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20022003学年度上学期高中学生学科素质训练高一英语测试题Mainly Revision(Unit 14)第一部分:听力(共两节,每题2分,满分20分)第一节(共5小题。听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话仅一遍。)听第一段对话,回答第1题。1Whom are they talking about?AA cleaning ladyBA friendCA teacher听第二段对话,回答第2题。2Where are the two speakers?AIn a bookstoreBIn a restaurantCAt the mans home听第三段对话,回答第3题。3What time is it in fact?A1:40B1:50C1:45听第四段对话,回答第4题。4Whats the relationship between the two speakers?AFriendsBHusband and wifeCWaitress and customer听第五段对话,回答第5题。5How much money does the woman need?AFive dollarsBTen dollarsCEight dollars第二节(共5小题。听下面2段对话或独白。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。)听第六段对话,回答第67题。6What are they talking about?ALearning EnglishBReadingCEnglish grammar7Whats the hardest in English in the womans opinion?AGrammarBNew wordsCListening听第七段对话,回答第810题。8Who is Bill?AHe is a bus driverBHe is a doctorCHe is a doorman9What happened last Friday?AHe came back home very late.BHe came back home very early.CHe came back home very happily.10Why was Bill unhappy when he returned home?ABecause he could not save as much money as he used toBBecause he lost some money.CBecause he could not save any money.第二部分:英语知识运用第一节:单项选择(共30题;每小题1分,满分30分)11Youll have the magazine I finish reading it.AuntilBunlessCso thatDthe moment12 will win the football match?ADo you think whoBWho do you thinkCWhom do you thinkDWho you will think13There must be with the computer.Asomething serious wrongBsomething wrong seriouslyCsomething seriously wrongDsomething wrong serious14Its better to finish the work today than it off until tomorrow.Ato putBputCto be putDputting15Readers can quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.Aget alongBget inCget throughDgo over16Its good you to break away from your bad habits, but its wrong you not to keep up the good habits.Afor,ofBto, forCof, ofDfor, for17My birthday is .Ain two weeks timeBin two weeks awayCtwo-week awayDin two weeks18China will be a country in the near future.Agreat modern socialistBmodern socialist greatCmodern great and socialistDsocialist great modern19The exam was easy, wasnt it?Yes, but I dont think could pass it.AnobodyBeverybodyCanybodyDsomebody20My mother will be here tomorrow.Oh I thought that she today.Awill comeBis comingCcomesDwas coming21The boy to his mother that black hen in the corner two eggs.Alied, lying, had laidBlay, lied ,layClied, lay, lainDhad laid, lain, lied22Who do you suggest I them?+99+87Ashould have, to answerBhave, reply toChad, answer toDwill have, replying23The professor has received the letter to give a lecture to the students in our school.Abeing invitedBto be invitedCinviting himDinvited24 crossing the road, you should be especially careful.AAtBAsCWhileDSince25All the preparation for the task , and were ready to start.AcompletedBcompleteChad been completedDhave been completed26The worker is friendly man and nice to .Aa most, deal withBa most, get along withCmost, get onDthe most, go with27You are not a new member, are you? , I joined only the day before yesterday.ANo, I am notBYes, I amCNo, ImDYes, I am not28No one likes by others.Amaking fun ofBbeing laughed atCbeing made funDlaughing at29From the top of the mountain, we can see the city, stands a famous tower.AwhereBthereCwhichDin it30A lot of food and water the poor family recently.Awas supplied toBhave supplied forChas been supplied forDhave been supplied to31Has all can be done ?Athat,been doneBthat, doneC/, doneD/,been done32Tom stood up, holding his plate, to some more food.Aask aboutBaskCask forDask of33Thirty children, most of parents were killed in the earthquake, are being taken good care of.AtheirBtheCwhoseDwhom34Reading novels and different kinds of magazines me a lot of my spare time.Awas paidBtookCwas costDspent35Have you ever a writer called Bajin?Aheard ofBlistened fromCheardDlistened36Ill do help you with your lessons. Which of the following is wrong?Athat I can toBall I can toCwhat I can toDmy best to37She never comes to trouble me with anything she has to.AthoughBunlessCbecauseDif38The Summer Palace is one of in China.Aplaces of interestBthe interesting placeCthe places of interestsDplaces of interests39There appeared a look on her face after she heard it.AworrryingBworriedCworryDworries40My father to watch TV, but now he to watching TV news after supper.Adidnt use, has been usedBwas used,is usedCusednt got usedDwasnt used, has used第二节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Dear Marjory:Ive just 41 that young Peter was 42 in a football game. Im 43 so sorry to hear it,and I hope his injuries(伤势)are not 44 .I know 45 how you 46 47 I had the same 48 with George a few years ago 49 ?I 50 its just 51 all mothers of growing boys must 52 !Please 53 me know 54 theres anything I can do to 55 . 56 youd like to send Patsy here for a week or 57 , 58 Peter is better. Wed love to have her, and Id make sure that she got to and from school safely. Just phone me, Marjand Ill come and get her. 59 Peter Im sorry he was hurt, and that I hope hell soon be 60 as fiddle(非常健康)again.Affectionately,Harriet41AlearnedBtoldCseenDthought42AbrokenBknockedChurtDdestroyed43AalwaysBeverCratherDquite44AafraidBpainfulCsufferingDserious45AonlyBjustCeverDa bit46AfeelBthinkCbelieveDfind47AbecauseBafterCsoDbut48AsurpriseBdissatisfactionCexperienceDdisappointment49AagreeBrememberCO.K.Dright50AguessBdoubtCwishDhope51AanythingBsomethingCnothingDeverything52AsufferBexpectCcareDworry53AletBaskCtellDhelp54AwhenBwhileCandDif55AsaveBcomfortChelpDprotect56APerhaspsBThereforeCIfDBecause57AaroundBaboveCsoDless58AuntilBwhenCafterDbefore59AAskBBringCTakeDTell60AfitBstrongCusualDgood第三部分:阅读理解:(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AMany people were not satisfied with the manager of the cinema, for some ladies seeing films with their hats on blocked their view(挡住视线). They suggested the manager put up a notice asking the ladies to take off their hats when seeing films.The manager said that it would not be polite to ask ladies to take off their hats and that ladies would protect their rights to wear their hats.But the next day, the following words appeared on the screen before the film was on:“Considering the old ladies advanced age, this cinema allows old ladies to wear their hats when seeing films.”All the ladies took off their hats after they saw the notice.61Some ladies seeing films with their hats on .Ablocked people s viewBmade some people tiredCmade the manager dissatisfiedDmade some people stop seeing films62The mananger had to .Aconsider what some people had saidBput up an announcement on the wallCask the ladies to put on their hats at the gate of the cinemaDplease the ladies only63Whick of the following is TRUE?AThe manager did what he was asked to doBThe manager didnt do what he was asked to doCThe ladies were happy to see the noticeDThe ladies were not satisfied with the manager.64The passage suggests that .Asome people are hard to pleaseBthe manager is a bright manCladies are hard to deal withDsome people are clever65It can be concluded from the passage that .Aall the ladies were afraid of being regarded as old womenBsome people like finding fault(过错)with the othersCasking ladies to take off their hats is not politeDall the ladies wanted to make themselves more beautifulBThe sea has always interested man. From it he can get food, minerals, and treasure. For thousands of years, he could sail on it. But he could not go far beneath(在下方)its surface.Man wants to explore deep into the sea. However, he is not a fish. Because he must breathe air, he cant stay under the waters surface for any length of time. To explore deep water, man faces even more dangers and problems.A diver who wants to stay under water for more than a few minutes must breathe air or a special mixture of gases. He can wear a diving suit and have air pumped(打气)to him from above. He can carry a tank of air on its back and breathe through a hose(软管)and a mouthpiece (接口管).Water weighs 800 times as much as air. Tons of water pushes against a diver deep in the sea. His body is under great pressure.When a diver is under great pressure, his blood takes in some of the gases he breathes. As he rises to surface, the water pressure becomes less. If the diver rises too quickly, the gases in his blood from bubbles(起泡). The diver is then suffering from the bends(潜水员病).The bends can cause a diver to double up in pain. They can even kill him.66On the whole, this passage is about .Aspecial mixtures of gases in deep seaBthe problems man faces in deep-sea divingCair pressure under the surface of sea waterDa kind of illness that man suffers in the sea67A divers body in deep water .Ais under great pressureBis just like that of a fishCsuffers from the bendsDweighs very little68The passage does not say so, but it makes you think that .Adeep-sea divers should be in good healthBdivers explore the deep sea only for treasureCdiving under the water too quickly causes a kind of illnessDthere is a special mixture of gases under the sea69Why does a diver get the bends?AHe tries to do exercises under the waterBHis diving suit weighs too much.CHe comes to the surface too quicklyDThe air in his blood is used up.70From the passage we can see that .AThe sea began to interest man in the last few years.BMan is not at home deep in the sea.CAll divers will get the bends sooner or later.DThe air in the seawater will kill a diver if he is not carefulCThe nervous-looking young man had waited for a few moments outside the jewellers before he got enough courage to enter.He was warmly greeted by a young assistant. James felt a rush of blood to his face as he explained he would be bringing in his future wife to choose a birthday present. The assistant listened carefully and told him hed better buy a necklace. He wasnt used to buying jewellery and was a little worried about overspending. After some discussion as to a reasonable price and the type, the assistant showed him dozens of necklaces and hepled him to choose. At last James chose one and left the shop promising to return at five oclock. When, half an hour later than planned, James did return to the shop with his future wife, Laurea, the assistant acted as if she had never seen him before. When she was asked to show them some necklaces, she first brought out some inexpensive ones for them to choose, and then gave them the one she had prepared. A choice was soon made and they went away satisfied . James would certainly come back to buy what he wanted when he got married.71A good title for this passage is .AA Clever AssistantBBuying a Birthday PresentCHow to Choose a NecklaceDA Brave Young Man72The word “overspending”in this passage means .Aspending too much moneyBspending too much timeCspending more time than he plannedDspending too much time and too much money73When James told the assistant why he wanted to buy a present, his face .Aturned paleBturned redCturned yellowDturned black74James and Laura reached the shop at .A4:30B5:00C5:30D6:0075James would come back to buy what he wanted because .AThe assistant knew how to satisfy the people who came to buy things.Bthe necklace was goodCLaura Liked the necklaceDthe assistant who served James was very beautiful第四部分:单词拼写(共10小题,每题1分,满分10分)根据所给的第一字母或中文拼写单词.1.In my (回复)to his last letter I told him all that had happened here.2.Dont tell others. Its a (秘密)between us.3.If we always tell the truth, we are (诚实)boys.4.Dont worry about your (病).You will be well againg soon.5.I have made some progress in English (近来).6.We have just finished j middle school last year.7.We call the child of our uncle or aunt a c .8.He is very tall and w 65 kilometers.9.He made a lot of e and was murdered(谋杀)at last.10.His hard work led to his s .第五部分:短文改错(共10小题,每题1分,满分10分)此题要求改正所给短文中的错误。对标有题号的每一行作出判断:如无错误,在该行右边横线上画一个勾();如有错误(每一行只有一个错误),则按下列情况改正:该行多一个词:把多余的词用斜线()划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。该行缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在该行右边横线上写出该加的词。该行错一个词:在错的词下面划一横线,在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。注意:原行没有错的不要改。One evening Mike went towards a bar and saw1. a man played draughts(跳棋)at a table, but he could 2. not see someone in the chair opposite(对面)him. He went 3. nearer to look at, and was surprised to see that the 4. man was playing with a dog. When it must move one5. of the draughts, it stood on ins back legs on the chair 6. Mike watched while the two played their game, and when7. the dog lost, Mike went up to its owner said 8. “I have never seen a such clever dog before.”The man 9. Smiled and said,“You are right, so I always win.”10. 第六部分:书面表达(满分20分)南京大学的一位著名教授(professor)将来你校作讲座(lecture)。你是学生会干部,请用英语写一则书面通知,告知全校。通知内容包括如下:1讲座内容:学好英语的成功(successful)之路2主讲人:南京大学教授3时间:九月十一日下午4地点:学校礼堂5参加对象:全校学生6要求:准时到场,不得缺席字数:100字左右高一英语参考答案及评分标准Unit 14 Mainly Revision听力材料:第一节:听下面对话,选出最佳选项。(Text1) M:Who is she?W:Our new cleaning lady.(Text2) W:Do you eat here often?M:Yes. The service here is always good, and the foods usually good, too.(Text3) M:What time is it by your watch?W:Its a quarter to two. But my watch is five minutes fast.(Text4) W:More coffee?M:Please, darling. Well, where is Joan?W:She is upstairs, in her bedroom.(Text5) W:Ive run out of money.M:How much money do you need?W:Ten dollars. No, eight will be enough.第二节:听下面对话,选出最佳选项。听下面一段对话,回答第6和7两个小题(Text6) M:What do you find hardest in English?W:I find listening really hard. Sometimes its just impossible to understand.M:Well, you just need lots of practice. The more you listen to English , the easier it becomes .W:Thats easier said than done!听下面一段对话,回答第8至10三个小题。(Text7) Bill is a doorman. He works in a factory , and he usually comes home at seven every evening. Last Friday he came back home very early , and he was very angry. He shut the door very hard, went into the living room and sat down . His wife went to her husband and looked at him for a few seconds. Then she asked him, “Why are you so angry, Bill?”“Because tickets cost 70 cents last week, but now they cost 60 cents,” he said.“But that isnt bad, Bill,” his wife said. “Its good . Going by bus is cheaper now.”“Yes, it is,” Bill said. “But I always walk to work in the morning and I walk home in the afternoon. Last week I saved $1.4 every day , but now I save 20 cents less.”参考答案一、15 ABABC 610 ACCBA二、1115 DBCAA 1620 ADABD 2125 ABCCD 2630 BBBAD 3135 ACCBA 3640 ABABA 4145 ACBDB 4650 AACBA 5155 BBADC 5660 ACADA三、6165 AABBA 6670 BAACB 7175 AABCA四、1.reply 2.secret 3. honest 4. illness 5. recently 6. junior 7.cousin 8.weighs 9. enemies 10.success五、1.towardsinto 2. playedplaying 3. someoneanyone 4. 去掉at 5.musthad to 6. itsits 7.正确 8.said前加and 9.a suchsuch a 10.sobut 六、The Students UnionNoticeThe famous professor Mr. Li from Nanjing University is coming to our school to give us a lecture “The successful Way to Learn English Well.” The lecture is going to given in our school hall at 2:30 p.m. on September 11th. All the students are asked to attend the lecture. Make sure you arrive there in time and dont be absent.

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