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xx.72019-2020年高一下学期英语暑假快乐学习作业(八)含答案开心微博 12 post cardsMy teenage daughter ws preparing to return home after having visited her grandparents for a few weeks one summer. Her grandfather gave her 12 post cards.“Here, write us a few lines every month,”he said.Months passed and the cards remained unused-this is untilv the day this letter arrived:Dear Jennifer,Life is a series of stages.As a child. I looked forward to being a teenagerthat happened.As a teenager, I looked forward to being a young manthat happened.As a young man, I looked forward to meeting a young woman, falling in love and being a married manthat happened.As a married man, I looked forward to being a fatherthat happened.As a father, I looked forward to being a grand father to beautiful, intelligent grandchildrenthat happened.Then I looked forward to the day they would learn to write-that hasnt happened yet.1 单词拼写1 She likes to c_ with grandma over the phone.2 He went to australia in the 1980s and s_down there.3 What she saw t_ her ans she had bad dreams every night after that.4 The man that survived in the earthquake was s_ better yesterday.5 There are seven c_ in the world, of which asia is the largest.II 辩词填空DiseaseillnessDisease 指具体的或者严重的病,尤指由细菌或病毒所导致的“传染病”,如流感,麻疹,百日咳,热病等。Illness 指由病人内部的虚弱或失调而致,侧重点在内因。用上述所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空。1 More and more people are realizing the prevention of heart _is nor important than the treatment.2 My brother is often absent from work because of_.3 He contracted a _(malaria) during the war and has recurrent attacks.4 The main causes of cancer and other_are still unknown.5 The scientists have been able to cure the _such as SARS, bird flu, etc.I选词填空 In the downtown, the second biggest, have a gift for ,figure out, in the distance1 He _music.2 She is trying to _a way to solve the problem.3 She watched the train until it was only a dot_.4 Canada us _country.5 Tom lives_.II 完成句子1 At last they had to _(穿过) the forest.2 They arrived _(顶部) the mountain before the sunrise.3 Shanghai has _(以闻名)holding the World Expo.4 Ive told you _(无数)times.5 You will _(对有所惊讶) the progress we have made.III单项选择1 We _ the help he gave us when we moved to our new house. A thanked B appreciated C grateful D thankful2 The suvivors of the crashed plane had no food or water and were _ the extreme cold weather. A in the possession of B in the charge of C at the mercy of D at the risk of3 For fear of unemployment, almost one million people took Chinas civil service examination in order to get_jobs. A proper B suitable C generous D secure4 Many wild animals in the world_, so we must take measures to protect them.A are dying out B have died out C died out D die out5 With the governments aid, those _ by the earthquake measures to protect them.Aare dying out B have died out C died out Ddie out 6 We offered shelters to the flooded victims(受害者) to_ them from wind and rain. Aprotect B prevent C contain D affect7 _twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog. A Being bitten B Bitten C Having bitten D To be bitten8 Little johny felt the bag, curious to know what it _. A collected B contained C loaded D saved9 Id appreciate _if you would like to teach me how to use the puter. A that B it C this D one10 -Have you handed in yourschoolwork yet? -Yes, I have. I guess it_now. A has graded B is graded C is being graded D is grading IV阅读理解Put an ice cube from your fridge into a glass of water. You have a piece of string(线) 10 centimeters long. The problem is to take out that piece of ice with the help of the string. But you must not touch the ice with your fingers.You may ask your firiends to try to do that when you are having dinner together. There is a saltcellar on the table. You must use salt when you carry out this experiment.First you put the string across the piece of ice. Then put some salt on the ice.salt makes ice melt(融化). The ice round the string begin to melt. But when it melts, it will lose heart. The cold ice cube will make the ssalt water freeze again.After a minute or two you may raize the piece of string and with it you will raise your piece of ice!This experiment can be very useful to you. If, for example, there is ice near the door of your house, you must use very much salt to melt all the ice. If you dont put enough salt, the water will freeze again.1 We must use _ when we carry out this experiment. Afridge B some food C a table D some salt2 How long will it take ti carry out this experiment?A more than three minutes.B five minutes or so.C only one minute or two. D about ten minutes.3 What is the task of this experiment?A Put the ice cube into the glass of water with the help of the string.B Take out the ice cube in the glass if water with the help of the string.C Take out the ice cube in the glass of watere with your fingers.D Put some salt in the ice cube and then put the string across it.4 How many things at least are used in this experiment? A three B four C six D seven5 We can learn something about _from the passage.A physics B biology C chemistry Daths日积月累有关劳动与劳动观念的表达Work(工作), be at work(在工作),work hard(努力工作), produce(生产), worker(工人), labor force(劳动力), labor(劳动), voluntary labor(义务劳动), serve the people(为人民服务), heart and soul(全心全意), physical labor(体力劳动), mental labor(脑力劳动), labor viewpoint(劳动观念), labor day(劳动节), workday(工作日), means of labor(劳动方式), honorable(光荣的), be devoted to(奉献于), value(价值), earn money(赚钱), personal interests(个人利益)。作业八:多思善想I.1.chat 2. settled 3. terrified 4. slightly 5.continents II. 1. disease 2. illness 3. disease 4. diseases 5. diseases全提高I.1. has a gift for figure out 3. in the distance 4. the second biggest 5. in the downtownII.1.go through 2. at the top of 3. been famous for 4. thousands of 5. be amazed at III. BCDAC ABBBCIV.DCBBC


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