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A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning John Donne(1572-1631),KEY WORDS Metaphysical school Conceits Metaphors Love lyrics,Brief Introduction to his life,Born in a Roman Catholic famimily. Received his education at Oxford and Cambridge. In 1601, he eloped with Ann More and was cast into prison by her father. In 1615, he gave up his Catholic faith and became an Anglican priest. In 1621, he was appointed the Dean of St. Pauls Cathedral by King James I.,GO and catch a falling star, 去吧,去抓一颗流星 Get with child a mandrake root, 去让曼德拉草的根长成婴儿 Tell me where all past years are, 告诉我,哪里可以找回逝去的年华 Or who cleft the devils foot, 谁能劈开恶魔的脚趾 Teach me to hear mermaids singing, 教我去听美人鱼的歌声 Or to keep off envys stinging, 或者避开嫉妒者的诽谤 And find What wind 找到那 Serves to advance an honest mind. (1-9) 可以提高老实人地位的风,Oh stay, three lives in one flea spare 噢,住手!一只跳蚤可是三条生命啊 Where we almost, nay more than married are. 它的身体不仅是见证我们的婚约 This flea is you and I, and this 还是你和我 Our marriage bed and marriage temple is; 我们的婚床和婚姻的殿堂 Though parents grudge, and you, we are met, 尽管父母怨恨,你不情愿,我们还是相遇 And cloistered in these living walls of jet. 并躲藏在黝黑的生命之墙里 Though use make you apt to kill me 尽管你会习惯的拍死跳蚤 Let not to that, self-murder added be, 千万别,这会杀了我,也会增加你的自杀之罪 And sacrilege, three sins in killing three 杀害三条生命会亵渎神明,Background of The Poem,John Donne wrote this poem for his wife upon living for France in 1611.This poem doesnt have much writing rhetoric,but just like his other love poems,its reasoning and debate of lyrical whim are abundant.,A Valediction: Forbidding Mouring,As vir/tuous men/pass mildly/ away, And whi/sper to their/ souls, /to go, Whilst some/ of their /sad friends /do say, “The breath/ goes now,“/ and some /say, “No:“ 正如有德行的人安详别世, 轻声向灵魂辞安, 悲伤的友人或伤逝, 叹其气绝魂离,亦有说不然,Donne was fascinated by death because he believed that was the point at which the body and soul parted ways.In this case,the dying man is able to whisper his soul out of his mortal body and on to heaven.,So let /us melt, /and make/ no noise, No tear-floods, /nor sigh-tem/pests move; Twere pro/fana/tion of/ our/joys To tell /the laity /our /love. 就让我们轻声说话,不要喧哗, 不要泪涌如潮,不要凄声哀鸣; 那是对我们欢乐的亵渎, 让俗人知道我们的爱。,1.profanation: blasphemous behaviour;degradation of something worthy of respect. 2.laity: one who is not a clergy man.,Moving /of th earth /brings harms/ and fears; Men re/ckon what /it did, /and meant; But tre/pida/tion of/ the spheres, Though grea/ter far,/ is in/nocent. 地动带来伤害,叫人害怕, 人们推其为断其意; 天体震动,虽然威力更大, 却对什么都没有损伤,Donne contrasts earthly natural disasters with the bigger, grander motions of the heavenly bodies (planets, stars ),Dull sub/luna/ry lo/vers love (Whose soul /is sense) /cannot /admit Absence,/ because /it doth/ remove Those things /which el/emen/ted it. 乏味的凡情俗爱 (感官为上)最忌 别离,因为情人分开, 爱的根基就会破碎支离。,sublunary: below the moon,i.e.,earthly admit: stand,But we /by a love /so much /refind, That our/selves /know not /what it is, Inter/-assured /of the mind, Care less, /eyes, lips, /and hands /to miss. 但我们的爱纯净无比, 我们自己也不知那是什么东西, 打心里头相互信任, 不在乎肉体分离。,refind: purified Here Donne refers that his love isnt tainted by the mere physical affection,Our/ two souls/ therefore,/ which are one, Though I /must go,/ endure/ not yet A breach,/ but an ex/pansion, Like gold /to ai/ry thin/ness beat. 因而,我俩灵魂合一, 我纵须远离,不违爱诺, 而是一种延展, 宛如黄金锻展成轻飘韧箔。,breach: breaking; here means separation expansion: The simile of beating gold into very thin sheets is used to describe the parting,If they/ be two, /they are/ two so As stiff/ twin com/passes/ are two; Thy soul,/ the fixt/ foot, makes/ no show To move, /but doth,/ if the o/ther do. 就算是两个吧,两个也是 和一副两脚的圆规情况相同 你的灵魂是定脚,固定不移 但另一只脚移动,你便随之转动。,And though/ it in /the cen/tre sit, Yet when /the o/ther far/ doth roam, It leans,/ and hear/kens a/fter it, And grows/ erect, /as that/ comes home. 虽然一只脚坐镇中心, 但当另一只脚在外游离, 它就侧过身去倾听, 当那只脚回到家,它又把腰杆直起。,hearkens: leans as if listening to attentively,Such wilt/ thou be/ to me,/ who must Like th o/ther foot, /obli/quely run; Thy firm/ness makes/ my cir/cle just, And makes/ me end,/ where I/ begun. 这就是你和我的关系,我必须, 像另一只脚,斜走侧踮, 你的坚定能使我的圆圈圆得完美, 让我的游离结束在我开始的地点。,obliquely:slantingly just: complete The foot that draws the circumference returns to the foot sitting at the centre after a circle is down,which implied that the poet will return to his lover after the journey.,Thank you,


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