affected C.affects D.had affected22.Thank God! This school term is ing to an end!Yeah , after all that hard work , we all a holiday.A.preserve B.observe C.reserve D.deserve23.The girl went to have piano lessons at the training center with her sister she would stay for an hour.A.who B.where C.which D.what24.In my daily life I ignore work , study , and other activities to check my phone for messages.A.fluently B.frequently C.immediately D.practically25.You always go to the seaside and swim during the summer vacation. Dont you want to try something different this year? .A.Like what? B.With pleasure . C.Lets go then. D.Thats all right.第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文、掌握其大意,然后从2645各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项、并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A man hired a taxi outside the airfieldThe cab had a woolen carpet with 26 lace edgesOn the glass partition that 27 the drivers seat was a copy of a famous paintingIts windows were all cleanThe customer was very much 28 and said to the driver,“Ive never seen a nicer 29 ”“Thank you for your praise”the driver answered 30 “The car isnt mine,”said the driver“It belongs to the panyI used to be a 31 of cabsWhen they returned,all of them were as 32 as garbage cans with cigarette butts and rubbish 33 here and thereOn the seats and door-handles could be found something 34 like peanut sauce or, chewing gumWhy so? I thought if the car itself were very clean the passengers would most 35 be considerate and refrain from littering”“So when I got a 36 to be a taxi-driver,I began 37 my idea into practice-to tidy and 38 the car Now before a new passenger gets on my car,Id make a cheek and be sure it is in good orderWhen my car 39 after a days work,it always remains 40 ”When doing a thing,one makes efforts and wants to see the resultTo change others,one has to make twice the 41 but get half the resultTo change oneself is the other way round-more fruit with less effortOne had better ask oneself why one makes 42 on others much more than on oneself 43 you take enough care to do as best you can for other peoples sake,your efforts will yield results,If you 44 the inner world of your own,examine yourself and wipe out the dust and dirt,instead of fixing your eyes on other people,you will find a cheerful 45 for yourself and create a pleasant environment for others26Augly Bexciting Cbrilliant Dfavorite27Aseparated Bcovered Cprotected Dprevented28Amoved Bannoyed Cdisappointed Dsurprised29Aseat Bcarpet Cgarage Dcab30Anaturally Bsmilingly Chopefully Dfirmly31Adriver Bcleaner Crepairer Dcustomer32Aattractive Bpleasant Cdirty Dclean33Aspread Bextended Cdotted D1eft34Afunny Bbusy Csticky Dclumsy35Alikely Bwillingly Cextremely Dregularly36Apermit B1icense Ccertificate Dpassport37Aput Btake Cmake Dget38Aprovide Bdrive Cdecorate Ddescribe39Aspeeds Bleaves Carrives Dreturns40Aspotless Bpretty Cbright Ddirty41Aprogress Beffort Cattempt Dtrial42AsuggestionsBmentsCdemands Ddecisions43AThough BWhile CAs DIf44Alook into Blook for Clook up Dlook through45Aspirit Bmood Cmind Dsense第二部分 阅读理解(共25小题;每小题2分,满分50分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIn America,Virginia Beach has all the elements of a classic seaside resort:brilliant beaches,a lively boardwalk,plenty of restaurants and nightspots,and amusement rides sure to appeal to kidsMany believe Virginia Beach is at its best in the off-season,when the town is less crowded but the weather is still mildMeanwhile,some safety tips should be followed,enjoying the happiness and excitement the beach offersThe number l safety tip concerns ocean safety:pay attention to Flag conditions posted on the lifeguard standsLifeguards post a red flag to warn when the ocean water is dangerousTake them seriously! Tourists from land-locked regions are particularly easily attracted by the magic of the wavesHowever,a calm ocean can bee risky without warningMake sure you swim near a lifeguardSwimming without lifeguard protection is almost five times as great as drowning at a beach with lifeguardsNever swim aloneMany drownings involve single swimmersWhen you swim with someone else,if one of you has a problem,the other may be able to get help,including signaling for assistance from othersDont fight the currentThe facts show that some 80 of rescues by lifeguards at ocean beaches are caused by currentsThese currents are formed by surf and gravity,because once surf pushes water up the slope of a beach,gravity pulls it backThis can create concentrated rivers of water moving offshoreIf you are caught in a rip current,dont fight it by trying to swim directly to shoreInstead,swim parallel to shore until you feel the current relax,then swim to shoreMost rip currents are narrow and a short swim parallel to shore will help bring you to safety46When ing to Virginia Beach,children can enjoy the happiness of .Awalking on the road made of wood Bjoining the nightspotsChaving interesting rides Dskiing in the sea47Many people believe the best time to visit Virginia Beach may be .Aafter autumn school term beginning Bin the slimmer vacationCduring the Christmas holiday Din the cold winter48Swimming in the sea youd better not swim .Awith a friend Bwithin the sight of the lifeguardCwith the current Das far as you like49From the passage,we can know .Aone in five persons swimming in the sea is drownedBif one with lifeguard were drowning,five persons without lifeguard would beCsome 80people drowning by the currents are rescued by lifeguardsDsome 20drowning by the currents are rescued by life guards50The passage mainly tells us .Asome safety tips when swimming in the seaBthe happiness and excitement the beach offersCVirginia Beach has all the elements of a classic seaside resortDthe dangers for tourists from land-locked regions to swim in the seaB Oh,you must have been a spoiled(宠坏的) kid. You must be really bossy. I wonder what youre going to be like to deal with? Thats often the response Angela Hult gets when people find out shes an only child,she told ABC News, Despite such negative(消极的) remarks,Hult has decided to have only one child herself. And shes not alone. According to the US Office for National Statistics,women approaching the end of their childbearing years had an average of l.9 children in xx, pared with 3.1 for their counterparts in 1976. The percentage of one-child families in Britain had risen from 18 percent in 1972 t0 26 percent in xx. But even though only children are being increasingly mon,the traditional view that theyre selfish,spoilt and lack social skills holds strong. Even parents of only children,like Hult,are made to feel guilty about having only one child. Worried that theyre being selfish and endangering their childs future,they flock to online discussion forums seeking advice. Soon, however,they ask themselves: is this social prejudice really reasonable? There have been hundreds and hundreds of research studies that show that only children are no different from their peers(同龄人) , Susan Newman,a social psychologist at Rutgers University in the US,told ABC News. This raises another question: why are only children still viewed with such suspicion? There is a belief thats been around probably since humans first existed that to have just one child is somehow dangerous,both for you and for the cont.inuation of your race, Toni Falbo,a professor of educational psychology,told the Guardian. In the past a lot of children died, Youd have had to be crazy to only have one. Times,of course,have changed and infant mortality(婴儿死亡率) has largely reduced. So what do only children themselves say? Kayley Kravitz,a blogger for The Huffington Post,grew up as an only child and highly remends the experience. Being an only child taught me the most valuable skill of all: the ability to be alone, she said.51. Which of the following could be the best title for the text? A. Are only children lonely:? B. Are only children mon? C. Are only children dangerous? D. Are only children different?52. What does Susan Newman mean? A. Only children are as good as their peers. B. Only children are more selfish and spoiled. C. Parents feel guilty about having only one child. D. Parents will endanger their only childs future.53. What is the mon belief since human existed? A, The infant death rate always stays high. B. People are crazy to have only one child. C. Its easy for only children to earn their living. D.Its hard to continue the family line with only one child.54. An only child like Kayley_. A. must be difficult to persuade B. can possibly learn to be alone C. should value special skills D. need ignore bad experience55. Whats the authors attitude towards having only one child? A. Neutral. B. Negative. C. Positive. D. Doubtful.CA baby born in India has been declared the worlds seven billionth person by child rights group Plan InternationalBaby Nargis was born at 07:25 local time(01:55GMT)in Mall village in Indias Uttar Pradesh statePlan International says Nargis has been chosen symbolically as it is not possible to know where exactly the seven billionth baby is bornIn addition to baby Nargis in India,Bangladesh,the Philippines and Cambodia have all identified seven billionth babiesThe United Nations estimated that on Monday 31 Octoberthe worlds population would reach seven billionPopulations are growing faster than economies in many poor countries in Africa and some in AsiaAt the same time,low birth rates in Japan and many European nations have raised concerns about labor shortagesPopulation experts at the United Nations estimated that the world reached six billion in October xxThey predict nine billion by 2050 and ten billion by the end of the century Chinas population of one and a third billion is currently the worlds largestIndia is second at 12 billionBut India is expected to pass China and reach one and a half billion people around 2025India will also have one of the worlds youngest populationsEconomists say this is a chance for a so-calleddemographic dividendIndia could gain from the skills of young people in a growing economy at a time when other countries have aging populationsBut economists say current rates of growth,although high,may not create enough jobsAlso,the public education system is failing to meet demand and schooling is often of poor qualityAnother concern is health careNearly half of Indias children under the age of five are malnourished(营养不良).Michal Rutkowski,the director of human development in South Asia at the World Bank, says reaching seven billion people in the world is a good time for a call to actionHe says,“I think the bottom line of the story is that the public policy needs to bee really,really serious about sex equality and about access to servicesto fight against malnutrition,and to provide for access to health services,water and schooling”56What is true about the worlds seven billionth person?ABaby Nargis is not the only child chosen as the seven billionth baby.BBaby Nargis has been chosen carefully so it is exactly the seven billionth babyCThree countries have all declared Baby Nargis as the seven billi011th baby.DThe United Nations declared Baby Nargis as the worlds seven billionth person57Which of the following problems do many European countries worry about?ALabor shortage BPoor health careCNot enough jobsDSchooling of poor quality58According to population experts,how long will it take for population to grow from six billion to nine billion?AAbout 12 years BAbout 40 years CAbout 50 years DAbout 110 years59What does the underlined phrase“demographic dividend”in the fourth paragraph refer to?APossibility of lower birth rateBBenefit gained by working young peopleCChances for more employmentDDisadvantages caused by aging population60Which of the following public policies does Michal Rutkowski call on?ATo encourage late marriage BTo reduce worlds populationCTo gain economic equality DTo improve health and educationDHow often do you sit still and do absolutely nothingThe usual answer these days is“never”or“hardly ever”As the pace of life continues to increase,we are fast losing the art of relaxationOnce you are in the habit of rushing through life,being on the go from morning till night,it is hard to slow downBut relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and bodyStress is fl natural part of everyday lifeThere is no way to avoid it, since it takes many and varied forms-driving in traffic,problems with personal relationships are all different forms of stressStress,in fact,is not the“baddy”it is often reputed to beA certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to lifeIt is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill healthThe amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individualSome people are not afraid of stress,and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilitiesOthers lose heart at the first sight of unusual difficultiesWhen exposed to stress,in whatever form,we react both chemically and physicallyIn fact we make a choice between “fight” or “fright” and in more primitive days the choice made the difference between life and deathThe crisis we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme,but however little the stress,it involves the same responseAll the energy is shifted to cope with the stressIt is when such a reaction lasts long,through continued exposure to stress,that health bees endangeredSuch serious conditions as high blood pressure and heart disease have established links with stressStress in some people produces stomach disorders,while others experience tension headachesSince we cannot remove stress from our 1ires,We need to find ways to cope with it61People are finding less and less time for relaxing themselves because .Athey are working harder than they used toBthey are often too busy to find the timeCthey are not clear of how to relax by themselvesDthey are suffering from the effects of stress62What is implied but not stated in the passage?AThe art of relaxation can greatly help people bear stressBPeople in primitive days know certain ways to deal with stressCIf one gets into the habit of relaxing every day he can overe stress easilyDStress can lead to serious health problem if one is exposed to it for too long63The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 suggests that Astress is not always a bad thing for peopleBstress has a bad reputation of causing ill healthCstress is not so terrible as people often believe it to beDstress is always harmful to people all the time64According to this passage,which of the following statements is true?ARelaxation in life only benefits us mentallyBDifferent people can stand different amounts of stress.CAll the stress can lead to poor performanceDLarge amounts of stress is important to peoples lire65What is the writers attitude to stress according to the passage?AStress as well as relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and bodyBStress should not be rid pletely from the lifeCStress produces both positive and negative effects on peopleDPeople usually work better under stress if they are healthyEIndia is traditionally a tea-drinking country. But, it is now gaining a new ta


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