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English Party,六(2) Amy涵瑜,向大家介绍一个节日。例如: Halloween,向大家介绍一个最近比较火热的电影。例如:spiderman,2)movies,Games activities 给大家玩一些英文游戏,比较High的一种派对方式。例如:English Party,3)party,English Party,1)holiday,movies introduction,holiday introduction,The origin of Halloween,万圣节的来历,Halloween origin,Halloween,Play some Halloween games,玩一些万圣节的游戏,Game,Some problem of Halloween,万圣节的问题,problem,some actor pictures,演员照片、剧照,picture,电影内容介绍,Content introduction,流行歌曲、歌手推荐,recommend songs, movie introdection,movie content introduction,prevalent recommend songs,My English Party,Tongue Twister绕口令,挑战一些我们年龄的英语绕口令,1)Tongue Twister,English Party,English game guess,以小组合作的形式来猜单词,2)English Game,translate 谚语翻译,试着给一些英文谚语翻译,3)translate,THANK YOU,万圣节的来历,万圣节(HALLOWEEN)为每年的11月1日,源自古代凯尔特民族(Celtic)的新年节庆,此时也是祭祀亡魂的时刻,在避免恶灵干扰的同时,也以食物祭拜祖灵及善灵以祈平安渡过严冬,是西方传统节日。当晚小孩会穿上化妆服,戴上面具,挨家挨户收集糖果。,万圣舞会,问题,1.When is Halloween?( ) A. Jan. 1st B. November 1st C. December 31st 2.What do children do in Halloween? 3. What do children wear in Halloween? 4.Do you like Halloween?Why?,picture,主要讲述了孤儿彼得帕克从小寄居在梅姨与班叔家中,当帕克在班叔家中发现父亲留下的一个神秘包包后,他开始寻找当年双亲离奇失踪的 线索,并因此找上父亲当年实验室的伙伴康纳博士。在一次意外遭蜘蛛咬伤后,帕克突然拥有异于常人的飞天攀爬能力,成为媒体与社会讨论挞伐的神秘人物:蜘蛛人。蜘蛛人的秘密让帕克必须在女友及她担任警察局长的父亲面前隐藏身分,而当他发现康纳斯博士的真实身份其实是大反派蜥蜴博士康纳斯,帕克该如何面对外界对蜘蛛人身份与能力的质疑,不顾一切挺身而出,拯救纽约市民免于灾难?,剧情,Mainly tells the story of orphan Peter Parker childhood sojourn in the Meiyi class tert-home in When Parker found classes tert home after his father left a mysterious bag, he began looking for clues to mysterious disappearances when parents and, therefore, to find the father of the yearlab partner Connor Dr In an accident after being bitten by a spider, Parker suddenly Flying climbing ability is different from ordinary people, media and social discussion lambasting the mysterious figure: Spider-Man. Spider-Mans secret Parker must hide their identities in front of his girlfriend and her father served as police chief, when he discovered the true identity of the Connors Dr. in fact big villain Lizard, Dr. Connors, Parker how to face the outside world of Spider-Man identity and ability questioned, desperate to come forward to save the citizens of New York from the disaster?,Better in Time,Its been the longest winter without you I didnt know where to turn to See somehow i cant forget you After all that weve been through Going ,Coming Though i heard a knock whos there no one Thinking that Now i realise that i really didnt know If you didnt notice You mean everything (quickly Im learning) To love again (all i know is) Im gon be OK Though I couldnt live without you Its gonna hurt when it heals too,Easy 10 分,Medium 20 分,Challenging 40 分,NEXT,10 points,Swan swam over the sea, swim, swan swim! Swan swam back again well swum, swan! 天鹅游到海的另一边。游吧!天鹅游吧!天鹅游回来了!游得真好啊!天鹅!,返回,Round,2,默契大考验 每组出两名选手,其中一人背对屏幕,另一人则用英语或动作对大屏幕上出现的单词进行解释,解释中不能含有原词或与该词同根的词,也不能出现汉语,但可以提示词性(英文),否则无效。一共7个,每组一个,30秒时间。,NEXT,pool bank wave art 水池 银行 招手 艺术 shout grandson sock 喊叫 孙子 短袜,3,Translation谚语翻译 抢答题 翻译正确+10分, 翻译错误-5。,Round,1. A cat has 9 lives. 猫有九条命。,2.An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. 以眼还眼,以牙还牙。,NEXT,


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