北京市2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第08课时 课件.ppt

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第 8 课时,PART ONE,第一篇 教材梳理篇,基础自主梳理,guest,guide,guitar,gun,habit,hair,half,hall,hamburger,hand,基础自主梳理,handbag,handsome,hang,happen,happy,hard,hardly,harmful,hat,hate,基础自主梳理,have,he,head,headache,health,healthy,hear,heart,heat,heavy,基础自主梳理,height,hello,help,helpful,hen,her,here,hero,herself,hide,基础自主梳理,high,hill,him,himself,his,history,hit,hobby,hold,hole,基础自主梳理,holiday,home,hometown,homework,honest,尊敬;光荣,hope,horse,hospital,hot,基础自主梳理,hotel,hour,house,housework,how,however,huge,human,幽默的,hungry,基础自主梳理,hurry,hurt,husband,ice,ice-cream,idea,if,ill,illness,imagine,基础自主梳理,give back,give in,give out,give up,go ahead,go away,go by,go fishing (shopping, skating),go off,go for a walk,基础自主梳理,go on with/doing sth,go on,go out,go over,go through,核心考点突破, guide n. 导游,向导;指南;手册 v. 引导,带领;指导,影响;解释,阐明,【题1】 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)他们带领我们到了办公室。 They us the office. (2)没有什么研究成果可以指导他们。 There was no research result them.,guide to,to guide,核心考点突破, hard adj. 硬的;困难的,难对付的;强烈的,猛烈的;冷酷无情的;烈性的 adv. 努力地,艰苦地;猛烈地,重重地,【题2】 选择正确的选项 (1)Im good at English, so its not for me to follow the foreign guests. A.easy B.right C.hard D.hardly (2)It is for him to get to school on time, because it is raining . A.hard; hardly B.hardly; hard C.hard; hard D.hardly; hardly,C,C,核心考点突破,【题3】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 (1)He always works , but he can make money.(hard) (2)He is a student.(hard work),hard hardly,hard-working,核心考点突破, help v. 帮助,援助;促进;避免,阻止 n. 帮助,援助;帮手,助 手;挽救办法,【题4】 根据汉语提示写短语 (在的帮助下) my teachers, I have made great progress in English learning.,【归纳拓展】,With the help of,核心考点突破,【题5】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 (1)If you want another drink, just help (you). (2)People sometimes cant help something useless when shopping.(buy) (3)I cant help the model plane for you, because its getting dark. I have to leave now.(make),【题6】 根据汉语意思完成句子 周末我经常帮助父母做家务,例如打扫卫生。 I often my parents on weekends, such as doing some cleaning.,yourself,buying,(to) make,help do/with housework,核心考点突破, honor n. 荣誉,光荣;尊敬,敬意;光荣的人/事 v. 尊敬,给予荣誉,【题7】 根据汉语意思完成句子 (1)能赏光和我跳个舞吗? May I with you? (2)我做了一道特殊的菜向我们的来客表示敬意。 I have cooked a special dish our visitors.,【归纳拓展】 honor的相关短语: (1)have the honor of doing sth 有幸做某事 (2)in honor of sb/sth/in sbs/sths honor 为向表示敬意;为庆祝;为纪念 (3)be honored for 因而受到尊敬 (4)be/feel honored to do sth 做某事感到荣幸,have the honor of dancing,in honor of,核心考点突破,(3)这些古稀老人因为在不同领域取得的成就而受人尊敬。 The living treasures their achievements in many different areas of life. (4)能够担当这一角色,我感到非常荣幸。 I very been able to take on this role.,are honored for,feel/am honored to have,核心考点突破, hope/wish,【题8】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 (1)She said she hoped her daughter.(see) (2)My mother wishes me a teacher when I grow up.(be),【题9】 用hope或wish填空 (1)I I could fly to the moon one day and say hello to Change and Yutu. (2)This way doesnt work.I that you can come up with a better solution than this.,to see,to be,wish,hope,一词多义积累,(1)Heat the oil and add the onions. (2)Test the heat of the water before getting in. (3)Can she take the heat of this final competition? (4)You shouldnt go out in the heat of the day. (5)In the heat of the moment she forgot what she wanted to say.,1.heat A.n. 热;高温 B.n.温度 C.n.愤怒,激动 D.n.压力 E.v.加热,根据语境,判断单词在句中的意思(写出该词所属义项的英文大写字母即可),答案 (1)E 句意:把油烧热后加入洋葱。 (2)B 句意:入水之前先试一试水温。 (3)D 句意:她能承受得了这次决赛的压力吗? (4)A 句意:你不应该在一天中最热的时候出去。 (5)C 句意:她因为过于激动而忘记了要说的话。,一词多义积累,(1)The girl was holding her fathers hand. (2)The mother held her baby in her arms. (3)Well hold a meeting to discuss it. (4)Is that table strong enough to hold you? (5)I dont think the room can hold so many people. (6)Please hold the line. I will be back in a minute.,2.hold v. A.抱住 B.举行 C.(打电话时)等待,不挂断 D.抓住,拿着 E.容纳,包含 F.承受的重量,D,A,B,F,E,C,

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