2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Friendship习题 新人教版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Friendship习题 新人教版必修1.单项填空1I _through that bitter period without your generous help.Acouldnt have goneBdidnt goCwouldnt go Dhadnt gone解析 考查虚拟语气。句意:如果没有你的慷慨相助的话,我不可能熬过那段艰苦的日子。without your generous help相当于含蓄条件句If it hadnt been your generous help,此处表示与过去事实相反,所以主句部分采用couldnt have done结构,表示“本不可能”,故选择A项。答案 A2Having retired(退休),he_the club for old men and plays chess every day there.Atakes part in Bjoins inCattends Djoins解析take part in和join in后面都跟某项活动;join后跟某一组织。俱乐部是一种组织,所以应用join。答案D3The weather has been very hot and dry.Yes.If it had rained even a drop,things would be much better now!And my vegetables_.Awouldnt die Bdidnt dieChadnt died Dwouldnt have died解析 句意:天气又热又干燥。是的。要是稍微下点儿雨,现在的情况就会更好一些!那样我的蔬菜就不会死掉了。由条件句中的had rained可以推出这是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,但是主句有时间状语now,所以用了与现在事实相反的虚拟语气would be;最后一句话也是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,故用wouldnt have died。答案 D4Seeing the looks on their faces,we cant really imagine what they are_.Agoing by Bgoing upCgoing through Dgoing on解析句意:看到他们脸上的表情,我们真的无法想象他们经历的事情。go through表示“经历;经过”。答案C5The child asked his mother_go out to play tennis.Athat he could Bif he couldCwhether could he Dthat could be解析ask后接宾语从句,表示“是否”用if/whether,且宾语从句要用陈述语序。答案B6My English teachers humor was _ make every student burst into laughter.Aso as to Bsuch as toCsuch that Dso that解析 句意:我的英语老师的幽默可以让每位学生都捧腹大笑。本句可理解为“My English teachers humor was such that he made every student burst into laughter.”,状语从句的主语与主句的主语一致可变为such as to.结构。答案 B7Studies show that people are more likely to_from back problems if they always sit before puter screens for long hours.Asuffer Bescape Cgraduate Dprevent解析句意:研究显示,如果人们经常长时间坐在电脑屏幕前的话,就更可能患颈椎病。suffer from遭受;患病;escape from逃离;graduate from毕业于;prevent.from doing sth阻止做某事。根据语境可知选A项。答案A8All these donations must be delivered immediately_in time for Christmas.Aso as to have received Bin order to be receivedCso as to receive Din order to be receiving解析句意:所有的捐赠必须立即运送,以便在圣诞节能及时收到。so as to和in order to均可以表目的, 后接动词不定式;由句意可知,该句应用被动语态,故选B项。答案B9If we let this situation go as it is,our environment will_a great destruction.Asuffer BallowCapply Ddeliver解析 suffer“遭受”符合句意。allow“允许”;apply“申请,应用”;deliver“递送”。句意:如果我们让这种形势持续下去,我们的环境将遭受巨大的破坏。答案 A10Can you arrange the numbers in groups that_10?Aadding up to Bare added up toCare adding up to Dadd up to解析句意:你能把加起来等于10的数字排列组合一下吗?add up to共计;累计得,该短语不用于被动语态,也不用于进行时态;that引导定语从句,故答案为D项。答案D11In time of war,different parties tend to_their political differences to fight against foreign invaders shoulder to shoulder.Apick up Brelate toCset aside Dgive away解析考查动词短语辨析。pick up拾起;捡起;relate to涉及;与相关;set aside暂时不考虑;give away赠送;分发。句意:战争时期,不同的党派往往不再考虑政治上的差别而并肩对抗侵略者。答案C12This novel was concerned_the Second World War,while most teenagers are more concerned_the heros love story.Awith;about Bwith;atCfor;about Dabout;with解析 be concerned with表示“与有关”,be concerned about表示“关心”。句意:这部小说描述的是发生在第二次世界大战期间的故事,而大多数青年则更关心那位英雄的爱情故事。答案 A13I was going to do some shopping in Golden Eagle,but_watching TV at home because of tiredness.Aended up Btook upCgot down Dsettled down解析end up最终成为;最后处于;take up开始从事;get down使沮丧;吞下;settle down安顿下来;定居下来。was going to do sth此处指最初的一种打算,but表示转折,由此可知A项正确。end up doing sth以结束。答案A14The police suspected him of carrying drugs so they_his bag,but found nothing.Alooked up Bturned inCsearched for Dwent through解析考查动词短语的辨析。look up查阅;turn in上交;search for寻找;go through经历;仔细查看某物。句意:警察怀疑他携带毒品,因此仔细检查了他的包,但什么也没找到。答案D15The best way to deal with an impolite person is to_him.Aignore BneglectComit Doverlook 解析 句意:对付无礼之人的最佳方法就是置之不理。ignore多指有意忽略,或故意不理睬;neglect对自己的职责、义务、家庭等没有给予应有的重视;omit 指由于疏忽没有注意而遗漏;overlook看漏,忽略。答案 A.完形填空This was an unforgettable and wonderful experience.It happened about three years ago and it has had a_1_effect on me.I would like to show respect here for the two men I do not know _2_ but whose actions gave a new _3_ to the wordskind and generous.I was walking down a busy street on a cold,windy day in early _4_.A homeless man,probably about 60 and without wearing any shoes,was _5_ for change on a street corner.A BMW car _6_ on the other side of the street and an executive(主管)who was perfectly dressed stepped out of the car.He was probably about _7_ years old.He was wearing a blue business suit with a deep red silk tie.He walked_8_ across the street and over to the homeless man.Without saying anything,he first gave him a lot of _9_ and then he sat down and took off his leather gloves(手套),beautiful black leather shoes and his black dress socks.Then he _10_ them to the homeless man.The homeless man took them and stared with a/an _11_ mouth.As he drove off,I couldnt _12_ thinking that it was probably the first time he had _13_ the pedal(踏板)of that topbrand BMW car with a _14_ foot!I stood there and the looks of _15_ appeared on my face and the homeless mans.Two men of about the same age _16_ very different lives had met and the one who was _17_ in materials had offered _18_ than his shoes.He had left this BMW car and _19_ down from his high position.He lifted up the other man when he offered respect,_20_and real generosity.【语篇解读】 本文为记叙文。作者使用了倒叙的方法,记述了一个难忘且感人的故事。一位开宝马的富人慷慨地帮助了一位无家可归的同龄人,在帮助他的同时,又给了他充分的尊重,本故事再次诠释了慷慨和爱心的含义。1A.strong Bbad Clight Dslow解析从下文那感人的故事可以看出:这件事对我影响很大。have a strong effect on.对有很大影响。答案A2A.officially Bpersonally Csimilarly Dgenerally解析从下文可以推出:我本人(personally)不认识他们。答案B3A.benefit Battitude Cmeaning Daward解析作者认为:他们的行为赋予了善良和慷慨这两个词新的含义。A.利益;B.态度;C.意义;D.奖品,奖金,奖。答案C4A.spring Bsummer Cautumn Dwinter解析根据本句的“on a cold,windy day”及第三段的“his leather gloves”可推知故事发生在初冬。答案D5A.searching Bmaking Cblaming Dbegging解析一位无家可归的大约60岁的老人,光着脚,正在街角乞讨。search for寻找,搜寻;make for走向;blame for该受责备,应负责;beg for乞求,乞讨。答案D6A.called up Bbroke up Cpulled up Dsped up解析一辆宝马停在了街边。call up打电话给,召集,使想起;break up打碎,解散,(关系等)破裂;pull up(车)停下;speed up加速。答案C7A.40 B50 C60 D70解析由最后一段第一句中的“the same age”及第二段第二句中的“about 60”可知答案为C项。答案C8A.directly Busually Cunwillingly Dfluently解析那个人穿过大街径直向那乞讨的老人走去。A.径直地;B.时常;C.不愿意地;D.流利地。答案A9A.money Bwater Csand Doil解析由第二段最后一句中的“was begging for change”可知老人要零钱,所以开宝马的老人给他许多钱。答案A10A.posted Bhanded Ckicked Dthrew解析因为乞讨的老人就在身边,开宝马的老人又很尊重他,所以选hand“递过去”。A.邮寄;B.递;C.踢;D.扔。答案B11A.closed Bfull Copen Dempty解析一个沿街乞讨的老人收到如此的恩惠,只能是眼睛瞪得大大的,张着嘴,看着对方。A.闭着的;B.满着的;C.张着的;D.空的。答案C12A.stand Bdelay Cforget Dhelp解析couldnt help doing意为“禁不住地做某事”。句意:我情不自禁地想。A.忍受;B.推迟;C.忘记。答案D13A.bended Bcut Crepaired Dpressed解析因为鞋和袜子都已经送人了,所以这也许是他第一次光着(bare)脚踩汽车的踏板。A.弯曲;B.砍,劈开;C.修理;D.按,压。答案D14A.relaxed Blarge Cbare Dsingle解析因为鞋和袜子都已经送人了,所以只能是光着(bare)脚开宝马。A.放松的;B.大的;C.光着的;D.单一的。答案C15A.excitement Bastonishment Csadness Dpride解析句意:面对此情此景,我和乞讨老人都很吃惊(astonishment)。A.激动;B.吃惊;C.悲伤;D.骄傲。答案B16A.but Bor Cand Dbefore解析由文意:两位老人年龄相同,但生活是明显的不一样。答案A17A.successful Bcareful Cuseful Dhelpful解析开宝马的老人在物质方面是成功的。careful小心的;useful有用的;helpful有帮助的,均与文意不符。答案A18A.rather Bmore Cother Dbetter解析句意:在物质上非常成功的那位老人不仅仅是给了对方一双鞋。言外之意,他还给对方其他东西,下文介绍了他还给了对方以尊重。rather than而不是;more than多于,超出,不止,不仅仅;other than除了之外;better than比好。答案B19A.broken Bfell Cstepped Drolled解析句意:老人从宝马车里出来,并放下(step down)自己高高在上的身份,帮助需要帮助的人。答案C20A.surprise Bdisappointment Canxiety Dkindness解析当开宝马的老人主动给予尊重、仁慈和真正的慷慨时,他也扶起了另一个人。答案D. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。If youre having trouble getting good sleep through the night (turning,waking up more than once,for example),this text will tell you what you can do to ensure a peaceful nights sleep.1Get on schedule.Changing your sleeping time by more than an hour can severely disturb your sleep quality._1_For example,if you normally wake up at 6 am on weekdays to get to work,you might go to bed around 10 pm,because thats when you start to feel sleepy,and its also a good time to ensure 8 hours of sleep.If,on the weekend,you sleep until 9 am,you probably wont be able to fall asleep that night until 1 am.2_2_Wait at least three hours after dinner before going to sleep.Digestion slows down while asleep,and a full stomach may interrupt sleep.Similarly,you should avoid going to bed on an empty stomach,as a pletely empty stomach may equally disturb your sleeping patterns.3_3_Exposure to light during the time when youre supposed to be sleeping can disrupt your bodys internal clock.Turn your light off,or use a very dim night light._4_They include windows,LED clocks,puter lights and cable boxes.4Change your sleeping position.You may think that its impossible to control what position you sleep in since you arent fully aware of what you are doing,but it is possible and it can make a considerable difference._5_ATry to avoid all sources of light.BKeep the room as dark as possible.CMake note of unusual circumstances.DBe mindful of what you eat or drink before bed.ESleep is considered to be adequate only when there is no daytime sleepiness.FIn other words,sudden change of sleeping time will affect your “biological clock”GIf you wake up in the middle of the night,make an effort to have a fortable position.答案 1F2.D3.B4.A5.G


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