2019-2020年高一下学期期末综合练习 英语(二) 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高一下学期期末综合练习 英语(二) 含答案一、阅读理解ALa Fille Mal Gardee, the oldest ballet (芭蕾舞剧) still being played to this day, is the story of a lively girl named Lisette.Lisette and her mother Madame Simone live on a large farm. Lisette loves Colin, a handsome but poor farmer. Her mother dislikes Colin, so Lisette doesnt dare spend much time with him. One day when Madame Simone catches Lisette talking to Colin, she fires Colin immediately and decides then and there that it is time for Lisette to marry someone else.It happens that next door is a farm whose rich owner has a boy named Alain. The neighbors agree that their children should marry. But Lisette does not like Alain, who is a silly boy. She has no choice. On the wedding (婚礼) day, there is a storm, so it cant continue. To keep Lisette away from Colin, Madame Simone orders her to stay in the house. Lisette notices Colin looking through the window. She asks Madame Simone to play the tambourine (铃鼓) so she can practice her dancing. Soon Lisettes mother bees tired and falls asleep. As soon as she does, Colin goes into the house quietly and asks Lisette to marry him. Just then, her mother starts to wake up and Colin hides in the hayloft (干草棚) but he leaves a scarf behind. When Madame Simone finds the scarf, she knows that Colin has been there. She doesnt know where he is hiding so she decides to lock Lisette in the hayloft. “Dont e out until youre ready to get married,” Lisettes mother tells her.Finally, Lisette es out, holding Colins hand. Colin begs Lisettes mother for her daughters hand, and when Madame Simone sees how much they love each other, she cannot help but agree to the marriage. The wedding takes place after all, and Lisette and Colin live happily ever after.1. The underlined part in the third paragraph shows Madame Simone is _.A. afraid B. excited C. angry D. nervous2. What does Madame Simone think of Lisettes marriage to Alain? A. She doubts it. B. She agrees to it.C. She is worried about it. D. She is uncertain about it.3. Why does Lisette ask her mother to play the tambourine?A. She is going to practice her dancing. B. She wants to create a chance for Colin. C. She feels very happy with the wedding. D. She is bored when staying in the house. 4. What happens after Madame Simone wakes up? A. She discovers Colin has e. B. Alain decides to marry Lisette. C. Colin asks Lisette to marry him. D. Lisette hides Colin in the hayloft. BIn 1822 Gregor Mendel was born on a farm in Austria. His father found that Mendel was interested in plants. He knew that his son was clever, and he wanted him to have a good education. So he sent Mendel to high school. At that time few people attended high school, and those who did lived there. However, since his father could not give him enough money, he always felt hungry. Luckily, the other students always gave him food from their plates.Later Mendel became a monk (修道士) and continued his studies. He took care of the gardens at the temple where he and the other monks lived. He did experiments with pea plants for eight years. He wanted to prove that parents passed features to their children. Over time he found that plants have genes (基因). Genes carry codes (密码) for features from one generation to the next. Around 1860 Mendel discovered that plants have recessive and dominant genes (隐性和显性基因). He grew a tall pea plant with a short pea plant. Every one of the first generation of four pea plants was tall. This meant that tall was the dominant gene. Yet in the next generation of four pea plants, one plant was very short. The recessive short genes it received from both of its parent plants had made it short.From these experiments, he understood: Dominant genes showed up the most often in the children. Recessive genes only showed up sometimes and only when both parents carried the gene for the features.To share his finding with others, he wrote a paper. But during his lifetime no one cared about what he had discovered. At the time of his death, he still felt very sad.Finally, his important discovery was accepted in 1990. We now know that both plants and animals have genes and that genes play a major role in how we look, how we act, and whether or not we are likely to get certain diseases. 5. Which of the following is the correct order of the events mentioned in the passage?a. Gregor Mendel became a monk.b. Gregor Mendel went to high school.c. Gregor Mendel did lots of plant experiments.d. Gregor Mendel wrote a paper to share his discovery.A. b, c, d, aB. b, a, c, dC. a, c, b, d D. a, d, b, c6. The third paragraph mainly tells us _.A. there are different kinds of pea plantsB. where pea plants should be grownC. how Mendel made his discoveryD. Mendel liked to do experiments7. Why did Mendel feel sad at the time of his death?A. His father died from disease.B. His discovery wasnt accepted.C. He couldnt continue his research.D. He couldnt realize his great dream.CCob is a six-year-old boy. An aid organization brought him to the farm run by Joy from another province. Both Cobs parents died of serious disease when he was a two-month-old baby. His eighty-year-old grandmother treated him badly. He developed a disease over time, which led to him being unable to keep things in mind well; on the other hand, there was nothing good for him to bear in mind as well.When he first arrived at the farm, it appeared to him like a huge playground. Cob played around, hid behind trees and bushes, and enjoyed this new area. Over time, he gained confidence, chose Joy as his new mother, and let her carry him around. Amy, Joys real daughter, the same age as Cob, had to learn to share her mother with the other child. She also needed to see the other children as her brothers or sisters and accept them although she may be unwilling to do so. In the beginning, Cob did not use the facilities (设施) on the farm. Slowly Joy tried to help him use them and during the day, he kept on with them but not at night. All attempts (尝试) to send him to school failed. As soon as he arrived there, he ran off into the wide world like a free rabbit. He enjoyed running around in school rather than doing what teachers told him to do. Finally, the head teacher announced that the school was not suitable for Cob. Cob had to go back to the farm. At daytime, he watched adults and elder children bicycle and if there was any chance, he took a bicycle, then pushed and pulled it up and down the hill. One day Cob found there was a small bicycle standing next to the big ones. It was a gift for him! It was new with wheels on each side of the back wheel, which was just right for a little child without any experience in riding a bicycle. Cob pushed it up the hill, got on it and off from time to time. From then on Cob began riding his bicycle every day. Although he often fell and got hurt, he went on. During rainy days, he stored the bicycle in his room and slept close to it at night. Maybe even in his dreams he was happy he had found the entrance to a happy and satisfying life. 8. What can we learn about Cob from Paragraph 1?A. His parents left him when he was born.B. His grandma was too old to know him. C. He was sent to hospital many times.D. He suffered from a poor memory.9. Upon being taken to the farm, Cob felt _.A. confused B. frightened C. annoyed D. excited10. What can we learn from Paragraphs 3 & 4?A. Cob turned out to be Joys real son.B. Amy had a similar experience as Cob.C. Joy has helped many children like Cob.D. Joy seldom thought of sending Cob to school.11. What does the passage mainly tell us?A. Riding bicycle is Cobs favourite.B. Cob has a mixture of good and bad luck.C. How to live a happy and satisfying life.D. Cob suffered much physically in his family. DPicky eaters may have good reasons for their behaviour. No matter why your child has bee picky, how you handle the situation can affect his or her future. Therefore, you should know the following reasons for picky children first of all. Neophobia is mon in children; it often happens at the dinner table. Some children just refuse to try new food because they dont know what it will taste like, while others dislike new food before even smelling it. Some children take it to the extreme (极端) and will only eat a few foods that they like. Psychologist Dr. Elizabeth Capaldi says that, by the time children reach the age of two, they have formed their own eating habits that they dont want to be disturbed by new offerings at the table.A newly published study led by Dr. Lucy Cooke of University College London showed that picky eating in children results from genetic (遗传的) and environmental causes. The research, which followed the eating habits of 5,390 pairs of twins between the ages of 8 and 11, found that about 75% of the neophobia in the children was from their parents, while 25% was due to the influence of environment. Children grow at a high speed during their first year, but that fast-paced growth tends to slow down by their second year. When children are not experiencing one of those fast growth periods, their body needs less energy; and that results in a smaller appetite (胃口). When children are not hungry, they tend to enjoy only food they like. They refuse new food and food that is not their favourite. Some children will limit the amount of food to only one kind, like hamburgers or pancakes, leaving all the other foods untouched.In some cases, many real reasons why a child behaves as a picky eater exist. About 5% of children who are 10 years of age or younger have some type of neurological dysfunction (神经机能障碍) that influences their eating habits. These children may be easily hurt by some special smells, or their brain may not be able to process such sensory information properly. 12. The underlined word “Neophobia” in Paragraph 2 probably means _.A. the fear of something new or unknownB. the worry about the amount of new foodC. the feeling of eating at the dinner tableD. the fear of eating tasty food13. What can we learn about the study led by Dr. Cooke?A. It paid more attention to the environmental effects on childrens eating habits.B. It followed the eating habits of 5,390 children aged between 8 and 11.C. It showed that genetics greatly affect childrens eating habits.D. It suggested that parents should have good eating habits.14. The fourth paragraph mainly tells us that _.A. childrens growth speed stays the same in the first two yearsB. children develop their own diet when they grow upC. children tends to eat less when they grow upD. childrens growth has an effect on their diet15. The reason mentioned in the last paragraph has something to do with a childs _.A. exercise B. sense C. habit D. interest二、完型填空Joani Jack was worried about her daughter Jodie. Although not very fat, Jodie 16 more than she should and was continuing to gain weight day by day. “As a pediatrician (儿科医生) and a parent, I knew we needed to help her, 17 we werent making 18 progress. While we were dealing with our daughters 19 , I was also seeing more and more overweight children in my office.” Through her research, Dr. Jack found Thin Within, a book written for 20 teaching them how to lose weight by following their natural body cues (暗示).“Reading the book, I became very 21 because it made so much sense for adults and even children,” said Dr. Jack. “After seeing how 22 our daughter picked up the ideas about losing weight, I decided to write a book for all parents who are fighting against fatness 23 their children.”Raising Fit Kids in a Fat World mainly includes three parts: The first is 24 less food. “This is the most important thing,” said Dr. Jack. “ 25 choices encourage us to eat too much food without considering how much our body can absorb. The book teaches parents how to understand their childrens 26 and fullness cues.” The second part is teaching your children to make better choices when it es to food and the 27 of food they eat. “That doesnt mean they cannot eat all the tasty foods they 28 . This is about teaching them how to eat selectively. Actually, I find that children do well under parental 29 when speaking of making healthy food choices,” said Dr. Jack. The third part is keeping active. Its 30 that young people exercise at least 60 minutes a day. The good news is that it doesnt have to 31 all at once. “Therere all kinds of ways to help children be 32 ; however, the key is that such activities have to be fun,” said Dr. Jack. Parents are the key to instilling (灌输) life-long healthy eating habits and 33 good self-images in their children. Make a family promise today to live a 34 lifestyle. You and your children will gain much more than you 35 . 16. A. weighedB. wished C. understoodD. balanced17. A. or B. for C. so D. but18. A. educationalB. encouragingC. slow D. social 19. A. emergencyB. silence C. situation D. patience20. A. students B. adults C. writers D. doctors21. A. bored B. worried C. excited D. confused22. A. quietly B. easily C. truly D. widely23. A. unlike B. around C. with D. among24. A. eating B. selling C. producing D. throwing25. A. Final B. Personal C. Poor D. Medical26. A. diet B. anger C. figure D. hunger27. A. price B. safety C. amount D. smell28. A. enjoy B. remember C. grow D. share 29. A. stress B. guidance C. order D. review 30. A. reported B. advised C. defended D. argued 31. A. pay B. care C. wait D. happen 32. A. academicB. friendly C. active D. brave 33. A. buildingB. describing C. deserving D. recording34. A. busier B. healthierC. freer D. crazier35. A. donate B. tolerate C. insist D. expect三、语法知识填空I was always told that three Ps, patience, positive thinking and perseverance(毅力),were a sure path 1._ success. But this advice does not always work 2._ planned. My high school maths exam is one example. The exam, 3._ was originally to be held in our classroom, 4._(change) to the library at the last minutes. This, 5._, didnt bother me because maths had always been my strongest subject. I patiently walked to the library, took my seat and did some deep breathing to help relax 6._(I). But my mood quickly changed when I saw 7._ first question. I had no idea how to do it. I tried to stay positive and persevered 8._ I finally found the solution. With the problem solved, I felt proud of my achievement. 9._(fortunate), I then noticed that I had just 10 minutes left 10._ (plete) the rest.四、短文改错Dear friends,It is real a good chance to have met all of you here. We have spent several precious weekend in learning in the English Club. Although we had been members for a short period of times, but we have made great progress. That was because we are all very active and the activities are not only enjoyable and also helpful. Besides, the foreign teachers here work hard and try his best to make the activities lively and interested. I am very pleased to saying that all of us have greatly improved our spoken English so far. I am looking forward to seeing all of you again in near future!Yours sincerely,Susan Miller五、书面表达假如你是李华,得知你校的校报在高一新生中招聘英语小记者的消息,于是你写了一篇应聘信,用英语介绍自己,内容如下:1现年16岁,高一(1)班,任班长。2爱好英语阅读,订阅了各种英文报纸。3能与外宾自由交谈,曾在初中举办的英语口语比赛中获一等奖。4自己能胜任这项工作,如能录用,一定努力工作。要求:(1)词数:100 (文章开头与结尾已给出,不记入词数)。 (2)订阅subscribe 英语口语比赛Oral English petitionDear editor,Recently I have learnt that you need little reporters from the new students in Grade 1. Id like to be one. Now Id like to introduce myself to you. _ Yours sincerely, Li Hua答案阅读理解:CBBAB CBDDC BACDB完型填空:ADBCB CBCAC DCABB DCABD知识填空:1. to 2. as 3. which 4. was changed 5. however 6. myself 7. the 8. until 9. Unfortunately 10. to plete短文改错1. real改为really 2. weekend改为weekends 3. had been改为have been 4. 去掉but 5. That is 6. also前加but 7. his改为their 8. interested改为interesting 9. saying改为say 10. near future前加the书面表达:Dear editor,Recently I have learnt that you need little reporters from the new students in Grade 1. Id like to be one. Now Id like to introduce myself to you. My name is Li Hua. Im sixteen years old. Im monitor of Class 1, Grade 1. It is six years since I began to learn English. I enjoy reading English articles, and have subscribed all kinds of English newspapers, which I devote all my spare time to reading. Whats more, I can talk with foreign friends in English. Im pleased to tell you that I have won the first prize in the Oral English petition held in my junior middle school, which encourage me a lot. Im sure I will be fit for the job. Ill do my best if I am accepted. Yours sincerely, Li Hua

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