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必修 5,Unit 1 Great scientists,考点要求,.写出下列必考单词 1.特征,特性n. _ 2.病毒n. _ 3.建设,结构,建筑物n. _ 4.熟练的,经验丰富的;专家,行家adj.n._ 5.询问n. _ 6.热情的,热心的adj. _ 7.积极的,肯定的,确实的adj. _ 8.小心的,谨慎的adj. _ 9.图表n. _ 10.医生,内科医生n. _,characteristic virus construction expert enquiry enthusiastic positive cautious chart physician,.写出下列单词的变化形式 1.结论,结束(n.) _ ;结论,结束,推断(v.) _ 2.加,增加(v.) _ ;增加,加法(n.) _;额外的,增加的(adj.)_ 3.贡献,奉献,捐助(vt.vi.)_;贡献,奉献(n.)_ 4.科学的(adj.)_;科学(n.) _;科学家(n.)_ 5.贵重的,有价值的(adj.)_;价值(n.) _;无价值的(adj.)_,valueless,conclusion,conclude,add,addition,additional,contribute,contribution,scientific,science,scientist,valuable,value,活学活用 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.It _that he didn,t tell us the truth. I came to the that he was lying. (conclude) 2.The government is providing an _25 million to expand the project, which will _ to our total fund. (addition) 3.This work has _ him for several years. He seemed totally _ in his work. (absorb) 4.The writer personally _5000 to the earthquake fund. All the _will be gratefully received. (contribute),5.The _ took a very _approach to _ .(scientific) 6.Don,t _ .She stays perfectly still. She observes the gentle _ of the snake. (move),答案:1.was concluded; conclusion 2.additional; be added 3.absorbed; absorbed 4.contributed; contributions 5.scientist; scientific; science 6.move; movement,.翻译下列必背短语 1.提出(建议等) _ 2.得出结论 _ 3.有意义,有道理 _ 4.并且,另外 _ 5.对严格要求 _ 6.除了之外 _ 7.减慢 _ 8.对好奇 _ 9.调查 _ 10.在的控制之下 _,put forward draw a conclusion make sense in addition be strict/severe with apart from slow down be curious about look into under the control of,11.通向,导致 _ 12.因某事责备某人 _ 13.专心 _ 14.对某事热心 _,lead to blame sb.for sth. be absorbed in be enthusiastic for/about sth.,活学活用 根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子。 1.A working party has been set up to _ the problem. (investigate or examine) 2.At yesterday,s meeting, he _ a proposal but was refused by all because it was not practical. (suggest something for discussion). 3.It doesn,t _ to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good (be sensible). ,4.Before the meeting was over, the president _ that the company had been running smoothly this year. (to conclude) 5. _ his nose, he,s quite good-looking (except for).,答案:1.look into 2.put forward 3.make sense 4.drew/made a conclusion 5.Apart from,challenge defeat absorb blame reject control suspect expose cure pollute instruct announce construct,活学活用 用上述动词的适当形式填空。 1.Completely _ in his work, he didn,t notice a stranger enter his office. 2.Just then the bell rang,_ the end of class.,.单元重点动词,3.Almost two thirds of the fish in the pond died over a night. Yet he didn,t know what was _. 4._ the longest bridge in Asia, the company became famous all over the country. 5.You _ where to go as soon as the plane is ready. 6._his mother of the strange disease, he did a lot of research work.,答案:1.absorbed 2.announcing 3.to blame 4.Having constructed5.will be instructed6.To cure,.重点句型 So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.(P2) 每次瘟疫爆发,数以千计的人们在恐惧中死去。 every time.在此句中相当于一个从属连词,引导时间状语从句。 活学活用 模仿造句。 (1)每当我去找她,她都在专心看书。 _ I went to see her, she _ reading. (2)每次我看到这张老照片,我都会想起初中时的同桌。 _ ,答案:(1)Every time, was absorbed in. (2)Every time I see the old photo, I will think of my deskmate in the primary school.,.语篇领悟 根据课文 John Snow Defeats “King Cholera” 完成下列短文 John Snow, a well-known doctor in London, became 1 (inspire) when he thought about helping ordinary people who 2 (expose) to cholera, a 3 (die) disease of its day. Many thousands of people died 4 there was an outbreak because no one knew the cause of it. John wanted to help solve the problem. He got interested in two theories 5 (explain) how cholera killed people. He believed in the second theory 6 suggested that people 7 (absorb) the disease with their,答案:1.inspired2.were exposed3.deadly 4.when/whenever5.explaining6.that 7.absorbed8.outbreak9.With10.to blame,meals. In 1854,when another 8 hit London, he was ready to test the two theories. 9 the help of the map he made, he got a valuable clue about the cause of the disease and was able to announce that the water was 10 (blame).,.考点活用 用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文 在历史的长河中,科学家为这个世界做出了巨大的贡献。我认为,科学家就是那些在工作中严格要求自己及专注于他们所从事的每件事的人。好的科学家从不莽撞地做出结论。反之,他对自己所提出的结论都极为谨慎,为此,他可以一次又一次做实验。科学家都牢记这么一点:一个理论如果无法帮助世人从不可预料的困境中解脱的话,就不能称之为好理论。而且,好的理论应该是可以为其它理论的建立提供基础的。因此,我们不难看到科学家们耗尽一生的心血,只为找到一个放诸四海而皆准的理论。 _,答案:Throughout history, scientists have made great contributions to the world. In my opinion, scientists are those who are strict in their work and are always absorbed in everything they do. A good scientist never jumps to a conclusion. Instead, he is cautious of every conclusion he draws so that he does experiments again and again to test the theory he has put forward. Scientists keep it in mind that a theory makes no sense if it can,t help the world that is exposed to unexpected dangers. In addition, a good theory must be a base on which other ideas can be built. Because of this, it,s not rare for us to find scientists who devote all their life to a universal theory.,自主学习,即学即练 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 (1)The doctor _(断定)that the patient,s disease was cancer. (2)_(最后),I wish you all good health and a long life. (3)We could _(得出结论)that he didn,t tell us the truth. (4)What do you _?(从这些事实中你得出结论) (5)They_ from the facts.(得出了不同的结论) (6)_(请不要贸然下结论)before you make a thorough investigation about it.,答案:(1)came to the conclusion (2)To conclude/In conclusion (3)draw a conclusion (4)conclude from these facts (5)drew different conclusions (6)Don,t leap to any conclusion,2he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician.(P2) 维多利亚女王都聘他为私人医生。 阅读下列句子,注意attend 的搭配及意思。 Only a few friends attended their wedding.(出席,参加) She is attending upon the patient.(照看;看护,常与on/upon 连用) Attend to work and stop talking. (attend to致力于;专心于) 专心工作,不要说话。,即学即练 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 (1)The manager decided _(出席会议) himself. (2)The naughty boy _(一直不专心)during the lessons this term. (3)Mrs.Thomas has a good doctor _(看护) her sick mother.,答案:(1)to attend the meeting (2)hasn,t been attending (3)attending on/upon,3.But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera.(P2) 但当他一想到要帮助那些得了霍乱的老百姓,他就感到很振奋。 归纳总结 inspire sb.with courage 鼓起某人的勇气 inspire sb.with sth.激发某人的某种感情 inspire sth.into sb.把某种思想灌输给某人,即学即练 A.根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 (1)We _(受鼓舞)by the inspiring news. (2)The good news_.(鼓起我们的希望) (3)Magnificent views over the countryside have often _ .(激发人们写诗),答案:A.(1)are inspired (2)inspired us with hope (3)inspired people to write poems,归纳总结 expose 暴露;揭露;使曝光 exposure n.面临;遭受;揭露 be exposed to.置身于;暴露于 即学即练 B.根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 (1)As a journalist in the war, he was _.(置身于丧生的危险之中) (2)The baby was left _(被弃于)the wind and rain. (3)The soldiers in the open field _(暴露于) the enemy,s fire. (4)My job as a journalist _.(就是揭露事实),答案:(1)exposed to the danger of losing his life (2)exposed to (3)are exposed to (4)is to expose the truth,4.Neither its cause, nor its cure was understood.(P4) 人们既不知道它的病原,也不知道它的治疗方法。 归纳总结 cure sb.of a disease治愈某人某病 a cure for a disease医治某种疾病的方法/药 a cure for sth.解决某事的方法/对策 词语辨析,cure;treat;heal与recover (1)cure意为“治疗;治愈”,多用于用药物治疗并治愈某种疾病或改正不良习气,强调结果。 (2)treat为日常用语,意为“治疗;医治”,指治疗病人的全过程或活动。 (3)heal意为“治愈(伤口); 医治”,使伤口愈合。 (4)recover意思为“痊愈,复原”,常与from连用。,即学即练 选用上述单词或短语填空。 (1)That will _him of his bad habits. (2)There are only two doctors to _more than 50 patients. (3)The wound on my arm _. (4)He,s now fully _from his bad cold. (5)At present, people _.(尚未找到爱滋病的疗法),答案:(1)cure (2)treat (3)has healed (4)recovered (5)have not found a cure for AIDS,5.He knew it would never be controlled until its cause was found.(P 2) 他知道,在找到病源之前,疫情是无法控制的。 归纳总结 control n.&v.指挥,管理,控制 out of control 失去控制;无法管理 in the control (of)由控制着 under control(被)控制着 beyond control无法控制 lose control of 失去控制 ,即学即练 选用上述短语完成下列小片段。 All their money was(1)_ Black, but he was not content. He wanted(2)_(控制妻子),which made her angry. So she declared to divorce her husband. It was then that Black realized everything went(3)_.,答案:(1)in the control of (2)to control his wife (3)out of control,6.The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.(P2) 第二种看法是在吃饭的时候人们把这种病毒引入体内的。 阅读下列句子,注意suggest的搭配及意思。 温馨提示:suggest 后接从句。表示“建议某人做某事”,从句用虚拟语气,即 should+动词原形,也可以省去should,单用动词原形。suggest表“意味着;暗示;使人想起”时,后面的从句用陈述语气。,即学即练 A.完成下列小片段。 Tom(1)_(建议他们应该和母亲住一起),but her wife,s long face(2)_.(表明她 不赞成这个想法)She also(3)_(反对他的建议)that they should employ a nurse to look after the old lady.,答案:A.(1)suggested that they should live together with their mother (2)suggested that she didn,t like the idea (3)rejected the suggestion,归纳总结 be absorbed by被吞并;为所吸收 absorb.into吸引到 absorb one,s attention吸引某人注意 absorb one,s time占用某人的时间 be absorbed in sth.专心于某事,答案:(1)absorbed in reading the novel (2)absorbed by/into the body (3)absorbs/draws the students, attention,即学即练 B.根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 (1)Mary was so _(专心看小说)that she didn,t realize the food had got burnt. (2)Aspirin is quickly _.(被身体吸收) (3)His interesting teaching method_.(吸引学生的注意),7.It seemed that the water was to blame.(P2) 看来水是罪魁祸首。 归纳总结 blame vt. 意为“责备;责怪;归咎于”的意思。常用结构: blame sb.for sth.=blame sth.on sb.把某事归咎于某人; be to blame.应受责备,应承担责任(不用于被动语态); blame n. 意为“责任;责怪”。常见搭配有: bear/take/accept/get the blame for sth.对某事承担责任; lay/put the blame for sth.on sb.把某事归咎于某人。,即学即练 将下列句子翻译成英语。 (1)我们不应该把失败归咎于他。 _ (2)他们怪罪秘书造成计划延误。 _ (3)我们认为不应该怪罪李平。 _ ,答案:(1)We shouldn,t lay the blame for our failure on him. (2)They blamed the secretary for the delay of the plan. (3)We don,t think Li Ping is to blame.,8.Finally “King cholera was defeated.”(P3) 最后,“霍乱王”被击败了。 His team has suffered 5 defeats.他的球队已经输了五场。 Jack defeated Mike by about a meter and won the race at last.杰克以大约一米的优势击败了迈克,最后赢得了比赛。 词语辨析,win; beat; defeat win“赢得”赛事、战争、某物,宾语是game、 prize等物(不是人);后接人时,意为“争取赢得的好感或支持,说服”。 beat “战胜”、“击败”比赛中的对手,可与defeat互换。另外,beat还有“(连续)击打”,“控制”等意思。,即学即练 从win, beat, defeat中选择合适的词的正确形式填空。 (1)The army _ the enemy in the end. (2)Tom suffered the _ in the English examination. (3)The athlete _ his competitors and_ the gold medal.,答案:(1)defeated (2)defeat(3)defeated;won,写作步步高,如何写好建议信 技巧点拨 建议信是针对某事向对方提出你合理化的建议或忠告,使对方接受你的想法、主张,从而达到解决相关问题的目的。建议信可以是写给个人的,通常是就某个问题提出自己的观点和看法;也可以是写给某个组织或机构的,通常是就改进其服务等方面提出建议或忠告。 写建议信的注意事项如下: 1.信文要素要齐全,包括信头(写信人的地址和写信日期)、称呼、正文、结束语和签名。有时信头和信内地址可省略。 2.建议要简明扼要,语气要礼貌中肯,论述要有逻辑,合情合理,突出重点。,常用句型: 提出建议的过渡句型: Here is my suggestion. My suggestion is as follows: I,m more than glad to give you my advice. Please allow me to give my suggestions. 表达建议的常用句型: I would like to suggest that. If I were you, I would. It seems that you can. You,d better. What I suggest is that. 提出建议后的结束语: I hope you,ll find these suggestions practical/helpful/useful.,活学活用 假设你是张华,你的朋友李英是一位高三英语教师,她来信向你询问高三备考攻坚阶段该如何提高复习效率。请根据以下提示,给李英写封信,告诉她你的建议。 1.适当放慢进度,多给学生思考时间; 2.突出重难点; 3.反复训练重要、易错知识点; 4.提供科学的复习方法; 5.减少作业量以保证质量; 6.多鼓励关心学生。,写作要求: 1.只能使用5个句子表达所有内容。 2.句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。 3.信的开头和结尾已为你写好。 Dear Li Ying, _ I hope you,ll find these suggestions helpful. Yours sincerely, ZhangHua,答案: Dear Li Ying, I,m so glad that you are willing to share my views and I,d like to give you my suggestions. I think you,d better slow down and figure out the important as well as key points, giving students some time to think for themselves. Besides, you need to give the students more practice in case they forget the important points which make them confused. Meanwhile, give the students less homework so that they can do it well and give them some advice on how to study efficiently . Another important thing is that you should encourage your students as well as show concern for them. I hope you,ll find these suggestions helpful. Yours sincerely, ZhangHua,祝,您,学业有成,


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