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2019-2020年高考英语二轮复习专题4语法填空重点1动词的用法讲练.动词的时态自查自纠解题分析语法讲解1.World Book Day falls (fall) on April 23 every year.由every year可知,此处表示经常性的动作,应用一般现在时。一般现在时表示经常性、习惯性的动作或状态;时间、条件状语从句中用一般现在时表示将来;还可表示按时间表等发生的动作。2.During his middle school years,he played (play) football nearly every day.句中中学时期指的是过去,故用一般过去时。一般过去时表示过去的事情、动作或状态;也表示说话人原来没有料到、想到的事。3.If you read as a hobby,you will get (get)better and better at it.条件状语从句用一般现在时表将来,主句的时态应为一般将来时。一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或状况。通常由“will/shall动词原形”构成。4.Perhaps you have heard (hear) countless times how exercise is good for your health.表示“已经听说过很多次了”应用现在完成时。现在完成时表示动作发生在过去,但对现在仍有影响,也可表示动作或状态持续到现在并有可能进行下去。其构成为“have/has 过去分词”。5.By the end of last week,they had finished (finish) the work.到上周末已经完成了工作,表示“过去的过去”应用过去完成时。过去完成时表示某一动作或存在的状态发生在过去某一时间或某一动作之前,即“过去的过去”。其构成为“had 过去分词”。6.By next Thursday,they will have pleted (plete) the construction of the new school.到下周四为止新学校的建造已经完成,应用将来完成时。将来完成时表示将来某一时间之前将要完成的动作。其构成为“will have 过去分词”。7.I am writing (write) a letter.Will you please turn down the radio?要求对方把音量降低,因为“我”正在写信,应用现在进行时。现在进行时表示说话时正在进行或现阶段正在进行的动作。其构成为“am/is/are现在分词”。8.He was looking (look)for a house when he saw an advertisement in a newspaper one day.当时他正在找房子,突然在报纸上看到了一个广告。表示过去正在做某事应用过去进行时。过去进行时表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在进行的动作。其构成为“was/were现在分词”。9.Alice and her classmates will be enjoying (enjoy) their holiday this time next month.下月的此时他们正在度假,表示将来正在做某事应用将来进行时。将来进行时表示将来某一时刻或阶段正在进行的动作或状态,其构成为“will be 现在分词”。10.I have been writing (write) an article all the afternoon and havent finished yet.整个下午我一直在写文章,现在还未完成,应用现在完成进行时。现在完成进行时表示从过去的某一时刻到现在一直进行的动作,其构成为“have/has been 现在分词”。自查自纠解题分析语法讲解1.It is certain that peoples views on happiness are affected (affect) greatly by their own life experience.此处表示的是一个事实,views与affect是动宾关系,应用一般现在时的被动时态。一般现在时的被动语态构成:am/is/are过去分词2.Stop talking at once; the latest news about the Olympic games is being broadcast (broadcast)根据前面的Stop talking at once可知,最新消息正在被播报,故用现在进行时的被动语态。现在进行时的被动语态构成:am/is/are being过去分词3.Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held (hold)everywhere since ancient times.根据since ancient times可知,应用现在完成时,Festivals and celebrations与hold为被动关系,故应用现在完成时的被动语态。现在完成时的被动语态的构成:have/has been 过去分词4.A new law was passed (pass) in China in xx to ban driving after drinking.根据in xx可知用一般过去时,新的法律应是被通过,故用一般过去时的被动语态。一般过去时的被动语态的构成:was/were过去分词5.The woman was walking about outside the operation room,because her son was being operated (operate) on.这位妇女正在外面走动,因为她的儿子正在(被)动手术。此处应用过去进行时的被动语态。过去进行时的被动语态的构成:was/were being 过去分词6.We are confident that the environment will be improved (improve) by our further efforts to reduce pollution.我们相信环境将会被改善,故用一般将来时的被动语态。一般将来时的被动语态的构成:will/shall be 过去分词7.He said that a new road would be built (build) here soon.said为过去式,道路被修建是在said之后,故用过去将来时的被动语态。过去将来时的被动语态的构成:would/should be 过去分词8.The problem had been solved (solve) before he came to help.问题应是在came to help之前被解决,故用过去完成时的被动语态。过去完成时的被动语态的构成:had been 过去分词9.The plan should be put (put) into practice as soon as possible.The plan与put之间为被动关系,情态动词之后应用被动语态。情态动词的被动语态的构成:情态动词be过去分词.非谓语动词()非谓语动词作主语和宾语自查自纠解题分析语法讲解1.It is an honor for me to be invited (invite) to the party.It is n./adj.to do sth.其中it作形式主语,不定式短语作真正的主语。动名词作主语表示一般行为,不定式作主语表示具体行为;要特别注意it作形式主语时的一些固定句式。2.Its no use plaining (plain) without taking action.It is no use doing sth.为固定句式,意为“做某事是没有用处的”。3We agreed to meet (meet) here,but so far she hasnt turned up yet.agree后面需跟不定式作宾语,不能跟动名词作宾语。(1)有些词的后面需跟不定式作宾语,不能跟动名词做宾语,例如agree,decide等。(2)有些词的后面需跟动名词作宾语,不能跟不定式作宾语,例如enjoy,finish等。 (3)有些词后跟不定式与动名词作宾语有明显的区别,例如forget,remember,regret,mean等。4I really enjoy chatting(chat) with them; they are very friendly.enjoy后面需跟动名词作宾语,不能跟不定式作宾语。5Im looking forward to meeting(meet) my old friends again.句中的to 为介词,一般介词后需跟动名词作宾语。6Dont forget to close (close) the door when you leave the office.forget to do表示“忘了做”,而forget doing 表示“忘了已经做过”。7I still remember being taken (take) to the Famen Temple and what I saw.remember doing 表示“记得做过”,此处为被动式。()非谓语动词作定语、状语和补语自查自纠解题分析语法讲解1.Happiness is a flower living (live) in the sunshine,and it is not difficult to reach for it.句中现在分词作定语,相当于定语从句that/which lives .。现在分词作定语表示主动和进行,被动式用being done;过去分词作定语表示被动和完成;不定式作定语表示尚未发生的动作,表示被动时用to be done。2.Lets try together to create a world filled (fill) with smiling faces and sunshine.句中用过去分词作定语,fill与world为动宾关系。3.The problem to be discussed (discuss) tomorrow is very important.根据tomorrow可知此处表示将来,问题应是被讨论,故用不定式的被动式。4Many highlyranked people often came to the restaurant to enjoy (enjoy) his cooking.来餐馆是为了享用美食,此处不定式表示目的。不定式可以作目的状语、结果状语和原因状语;除目的状语外,分词可以作其他所有状语,例如时间、原因、结果等。现在分词表主动、进行,过去分词表示被动、完成。5He suddenly appeared in class one day,wearing (wear) sunglasses.他来时带着太阳镜,此处用现在分词作伴随状语。6pared(pare) with other forms of writing,it is shorter and takes less time.it与pare为动宾关系,应用过去分词作状语表示被动。7Because it was very cold,they had the fire burning (burn) all the night.had .doing表示“使一直”,此处用现在分词作宾补。(1)有些动词后需跟不定式作宾补,例如allow,advise等。(2)感官动词和使役动词后跟不带to的不定式作宾补,例如make,see,hear等。(3)非谓语动词作补语的区别:不定式表示全过程;现在分词表示正在进行;过去分词表示被动完成。8When we saw the road blocked (block) with snow,we decided to spend the holiday at home.the road与block为被动关系,故用过去分词作宾补。9The photograph made me think (think) back to my school days.make为使役动词,后面需跟不带to的不定式作宾补。10We are not allowed to go (go) into the library at this time of a day.句中含有sb.be allowed to do sth.表示某人被允许做某事,应用不定式作主补。.虚拟语气自查自纠解题分析语法讲解1.If I were (be) you,I would take action right away.考查条件状语从句的虚拟语气,从句表现在用一般过去时(be用were),表过去用过去完成时。应注意条件状语从句中的虚拟语气,表示现在、过去、将来时从句与主句谓语动词的构成,要特别注意混合条件句。2.If he had listened (listen) to me,he wouldnt be in trouble now.3She is a fantastic dancer.I wish I danced (dance) as well as her.wish后面从句的谓语动词,表现在用一般过去时。应注意wish之后宾语从句表示现在、过去、将来时谓语动词的构成。4The teacher advised that we should make good use of our time.advise之后的宾语从句,谓语动词用(should)动词原形。表示建议、要求等的动词之后的宾语从句以及名词之后的表语从句、同位语从句中,谓语动词应用“(should)动词原形”。5They began to talk warmly as if they had known (know) each other for a long time.as if之后的状语从句用于虚拟语气,表示过去用过去完成时。as if之后的从句常用于虚拟语气,谓语动词表示现在用一般过去时;表示过去用过去完成时。6Its time that you went (go) home and Id rather you came (e) again tomorrow.Its time (that) .从句中谓语动词用一般过去时;would rather之后的从句中,表示现在和将来用一般过去时。Its time (that).之后从句的谓语动词常用一般过去时;would rather之后从句的谓语动词表示现在或将来用一般过去时,表示过去用过去完成时。语篇填空用所给动词的适当形式填空。It was getting dark when I got (get) home.It was cold and I was wearing (wear) a coat.I put my hand into my pocket to take (take) out the key,but it wasnt found (not find)I suddenly remembered that I had left (leave) it on my desk in the office.I knew my wife was (be) at home,so I knocked at the door.There was no answer.Having knocked (knock) at the door for some time,I got angry.Then I remembered being told/having been told (tell) that my wife would go (go) shopping in the afternoon with the children.How I wish I hadnt left (not leave) my key in the office.

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