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2019-2020年高一英语期中基础知识复习(一)含答案一、课文填空:1. He also told us that the best way to earn was to ourselves to study and high grades.2. We also had different students in some classes, so it was a for me to remember all the faces and names.3. I was very lucky to this different way of life. I look back on my time in the UK with .4. Every morning we tell our schoolmates about the weather, news, and some special messages that the teachers want us to .5. The clubs members said it was one of the best they had heard.6. I shall miss the radio club after , but I know that it will continue without me.二、单词拼写:1. In ancient times, wealth was measured and (交换)in things that could be touched:food,tools, and precious metals and stones.2. As an (普通的) student, Im anxious to know the result of the exam, for Im eager to be admitted into the university.3. A education shall be adjusted to meet the needs of the modern society.4. My brother not only speaks French f , but also writes it well.5. I thanked them for the many (善意) they showed me.6. Children should be encouraged to be (独立的) thinkers.7. The beautiful old building has been restored to its f glory.8. Before g from middle school, he didnt study hard.9. A (极佳的)oil painting won first prize at the local art fair.10. He could have finished it on time, but s he fell behind.24三、句型转换:R1. The journey was not better than we had expected.b The journey was not we had expected.c2. She never calls the old days back with regret.1 She never the old days with regret.J3. Generally speaking, it takes me three hours to do my homework every day.w , it takes me three hours to do my homework every day.J4. I often spent whole weekends attending classes and doing homework before.w I whole weekends attending classes and doing homework before.o5. You can eat in my restaurant without any payment whenever you like, Jim.2 You can eat in my restaurant whenever you like, Jim.C6. I hope you can inform me of everything that will happen.f I hope you can of everything that will happen.77. As soon as he entered the tall building, he heard a sharp cry ing out of it.g the tall building, he heard a sharp cry ing out of it.m8. You should take advantage of your study time.W You should your study time.29. She is not only our teacher. She is also our best friend.8 She is our teacher. She is also our best friend.e10. In fact, he likes to do homework very much.A In fact, he very homework very much./四、用适当的关系词填空A1. A good friend is a person we turn for help when we are in trouble. =2. The air quality in our city, is shown in the chart, has declined over the last three months. =3. Recently I have bought an iPad 3 on the website of taobao. , the price is very reasonable. 4. There is still much _can be improved.5. Everyone has periods in their lives everything seems very hard. 6. Theyve won their last three matches, I find a bit surprising. 7. Have you ever had a case someone charged your journalists with going the wrong end of the sick? 8. Madam Curie, for _ life had once been very hard, was successful later.9. Do you have anything to say for yourselves? Yes, there is one point _ we must insist on.10. He may win the first prize in the national petition, case he is likely to be admitted to Peking University. 11.Those want to go rafting this weekend, raise your hands, please. 12. He made friends with a man last year, he thought was of great importance to his future. 13. The city was attacked by so terrible weather few citizens had ever experienced before. 14. Where did you find the wallet I lost yesterday? It was on the playground we played basketball. 15. China has succeeded in producing clones of cows and goats, and continues to research ways _ cloning can benefit mankind.五、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. We study and live together as if we _ (be)brothers and sisters.2. Ive heard that the tower was built more than 1,000 years ago, so I think it is worth _.(visit)3. His _ (be) late again in the morning made the headteacher very angry.4. Chen Guangbiao decides to make an all-out donation and devotes much of his time to _ (develop) his own charity career.5. A special microphone makes her voice _ (sound) like that of a child.6. I regret _ (inform) you that you didnt pass the driving test.7. The beautiful village, which _ (attract) thousands of travelers every year, was pletely destroyed after the Hurricane Sandy. 8. -I meant_(help)you, but I have a lot of homework to do. -It doesnt matter.9. _(devote) to his research, he forgot to have supper.10. He has no idea about how_ (run) a successful business.六、完成句子:1. 你最好把你头发剪短了,学校不允许学生留长发。Youd better cut your hair short. Our school doesnt _ _ the students _ long hair. 2. 你应该充分利用你的业余时间来做些有意义的事。 You should _ _ _ of your spare time to do something meaningful.3. 当我回顾童年的时候,我仍然以为那是我一生中最快乐的时光。When I _ _ on my childhood, I still think of it as the happiest time in my life.4. 高中生应该集中主要精力学习以确保取得好成绩。Senior high school students are _ _ focus their attention on study to make sure they achieve good grades.5. 在经历了很多困难后,科学家们终于成功完成了实验。After _ _ many difficulties, the scientists finished the experiment with success finally.6. 别对她太严格了,毕竟她还是个孩子。Dont be too _ _ her. After all, shes a child.7. 警方坚持要求证人不断告知他们最新的进展。The police insisted the witness _ them _ of _ was going on.8. 定期锻炼身体和节食可以帮助你保持苗条的身材。 Working _ regularly and going on a _ can help you stay _.9. 因为青少年在平衡这些需要时有困难,所以他们经常质疑自己是谁以及怎样融入社会。Since teenagers have difficulty _ these needs, they often question who they are and how they _ _ society.10. 我现在住院了,处于肝衰竭恢复中。我很后悔服用那种减肥药片。Im now in hospital, _ from liver failure. I regret _ those weight-loss pills.高一英语期中基础知识复习(一)参考答案一、 课文填空:44478341. respect; devote; achieve 2. struggle 3. experience; satisfaction 4. recent; broadcast 5. positions 6. graduation二、 单词拼写:1. exchanged 2. average 3. Academic 4. fluently 5. kindnesses6. independent 7. former 8. graduating 9.splendid 10. somehow三、 句型转换:1. as/so bad as what 2. looks back on 2. On average/ In general 4. used to spend5. for free 6. keep me informed 7. Upon/On entering 8. make use of9. more than 10. is fond of四、 用适当的关系词填空:1. to whom 2. as 3. of which 4. that 5. When6. which 7. where 8. whom 9. that/which 10. in which11. who 12. who 13. as 14. where 15. in which/that五、 用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. were 2. visiting 3. being 4. developing 5. sound6. to inform 7. had attracted 8. to have helped 9. Devoted 10. to run六、 完成句子:1. approve of ;wearing 2. make full use 3. look back4. supposed to 5. going through6. hard on 7. keep; informed; what8. out; diet; slim9. balancing; fit in10. recovering from; taking

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