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,阅读理解中的推理与判断,Guessing game,What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?,The more you take, the more you leave behind. What is it?,You can make me, You can take me, You can watch me, But you can never stop me. What am I?,Time.,Footprint.,Blackboard.,-Details are sometimes not clearly explained. You must get some information with clues.,Making an inference,中考说明要求,能根据上下文和构词法推理、理解生词的含义; 能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局; 能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息; 能根据上下文理解作者的态度、观点和意图。,2.推断作者观点或态度,阅读推理判断题,推断题分类,1.It can be inferred from the text that . 2.The writer suggests that . 3.The story implies that . 4.We can conclude from the passage that . 5.What can we know from the passage? 6. According to the story, what will probably happen next?,一、如何推断隐含意义,这类题干中通常含有infer, suggest, imply, conclude等标志性词语。,例1:2011年东城一模 53. From the passage, we can infer that _. beauty in nature can be considered as the enemy of modern life B. theres a big difference between town and country nowadays C. life today is certainly better than it was 100 years ago D. the environment is as important as development,例1:2011年东城一模 Is life really better than it was 100 years ago? It is certainly true that people live longer than they used to, travel faster than they could and own more things than they did. But they still have to suffer from noise, overcrowding and bad air which are still a basic part of modern life. 100 years ago there was a clear difference between town and country. But the motor car has changed all that. One motorway can take up a huge amount of land. Cars are also a basic part of modern life. But industry and modern life do not have to be enemies of beauty. We can have both beauty and progress. In fact, we need clean rivers and open countryside just as much as people did 100 years ago. But nowadays the problem is that its becoming more and more difficult to have open land, clean water and fresh air.,技巧点拨 1.全面分析 2.忠实原文 3.不要选择已给出的信息,练一练:2012年东城二模 54. What can you infer from Paragraph 2? A. Colours influence peoples feelings and opinions. B. People get ideas for new products from colours. C. New products are popular because of colours. D. Most companies prefer bright colours.,练一练:2012年东城二模 “Have you ever noticed how people always use the same colours for the same things?” says Verity. “Our toothpaste is always white or blue or maybe red. Its never green. Why not? For some reason we think that blue and white is clean, while we think of green products(产品)as being a bit unpleasant. Its the same for businesses. We respect a company which writes its name in blue or black, but we dont respect one that uses pink or orange. People who design(设计)new products can use these ideas to influence what we buy.”,二、如何推断作者观点和态度:,1.What is the writers attitude towards. ? 2. The writers aim is. . . 3. In the writers eyes, . . . 4. The writer wants to tell us 5. The author believes / suggests that.,例2:2011年东城二模 56From the last paragraph we can infer that the writer _. A. thinks DIY is a good way to relax B. likes watching DIY programmes C. is becoming interested in DIY D. has no plan to do DIY himself,例2:2011东城二模 I guess it is not really surprising that DIY programmes are so popular. Two common sayings in Britain-“an Englishmans home is his castle” and “theres no place like home”-show how important our houses are to us. With the recent economic downturn, many people cant afford to buy a bigger house so they are looking at how they can make their house better without spending a lot of money. DIY is the perfect choice. But be careful! I read a report that said over 230,000 people were hurt while doing home improvements in the UK in just one year, including 41,000 who fell off steps and 5,800 who were seriously hurt by tools. I wont be going down to the hardware store. Id rather watch DIY on TV with a nice cup of tea!,技巧点拨: 注意作者表达感情色彩 的形容词、副词、动词 及所举的例子,推断出 作者的弦外之音。,练一练:2012通州二模 52. We can infer that the author was _. A. pleasant for what his students had done B. proud of his students driving skill C. unhappy for being late for class D. glad that Margarets car had been well,练一练:2012通州二模 The note read, “Call Margaret at 555-6167.” As a car instructor (教员), I often got calls from people to repair their cars. I dialed. A voice answered, “I have something to tell you.” “All right,” I answered, looking at the clock. I only had a few minutes before I went back to class. “Yesterday I was driving when my car started acting up (出故障). It was late at night. I was so afraid to stop the car to the side of the rode, but finally my car just broke down. I sat there wondering what to do.” I really needed to get back to class. “Would you like me to look at your car?” I asked. “Let me finish. Suddenly, two young men came. I didnt know what they were going to do. I was so scared.” “They asked me what happened and said they might be able to get the car running again. I sat in the car hoping that these men werent doing something bad.,A few minutes later, they started the car. It started right up! They told me the car would be fine but that I should get it checked out.” “And youd like me to look at it, right?” I asked. “No,” the woman went on. “I was so thankful. I offered them money, but they wouldnt take it. Then they told me they were former (以前的) students of yours.” “What?” I asked in surprise. “Who were they?” “They didnt tell me. They just gave me your name and the schools name and made me call to thank you. I hope you know how thankful I am.” I didnt know what to say. I always tried to teach students to be honest and other things about life use what you know to help others. My students helped someone because of what I had taught them in my classroom. I had just got the greatest reward a teacher could ever get.,三、如何推断写作目的,(1) 考查整篇文章的写作目的 A. The writers purpose of writing this passage is to _. B. What is the purpose of writing this article? (2) 考查某处细节/某段的写作意图 A. The writer uses the example ofto show that _. B. The writer uses the two questions at the beginning of the passage to _.,例3:2012年海淀一模 56.Why does the author mention Hollywood stars in the first paragraph? A. To help us to evaluate others. B. To explain what the halo effect is. C. To show us the background of the story. D. To tell us Hollywood stars are not truly friendly.,例3:2012年海淀一模 The “halo effect” is a classic finding in social psychology. It is the idea that general evaluations (评价) about a person (e.g. she is likeable) influence judgments about their specific traits(品质)(e.g. she is intelligent). Hollywood stars give the perfect example. Because they are often attractive and likeable, we naturally consider they are also intelligent, friendly and so on. That is, sometimes, not true.,技巧点拨 常见的写作目的归纳 to entertain readers to inform readers to persuade readers 注意作者对事例的态度,练一练:2012年海淀二模 52. The writer wants to tell _. A. people believe what they heard B. people wonder what is important to them C. people can hear different sounds D. people pay more attention to what is important to them,练一练:2012年海淀二模 A Native American and his friend were in downtown New York City, walking near Times Square in Manhattan. It was during the noon lunch hour and the streets were filled with the noise of people and cars. Suddenly, the Native American said, “I hear a cricket (蟋蟀).” His friend said, “What? You must be crazy. You couldnt possibly hear a cricket in all of this noise!” “No, Im sure of it,” the Native American said, “I heard a cricket.” “Thats crazy,” said the friend. The Native American listened carefully for a moment, and then walked across the street to a big wall. There they saw bushes (灌木). He looked into the bushes, and sure enough, he found a small cricket. His friend was quite amazed. “Thats unbelievable,” said his friend. “You must have,superhuman ears!” “No,” said the Native American. “My ears are not different from yours. It all depends on what youre listening for.” “But that cant be!” said the friend. “I could never hear a cricket in this noise.” “Yes, its true,” came the reply. “It depends on what is really important to you. Here, let me show you.” He reached into his pocket, pulled out a few coins, and dropped them on the sidewalk. And then, with the noise of the crowded street still in their ears, they noticed every head within 20 feet turn and look to see if the money was theirs. “See what I mean?” asked the Native American. “It all depends on whats important to you.”,The passage is most likely to be taken from_. Where would this passage most probably appear? The passage is most likely a part of _.,四、如何推断文章出处,to make people laugh; to tell an interesting experience,to sell a product or a service; to attract more visitors / readers / audience,to advise the people to or not to do sth,故事类,广告类,科普类文化类 新闻报道类或社会类,The types of reading materials,例4:2012年昌平二模 57. Who might be the writer of this passage? Someone who studies at people. B. Someone who studies at testing. C. Someone who studies at maths. D. Someone who studies at language. 58. Where can people probably find this passage? A. In a public newspaper. B. In a short storybook. C. In a school magazine. D. In a personal diary.,例4:2012年昌平二模 Each person has different learning preferences and ways which do good to them, including visual, auditory, logical, social, solitary or tactile. It is useful for people to discover some learning styles that work best for them or ways that are better in certain situations. It is also possible for people to work out new ways of learning in the near future. To get the most out of your time studying, it is very helpful to find out your personal learning preferences and styles. It is very beneficial to know the learning styles that are best for you when selecting a major, preparing for a test and even selecting a future job.,技巧点拨 从文章的内容或结构来 判断其出处: 1.报纸:通常报到新闻事件 2.网站:电子名称标记 3.杂志:比较复杂,包含面广,练一练:2011年大兴一模 50. This passage may come from a _. newspaper B. magazine C. web-site D. book,练一练:2011年大兴一模 Are You an Active Reader? Before you use the book, take a minute to think about your reading habits, and your strong and weak points when reading in English. 1.Do you enjoy reading in English? A. Yes B. No 2.How much time do your spend each day reading in English? A. More than an hour B. About an hour C. Less than an hour 3.What types of material do you read in English? A. Newspapers and magazines B. Textbooks and poetry C. Letters from friends 4.You read these materials for_? A. pleasure B. duty C. money 5.Which of the following would you most like to improve? A. Reading skills B. Understanding C. Reading speed If your answers to the questions are all As, then, congratualations! You are an active reader now. You can find more interesting things on www. reader . com.,推断题解题思路,1.紧紧抓住所给文章,决不能脱离_凭空想像; 2.深入理解作者在字里行间渗透出来的深层含义,决不能用自己的观点来主观臆断_的观点; 3.全面理解文章,统观全文,决不能以细节代替_. 4.决不能把事实陈述理解为_判断;,原文,作者,推理,整体,“做阅读推理题的三大法宝: 信心、耐心、细心!”,Thank you!,

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