2019-2020年高一英语暑假假期作业3 .doc

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阅读2019-2020年高一英语暑假假期作业3Annie Oakley was born in 1860 in Darke County, Ohio. Her family was very poor. She decided to help family even when she was young, so she learned to use a gun, and began hunting animals for food. She could shoot them without losing the important parts of the meat.Soon her shooting ability became well known. When she was sixteen, she was invited to a petition with a famous marksman (神枪手), Frank Butler. Annie surprised everyone by winning the petition. Later that year she and Frank married. In 1882 Annie Oakley and Frank Butler started putting on shows together. Frank Butler was the star of the show and she was his assistant. The famous native American leader, Sitting Bull, thought so highly of her shooting ability that he called her Little Sure Shot. Later Annie Oakley became the star of the show and Frank Butler was her assistant. Posters for the show called her the Champion Markswoman. During World War I, Annie Oakley wanted to train a group of women volunteers for the army, but the United States did not accept it. She gave American soldiers shooting lessons, and traveled across the country visiting many training camps. She gave shooting demonstrations(演示)and raised money to support the American soldiers. Annie Oakley died on November 3, 1926. Eighteen days later, Frank Butler died too.41. According to the passage, Annie Oakley _.A. lived a hard life as a childB. often went hunting with her familyC. joined the army during World War ID. trained women soldiers during the war42. Which of the following names was given by Sitting Bull?A. Annie Oakley. B. Frank Butler. C. Little Sure Shot. D. Champion Markswoman.43. Annie _than Frank Butler.A. lived longer B. was a better shooterC. became famous earlierD. did less during World War I44. Which of the following shows best that Annie was skilled at shooting? A. She could shoot animals and keep the important parts of the meat. B. She offered to help the army by training women to be soldiers.C. She put on shows as her husbands assistant.D. She raised money to support the American soldiers.45. Which of the following is in the RIGHT order about Annie?a. She took part in a shooting petition. b. She gave shooting demonstrations and raised money. c. She hunted animals for food. d. She put on shows with Frank Butler. e. She was called the Champion Markswoman. f. She married Frank Butler. A. a, c, d, f, b, e B. a, c, b, e, f, d C. c, a, d, f, e, b D. c, a, f, d, e, b BOn Easter Day, 1722, Dutch explorers(探索者)landed on Easter Island. It was the first time Easter Islanders met people from the outside world. The strangers were about to discover something very strange themselves that they were on an island with hundreds of huge stone statues (雕像). The Dutch explorers wondered where the Islanders had e from and why and how they had built the statues. Now science is putting together the story. The first people to arrive on the island came there around 700 A.D. The society that developed there was based on fishing and farming to feed a population, which grew to 12,000. Its success showed itself in a way that has bee the islands trademark (标记): hundreds of huge stone figures the moai.None of the moai was standing when scientists first arrived. People put them back up later; but how had a Stone Age society ever made, moved and set them up there in the first place? And why? There are nearly 900 moai on Easter Island, and while the questions about them remain unanswered, no one doubts the years of effort that must have gone into making them. The downfall of the Easter Islanders came from across the ocean. After 1722, it became popular for explorers to visit Easter Island, bringing diseases. The final blow (打击) came in 1862, when slave traders came from Peru and took away 1,500 people, one-third of the population.46. Before the Dutch explorers arrived on Easter Island, _.A. Easter Island was separate from the outside worldB. they knew where Islanders had e fromC. they discovered something strangeD. the huge stone statues were upright47. When the first explorers arrived on the island, they _.A. were frightened by the huge stone statuesB. were surprised by what they saw C. set many of the moai on the island uprightD. fished and farmed48. All researchers agree that _.A. the natives could hardly support themselvesB. the moai must have taken a great effort to makeC. the Islanders mainly died of diseases brought by explorersD. the explorers helped the islanders live better lives49. The passage implies that_.A. the Islanders built the moai to show off their successB. the Dutch explorers discovered how the moai had been builtC. in 1862, before slave traders came, about 4,500 people were living on Easter Island D. the natives of Easter Island have been there for about 1,200 years50. The downfall in the last paragraph refers to _.A. the slave traders B. the scientistsC. the explorers D. the moai CThe other day I heard a few local musicians talking: I hate all the pianos in this town and I hate that rubbish they play on the radio. They cannot even understand rhythm (韵律).Nobody wants to pay musicians anything. Im sick of all the people who want you to play without paying you.One younger musician said, There are a couple of clubs who want me to play for a few nights a month, and Im trying to find other places to play. Im also planning to join in several summer festivals this year. I really liked what the younger musician said so I made friends with him. Attitudes are important. Whether theyre positive or negative (消极的), theyre all rubbing off on you. If youre around people who are always plaining or blaming (责备) others, it is possible that you will start doing the same as well. If you spend lots of time with people who dont support your dreams, it is time to take a look at the people you call friends. There is an easy exercise you can try. Make a list of the people who you often stay with, and simply stop spending time with the negative people on your list. Set a new standard for yourself and dont bee friends with people who fall below that standard. The choice is always yours to make. Of course, this exercise is entirely different from making friends only for the good of oneself. We really should try to help and spend time with those who are working towards a goal or dream.51. The musicians conversation at the beginning is to show that _.A. musicians living conditions are not goodB. people in that town have poor taste in musicC. different people have different attitudesD. young people are more likely to succeed52. The underlined part theyre rubbing off on you in Paragraph 6 means _.A. theyll push you aheadB. theyll have an influence on you C. theyll keep you from moving onD. theyll help you realize your dreams53. Why did the author want to make friends with the younger musician? A. He is more active than the others.B. He can earn more than the others.C. He has more things to do than the others.D. His attitude is more positive than the others.54. By doing the exercise mentioned in Paragraph 7, you can _.A. make the right kind of friendsB. improve your ability to make friendsC. develop a better relationship with your friendsD. make some new friends with the same interests as you55. We can get the following information from the passage EXCEPT _.A. the younger musician is a positive person and would be a good friendB. one will start plaining if one spends too much time with negative peopleC. the exercise can help you keep close to really helpful friendsD. one should avoid making friends with people who have lots of difficulties写作 第一节 基础写作 John的同学Mike上个月转学到另一所学校。昨天,John收到Mike的信,Mike在信中说自己已到了新学校,但是非常不适应,也很想念以前的老师和同学。写作内容请使用五句话,以John的身份给Mike回一封信,表达对他的想念,并建议他如何适应新的环境。信的开头和结尾已经给出。写作要求1. 观点表述清楚;2. 句式富于变化(可将简单句与复合句穿插使用),使用恰当的衔接词;3. 注意书信格式。评分标准1. 句子结构准确,信息内容完整连贯;2. 信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入考查范围。参考词汇:适应: adjust oneself to sth. Dear Mike,I read in your letter that ._Yours sincerely,John 第二节 读写任务 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。There are good reasons to cherish (珍爱) our friend-ships. A well-established friendship carries a long history of experience and interaction(相互影响) that defines who we are and keeps us connected, says Donald Pannen, executive officer of the Western Psychological Association. It is a heritage(传统)we should protect. However, says Brant R. Burleson, professor of munication at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind., the better friends you have, the more likely it is that youll face conflicts (冲突).At last, the result can be what you dont want an end to the relationship. Experts agree that one of the worst things you can do when youre upset is to start a fight. We dont think clearly when were arguing, says Michael Lang, a professional from Pittsburgh. Instead, says Lang, Whats going on? This doesnt make sense. Making friends can sometimes seem easy, says Yager. The hard part is keeping the connections strong during the natural ups and downs that affect all relationships. Her suggestion is to consider friendship as an honor and a gift, and worth the effort to treasure and develop. The good news is that most troubled friendships can be mended.写作内容 根据这篇文章的内容,谈谈你对如何与朋友重归于好的看法和建议。1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点;2. 以约120个词表达你的建议和看法。写作要求1. 可以参考阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2. 标题自拟。评分标准 概括准确、语言规范、内容合适、篇章连贯。参考词汇:道歉: apologize;宽容: tolerance (n.) ; tolerate (v.) 41-45 ACBAD 46-50 ABBCC 51-55 CBDAD 56-60 CAFDE基础写作One possible version:Dear Mike, I read in your letter that you said you faced some difficulties getting along with your classmates in your new school. I miss you very much and Im worried about you. It is really a big challenge to adjust to a new environment, but you have to do it because you will study there. You should try to make new friends, and let them share your happiness and sorrow. I hope everything will be OK in the end.Yours sincerely,John 读写任务One possible version: How to Mend a Broken Friendship?We know that making friends is not as easy as it seems. Sometimes friendships end because of small conflicts; however, troubled friendship can also be mended.Everyone needs friendship. No one can sail the ocean of life alone. Even between good friends, conflicts still occur. How can we mend broken friendships? Here are my suggestions.Apologize when youre wrong. It is mon for people to make mistakes; even the best people in the world make mistakes. When you apologize, give your friend the opportunity to admit his or her mistakes. Whats more, learn to think about things from your friends point of view. By doing so, you can gain a better understanding of your friend. Tolerance is the key to maintaining good friendships. We should never forget our old friends and should try to keep making new friends. In short, we should cherish our friendship, and help our friends whenever they are in trouble.


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