2019-2020年高三D部英语限时训练卷36 .doc

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2019-2020年高三D部英语限时训练卷36I. 完形填空Most interviewees are probably aware that interviewers are not supposed to ask them certainquestions. There are some areas of special 1 in selection interviewing. Our goal here is topoint out these 2 areas of questions and to suggest strategic ways to 3 them as an interviewee. Courts have 4 that its none of the panys business how many children an applicant has; or whether he or she is married, 5 or divorced. In this area, if you are asked an illegal question, you can give a general 6 ; saying elegantly: I would prefer to stick to job-related questions: Or you can be more 7 : Are children a requirement for this position? 8 , many instances of illegal interview questions occur in the course -of9getting-to-know-you small talk during an interview and arent 10 by the interviewer as aninvasion(侵犯)of your privacy. But innocent or not, illegal interview questions can 11 apany in court when a job seeker 12 discrimination in the interview process. To 13 age discrimination in hiring, courts have disallowed these sorts of questions: How old are you? When did you graduate from high school? and so on. Managers get in trouble here when they talk about the average age of their workforce in 14 to -the candidate:Our typicalemployee is probably 8 to 10 years older than you. Do you expect problems managing people older than yourself? You can imagine the later court 15 . Manager: But, Your Honor, I never asked her age!” Candidate: My age seemed to be one of his key 16 about my ability to manage.” And, of course, you can avoid all these disputes(争执)by simply answering your employer: Age has 17 been a consideration for me in my work life. In another area of sex, an employer cannot ask questions about the persons gender(性别)18the job specifications strictly require either a male or a female. The burden of proof is on the 19to demonstrate(论证)that only a man or a woman can do the job. Employers should be cautious: Courts and the Equal Employment Opportunity mission have interpreted very 20 the concept that only one gender can perform a particular job.1. A. stability Bsensitivity C. possibility D. responsibility2. A. illegal B. plex C. absurd D. realistic3. A. prepare B. challenge C. ask D. handle4. A. ruled B. proposed C. guided D. explained5. A. separate B. lonely C. single D. individual6. A. consideration Bintroduction C. summary D. response7. A. vague B. pointed C. polite D. aggressive8. A. In particular B. In detail C. In addition D. In truth9. A. ordinary B. formal C. serious D. important10. A. settled B. illustrated C. intended D. charged11. A. land B. cause C. help D. find12. A. requires B. permits C. avoids D. claims13. A: support B. evaluate C. prevent D. discover14. A. reaction Brelation C. parison D. contrast15. A. atmosphere B. scene C. result D. decision16 . A. qualities B. elements C. concerns D. problems17. A. always B. never C. ever D. often18. A. until B. unless C. once D. before19. A. employee B. mittee C. court D. employer20A. narrowly B. broadly C. wrongly D. correctlyII.阅读理解AThere are few places in the world with people as friendly and scenery as beautiful as thePhilippines. Of the 7,107 islands that make up the archipelago nation(群岛国家),Boracay is one that has some of the best beaches the country-or even Asia-has to offer. Boracay is a great choice for a beach holiday, especially if youre trying to escape the coldclaws of winter. A lot is packed on the island, which is not much bigger than 10 square kilometers. It has many charms and attractions for the most active traveler, as well as the biggest beach bum(冲浪爱好者) It also caters to a variety of budgets. With everything from low-key guesthouses to five-starresorts, local fare to gourmet meals(餐要大餐),travelers will be able to spend as -much or as little as they want. And like many destinations in Asia, bargaining will help you get better prices on acmodation, leisure activities, shopping and dining. The majority of acmodations can be found along the western side of the island, along White Sand Beach and Bulabog Beach. The southern part of the beach, called Station Three, caters more to backpacker crowds, and prices tend to increase the farther you go up the beach. Station Two, 5 to 10 minutes on foot from Station Three, is the center of the islands pulsing nightlife. Another 10 minutes up from Station Two is Station One, where youll find the resort hotels and a more relaxed, forting atmosphere. The islands lookout point is arguably the best place for panoramic(全景的)views of Boracay and its neighboring islands. Just a few moments of breathtaking scenery and fresh sea air will rejuvenate(使精神焕发)you and make you feel you never want to leave. There are organized trips to nearby islands, one of the most popular being Ariels Point. TheBoracay Beach Club resort, which owns the island, plans outings to Ariels for a minimum of 14people each tripVisitors can have a day of cliff-jumping, snorkeling and barbecues. An alternative-and a sure way to see and do what you want-is to hire a boat. Ride aroundBoracay, stop at a restaurant frequented by locals, visit the neighboring islands, find a goodsnorkeling spot or fthd a beach where you can appreciate Boracays unspoiled beauty. Countless boat operators offer their services along the shore. Rental is typically 500 pesos(12) an hour. Another must-do is a sailboat ride at sunset. White Sand and Bulabog Beaches are lined withsailboats, and theres nothing quite like watching the sun descend against the backdrop of a blue sea and sky. Theres very little that will top this bonding moment with nature. To round up the day, head out for a tasty mealBecause of Boracays countless internationalvisitors, almost every major food type is available. Theres New York-style pizzas, burgers galore, Mexican treats, Thai favorites, as well as Japanese udon noodles Theres plenty more to love and appreciate about Boracay. With its small, cozy atmosphere and weling people, its one destination not to pass up for that romantic getaway, family trip or holiday with friends.21. If you want to find inexpensive acmodation, you should go_along White Sand Beach and Bulabog Beach. A. northward Bsouthward C. eastward D. westward22. What does the underlined word top in Paragraph 8 mean? A .Be better than. BBe suitable for. C. Be away from. D. Be equal to.23. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? A. Hotel expenses. B. Public transport. C. Outdoor recreations. D. International foodB In winter Hammerfest is a thirty-hour ride by bus from Oslo, though why anyone would want to go there in winter is a question worth considering. It is on the edge of the world, the northernmost town in Europe, as far from London as London is from Tunis, a place of dark and cruel winters, where the sun sinks into the Arctic Ocean in November and does not rise again for ten weeks. I wanted to see the Northern Lights. Also, I had long harboured a half-formed urge toexperience what life was like in such a remote and forbidding place. Sitting at home in England with a glass of whisky and a book of maps, this had seemed an excellent idea. But now as I picked my way through the grey, late-December slush(融雪) of Oslo I was beginning to have my doubts. Things had not started well. I had overslept at the hotel, missing breakfast, and had to leap into my clothes. I couldnt find a cab and had to drag my unreasonably overweighted bag eight blocks through slush to the central bus station. I had had huge difficulty persuading the staff at the Kreditkassen Bank on Karl Johans Gate to cash sufficient travellers cheques to pay the overcharged 1,200-kroner bus fare-they simply could not be made to grasp that the William McGuire Bryson on my passport and the Bill Bryson on my travellers cheques were both me-and now here I was arriving at the station two minutes before departure, breathless and steaming from the endless uphill exertion(费力)that is my life, and the girl at the ticket counter was telling me that she had no record of my reservation. This isnt happening, I said. Im still at home in England enjoying ChristmasPass me adrop more port, will you, darling? Actually, I said, There must be some mistake. Please lookagain. The girl studied the passenger list. No, Mr Bryson, your name is not here” But I could see it, even upside-down. There it is, second from the bottom No, the girl decided, that says Bemt Bjornson. Thats a Norwegian name” It doesnt say Bernt Bjornson. It says Bill Bryson. Look at the loop(圆圈) of the y, the twoIs. Miss, please. But she wouldnt have it. If I miss this bus when does the next one go? Next week at the same time.” Oh, splendid. Miss, believe me, it says Bill Bryson. No, it doesnt. Miss, look, Ive e from England. Im carrying some medicine that could save a childslife.”She didnt buy this. I want to see the manager. Hes in Stavanger.” Listen, I made a reservation by telephone If I dont get on this bus Im going to write a letter to your manager that will cast a shadow over your career prospects(前景)for the rest of this century. This clearly did not alarm her. Then it occurred to me. If this Bemt Bjornson doesnt show up, can I have his seat? Sure.” Why dont I think of these things in the first place and save myself the suffering? Thank you, I said, and dragged my bag outside.24. What words can best describe Hammerfest in winter? A. Grey and dirty. B. Dark and cold. C. Unfriendly and expensive. D. Wild and forbidden.25. Why did the author mention the Kreditkassen Bank on Karl Johans Gate? A .To suggest that people there could be ridiculous and stubborn. B .To introduce the cultural differences in northern Europe and England. C. To give an example of an interesting story during his journey. D .To indicate that the bus fare was very expensive26. What could be inferred from the passage? A. The author booked his bus ticket with a Norwegian name. B .The author paid the bus fare by travellers cheque. C. The author would hopefully get on the busD .The girl at the ticket counter cared about the authors plaints.27. According to the last paragraph, the author probably felt_at that moment. A .embarrassed B. contented C. regretful D. grateful28. We can learn from the passage that_ A. the authors journey to the north was not worthwhile B .the Europeans didnt wele visitors C. the author wrote a letter to the girls manager D. the authors journey to the north was not smoothIII.任务型阅读In a fast changing world, people seldom see a device or equipment that lasts for a long time these days. There are always new inventions, different models, or upgrades cropping up one after the other and as consumers people highly anticipate the faster and better kind than what they already have. Therefore it is quite a surprise that a mini projector(投影仪) is still in use today not only in small scale businesses, schools, or homes but in big corporations and institutions as well. Sure it has a few additional features here and there but the main function is the same.A mini projector today has been fitted with top of the line parts and high quality materials to ensure its efficiency and performance can meet the demands of whoever it is for. It is so designed that it can be used indoors or outdoors with the same functions. The mini projector, as the name suggests, is handy and pact and can easily be brought anywhere by just one person. It can support a broader scope of signals now; USB and card readers are now installed to cope with the pieces of equipments that people use today to store data.It can be used at home where it can provide as a form of entertainment or start a conversation during family bonding times. The owner can easily use the mini projector to share with other members the photos and videos of one particular vacation, or just to play a series of beautiful landscapes.Offices also benefit from a mini projector especially during an important meeting or presentation. With at par resolution(标准的分辨率), employees can easily decipher(辨认) the text or data with the use of a mini projector, its bright LED light is sufficient enough to provide a bright and clear image without distortion(变形). Users can now bring this anywhere with them and can be especially useful on a location where the voltage(电压) is unknown.Perhaps one of the more mon places where a mini projector is used constantly is in schools. Teachers or professors use this as an aid to a lesson or discussion to provide better visual aids than usual and to even deliver their lecture with the use of a mini projector and minimize the use of a board and writing pen. It is often said that children have a very short attention span but they remember things more when things are presented to them visually. This is the perfect use of a mini projector in classrooms where kids easily forget their lesson for the day. Teachers use this to show the class pictures or illustrations that tie with the topics for students to remember.TitleThe mini projector and its usesTheme(1)_ many other devices in this fast changing world, mini projectorsare still widely used though there are newer and more modern inventions.Extra (2)_It works efficiently and can meet the specific demands of its(3)_.(4) _ used indoors or outdoors, the mini project remains the same function.Handy and pact, its easy for a single person to carry wherever he likes.It (5)_ a broader scope of signals. Whats more, people can use it to store data by (6)_USB and card readers.The (7)_ of a miniprojectorA mini projector makes family times more interesting, allowing family members to (8)_ themselves.With a mini projector, employees have little (9)_ in explaining the text or data at an important meeting or presentation.Aided by a mini projector, teachers and professors can present a lesson or discussion visually, which will help students achieve (10)_ study results.限时36完型BADAC DBDAC ADCBB CBBDA阅读理解BAB BACCD1. Unlike 2 features 3 users 4 Whether 5 supports 6. installing 7.benefits 8 enjoy 9.difficulty 10.better

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