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综合测试(B卷)班级: 姓名: 得分: 发展性评语: .听力(25分)A.听句子,选择恰当的答语,念两遍(10分)What does your aunt do?1.A.She s my sister. B.She s my friend.C.She s buying something.D.She s a teacher.答案:DHow long does it take you to the shop by bike?2.A.Fifteen minutes.B.Fifteen days.C.Fifteen weeks.D.Fifteen years.答案:AWhere does he live?3.A.In a supermarket.B.In an apartment.C.In a ship.D.In the sun.答案:BDo you like playing computer games?4.A.Yes, I did. B.Yes,I do. C.No,he didn t. D.No,he doesn t.答案:BDid she wait for a bus?5.A.Yes,I did.B.No,I didn t.C.Yes,she did.D.Yes,she does.答案:CWhen shall I go to see you?6.A.I will go to Wuhan tomorrow.B.The day after tomorrow.C.The day before yesterday.D.I went to school yesterday.答案:BWhat were you doing when it rained yesterday?7.A.I want to see a film.B.I went to my friend s home.C.I want a nice watch.D.I was watching TV.答案:DHave you ever been to a zoo?8.A.No,never.B.Two.C.This Friday.D.Winter.答案:AWhere does he come from?9.A.Ireland.B.Our classroom.C.His father.D.My house.答案:AHow do you like this amusement park?10.A.Very much.B.The people.C.The food.D.Very often.答案:AB.听对话及后面的问题,选择正确答案,念两遍(5分)A:Is this a photo of your family,Jack?B:Yes,it is.A:Who are they?B:Look,the two in the back are my parents,and the girl is my sister, the boy is me.Q:How many people are there in Jack s family?1.A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. D.Six.答案:BA:What are you doing,Li Lei?B:I m looking for my pen.A:Let me help you.What color is it?B:Black.Q:What color is Li Lei s pen?2.A.Black.B.Blue.C.Green.D.Brown.答案:AA:David,have you ever been to China?B:Yes.I went there last year.A:What do you think of China?B:It s great.Q:Has David ever been to China?3.A.No,he hasn t.B.No,he isn t.C.Yes,he has.D.Yes,he is.答案:CW:Would you like something to drink?M:Yes, please.W:What about a cup of coffee?M:No,thanks.A cup of water.Q:What does the man like to drink?4.A.A cup of tea.B.Some water.C.A glass of milk.D.Some coffee.答案:BA:Can I help you?B:Yes,I m looking for a book.A:What kind of book do you want?B:A book on science.Q:Where are they talking?答案:D 5.A.In a library.B.In a hospital.C.On a farm.D.In a book-store.C.听短文,根据短文内容选择填空,念两遍(10分)Mary has four cousins.They are Betty,Peter,Bill and Ann.Mary is the eldest of the five.Betty is fourteen years old.She is two years younger than Mary and one year elder than Peter.Bill is nine and Ann,the youngest one is seven.Both Betty and Peter like running.They can run very fast.Peter in one of the fastest boys in his class.Mary and Betty likes to play basketball.Mary plays much better than Betty.Mary and Betty study in the same middle school.Peter,Bill and Ann are in primary schools.They don t work hard,but Betty does.She works the hardest.She does her homework more carefully than any of her cousins.1.How many girls do you know in this passage?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.答案:C2.Who is Mary s eldest cousin?A.Bill.B.Betty.C.Ann.D.Peter.答案:B3.How old is Mary?A.Thirteen.B.Fourteen.C.Fifteen.D.Sixteen.答案:D4.Which sport does Betty like?A.She likes playing basketball.B.She likes playing football.C.She likes swimming.D.She likes singing.答案:A5.How many of the boys are studying in primary school?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.答案:B.基础知识(35分)A.选用出正确的词填空(5分)1.There will be_(fewer/less)shools in 100 years.答案:fewer 2.I want to be an_(apartment/astronaut).答案:astronaut 3.He doesn t like playing_(guitar/the guitar).答案:the guitar4.She said she_(was going to/is going to)baby-sit Aunt Huang s baby this evening.答案:was going to 5.Would you mind_(to go out/going out)of the bathroom?答案:going outB.用所给动词的适当形式填空(10分)1.Li Lei together with his friends_(help)the old man_(do)the housework once a week. 答案:helps,do2.The doctor_(say)he_(can do)the operation on the boy.答案:said,could do3.I saw some people_(water)the trees and _(plant)the younger ones.答案:watering,planting4.Every one_(know)it s hard_(finish)the work.答案:knows,to finish5.You don t_(need)_(worry)about your grandma.答案:need,to worryC.单项选择(20分)1.When they_on the books to me, the bell rang for the end of the class.A.gotB.spokeC.passedD.kept答案:C2.It_to be much colder today than yesterday.A.seemsB.wantsC.goesD.likes答案:A3.I m_he ll be pleased if you invite him to dinner this Sunday.A.sorryB.afraidC.sureD.right答案:C4.Millions of people_their money to help those in trouble.A.put awayB.gave awayC.ran awayD.went away答案:B5.Are we going to stay here for the night?I am_so.A.thinkB.sorryC.hopeD.afraid答案:D 6.The baby is ten months_and he is crying.A.longB.heavyC.oldD.young答案:C7.She walked into the classroom and took a seat in the _.A.backB.middleC.leftD.right答案:B8.When are you coming here to stay with us?I ll come as _as possible.A.soonB.easyC.carefullyD.nearly答案:A9.She was writing a letter_someone knocked at the door.A.butB.becauseC.whenD.and答案:C10.Who do you think_up the purse a moment ago?A.pickedB.picksC.pickingD.to pick答案:A11.All the runners were_to run at the starting line.A.readyB.rightC.busyD.worried答案:A12.I wasn t careful enough and_off the bike at the corner of the road.A.jumpedB.feltC.passedD.fell答案:D13.My sister called me a moment ago.What did she_?A.talkB.speakC.tellD.say答案:D14.I was the first in the test._A.I can t think.B.Congratulations.C.I d love to.D.How luckily!答案:B15.When winter comes,it s getting colder_colder.A.orB.withC.thanD.and答案:D16.There s a house in the picture,_?A.isn t itB.are youC.isn t thereD.are they答案:C17.It was hard to see who was in front, because they were nearly_.A.all the sameB.at the same timeC.fast enoughD.neck and neck答案:D18._you sure that they will come on time?A.DoB.AreC.HaveD.Did答案:B19.At that time I_afford to buy a liverpool football T-shirt.A.couldn tB.didn tC.wasn tD.wouldn t答案:A20.On my_to the farm I saw a lot of trucks carrying oranges.A.turnB.workC.wayD.getting答案:C.看图说话(10分)What s wrong with him(her)?Picture 1: 答案:He had a stomachache.(He has a pain in the stomach.)Picture 2: 答案:He dreamed that his team won the last soccer game.Picture 3: 答案:He broke his computer.Picture 4: 答案:She was mad with the stereo (noise).Picture 5: 答案:He missed the last bus.阅读理解(20分)AIn 1971,at the age of one and a half, Hao Haidong was running after a ping-pong ball indoors.In a small room,his father was holding the ball to interest his son.When the ball stuck(卡住),his father did not let him get it out with his hand, so the child had to use his foot to take it out.As the days went by,the ping-pong ball was replaced(替代)by a football.After two years, to the father s joy and surprise,the young Haidong showed his remarkable talent(天赋)for football.阅读短文,选择最佳答案(10分)1.Hao Haidong is one of the best_in our country.A.basketball playersB.ping-pong ball playersC.football playersD.volleyball players答案:C2.When Haidong was very young,he often_.A.ran after a ping-pong ball indoorsB.played a fooball at homeC.liked playing with a yo-yoD.played basketball with his father答案:A3.When the ball stuck,his father let him_.A.get it out with his handB.use his foot to take it outC.take it out with a stickD.play other toys答案:B4.Several years later,the football replaced the ping-pong ball because_.A.the ping-pingball wasn t interestingB.playing football was easyC.the ping -pong ball was difficult for himD.he showed his remarkable talent for football答案:D5.The date of Haidong s birth is _.A.May 9th,1960B.May 9th,1970C.May 9th,1980D.May 9th,1990答案:BBLong long ago there was a doctor in a small town.He was good and kind.He was always ready to go and help people.People always went to him when there was something wrong with him.Many years later,the doctor became old.He began to forget things.People were afraid and didn t go to him any more.The old doctor asked,“Why does no one come to see me now?”No one wanted to tell him why,because they didn t want to hurt the good man.Instead they said,“Everybody in the town is healthy now.”The doctor was pleased when he heard that.读短文,判断正(T)误(F)(10分)1.The story was about an old doctor in a small town.答案:T2.Many years later the old doctor began to forget things.答案:T3.People didn t go to see him any more.答案:T4.No one wanted to tell him why,because they were not friendly to him.答案:F5.The doctor was pleased when he heard nobody was ill.答案:F.写作训练(10分) 请你以校办公室的名义用英语发一则Notice。告知初二学生明天将去四个地方作调查,注意事项写在提示里,题目:Notice。写作提示:1.visit four places2.tomorrow,leave after breakfast at 8:003.lunch at the place of visit4.come back in the afternoon5.four groups,each group to a place6.each class a group,say which place you want to visit,then tell the officeNoticeAll the students in Grade Two will visit four places tomorrow.You will leave school after breakfast at 8 o clock.Lunch will be at the place of visit.All must come back in the afternoon.Each class will be a group.There ll be four groups together.Each group will visit a place.Please tell the school office which place you want to visit.School Office in No.14 Middle SchoolMay 16th,2005

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