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2019-2020年高一下学期期末模拟考试(一)英语试题含答案xx.6.23卷面总分:120分 考试时间:120分钟第一部分:听力(共15小题;每题1分, 满分15分)第一节:听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有l0秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。( )1. What does the man usually do on Sunday afternoon?A. Work in the garden. B. Go to church. C. Do some reading.( )2. Which book is the most expensive? A. The blue one. B. The green one. C. The red one.( )3. What is the man going to do? A. Ask the woman to join him. B. Found his own pany. C. Find a new job.( )4. What does the woman mean? A. It is unfair that the mans wife should stay at home. B. it is impossible to repair the pipes again. C. It is not the first time that the pipes leaked.( )5. What does the man mean? A. The price for rent is beyond their reach. B. The neighborhood is too far away. C. They dont need a new apartment.第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7题。( )6. What is the womans problem? A. She isnt qualified for government housing this year. B. The price of the house she rented goes up. C. She doesnt have enough money to buy the house.( )7. What is the mans suggestion to the woman? A. To sell her old house. B. To get a loan from the bank. C. To borrow money from friends.听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9题。( )8. Where will the man go? A. To London. B. To Tokyo. C. To New York.( )9. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The woman will be married.B. The man will attend the wedding. C. The man is going on a trip.听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12题。( )10. Whats the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Boss and secretary. B. Husband and wife. C. Friends.( )11. When will the result of the interview be told? A. In a couple of days. B. In the very evening. C. Just after the interview.( )12. What can we learn about the man? A. He doesnt have a job. B. He is going to an interview. C. He is worried about the woman.听下面一段对话,回答第13至第15题。( )13. How does the man spend his free time? A. Helping in the school library. B. Chatting with friends. C. Reading.( )14. How does the woman spend her free time? A. Doing homework. B. Reading in the library. C. Chatting with friends.( )15. What are the mans favorites? A. The books with lots of mystery and action in them. B. The books with lots of joy in them. C. The books with lots of stories in them.第二部分:单项选择 (共15小题,每题1分, 满分15分)16. The number of smokers, _ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in the past one year. A. it B. which C. that D. as17. Jim, can you work this Sunday? -_? Ive been working for two weeks on end. A. Why me B. Why not C. What if D. So what18. The reason why prices _ and still are too high is plex, and no short discussion can satisfactorily explain this problem. A. were B. will be C. have been D. had been19. I think it is a top priority for the government to furnish the children with _ to the information superhighway.A. access B. allowanceC. means D. procedure20. While by school rules high school students _ use cell phones in the school, they can use public phones to keep in touch with friends and family.A. mustnt B. shant C. wouldnt D. mightnt21. Isnt it time you went to bed, Mike ?I _ painting all afternoon, so I have to finish my homework now.A. was practicing B. have practiced C. have been practicing D. had practiced22.- _ this afternoon?-It depends. I am afraid I will be called in by my manager.A. Is it suitable B. Will you be convenient C. Is it accurate D. Will you be available23. Saying that is just like _ fuel _ the fire.A. to add, toB. being added, toC. to be added, toD. adding, to24. Though Betty doesnt like her present job, she wants to _ it until she gets another one.A. hang up toB. hang off toC. hang on toD. hang back to25.The position Yang applied for_ suitable for him, _ he was looked up to as a model who lived his dream by his own efforts.A. was proved; as a result B. proving; as a result of whichC. proved; as a result of which D. proved; as a result of that26. In my opinion, work provides us much _ just salary and ine; it also helps us realize our dreams and makes us feel confident.A. rather thanB. other thanC. better thanD. more than27.Though _ of the existence of aliens and of his seeing one with his own eyes, most people still felt that the more he explained, the less _ he looked.A. convincing; convincing B. convinced; convincedC. convinced; convincing D. convincing; convinced28. - Im worried about the sports meet. Do you think it will be postponed?- If it _rain tomorrow, but actually the weather forecast has removed our worry.A. might B. should C. could D. would29. Mary _ my letter, otherwise she would have replied before now.A. should have received B. has received C. couldnt have received D. ought to have received30. _ you continue your efforts and achieve new and greater success!A. Would B. Will C. May D. Should 第三部分:完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Several weeks ago I got a call from a good friend whose husband had just been diagnosed with cancer. “ Do we tell the kids?” she asked. “_31_.” I answered “ The boys deserve to know the_32_ ,however heartbreaking it is,” I continued. Adults always insist that children be honest, _33_how many of us are honest with our kids, particularly about the _34_stuff: death, disease, corruption , our own failings? I believe in telling children the truth. I believe this is vital for their understanding of the world , their confidence, and the _35_of their morals and values. This doesnt mean kids need to be unnecessarily frightened or told more than they can_36_ . Many people think theyre protecting children when they spare them the truth. I _37_. I believe children _38_an enviable ability to cope with and_39_ what even adults find annoying ; they can accept the unacceptable in a way that_40_ me. Kids also have an unusual sense when something is_41_ . They know a fake smile when they see one, they realize when were uneasy, and they can _42_when were lying. One night I was in the car with our two oldest daughters. It was dark and cozy- the _43_time for a heart-to heart conversation. One of our girls said, “Mom, have you ever smoked cigarettes?” I stalled(故意拖延) a little, but the girls _44_. They had me and they knew it . _45_I told them the truth. What happened next was an honest and direct_46_ about the lure and danger of cigarettes, well worth any disfort. I believe my honesty was much more _47_than warnings or platitudes(老生常谈). Time marches on, and so do _48_. While Ive made mistakes as a parent, I do have clear and _49_relationships with each of our children. I believe my being truthful with our children has _50_, because Im pretty sure that now they are honest with me.31. A. Quickly B. EspeciallyC. Finally D. Absolutely32. A. truth B. answer C. way D. cause33. A. and B. but C. or D. for34. A. new B. dangerous C. toughD. original35. A. arrangement B. development C. mitment D. assessment36. A. prevent B. enjoy C. handle D. skip37. A. survive B. hesitate C. admit D. disagree38. A. possessB. seekC. balanceD. skip39. A. make notes of B. make use ofC. make sense of D. make mention of40. A. scares B. astonishes C. discourages D. embarrasses41. A. over B. importantC. wrong D. impossible42. A. tell B. pretend C. monitor D. interrupt43. A. local B. perfect C. long D. last44. A. quarreled B. laughed C. insisted D. sighed45. A. Again B. Instead C. Otherwise D. Therefore46. A. concern B. discussionC. defense D. plaint47. A. effective B. careful C. emotional D. gentle48. A. parents B. dreamsC. grades D. children49. A. special B. proper C. open D. personal50. A. fell off B. went off C. set offD. paid off第四部分:阅读理解(共11小题,每题2分,满分22分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D中,选出最佳选项。A “Iris scan (虹膜扫描) , please,” the banks puter voice tells you . You step up and the puter reads your eye , paring it to the stored file it has of your iris. The images had better matchotherwise you wont be able to get your money. Iris scanning and other technologies , such as fingerprint and voice scanning , have appeared in many science fiction movies in the past. Today , these advanced technologies are part of the real world. They are mon at work, the bank, the airport, and your local prison. The iris scan, fingerprint scan, and voice scan are all examples of biometrics( 生物测定学) a fast developing area of automatic personal identification technology . Basically , biometrics uses various ways to verify a persons identity , based on the individuals unique characteristics ,including fingerprints , voices, irises, body heat patterns, facial images, handprints , signatures and so on.Biometrics identification systems have a number of advantages over password systems. The primary advantage is that an individual has to be physically present in order to be identified. Another important advantage is that there are no passwords to remember , forget, lose or steal. The voice scan is the simplest and most affordable form of biometrics . It only requires a puter, a microphone and the correct software. The software records a subjects voice and then pares it to a stored voice sample for identification purposes. For additional safety, fingerprint and handprint scans can also be employed . Fingerprint scans take the image of a fingerprint and pare it to a stored file of prints. Handprint scans identify the unique features of a hand. Iris scans currently give the highest level of accuracy among all the available biometrics systems. Another technology , full facial scans , is currently in use at border crossings and airports. Facial scanning equipment can actually track and identify moving faces within a crowd. The potential of biometrics is exciting and encouraging . With continued development , testing , and application , current technologies will bee even more effective in the future. Soon , the days of password and car keys will be gone . Just dont leave home without your fingerprints!51. The first paragraph serves as a(n) _. A. example B. explanation C. ment D. conclusion52. The underlined word “verify” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_”. A. protect B. confirm C. develop D. change53. Which is the most accurate form of biometrics? A. The voice scan B. The fingerprint scan C. The iris scan D. The facial scan54. What is the authors attitude towards the future of biometrics? A. He is uncertain about it . B. He feels doubtful about it .C. He is worried about it . D. He feels hopeful about it .B.The Independent Project at the Monument Mountain Regional High School in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, is attracting huge interest in the education field. The program is a new concept that has developed a wide variety of students abilities and excited their interest in education and self-directed learning. They are a group of students that , instead of being educated through the normal school courses, have created their own subjects and project-based interactive learning. The students are almost pletely independent. They choose a goal that they want to acplish and work on for the whole year. These goals have included some impressive attempts such as writing a novel, writing a play , learning the piano and more. Along with these larger attempts , the students meet every day to ask questions about other subjects like natural sciences , social sciences, etc. Although most of them say that they dont like math, they did eventually develop an interest in math through this independent learning technique. The education program, which has attracted a huge variety of students, allows the students to learn and develop research skills and questioning techniques and allows them to truly be interested in the subjects they are diving into . They also teach each other what they have learned , which allows them to develop different way of presenting and gathering material that they have researched.I wish that I could have participated in such a project during my high school career, like writing a novel. I am currently studying English as well as education to pursue a teaching degree. I would love to adapt independent driven projects into a classroom in the future. This project also raises some crucial questions. Do we need to rethink the structure of the education system itself? Are too many students being simply fed through a conveyor belt(传送带) that we blindly see as working toward their education? I think that the education system needs some improvements , and different learning styles need to be addressed immediately. Individual differences in learning are huge keys to the functioning of a classroom. This project takes the idea to a whole new level. This is an extremely important event in the development of the American education system and I think everyone needs to keep an eye out for more programs like this.55. What can we learn about the Independent Project? AThere is little involvement from teachers. B. Normal school courses are also available. C. The students meet every week to discuss their courses. D. It was designed to improve the students interest in math.56. By saying “Are too many students - toward their education?” the author seems to imply that _. A. teachers are really important for students. B. different learning styles should be encouraged. C. the project works like a conveyor belt of information. D. knowledge can be better conveyed in smaller classes57. What is the authors attitude towards the Independent Project? A. Approving B. Cautious C. Doubtful D. Objective58. What is the passage mainly about ? A. The benefits of interactive learning B. Individual differences in learning. C. A group of independent students. D. An unusual education program. C. Working hard es naturally to me. The medical billing pany I work for hired me as a claims researcher and in one year promoted me to head of the Northeast Region Follow-Up Team. “When are you going to finish?” My husband Joe said as he climbed into bed. “In a few minutes,” I replied. My track record offered Joe little reason to believe me. Finishing was always just a moment or two away. Then after I knew he was sound asleep, Id gather my paperwork and move to the kitchen table and work for a few more hours. Somewhere along the way , I found my enthusiasm for living was replaced with hard boring work that robbed me of both peace and pleasure. As the pany expanded, my responsibility grew heavier every day. Resigning would end the madness and Joe encouraged me to do so daily “Just do it, Annie. Quit . Youre heading for a break down.” One day an email appeared on my puter screen. When I opened it the words “Administrative assistant for senior vice president” caught my eye .No , I thought . Theyd think I was crazy . Who in their right mind would stop back to a secretarial position from a management position? At home that evening my interest in the job persisted. I had ten years of experience as an executive secretary long before I ever arrived at the pany. The next morning I told my boss I intended to apply for the job. “Youre in for a huge salary cut, and youll lose your bonus,” he said, “Youre a leader, Annmarie, not a follower. How is it that you think this makes any kind of sense? Youre crazy.” “Not yet,” I said “But if I stay in this position much longer , Im pretty sure Ill end up that way.” Admittedly the manager of human resources was shocked too, but from a budgetary standpoint its hard to say no to someone whos asking for a salary cut and a decrease in benefits. Thats pretty much a novelty(新鲜事) you dont run into every day.I brought to the table a skill set, which included a working knowledge of every department in the operations areas of the pany . Though I negotiated to a salary I felt was reasonable for what I was offering , the lost bonus and salary cut brought me to a twenty percent decrease in my ine. I closed the door to my office that last day with very few regrets about leaving my management position. By the end of my first day in the new position I knew I had made the right decision. No office, staff, salary , or bonus check can ever replace this new feeling of waking up every morning and actually wanting to go to work. The tasks I perform aid one vice president in particular. When I leave at the end of the day, I take nothing with me but my desire to e back tomorrow knowing that I am respected and appreciated. My husband always tells me I cant put a price on peace of mind, but divorce attorneys(律师) are plenty expensive. It looks like my path to peace turned up none too soon!59. What can we infer from Paragraph 2? A. The author used to stay up B. The author used to be a liar. C. The author liked working crazilyD. The author had trouble finishing 60. The author decided to change her job , mainly because she _. A. caught a disease B. wanted to live peacefully C. was not qualified for the job D. was afraid to break up with Joe61. To the manager of human resources , the authors changing her job was really _. A. often seen B. bad news C. to his taste D. against his will 第五部分 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填1个单词。请将答案写在答题纸相应题号的横线上。Self-improvement and self-change is not something that es naturally to many people . There are many different reasons for people to avoid self-improvement .One of the most mon things that stop our self-improvement is that we have too much pride. This is because the word self-improvement often implies that there are areas of our life that we arent fully satisfied or happy with . So, to some extent, self-improvement means that we have to admit that we can do better than our current situation even if this temporarily hurts our ego(自我) . You can overe this by recognizing that no one is perfect, and everyone can improve themselves in different ways. Its only the person that doesnt pursue self-improvement who really has the broken ego in the end. Another problem we face when pursuing self-improvement is that we have a false belief that there will always be tomorrow. Unfortunately, if we keep following this pattern, then one day we may wake up and realize our whole life has passed by, but we never get a chance to do the things that we really want to do. The lesson is not to wait , but to act now. Dont let time just pass by. Life is very short and tomorrow is never a guarantee. Take advantage of every day you have , and dont wait until youre on your deathbed to realize the life youve always wanted to live.We either expect big and immediate changes in our life or nothing at all. So when t


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