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2019-2020年高一下学期模块考试(英语)一、听力理解(共10小题,15分) 听下面七段对话或独白,从各题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能回答问题的最佳答案。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第1题。1What does the man ask the woman to do? ATo see a film BTo watch a football match CTo see a play听下面一段对话,回答第2题。2How will the man go to his office? ABy bus BBy bike COn foot听下面一段对话,回答第3题。3Where can you most probably hear the talk? AIn a restaurant BIn a bookshop CIn a classroom听下面一段对话,回答第4题。4Which language does Mr. Black speak well? AFrench BJapanese CChinese听下面一段对话,回答第5题。5What is Toms telephone number? A8561182 B8561882 C8651882听下面一段对话,回答第6题至第7题。6Why does the man need help? AHe doesnt have a travel guide BHe is not familiar with the place CHe doesnt know where to play baseball7what time will the man leave? AAt 2:00 BAt 3:00 CAt 4:00听下面一段独白,回答第8题至第10题。8What do you think of the driving teachers words? AThey helped the man a lot BThey made the man think of the testers face CThey made the man feel worse9What was the testers first question? ADo you think you can pass if you drive like this? BWhat will a good driver do when he sees a dog in front of his car? CIf a dog suddenly goes in front of your car,what will you do?10Why was the man so surprised when he saw“PASSED”on the paper? ABecause he didnt think he could pass the test BBecause he drove very badly during the test CBecause he didnt answer any of the testers questions二、单项填空(共15小题,15分) 从各题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。11Shall we go out for meal this evening? Yes,thats good ideaAa:a Ba;the Cthe;a Dthe;the12The cake my mother made for me very nice Atastes Bare tasting Ctaste Dis tasting13Everyone knows a monkey is intelligent than a pig Amost Bmore Cvery Dmuch14Whats the name of the restaurant you had lunch? Awhich Bthat Cwhere Dwhen15. I still remember the day I attended my first lecture at school Athat Bhow Cwhich Dwhen16This house is that one Athree times bigger as Bthree times as big Cthree times the size of Das big as three times17Hurry up,MumThe bus Ae Bes Cwill e Dis ing18I have got a headache You must be tiredYou in front of that puter the whole morning Awork Bare working Cworked Dhave been working19He is good at learning languageHe can speak French English Aas well as Bbut Cas well Dor20David is my friend I often play tennis Afrom who Bwith whom Cwhich Dthat21The hiking holiday sounds All the students are very Aexcited;excited Bexciting;excited Cexciting;exciting Dexcited;exciting22Marie Logan likes designing solar racing carsHe five or six different cars so far Ahas designed Bwill design Cdesigns Dis designing23Cars should when the traffic light is red Apull through Bpull out Cpull upDpull in24The plane will in 20 minutes Atake out Btake down Ctake off Dtake on25Mary has to her daughter from school at four oclock Apick up Bcarry out Cget out Dtake up三、完形填空(共15小题,15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从各题A、B、C 、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Things Are Not Always Black or White When I was in primary school,I got into an argument(争论)with a boy in my classI have forgotten 26 the argument was about,but I have never forgotten the 27 I learned that day I believed that I was 28 and he was wrongand he thought that I was wrong and he was rightThe teacher 29 to teach us an important lessonShe brought us up to the 30 of the class and placed the boy on one side of her desk and me on the 31 In the middle of her desk was a large,round object(物体)I could clearly see that it was 32She asked the boy what color the object was“White,”he answered I couldnt 33 he said the object was white,when it was obviously black! Another argument started 34 my classmate and me,this time about the color of the object The teacher told me to go to stand where the boy was standing and told him to stand where I had beenWe 35 places,and now she asked me what the color of the object wasI had to answer,“white”It was an object with two 36 colored sides,and from his 37 it was whiteOnly from my side it was black My teacher taught me a 38 important lesson that day:You 39 stand in other peoplesshoes and look at the 40 through their eyes in order to truly understand their perspectives(想法)26Awhich Bwhy Cwhat Dwhom27Asong Blesson Crecord Dnews28Alucky Bintelligent Cgenerous Dright29Adecided Bseemed Crefused Dhappened30Afront Bback Ctop Dbottom31Anext Bother Csecond Deach32Awhite Bblue Cblack Dyellow33Aagree Banswer Csee Dbelieve34Abetween Bthrough Cwithout Dover35Alocated Bleft Cdivided Dchanged36Adifferent Bdifferently Cstrong Dstrongly37Aimpression Bimagination Cview Dchoice38Avery Bregularly Cmuch Djust39Amay Bmust Ccan Dwould40Ainformation Brelation Clocation Dsituation四、阅读理解(共15小题,30分) 阅读下面四篇短文,从各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。A Waves are beautiful to look at,but they can destroy ships at sea,as well as houses and buildings near the shoreWhat causes waves? Most waves are caused by winds blowing over the surface of the waterThe sun heats the earth,causing the air to rise and the winds to blowThe winds blow across the sea,pushing little waves into bigger and bigger ones The size of a wave depends on how strong the wind is,how long it blows,and how large the body of water isIn a small bay big waves will never build up,but at sea the wind can build up giant,powerful waves A rule says that the height of a wave (in meters)will usually be no more than onetenth of the winds speed(in kilometers)In other words,when the wind is blowing at 120 kilometers per hour,most waves will be about twelve meters of course,and some waves may bine to form giantwaves that are much higherIn 1933 the United States Navy reported the largest measured wave inhistoryIt rose in the Pacific Ocean to a height of thirty-four meters41The waves can build up Aat sea Bin a small bay Cin a lake Don a river42When the wind is blowing at 80 kilometers per hour,the height of most waves will be 。 Aabout one meter Babout eight meters Cabout eighty meters Dabout ten meters43Air rises when Athe wind is blowing Bthe body of water is large Cthere is a powerful wave Dthe sun heats the earth44What would be the best title for the text? ABeautiful Waves BWaves in the Pacific Ocean CWhat Causes Waves DThe Largest Waves in HistoryB If you go into forest with your friends,stay with themIf you dont,youll get lostIf you get lost,this is what you should doSit down and stay where you areDont try to find your friendsLet them find youYou can help them find you are staying in one placeThere is another way to help your friends or other people to find youYou can shout or whistle(吹口哨)three timesStopThen shout or whistle three times againAny signal(信号)given three times is a call for help Keep up shouting or whistlingAlways three times togetherWhen people hear you,they will know that you are not just making a noise for funThey will let you know that they have heard your signal by giving two shouts or two whistlesWhen a signal is given twice,it is an answer to a call for help If you dont think that you will get help before night es,try to make a little house with branches(树枝)Make yourself a bed with leaves and grass When away,pick off small branches and drop them as walking in order to go back again easilyRemember! When you are lost,the most important thing to do is to stay in one place45If you get lost in the forest,you should Atry to find your friends Bstay in one place and give signals Cwalk around the forest Dshout as loudly as possible 46Which signal is a call for help? AShouting here and there BCrying twice CShouting or whistling three times together DWhistling everywhere in the forest47When you hear two shouts or two whistles,you know that Asomeone is afraid of an animal Bpeople will e to help Csomeone needs help Dsomething terrible will happen 48The main idea of the passage is Ahow to travel in the forest Bhow to spend the night in the forest Cwhat you should do if you want to get some water Dwhat you should do if you are lost in the forestC Pulling heavy suitcases all day in the summer is hard work,especially when youre a thin14yearold boyThat was me in 1 940the youngest and smallest baggage boy at New York Citys Pennsylvania Railway Station After just a few days on the job,I began noticing that the other fellows were overcharging passengersId like to join them,thinking,“Everyone else is doing it” When I got home that nightI told my dad what I wanted to do“You give an honest days work,”he said,looking at me straight in the eye“Theyre paying youIf your fellows want to dothat,you let them do that” I followed my dads advice for the rest of that summer and have lived by his words ever since 0f all the jobs Ive had,it was my experience at Pennsylvania Railway Station that has stuckwith meNow I teach my players to have respect for other people and their possessions(财产)Being a member of a team is a totally shared experienceIf one person steals,it destroys trust andhurts everyoneI can put up with many things,but not with people who stealIf one of my playerswere caught stealing,hed be gone Whether youre on a sports team,in an office or a member of a family,if you cant trust one another,theres going to be trouble49What can be inferred(推断)about the baggage boys? AThey could earn much,but they had to work hard BMany of them earned money in a dishonest way CThey were all from poor families DThey were all thin,young boys50What does the fathers advice imply(暗示)? AIt is wrong to give more pay to the passengers BDont believe them if they are paying you more CDont follow others to overcharge the passengers DIt is difficult to work hard and live as an honest boy51The writer cant put up with stealing because he thinks that Ait is a fully shared experience Bit is thought as the most dangerous Cit does great harm to human relationship Dit may lead to the loss of his sports team52From the text we know that Ahis fathers advice helped him to decide which job to take up Bworking in the sports team was his most important experience Che learnt much from his shared experience with his team members Dhis experience as a baggage boy had a great influence on his later lifeD John was at home alone one night while his parents were outHe had often stayed alone before,so he wasnt afraidAs he waited for his parents to return homehe watched a movie on televisionHis eyelids became heavier and heavier as time passed Suddenly Johns eyes popped(支撑)openWhat was that noise in the next room? John strained(竖起)his ears and heard a sound of opening a windowFor a minute John was so frightened that he could not moveHis body felt like stone He knew that he mustnt lose his head and began to think of the things he could doHe couldnt reach the telephone without passing the window where he had heard the noise,and hecouldnt reach the doorAgain he heard the sound of somebody trying to enter his home through the windowSuddenly John saw his drums(鼓)standing in the corner near the TV“Wait,maybethere is something I can do” He caught up the drumsticks and beat on his drums as he had never beaten beforeThe motion(振动声)was so terrible that John surprised even himselfHe also surprised the personin the window,who turned tail and ran John had just used his drums in a very unusual way“Maybe drums arent such instruments after all”Thought John with a smile53The thief ran away when he heard the drum noise because he Asuffered from the terrible noise Bfelt that he was in great danger Cknew a frightened boy was at home alone Dthought he would be hit by the drumstick54When John was almost falling asleep, woke John up suddenly Aa drumbeat Bsomeones talking Ca telephone ring Da noise in the next room55Why didnt John call the police when he heard something unusual? ABecause he was afraid of being noticed by the thief BBecause he could not think clearly CBecause he was too f6ightened to move DBecause he was ready to fight against the thief第二部分(非选择题共25分)五、阅读表达(共5小题,5分) 阅读下面的短文和问题。根据短文内容,在答题纸上写下相关信息(不多于六个单词),完成对该问题的回答。答语要结构正确,书写工整,字迹清楚。 It began with one red paper clip(回形针)and ended with a houseKyle MacDonald,a 26-year-old Canadian,got a threebedroomed house through 14 trades Encouraged by Kyles successful experience,now more and more young people around the world are starting their own trading activitiesThey set up websites where people can trade things they do not usually use with other peopleA website called Peerflix allows people to trade their used DVDsThese traders usually prefer face-to-face trading,which means they dont have to worry about who is going to pay for the delivery(递送)。 Last year,a young girl in Beijing decided to follow the example of KyleShe started with a paper clip and hoped to get a house in the endAfter several trades she now has a piano which is worth more than 10,000 yuanBut she may still have a long way to go You may wonder why people are doing thisIn fact,everyone in the trade activities gets thingsthat are useful to themJust as Kyle said,“Whats more important to a man dying of thirsty in thedesertone million dollars or a glass of water? Kyles words probably show why these trades are popular among young people56What did Kyle get in the end through 14 trades? 57Where can people trade things they do not usually use with others? 58Why do these traders usually prefer facetoface trading? 59How can the Chinese girls dream e true? 60Why are the trade activites popular among young people? 六、书面表达(共20分) 假设Tom是你的笔友,他暑假要到北京来旅游,请介绍一处你熟悉的景点。不少于50词。 参考词汇: Nouns:buildings,opening times,parking,queues,transport Positive words:amazing,modem,enjoyable,educationalNegative words:expensive,boring,crowded,dirty,poor 北京市宣武区xx学年度第二学期高中新课程模块检测高中英语(必修3)参考答案及评分标准 选择题答案第一、二、三、四部分15 ACCAB 610 BBCCA 1115 AABCD 1620 CDDAB 2125 BACCA 2630 CBDAA 3135 BCDAD 3640 BCABD 4145 ABDCB 4650 CBDBC 5155 CDBDA阅读表达参考答案56A threebedroomed houseA house57On the InternetOn the webOn tine58. They neednt pay for the delivery59. By tradingThrough tradesShe call trade again and againShe Can go on trading60The traders Can get useful things书面表达(略)附听力原文Text 1 M:Theres a good movie at the cinema this weekendWould you like to see it with me?W:Id like toThank youText 2 W:Paul,are you taking the bus or the subway to your office?M:My doctor suggests I walk ,not even cycleText 3W:Youre late againWhatS the matter with you?M:Im sorry,Miss GreenBut I didnt catch the school busThatS why I am late for schoolText 4M:MrBlack speaks French very well and now he is learning ChineseW:He also knows a few words in JapaneseText5M:Have you telephoned Tom?W:Yes,but I dialed the wrong number。Could you tell me his number?M:SureItS 8561882Text 6M:Excuse me W:Yes,sirHow Call I help you?M:Im a guest here;Im in Room 504I have some free time this afternoon。so I want to go Somewhere beautiful to have a walkWhat would you suggest?W:UhWrigley Field on a sunny day like today is niceM:Wrigley Field?Dont young people play baseball there? W:Thats rightIn fact, they are going to have a game there at4:00M:Great,how can I get there?W:Go north one block and take the subwayM:Well,the game starts in one hour,so Id better go nowThanks for your help!W:Youre weleHave a good time!Text 7 The most important day in my life was the 9th of April, xxThat was the day I passed my driving test I was very worried and drove very badly on the way to the test centreMy driving teacher said,“If you drive like this during the test,youwill failDont be afraid”But that just made me more afraid! The tester was very seriousHe didnt smile once as We got into the carI drove quite well during the test and began to feel that I was sure to pass. Then,the tester began asking me questions about drivingHe asked me,“what will you do if a dog runs out in front of your ear?”I answered,and he sat there,unhappily,for a while and said,“Yes,maybe that is what you will dobut what will a good driver do?”By then,I thought I had failed the testWe drove back to the test Centre and as I got out of the car the tester handed me a piece of paperIt had“PASSED”written onitI was so surprised I started to laugh but the tester still didnt even smileI was too happy to carle Now,I have my own car and every Sunday I drive to a friends house or into the centre of the cityI still get a little afraid,though,when I think of my driving test and the testers face

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