2019-2020年高三上学期课堂练习英语试题(三) Word版含答案.doc

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江苏省南通中学xx学年度高三英语课堂练习(三)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) 1. The boss is away for a meeting, so his secretary will be sent to the airport to meet the guest _ him.A. in honor of B. in charge ofC. in favor of D. on behalf of2. I did enjoy the training on a very small island, for it _ me plenty of time for reflection.A. allocatedB. accelerated C. afforded D. affected3. -I didnt attend Toms wedding yesterday.-I _, either, if my friend hadnt reminded us.A. wouldntB. wouldnt haveC. didnt D. hadnt4. One of those bad lifes experiences for Shelly happened three years ago, when her brother Brad_ in a drunk driving accident.A. was killed B. was being killed C. would be killed D. had been killed 5. Is _ three hours _ the girl _ family is not rich to e to school on foot?A. it, that, whoseB. it, that it takes, whoseC. it for, that it takes, whoseD. it, when, that6._ who had arrested him three times for drug-taking.A. Before George stood the policemanB. Before George the policeman stoodC. Before the policeman stood GeorgeD. Before George did the policeman stand7. The Internet provides people with the chance to have the information they need _ to them quickly and cheaply.A. deliveredB. to deliverC. delivering D. deliver8. They lost their way in the forest and _ made matters worse was _ night began to fall.A. what; what B. it; that C. what; that D. which; what9. They put forward a lot of plans at the meeting, none of _ carried out in their work.A. which B. what C. that D. them10. It is the serious situation in the remote mountainous areas that _ much higher spending on health care and education.A. answers forB. provides forC. calls forD. falls for11. Students are advised to keep the list of books near the desk for easy _.A. preferenceB. functionC. purposeD. reference12. -Thanks for inviting me to see the film Blue Jasmine. _ my sister Jane e?-Of course, she is always wele.A. MustB. ShouldC. WillD. Shall13. The teacher has a unique way of _ her students nervousness when they speak English.A. breaking downB. going overC. giving awayD. taking off14. Weibo as well as WeChat _ as a media platform for people to share their thoughts instantly without limits of place or time.A. servesB. is servedC. serveD. are served15. -This is really a tough situation. Do you think things will work out for the best?-Im sure they will. _.A. Every coin has a silver liningB. You will be under a black cloudC. You will get hot under the collarD. Unpleasant advice is a good medicine第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,共20分)2019-2020年高三上学期课堂练习英语试题(三) Word版含答案Diana Golden was 12 years old when she found she had bone cancer. Doctors remended 16 her right leg above the knee. 17 Diana heard the news, she asked the first question that came into her mind, “Will I still be able to 18 ?”When the doctors said yes, she later said, “I thought it wouldnt be too 19 .”That was Dianas 20 to life. Losing a leg would cause most children to lose 21 , but Diana refused to think about the 22 side. “Losing a leg?” shed say. “Its nothing. A body part.”Most of all, Diana didnt want to let cancer stop her from doing what she lovedskiing. She had been on ski since five. After the operation, Diana worked hard to get back to the 23 . “I always skied, and I intended to keep on skiing. There was never any question in my mind about that,” she 24 . Seven months after losing her leg, Diana met her 25 . She was back out on the slopes (斜坡).Skiing wasnt quite the same with just one leg, but Diana made the best of it. She 26 to go faster on one leg than most people could go on two. When she was just 17, she became a member of the U.S. Disabled Ski Team.After high school, Diana went on to Dartmouth College. There she saw how top two-legged skiers trained. 27 not to be left behind, Diana began training with the Dartmouth team. When they ran up and down the steps of the football stadium, she went up and down the steps tooby 28 . “I had to 29 ,” she later explained. “I was an athlete. I had one leg, which meant I had to do it 30 .”Her constant efforts finally paid off. In 1987, Diana placed 10th in a race 31 some of the best nondisabled skiers in the country. And in 1988, the magazine Ski Racing selected her “Skier of the Year”, breaking the 32 of electing able-bodied World Cup athletes.As a result of her 33 and determination, Diana has changed the way the world looks at 34 athletes. People have begun to see them as strong and petent. “Everyone has some kind of disability,” Diana says, “Its what we do with our abilities that 35 .” 16. A. pullingB. losingC. removingD. breaking17. A. UntilB. When C. OnceD. Since18. A. runB. walkC. trainD. ski19. A. bad B. strangeC. difficultD. dangerous20. A. answerB. attitudeC. attentionD. challenge21. A. memoryB. interestC. confidenceD. patience22. A. seriousB. practicalC. positiveD. negative23. A. mountain B. fieldC. trackD. court24. A. responded B. mentedC. declaredD. introduced25. A. goal B. requirementC. approvalD. standard26. A. offered B. agreedC. expectedD. learned27. A. Determined B. AshamedC. AnxiousD. Cautious28. A. climbing B. runningC. jumpingD. walking29. A. adapt B. performC. surviveD. transform30. A. properly B. immediatelyC. differentlyD. deliberately31. A. between B. againstC. toD. for32. A. reality B. systemC. promiseD. tradition33. A. wisdom B. experienceC. behaviorD. courage34. A. top B. disabledC. youngD. international35. A. pushes B. mattersC. helpsD. contributes第二部分:阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,共30分) AOn “Super Bowl Sunday”, millions of Americans are glued to their TVs. They are eating pizza, chicken wings and chips and cheering every move. Theyre watching the Super Bowl.Why are Americans so crazy about American football? Well, it is more exciting than other sports. One team can lose possession of the ball in a minute, which may allow their opponents to make a touchdown(触地得分). Then that team may win the game unexpectedly.The Super Bowl also entertains its audience with a great halftime show. The football field is turned into a stage. Then an impressive performance of dancing and singing with special effects occurs.Since the Super Bowl is the most-watched TV program in America, mercial airtime is also very expensive. Big money is also spent on mercials. They draw the viewers attention and advertise their image or products during the mercial break.After football season, the “March Madness” begins. The NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) petitions begin with 68 mens college basketball teams. They play until the field is reduced to the “Final Four”. The winning team bees the national champion. The NBA (National Basketball Association) All-Star game is also held in February. The best players from all the teams play in this game.Baseball is no doubt Americans national sport. From grandpas to young kids, whole families go to ball games together. They wear their favorite teams caps or even carry their mascot(吉祥物). Our family went to watch Wang Chien-Ming play in D.C. once. We ate hot dogs, waved flags and sang during the 7th inning(棒球的一局) stretch.If you are not a sports fan yet, e and pick a sport or a team. Go to a ball game with your family, and cheer your team on. Sports are definitely a part of American culture one should not miss.36. According to the passage, the Super Bowl is _. A. a well-received American football gameB. an expensive American sport C. an impressive TV performanceD. a most-watched TV series37. Which of the following may be one of the reasons for the popularity of the Super Bowl? A. Its results are too exciting to meet viewers expectations. B. People can eat pizza, chicken wings and chips when watching it. C. Its mercials are expensive enough to draw viewers attention. D. The performances during its halftime show are appealing to viewers.38. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Americans spend a large amount of money on ball games. B. American people of all ages like going to watch baseball games. C. All the American stars take part in the national basketball game. D. There are important national ball games in America almost every month.39. The passage is mainly written to _. A. inform readers of the three popular sports in America B. teach readers how to understand the sports culture in America C. encourage readers to fit in with American culture through sports D. show readers the importance of sports in young peoples life in AmericaB Dibea Smart Vacuum Cleaner(真空吸尘器) X500 Product OperatingBattery storage and charging1. Place the charging home baseNote: Put the charging home base against the wall and remove obstacles around it.2. Charge the robot in either way as shown below:A. Plug into an outlet(插座);B. Press the HOME button on the main body or on the remote control to make the robot return to the charging home base to charge itself.Note:A. Turn on the power switch at the bottom side before charging the robot.B. When the robot is charging, the display panel(仪表板) will show 1111, and repeat from the right to the left.C. When charging is finished, the display panel will show FULL.D. When the robot is charging, do not make the robot start working.3. Auto chargingThe robot will automatically return to the charging home base when cleaning is done or the battery is low.Note: Please keep the charging home base plugged in. If not, the robot is unable to auto charge.Starting up/Pause/Sleeping1. Starting up A. Make sure the power switch is on;B. Press the CLEAN button on the main body or on the remote control to start cleaning.Note: If the robot is in the sleeping mode, press the CLEAN button to wake the robot up from the sleeping mode. Then press CLEAN for a second time, the robot starts cleaning automatically.2. PauseTo turn the robot from the cleaning mode to a selected mode:A. Press either button among PLAN, SPOT, CLEAN and HOME buttons on the main body;B. Press the CLEAN button on the remote control.Note: When the robot is paused, press CLEAN to make the robot restart cleaning.3. SleepingTo turn the robot from a selected mode to the sleeping mode:A. If no mand is received, the robot will turn to sleep automatically after 20 seconds;B. Keep pressing CLEAN on the main body for 3 seconds.Note: If not using the robot for a long time, please turn the power switch off.SchedulingYou can schedule to let the robot start cleaning from a certain time.For example, if you set 6:30 on the robot, the robot will start cleaning after 6 hours and 30 minutes every day until the power switch is turned off.Note: A. Once the power switch is turned off, all the scheduling will be cancelled.B. Once certain time is scheduled, the robot will always work according to the setting.Virtual(虚拟的) wall useThe virtual wall is used to prevent the robot from entering off-limit areas. For best results, place the virtual wall on outside of the doorway you want to block. The virtual wall can create a bunch of light, with largest range reaching 4 meters.1. After the batteries are installed, turn on the power switch.2. Put the virtual wall where you want it to work.Note: Turn the power off when not using the virtual wall.40. Which of the following steps can be omitted if you want the robot to charge itself automatically? A. Press the HOME button on the remote control. B. Clear up the place around the charging home base. C. Turn on the power switch at the bottom of the robot. D. Put the charging home base against the wall and plug it in.41. If its 9:45PM now and you want the robot to start cleaning at 8:00AM tomorrow, you should set _ on the robot. A. 13:45B. 10:15C. 8:00D. 1:4542. If you want the robot to start cleaning right now, you can _. A. keep pressing the CLEAN button on the main body for 3 seconds B. press either of PLAN, SPOT, CLEAN and HOME buttons on the main body C. turn on the power switch and press the CLEAN button on the remote control once D. press the CLEAN button on the main body once when the robot is in the sleeping mode43. The virtual wall is designed to _. A. limit the robot to a certain area B. prevent the robot from bumping into walls C. stop the robot from reaching 4 metersD. create a bunch of light outside the doorwayCWe have entered a new age of embedded(嵌入式的), intuitive(直觉的) puting in which our homes, cars, stores, farms, and factories have the ability to think, sense, understand, and respond to our needs. Its not science fiction, but the dawn of a new age.Most people might not realize it yet, but we are already feeling the impact of whats known as the third wave of puting. In small but significant ways it is helping us live healthier and more secure lives. If you drive a xx Mercedes Benz, for example, an “intelligent” system tries to keep you from hitting a pedestrian. A farmer in Nigeria relies on weather sensors that municate with his mobile device. Forgot your medicine? A new pill bottle from AdhereTech reminds you through text or automatic phone messages that its time to take a pill.Technology is being integrated(融入) into our natural behaviors, with real-time data connecting our physical and digital worlds. With this dramatic shift in our relationship to technology, panies can adapt their products and services.To understand how revolutionary the third wave is, we ought to consider how far we have e. The first wave began when panies started to manage their operations through mainframe puter systems over 50 years ago. Then puting got “personal” in the 1980s and the 1990s with the introduction of the PC (personal puter). For the most part, puting remained immobile and lacked contextual awareness.In putings second wave, mobile puting and the smartphone took center stage. Billions of people, some of whom might not have had access to clean water, electricity, or even housing, were connected. Developers created applications and provided consumers with access to just about everything through their phone at the cost of a monthly data plan.As the third wave keeps developing, designers must meet the demands of consumers who want to experiment with new technology.Historically, designers have focused their attention on a products form and function. While that still matters, of course, the definition of a meaningful user experience has expanded significantly and will continue to do so. Instead of creating a single product, designers will need to imagine a series of connected products and services that have awareness of each other and their surroundings.44. Why are three examples given in Paragraph 2? A. To tell us that human beings are smarter and smarter. B. To illustrate the importance and necessity of technology. C. To prove that we are living healthier and more secure lives. D. To show the impact of the third wave of puting on our life.45. In the first wave of puting _. A. panies operations were reliable on puter systems B. puting had awareness of peoples needs in the context C. people could have access to puting almost everywhere D. it was possible for people to experience puting at home46. Which of the following is a situation in the third wave of puting? A. Theres no need to create a single product. B. The definition of the user experience is more significant. C. Products and services are not independent of each other. D. The products form and functions are no longer important.47. What can we conclude from the passage about the new age we are facing?A. Theres a shift of attention from peoples physical worlds to their digital worlds. B. Theres closer relationship between technology and peoples natural behaviours.C. People live more happily with the convenience brought by advanced technology.D. People bee lazier with the products that can think and respond to their needs.DIs Positive Thinking Powerful?The $11 billion self-help industry is built on the idea that you should turn negative thoughts like “I never do anything right” into positive ones like “I can succeed”. But was the positive thinking advocate Norman Vincent Peale right? Is there power in positive thinking?Researchers in Canada just published a study in Psychological Science that says trying to get people to think more positively can actually have the opposite effect: it can simply stress how unhappy they are. The studys authors, Joanne Wood and John Lee of the University of Waterloo and Elaine Perunovic of the University of New Brunswick, begin by using older research showing that when people get feedback (反馈) which they believe is overly positive, they actually feel worse, not better. If you tell your friend who is not very clever that he has the potential of an Einstein, youre just underlining his faults. In the 1990s, a team including psychologist Joel Cooper of Princeton conducted an experiment. The participants were asked to write essays opposing financial support for the disabled, expressing little sympathy for them. When these participants were later praised for their sympathy, they felt even worse about what they had written.In this experiment, Wood, Lee and Perunovic measured 68 students self-respect. The participants were then asked to write down their thoughts and feelings for four minutes. Every 15 seconds, one group of students heard a bell. When it rang, they were supposed to tell themselves, “I am lovable.” Those with low self-respect didnt feel better after the forced self-approval. In fact, their feelings turned significantly worse than those of members of the control group, who werent urged to think positive thoughts.The study provides support for newer forms for psychotherapy (心理治疗) that urge people to accept their negative thoughts and feelings rather than fight them. In the fighting, we not only often fail but can make things worse. Meditation (静思) techniques, on the contrary, can teach people to realize their shortings from a larger, more realistic perspective. Call it the power of negative thinking.48. What is the finding of the Canadian researchers?A. There can be no simple solutions to psychological problems.B. Encouraging positive thinking may do harm to people.C. The power of positive thinking is limited.D. Unhappy people cannot think positively.49. The underlined part in Paragraph 2 probably means _.A. you are pointing out the mistakes he has madeB. you are not taking his mistakes seriously enoughC. you are stressing the fact that he is not intelligentD. you are not trying to make him feel better about his faults50. What do we learn from the experiment of Wood, Lee and Perunovic?A. Self-approval can bring a positive change to ones feelings.B. People with low self-respect seldom write down their true feelings.C. It is important for people to continually improve their self-respect.D. Forcing people to think

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