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2019-2020年高一3月月考英语试题含答案第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1. When will the man leave? A. At 7:45 B. At 7: 15 C. At 7: 302. What did the man next door lose? A. His hearing B. His hair C. His weight 3. In whose house will the birthday party be held? A. Annie s B. Bills C. Joes4. What can we learn from the conversation? A. Bill asked for leave. B. Bill usually got to work on time. C. Bill was fired.5. How much is the red one? A. 2 dollars B. 6 dollars C. 4 dollars第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. When does this conversation most probably take place? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.7. Whats Joannas problem? A. She always quarrels with her schoolmates. B. Her roommates are not satisfied with her. C. She cant sleep well at night. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What will the woman do this Sunday afternoon? A. Go to a dinner party. B. Go to the cinema. C. Give a speech.9. Why wont the man go with the woman? A. Because he wants to go to a speech. B. Because he will act in the play Mulan. C. Because he is going to work in the field of IT.10. What will most probably happen next weekend? A. They will make another plan. B. They will have a dinner party. C. They will send invitations to their friends.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What do we learn about the woman? A. She is Chinese. B. She is a foreigner.C. She enjoys Chinese cross talks.12. What happens when the woman is enjoying Chinese cross talks?A. She always bursts into laughter.B. She doesnt feel like laughing when others laugh.C. She feels very excited when she is talking with others.13. What causes the problem? A. Poor performances. B. Cultural differences. C. Personal interests.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. What does the man do? A. He is a teacher. B. He is a student. C. He is a waiter.15. What is the woman doing? A. Shes giving an English lecture.B. Shes having an English lesson.C. Shes giving a spoken English test.16. Which of the following is TRUE? A. The man mistakes the woman for a teacher. B. The woman mistakes the man for an examinee. C. The woman understands the man very well at first.17. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. At school. B. In a coffee shop. C. In a factory.听第10 段材料,回答第18至20题。18. How many tons of snake meat are eaten every year in China? A. 100. B. 1,000 C. 2,000.19. If more snakes are eaten, what will happen?A. Crop production will drop.B. Mice and insects will go hungry.C. The population of mice and insects will drop.20. Whats the speakers attitude towards snake dishes? A. Support. B. Against. C. Indifferent.第二部分: 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 21. The thief, who was put in _ prison. had_ feeling of guilt(内疚), so he made _ great progress.A. the, a, XB. X, the, a C. the, X, a D. X , a, X22.-What can I help you, sir?- Id like to have this watch_. A. repaired B. repair C. repairing D. to be repaired23. I dont like the way _you speak to him. Which the following answer is wrong? A. what B. in which C. that D. / 24.You can never know _ when she received our nice birthday presents.A. how Mary was excitedB. how excited Mary was.C. How excited was MaryD. Mary was how excited25.The policeman warned the drive _ so carelessly.A. never to drive B. to never driveC. to not drive D. doesnt drive26. Do you have any difficulty _?A. on listening B. to listening C. for listening D. in listening27. It was in the street_ I met Mary yesterday . Athat Bwhen Cwhere Dwhat28. Thank you for joining in our conversation tonight._.A. Its my duty B. Its all right C. Its my pleasure D. With pleasure29. The reason _ he refused to attend the meeting was that they didnt give him an invitation earlier.A. howB. whichC. why D. because30. The foreigner does speak Chinese well, but of course not _ we Chinese.A. as fluent as B. more fluent than C. so fluently as D. much fluently than31. Every minute must be made full use of _ our lessons, for the final examination is ing.A. going over B. to go over C. go over D. to going over32.Scientists say it may be five or six years _ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.A. sinceB. afterC. beforeD. when 33.What do you think of the reason _ he gave at the meeting yesterday?A. why B. for which C. that D. in which34. It is a good plan in theory, but it _ to be seen whether it works in practice. A. keeps B. stays C. stands D. remains35.-Peter, hurry up! You _ on the phone. -Oh, I _. Thank you. A. are being wanted; e B. are wanted; am ing C. want; e D. will be wanted; should e第二节 完型填空I lived on a farm with my parents and my elder brothers and sisters when I was a little boy. We had the 36 to play and run wherever we wanted to go. We often 37 games just by pretending we were cowboys. Sometimes we played hide-and-seek. One of us would 38 and the others would e and find him. I remember one 39 I hid behind some old wood in the cottage. All was 40 . I couldnt hear a sound, just the wind 41 . The situation became tense (紧张的) 42 the possibility of someone finding me, and the longer I 43 , the more tense I became. 44 , I heard footsteps ing down the yard. My 45 beat fast and I stood 46 , frozen like a block of ice. I saw my brother getting closer and closer. When he saw me, he laughed 47 , shouting at the top of his voice so that 48 could hear him say, “Eh, Ive 49 our Tommy!” I can still see the 50 on his face today. Afterwards he said he didnt think I would hide there. I shrugged my shoulders and said, “Why, its a good place, isnt it?” I dont have any 51 of these events, just memories, as we had no camera at that time. 52 it was a long time ago, I can see them now as if they 53 yesterday. Now I live in town on a busy street. My girls dont have the freedom that we 54 have to run off down the road and play whatever they want. Anyway, is it 55 to let children out of sight these days?36. A. rightB. freedomC. prideD. confidence37. A. set upB. worked outC. helped outD. made up38. A. disappear B. leaveC. hideD. run39. A. thingB. time C. placeD. period40. A. silent B. beautifulC. dark D. colorful41. A. flyingB. flowingC. blowingD. changing42. A. because ofB. except for C. according toD. instead of43. A. expected B. sleptC. waitedD. moved44. A. In timeB. At lastC. At timesD. Once again45. A. handB. mindC. faceD. heart 46. A. hardB. stillC. tallD. straight47. A. softlyB. sadlyC. loudlyD. confusedly48. A. nobodyB. someoneC. anyoneD. everyone49. A. attractedB. foundC. metD. touched50. A. lookB. colorC. feelD. spirit51. A. notesB. proofsC. photosD. diaries52. A. BecauseB. AlthoughC. UnlessD. As53. A. appearedB. showedC. existedD. happened 54. A. ought toB. used toC. had toD. set to55. A. funnyB. badC. safeD. strange第三节 阅读理解篇 Although this is hardly the most impressive art collection in town, you will still find some excellent pieces and gain an interesting insight into art education of the past in St. Petersburg, Russia. A number of works by the Academys teaching staff and various paintings are related to the history of the Academy. After entering the building through the main entrance, go upstairs and buy your entrance ticket from the small booth.Address: Universitetskaya Naberezhnaya 17Open: Wednesday to Sunday, 11am to 7 pmClosed: Monday and TuesdayTelephone: +7 (812) 213-6496 This is undoubtedly the countrys best museum concerned with railways and the development of railways in Russia and the former USSR, from the very first Russian steam engine to the modern railways and engines of today. The Central Railway Museum also owns a collection of old cars.Address: Ulitsa Marata 24-aTelephone: +7 (812) 311-2549+7 (812) 311-2547Open: Wednesday to Sunday, 10 am to 5 pm (last admission 4:35 pm)Closed: Monday, Tuesday and the last Saturday of the month This is one of St. Petersburgs best-kept secrets! The Applied Art Museum is little known and rarely included in a tourist routine. Yet the museum is a real treasure for anyone interested in the fine arts. Its collection of over 30 thousand exhibits includes various decorative arts and crafts, including furniture, porcelain, and carvings. As with most Russian museums, all visitors are asked to leave coats and larger bags in the cloakroom. Dont be surprised to see dozens of students throughout the museum, busy sketching (画素描) the museums exhibits as well as the building.Location: Solyanoy Pereulok 13-15 Open: Daily, 11am to 5 pmTelephone: +7 (812) 273-325856. You could call _ for information if you are interested in art education of the past in St. Petersburg.A. +7 (812) 311-2549 B. +7 (812) 213-6496 C. +7 (812) 273-3258 D. +7 (812) 311-254757. If you want to visit the Central Railway Museum, you can enter at _.A. 9 am on Wednesday B. 11 am on Tuesday C. 11 am on Thursday D. 4:40 pm on Sunday58. It is implied that _.A. the Applied Art Museum is well-known in RussiaB. students are allowed to practice drawing in the Applied Art MuseumC. there are only works by the Academys teaching staff in the Academy of Fine Arts MuseumD. you can see both old and new cars on display in the Central Railway Museum59. You may see all the following EXCEPT _ in the Applied Art Museum.A. furnitureB. paintings C. carvings D. engines60. Why did the author write this passage?A. To introduce three museums in Russia to us.B. To tell us how to go to the finest museums in Russia.C. To tell us the differences among these museums in Russia.D. To give us a brief introduction to some artistic museums in Russia.B篇Dear Ana, In your last letter, you told me that your boss Stephanie was probably looking for a new job and you didnt know how to tell her that you wanted to take her position if she left. Well, Id like to tell you that there is no polite way to talk about this situation with your boss. After all, you are not one-hundred-percent sure that she is actually job-hunting. Even if you know for sure that she is, you cant, because its not your business. Still, there are a couple of things that you can do to put yourself in a good position in case your boss does ride out of Dodge in the near future. First, you can have a general conversation with her about your career plans. Say something like, “Youve always been supportive of me, Stephanie, and Id love you to give me some advice on my professional development.” This will let your boss know that youre ready for a new challenge. Ask her to give you feedback about how she thinks you can improve as a future leader. Second, ask for your managers approval (同意) to talk with the training department about any program the pany offers. There may or may not be any training, but making the request will still municate your desire to get into a people-management role. Third, you could say to your boss, “If there is anything you need my help with, Id love it if you let me know. I am very interested in supporting you with anything you want to hand off.” Taking those three steps will make it clear to Stephanie that youre ready to be her No. 2. Best regards,Liz 61. The underlined part “ride out of Dodge” in the first paragraph probably means “_”.A. get fired by the boss B. go to take a vacation C. change to a new jobD. get a higher position62. We can infer that Anas purpose for writing to Liz was to .A. tell Liz that her boss is looking for a new jobB. ask Liz if she has the ability to take her bosss positionC. ask Liz for advice on how to find a much better jobD. seek advice on how to make her boss know she wants her position63. Which of the following didnt Liz ask Ana to do?A. To let her manager know her desire for training. B. To ask her boss if she needs any help from her.C. To ask her boss for advice on her career plans.D. To find out who is also trying to get that position.64. We can learn from Lizs reply that .A. Ana has never talked about her career plans beforeB. Ana is very sad to see her boss go as she has helped her a lotC. Anas boss Stephanie may not be looking for a new jobD. there are some training courses in Anas pany now65. According to Liz, if your boss is leaving for another job, you can .A. ask your manager to give the position to you B. write to let him know you want his positionC. let him know you want his position indirectlyD. write a letter to your best friend for adviceC篇Until late in the 20th century, most Americans spent time with people of generations. Now mid-aged Americans may not keep in touch with old people until they are old themselves.Thats because we group people by age. We put our three-year-olds together in day-care center, our 13-year-olds in school and sports activities, and our 80-year-olds in senior-citizen homes. Why? We live away from the old for many reasons: young people sometimes avoid the old to get rid of fears for aging and dying. It is much harder to watch .someone we love disappear before our eyes. Sometimes its so hard that we stay away from the people who need us most. Fortunately, .some of us have found our way to the old. And we have discovered that they often save the young. A reporter moved her family onto a block filled with old people. At first her children were disappointed. But the reporter baked banana bread for the neighbours and had her children deliver it and visit. Soon the children had many new friends, with whom they shared food, stories and projects. “My children have never been less lonely,” the reporter said. The young, in turn, save the old. Once I was in a rest home when a visitor showed up with a baby. She was immediately surrounded. People who hadnt gotten out of bed in a week suddenly were ringing for a wheelchair. Even those who had seemed asleep wake up to watch the child. Babies have an astonishing power to fort and cure. Grandparents are a special case. They give grandchildren a feeling of security and continuity. As my husband put it, “my grandparents gave me a deep sense that things would turn out right in the end.” Grandchildren speak of attention they dont get from worried parents. “My parents were always telling me to hurry up, and my grandparents told me to slow down,” one friend said. A teacher told me she can tell which pupils have relationships with grandparents: they are quieter, calmer, more trusting.66 Now in an American family, people can find that _. A. children never live with their parents B. not all working people live with their parents C. aged people are supported by their grandchildren D. grandchildren are supported by their grandparents67 The reason why old people are left alone may be that _. A. the old dont like to live in a big family B. the young cant get enough money to support the old C. different generations have different lifestyles D. the old are too weak to live with the young68 The fact that the reporter told us shows that _. A. old people in America lead a hard life B. old people in America enjoy banana bread C. she had no time to take care of her children D. old people are easy to get along with69 Seeing a baby, the old people get excited because _. A. they had never seen a baby before B. the baby was clever and beautiful C. the baby brought them the image of life D. the babys mother would take care of them70 Why do children not get attention from their parents? A. Because they often make trouble and make their parents disappointed. B. Because their parents are too busy to take care of them. C. Because their parents have to take care of their grandparents. D. Because their parents have been out of work for a long time.D篇Do you know Australia? Australia is the largest island in the world. It is a little smaller than China. It is in the south of the earth. Australia is big, but its population is not large. The population of Australia is nearly as large as that of Shanghai. The government has made enough laws to fight pollution. The cities in Australia have got little air or water pollution. The sky is blue and the water is clean. You can clearly see fish swimming in the rivers. Plants grow very well. Last month we visited Perth, the biggest city in Western Australia, and went to a wild flowers exhibition. There we saw a large number of wild flowers we had never seen before. We had a wonderful time. Perth is famous for its beautiful wild flowers. In spring every year Perth has the wild flowers exhibition. After visiting Perth, we spent the day in the countryside. We sat down and had a rest near a path at the foot of a hill. It was quiet and we enjoyed ourselves. Suddenly we heard bells ringing at the top of the hill. What we saw made us pick up all our things and run back to the car as quickly as we could. There were about three hundred sheep ing towards us down the path. Australia is famous for its sheep and kangaroos(袋鼠). After a short drive from any town, you will find yourself in the middle of white sheep. Sheep, sheep, everywhere are sheep. 71. Australia is _. A. the largest country in the world B. as large as ShanghaiC. not as large as China D. the largest island in the north of the earth72. The government had made _. A. too enough laws to fight pollution B. so many laws that it can fight pollutionC. enough laws that it can hardly fight pollutionD. enough laws because the pollution is very serious73. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Perth is famous for its beautiful wild flowers. B. Perth is bigger than any other city in Western Australia. C. Perth lies in the west of Australia. D. No other city is larger than Perth in Australia. 74. In Perth you may visit a wild flowers show in _. A. October B. JanuaryC. May D. July75. Which of the following is true?A. Australia is famous for its sheep, kangaroos and wild flowers. B. We ran back to the car because we were in the middle of white sheep. C. Three hundred sheep came towards us because they saw us. D. If you go to the countryside in Australia, you will see a large number of white sheep.第二部分单词拼写1. The elephant is the national _ ( 象征) of Thailand .2. The government has promised to take _ ( 措施) to help the unemployed.3. When did the accident _. ( 发生)?4. Thousands of people died in the natural _. (灾害)。5. A _ ( 沙尘暴) often occurs in Northwest every spring.6. The young painter has exhibited his work in several g_.7. Everyone should set a g_ for his life, work and so on.8. He earns 1,000 yuan a month. His family live on such a small i_.9. Toms words c_ me a lot of trouble.10. The film was very f_. I was scared to death when I was seeing it.完成句子1.As we know, Beijing is _( 中国第二大城市)2.那个小男孩玩的很开心, 很多玩具在地上放着。The little boy was playing happily, with a lot of toys _.3.平均而言,我每周花30 元钱。_, I spend 30 yuan every week.4.在他三岁前,他没有见过他的父亲。_the time he was three, he _his father.5.他们终于意识到了事态的严重性。At last they _


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