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2019-2020年高二下学期期中试题英语(III)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分15分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What is the woman going to do?A. Ask for help.B. Leave the window open. C. Shut the window.2. What can we know about Lisa and Eric?A. They dont want to have children for the time being. B. They will start a family as soon as they get married. C. They had a baby two years ago.3. Where did the speakers plan to go?A. A shopping center.B. An opera house.C. The parking lot.4. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a street.B. In a bank.C. In a shop.5. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Doctor and patient. B. Teacher and students. C. Roommates.第二节(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至第7题。6. What are the mans parents?A. Salespeople.B. Restaurant owners.C. Supermarket owners.7. What did the man offer to the students?A. Drinks.B. Meals. C. Clothes.听第7段材料,回答第8至第10题。8. When does the conversation take place?A. In the morning.B. In the afternoon.C. In the evening.9. What is the boy doing? A. Watching TV.B. Listening to music.C. Watching the video.10. Why is the woman tired in the daytime?A. She cant sleep well at night. B. She has too much work to do. C. She worries about the boy.听第8段材料,回答第11至第13题。11. Why does the woman find drama and theatre useful?A. It helps her to attract more public attention. B. It strengthens her relationship with students. C. It enables her to understand people better.12. How do the womans students respond to her way of teaching English? A. Passively.B. Positively.C. Sensitively.13. What is the woman going to do if she has a Ph. D course? A. Promote Asian theatre to the world. B. Introduce more theatre to the Asian countries. C. Bring her college more Asian theatre.听第9段材料,回答第14至第15题。14. Why does the woman need some special things? A. To have a happy marriage. B. To celebrate her wedding party. C. To make herself pretty at the wedding party.15. What has the woman got from her grandmother? A. A wedding dress.B. A diamond ring. C. Blue flowers.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)第一节 单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)16. On the sea near Diaoyu Island, _ Chinese fishing boat was stopped by the Japanese and _ sailors were arrested illegally.A. a; theB. the; the C. a; 不填 D. the; 不填17. As a teacher you have to _ your methods to the needs of slower children.A. remend B. distribute C. reflect D. adjust 18. -What do you think of the concert? - , its not bad, though several songs are out-of-date.A. All in all B. In the meanwhile C. On average D. Above all19. Tom was very glad to attend the ceremony. A. being allowed B. to have been allowedC. having allowed D. to have allowed20. -Is that the small town you often talked about? -Right, just the one_ you know I used to work for years.A. that. B. which C. where. D. what.21. The mittee has the plan wed like to see next week.A. agreed with; to be carried outB. approved of; carried outC. agreed to; being carried outD. approved of; being carried out22. -Which one can I take? -You can take of them; I am interested in neither of them. A. neither B. all C. some D. both23. Small as it is, the ant is _ any other animal on the earth.A. much as a creature as B. as much a creature asC. a creature as much as D. as much as a creature24. Wed like to go out for a meal on Thursday evening does that _ with your plans?A. settle in B. fit in C. break in D. take in 25. They are going to fly to Yunnan, it is warm in this season. A. where B. which C. as D. when26. It is a great to know that no one got injured in this traffic accident. A. fortB. safetyC. shelterD. rest27. -Dad, can you meet my demand I a chance to travel to Beijing?-Unless you will get an A in the final exam.A. as; will be given B. what; should be given C. that; be given D. that; might be given28. -Im sorry, I shouldnt have been so rude to you. -You _ your temper but thats OK.A. have lostB. had lostC. did lose D. were losing29. They desired that they _ the right to attend the meeting.A. had B. have C. are D. were30. I dont think highly of this kind of flower _, I dont care for it.A. in other words B. all in all C. after all D. in the meanwhile31. The moment the 28th Olympic Games _ open, the whole world cheered. A. declared B. have been declaredC. have declared D. were declared32. It was in the hall_ we usually have dinner_ we had a dancing party last night.A. where; thatB. that; where C. where; whichD. which; where33. The boy wanted to play games at home but his mother told him _. A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. dont do34. - Would you like to go camping with me when the summer holiday es?- I really dislike camping, but I will _ you if you insist.A. pany B. panion C. acpany D. pare35. - Hello, Jane. I e to say goodbye to you. Ill start a new job in another pany.- _ . A. Oh, no problem B. Oh, enjoy yourself C. Oh, all the best D. Oh, have a happy day第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分) Yesterday evening I was watching the evening news on TV. The news was about a prize for scientific discoveries. The 36 said something that caught my 37 . “All great discoveries,” he said, “are made by people between the ages of 25 and 30.” Being a little over 30 myself, I wanted to 38 with him. Nobody wants to think that he has passed the age of making any 39 . The next day I went to the public library, spending several hours, and 40 to find the ages of famous people and their discoveries. The announcer was right!First, I looked at some of the 41 discoveries. One of the earliest, the famous one that 42 that bodies of different weights 43 at the same speed, was made by Galileo when he was 26. Madam Curie started her research that led to a Nobel Prize when she was 28. Einstein was 26 when he 44 his world-changing Theory of Relativity. Well, 45 of that. Yet I wondered if those “best years” were true in other 46 .Then how about this in 47 ? Surely it needs the wisdom of 48 to make a good leader. Perhaps it does, but look when these people 49 their careers. Winston Churchill was elected to the House of mons at the age of 26. Abraham Lincoln 50 the life of a country lawyer and was elected to the government at what age? Twenty-six!But why dont best years e after 30? After 30, I 51 , most people dont want to take risks or try new ways. Then I thought of people 52 Shakespeare and Picasso. The 53 was writing wonderful 54 at the late age of 50, 55 the latter was still trying new ways of painting when he was 90!Perhaps there is still hope for me.36. A. announcer B. conductor C. speaker D. hostess37. A. mind B. care C. attention D. surprise38. A. disagree B. talk C. meet D. advise39. A. chance B. discovery C. research D. fortune40. A. happened B. wanted C. succeeded D. managed41. A. last B. scientific C. oldest D. modern42. A. found B. proved C. doubted D. showed43. A. disappear B. move C. drop D. fall44. A. invented B. improved C. published D. made45. A. plenty B. enough C. much D. all46. A. fields B. science C. courses D. ages47. A. election B. politics C. leaders D. society48. A. age B. brain C. living D. leadership49. A. finished B. won C. started D. defeated 50. A. led B. devoted C. began D. gave up51. A. guess B. know C. believe D. agree52. A. as B. to be C. like D. about53. A. first B. writer C. poet D. former54. A. painting B. idioms C. fiction D. works55. A. when B. while C. who D. after第三部分 阅读理解 (共两节, 满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) Have you ever heard of blogs (博客)? If you havent, you should have. Its here, its growing and its having an influence on our life. Surf the Internet and youll find blogs everywhere. A blog, shortened from “weblog”, is a public Internet journal written by one person or a group of people. It is a website in which a person or a group can place news, personal thoughts, text, photos, video or audio files, or links upon which visitors can ment. A blog lets you post on the Internet without having to know web design or be technical. You are given an environment to make dated entries on the topic of your choice which are “published”, so other people can read them.Authoring a blog, maintaining a blog or adding an article to an existing blog is called “blogging”. Blogging has revolutionized Internet publishing in the last several years because it gives everyone with Internet access the opportunity to bee an online writer. Objects, such as “text and photos” in a blog can be called “blog posts”, “posts”, or “entries”. The person who posts these entries is called a “blogger”.Now, somewhere around the world, a blog is created almost every 6 seconds. Because its great potential, Bill Gates views it as important as e-mail, BBS, and MSN. Hes trying to make blogs the important tools for future business munications.56. A blog is .A. a ment B. an Internet journal C. a design D. a link57. A person can do the following things in a blog EXCEPT _.A. talk to others B. give ments C. read articlesD. enjoy photos58. Who is a blogger?A. A person who posts letters. B. A person who writes articles.C. A person who posts text or photos in a blog. D. A person who is an online publisher.59. According to the passage, the reason why blogs are so popular is that they _.A. give everyone the chance to be an online writerB. can be created by people without much knowledge of puter technologyC. enable a blogger to place news, personal thoughts, text and photos and give mentsD. all of the aboveB editor,You can find language pollution whenever you open a newspaper or turn on your TV set, listen to a popular song at various advertisements. Language pollution exists almost everywhere and can be seen in the following places:1. Chinese characters are written in the plex (复杂的 ) form. Although simplified Chinese characters were accepted for use many years ago, it seems that more and more people like Chinese characters written in the plex form.2. Many goods are produced in China but carry foreign names, which sound strange and have no meaning at all.3. Words and expressions being used have a bad meaning. Ba(霸), which means bully in Chinese, is one example. Now there are a lot of goods, restaurants, even factories or firms, with Ba in their names.4. There are too many incorrect grammatical expressions. Some films have strange names and incorrect grammatical structures. Ai ni mei shang liang, which means I love you without consulting, is grammatically incorrect and this kind of expression is now being popular.Some language experts point out that language pollution must be done away with, which is an idea shared by myself and many others. Fan Yongqian60. The writer of the letter suggests that _.A. something be done to make our language pure (纯正) B. the Chinese language not have the word ba C. everything have a good name and a good meaning D. everybody try their best to stop pollution61. What the writer wants to say is that _.A. great difference exists between the Chinese characters written in the plex form and simplified form B. many people agree with the experts on language pollution in China C. our newspapers, TV programs, pop songs and advertisements are getting polluted D. some film writers havent studied Chinese grammar62. The expression do away with in the last paragraph means _.A. clean B. recycle C. get away D. end63. What do you guess Fan Yongqian is? He or she probably is _.A. a reader B. a singer of pop songs C. a language expert D. an expert of grammarCNow, we know that if we do not get enough vitamins, we are at risk of developing a number of diseases. As a result, vitamin supplements(补品),though expensive, are popular with people who worry that they are not getting enough vitamins from the foods they eat. But contrary to what many people think, medical experts have found little evidence that most supplements do anything to improve health or protect against disease. In fact, medical experts warn that taking too many of some vitamins can be harmful. For example, too much vitamin E can cause bleeding. People should discuss what vitamins they take with their doctors, as some vitamins can produce harmful side effects when mixed with medicines.Experts, however, do say that sometimes vitamins can help prevent disease. People who know they lack a particular vitamin should take vitamin supplements. Some older adults, for example, may not have enough vitamin B-twelve. This is because, as people get older, their body loses its ability to take it from foods. Also, people who spend much time inside may need some extra vitamin D as the skin makes this vitamin from sunlight.Different vitamins are found in different foods. Vitamin A is found in fish liver oil. It also is in the yellow part of eggs. Sweet potatoes, carrots and other darkly colored fruits and vegetables contain substances that the body can change into vitamin A. Vitamin B-twelve is found in green leafy vegetables and other foods, like fruits. Vitamin K can be found in pork products.In fact, for most people, a balanced diet can ensure enough of the vitamins our bodies need. So, it is important for us to eat a mixture of foods every day to ensure that we get enough vitamins our bodies need. 64. What is probably talked about before this passage? A. How many vitamins a persons body needs. B. How many vitamins some foods contain. C. The benefits that vitamins bring to our health. D. What people should do to stay healthy. 65. Vitamin supplements are popular with people because _. A. people mistakenly think that they are good for their healthB. they contain more vitamins than the foods people eatC. food does not provide enough vitamins people needD. people fear that a lack of vitamins will lead to disease66. From the passage, we can learn that medical experts advise people _. A. never to take any vitamin supplements B. to depend only on food for their vitamins C. not to take any vitamins together with medicinesD. to consult doctors before taking vitamin supplements67. For people who lack Vitamin B-twelve, they can eat more from _. A. sweet potatoes B. green leafy vegetables C. pork products D. eggsDShane Thomas is a 10-year-old pianist from England. Hes being called the next Mozart because of his amazing abilities.He has only been having piano lessons for four months, and practices four hours a week, but he has already played difficult classical pieces. He was just seven when he sat down at the piano, and could play at once. He also says he never gets nervous.When Shane was three years old, he said that he could play the piano, but nobody took him seriously. At school, he could listen to the teacher and do his work while posing (作曲) in his head. Shame remembers all the melodies(旋律),and when he gets home he plays them on the piano, while his father records them. Shane loves playing the piano, and when he grows up he wants to be a poser.His tutor, Richard Goffin-Lecar, says he is like Amadeus Mozart, who lived during the 18th century in Salzburg, Austria, and was one of the most famous posers ever. Mr. Goffin-lecar says, “I dont teach Shane very much. I just give him directions, then sit back and watch.”His father, a single parent with two other children, says that although he has little money, he wants to send Shane to a good music school. “Im a single father, but I have this gifted child. I dont have much money, but I want to give him the best teachers, and also take him into a studio to record.”68. When did Shane tell others that he could play the piano?A. At age three.B. At age ten. C. At age seven. D. At age four.69. Which of the following is TRUE about Shane?A. He feels nervous while playing the piano B. He can pose in his head while doing his work. C. He wants to be a piano tutor when he grows up. D. He doesnt like to listen to the teacher at school.70. What do we learn about Shanes father?A. He also plays the piano well.B. Hes a single father with two children.C. He believes in Shanes talent for music and will support him.D. Not having enough money, he will ask the teachers for help第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。The person behind you constantly kicks the back of your seatYour talkative seatmate doesnt understand your need for sleepAnd the aircrafts bathroom is a total messThese situations can make even a short flight unbearable Hopefully you dont cause these unpleasant experiences for others_71_Always recline(向后倾斜) your seat slowlyTheres nothing worse than suddenly being hit in the knees by the seat in front of youIn addition, dont keep your seat reclined for the entire flightAlways keep it upright during mealtimesAnd remember to put it in the upright position before going to the restroom (or anytime you leave your seat)_72_Wait until the meal is done and all the food trays(盘子)have been collected Its hard for passengers to stand up to let you pass when they still have their food traysAnd when using the bathroom ,always clean up after yourself -the next user will be grateful ! Keep your body -and your possessions -to yourself as much as possible so as not to crowd your in-flight seatmate(s) Share the armrest , especially on a long flight Also, be careful not to kick or push on the seat in front of youWhile some people enjoy chatting with other passengers during a flight, not everyone doesSome people may want to nap ,read or work_73_If you are traveling with someone and want to chat, keep your voices low,_74_People can still hear through your headphones if the volume is too highWhen exiting the plane, if others are having trouble with their carry-on luggage help them if you can If you cant help ,wait patiently, and dont push past people to get off the airplaneOn your flight ,remember the golden rule:_75_ADont leave your carry-on in the aircraftBIf the conversation seems one-sided , you should notice itCTreat others the way you want to be treated!DAvoid going to the bathroom during mealtimesEInstead ,you can set an example by following these mon airplane courtesies(礼貌)Fit is not polite to talk loudly in the aircraftGIf using electronic gadgets(小装置),keep the volume down提示:把7175小题的答案依次填涂到机读卡上的8185. 座次号张掖二中xx第二学期期中考试试卷高二英语题 号拼写改错写作总 分得 分第卷第四部分 写作(共三节,满分45分)第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,在答题卡相应的位置上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空只写一词)

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