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Review of Unit 1 How do you study for a test?,four skills,listening skills speaking skills reading skills writing skills,improve the four skills,How to learn English well?,Talk Show,How do you improve your listening skills? we learn by -,watching English-language videos,listening to tapes,enjoying English songs,How do you improve your speaking skills? I study by -,Joining the English Corner,practicing speaking English,practicing conversations with foreigners,reading aloud and quickly,How do you improve your reading skills? I study by -,keeping a diary,finding a pen pal,How do you improve your writing skills? I study by -,How do you deal with your problem?,by talking to people about them by thinking the problem is not big by breaking off a friendship by trying to forget about them by seeing a psychologist by thinking of a problem in a positive way by crying in a loud voice by regarding problems as challenges ,Talk Show,重点词组和 句子复习,向某人求助 ask sb _ help 制作抽认卡 make _ 对激动 get_ _ 太而不能 _ 玩的开心 have _ 演讲技能 _ skill 结束说英语 end up _ English 口语 _ English 10. 嘲笑 laugh _,for,flashcards,excited,tooto,fun / have a good time / enjoy -,speaking,speaking,spoken,at,about,重点短语:,练习说英语 practice _ English 大声朗读 read_ 犯错误 make _ 首先 _ of all 有乐趣做 have fun_ 看英文节目 _ English programs 摘笔记 _ notes 做某事有困难 have _ in _ sth 查字典 look _ the dictionary 另一件事 _ thing 处理 _ with,speaking,aloud,mistakes,first,doing,watch,take,trouble,up,another,deal,doing,in,重点短语:,重点短语:,以开始结束 过后 喜欢学英语 在上花费(时间、金钱) 查字典 有困难做,to begin with/end with,later on,enjoy learning English,spend on/doing ,look up in a dictionary,have trouble doing,大声朗读练习发音怎么样?,What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?,学英语最好的方法是大声朗读,The best way to learn English is to read aloud.,看英语电影是一个好方法,watching English movies is a good way.,他学英语已有六年了,Hes been learning English for six years.,他发现看英语电影令人沮丧,He finds watching English movies frustrating.,我们会因某事变得兴奋起来,然后以说汉语而告终,We got excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese.,重点句子:,我不知道如何使用逗号。,I dont know how to use commas.,为什么不加入英语俱乐部去练习说英语呢?,why dont you join an English club to pratice speaking English.,对我来说听懂老师不容易,It wasnt easy for me to understand the teacher.,在老师的帮助下进我们最大努力处理每一个挑战,是我们的职责,It is our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge with the help of our teachers.,重点句子:,1. I cant usually get my _ (发音) right. 2. She often make _ (错误) in the tests. 3. Can you speak _ (慢地)? I cant follow you. 4. I cant tell you, its a _ (秘密)。 5. His brother is a _ (军人)。 6. How do you_ (应付) your problems? 7. My mother always _(将视为) me as a child. 8.Are you _(害怕)to speak in class? 9.Unless we have no problems, we can _(容易) become unhappy. 10.When he heard the news, he got very _ (兴奋)。,pronunciation,mistakes,slowly,secret,solider,deal with,regards,afraid,easily,excited,词汇练习,用适当的词型填空,I had lots of trouble _ a solution to the problem. (find) 2. My _ English is very poor, Im afraid to _ English. (speak) 3. I study English by _ flashcard. (make) 4. The best way _ English is to use it. (learn) 5. I find it is important _new words.(记忆) 6. _ English is very difficult.(学习) 7.Yao Ming practices _basketball every day.(打) 8. You should practice your _. (发音) 9. I want some _ about learning English.(建议) 10. Reading more books is _ to students. (help) 11. Everyone wants to be a good _. (learn) 12. I can understand what he said _. (完整),finding,spoken,speak,making,to learn,to memorize,Learning,playing,pronunciation,suggestions,helpful,learner,completely,词汇练习,( )1. Reading is a great way _ a language. A. of learn B. to learn C. learning D to learning ( ) . Lucy thinks that _ English movies isnt a good way. A. watch B. watched . watching D to watching ( ) . When we practice English speaking, we often end up _in Chinese. A. speak B. spoken C. speaking D.speaks,B,C,C,( ) . He didnt know the matter. I didnt know it, _ A. too B. also C. either D. neither ( )5. He has trouble_to the top of the mountain. A. gets B. to get C. got D. getting ( ) . - How do you study_a test? - I study_ working_a group. A. for, in, with B. for, by, at C. for, by, with D. of, in, by,C,D,C,( ) . When we meet some new words, wed better_in a dictionary. A. look out them B. look them out C. look them up D. look up them ( )8 . _a 100% successful operation(手术), nothing can save him from the illness. A. Until B. Even C. Unless D. Or ( )9. Her son failed English test again. She felt very _. A. frustrating B. frustrated C. boring D annoy ( )10 My mom want you to watch me _ the piano. A. playing B. play C. to play D to playing,C,D,B,D,走进中考,1. The art club is for members only. You cant go in_you are a member. (2008年) A. unless B. because C. if D. though 2. Grace learns English by reading aloud.(改为否定句) ) (2009年) Grace _ _ English by reading aloud. 3. He isnt old enough to see this thriller.(改为同义句) 09 He is _young _ see this thriller.,doesnt learn,too to,4. Mr King is so busy that he cant go to the concert. (改为简单句) Mr King is _ busy _ go to the concert. 5. Zhou Libo is Shanghais favorite funny man. He is good at making people laugh. His lively shows were _ hot that tickets sold out in minutes. (2011年) A. very B. too C. such D. so,too to,6. If people dont have breakfast in the morning, they will feel tired and get angry _(easy) (2011年) 7. The girl is so short that she cant get the apple on the tree. (改为同义句) (2011年) The girl is _ short _ get the apple on the tree.,easily,too to,如何写提建议的短文,写此类短文时,最重要的是掌握常用的句型,在此基础上,再根据提供的情境,提示等,明确需要提的建议,最后由此展开适当合理的写作。,Im afraid that I cant agree with you. Why not do? Lets do We should/must do Its +adj.+ for sb. to do sth. You/we need,此类书面表达的中心内容是提意见或建议,语气应委婉,有礼貌;语言有条理性。首先应对提建议的对象所表述的观点表示赞同或委婉反对,其次在表达自己的想法,若没把握将全部内容逻辑性强的表述,可采取逐条列出自己的意见或建议,最后,应用总结性语言再一次陈述自己的观点。,Unit 1,为了交流学习经验,提高学习效率,某初中英语学习报正在举办以“How to be a good learner?”为题的征文比赛,请你踊跃投稿。,How to be a good learner?,habit ,way,get ready, listen,go over, homework,study in groups, help each other,work hard, do sports,其他1-2条,要求:1.必须用上所有的内容提示,语句通顺,书写规范; 2.词数100左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。,As a good learner, we should I hope all these will be helpful to us.,How to be a good learner,As a good learner, we should have habits and ways in learning. We need to get ready for our lessons before class and always listen carefully in class. After class, we must go over the lessons and finish our homework on time. Its good to study in groups and help each other. As a student, working hard is important, but dont forget to do sports and keep healthy. We should do more reading in our free time. If we have any problems, wed better ask others for help. I hope all these will be helpful to us.,Unit 2 I used to be afraid the dark. (Revision),复习过程,延伸迁移 当堂练习 点拨解疑 基础巩固 复习目标,Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.,复习目标:,1、复习本单元重点单词、短语及句型。 2、复习有关used to的基本用法,并能运用 used to 句型进行交际和写作。 3、通过对比自己与同学的发展变化,比较现在与过 去,不断克服自己的缺点,健全自己的人格,日 趋完善自己。,BACK,玩转单词,1、开着的_ 2、昆虫_ 3、糖果_ 4、咀嚼_ 5、聊天_ 6、每日的_ 7、死亡_ 8、负担得起_ 9、造成_ 10、他自己_ 11、有耐心的_ 12、恰恰_ 13、浪费_ 14、飞机_ 15、必须的_ 16、决定_,on,insect,candy,chew,chat,daily,death,afford,cause,himself,patient,exactly,waste,airplane,necessary,decision,词组盘点,1、过去经常_2、入睡_ 3、最后_ 4、下决心_ 5、即使_6、不再_ 7、放弃_ 8、对感到自豪_ 9、留心_ 10、 花费 做 _ 11、支付_12、在游泳队_ 13、极度恐惧的_ 14、对感兴趣_ 15、一个15岁的男孩_,used to,go to sleep,in the end,make a decision,even though,no longer,give up,take pride in,pay attention to,spend doing,on the swimming team,pay for,be terrified of,be interested in,a fifteen-year-old boy,-You used to be short, didnt you ? - Yes, I did . / No, I didnt. 2. -Did you use to be afraid of the dark ? - Yes, I did . / No, I didnt. 3. I go to sleep with my bedroom light on . 4. I used to spend a lot of time playing with my friends. 5. My life has changed a lot in the last few years. 6. It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot . 7.His mother couldnt afford to pay for her childs education.,句型再现,用活语法,used to 的用法: used to 表示“过去常常”,用来表示以往的事实或状况,后接动词原形。 used to 的否定形式可以为:used not to,也可以为 didnt use to. eg. I didnt use to like tests. I used not to like tests. used to 的疑问句式也有两种:Did use to ? 或者 Used to ? eg. Did you use to play football ? Used you to play football ?,BACK,破解疑点,used to / be used to alone / lonely,used to 表示“过去常常”,用来表示以往的事实或状况,后接动词原形 be used to 表示“习惯于”,可用于各种时态,后接动名词;有时是动词 use 的被动语态形式,表示“用来做” eg: She has been to living in the country. This machine is used to cut wood.,alone 用作形容词,只做表语用,意为“单独的、独个的”,侧重说明独自一人。alone 还可以作副词用 lonely 意为“孤独的”,有较浓厚的感情色彩。 eg:He lived alone. He has no friends, so he feels lonely.,牛刀小试,1.I used to _ late , but now I am used to _ up early. A. work ; get B.work ; getting C. working ; getting D. working ; get 2.Though the old woman lives _ , she doesnt feel _. A. alone ; alone B. alone ; lonely C. lonely ; lonely D. lonely ; alone,BACK,There _a restaurant here. A. used to B. used to be C. used to have D. used to had,This is a_ trip, we are _ of it . A.terrifying; terrifying B. terrified; terrified C. terrifying; terrified D. terrified; terrifying,She seems _ her sons illness. A. worry about B. worried C. to worry about D. to be worried,Maybe I have heard of the story before,but I can _ remember it . A. hardly B. exactly C. mostly D. easily,Zhengzhou _ a lot in the past 5 years.Its now one of the important _ in the middle of China. A. changes ; city B. has changed ; cities C.changes ; cities D. will change ; city,Please turn the TV. You cant leave the room _ the TV _. A. when;on B. with;on C. with;off D. when;off,“Jane used to have a car.” it means “_” . A. Jane has to sell her car. B. Jane drives her car often. C. Jane bought a new car. D. Jane doesnt have a car now.,- Do you always spend a lot time time _ computer ? - No, but I spend much time _ doing my homework. A. on;in B. in;on C. on;on D. in;in,He is a poor man . He cant afford _ the food . A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. bought,写作:请从外貌、性格、爱好、理想和为什么想要成为这样的人五个方面介绍自己的变化和理想。,I have changed a lot in the last few years. I used to be very thin and shy before, but now I have a medium build and I become outgoing and friendly. And I used to like playing computer games very much, but now Im interested in computer science but not only computer games. Because I want to be a computer programmer when I grow up, which can make me earn lots of money.,延伸迁移,口头表达:根据下列表格信息,写一篇文章来对比 Jim 的今昔变化,注意 but 和still 的使用。(80词左右) I think Jim has changed a lot in the last 10 years._,Task 2,Review unit 3,Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes,玩转单词,1.允许_ 2.刺穿,刺破_ 3.执照 _ 4.设计_ 5.机会_ 6.自愿(v.),志愿者(n)_ 7.地方的 _ 8.经历_ 9.会员_ 10.困倦的_ 11.回答,回复_ 12.服从_ 13.实现 _ 14.重要性_ 15.成功(v.)_ 16.要点_,allow,pierce,licence,design,opportunity,volunteer,local,experience,member,sleepy,reply,obey,achieve,importance,succeed,point,做一做,1.I want to be a v_ in the coming sports meetings. 2.She wants to get her ears p_,but her father disagrees. 3.You cant drive if you dont have a drivers l_. 4.Im lucky to have an o_ to visit London. 5.As students,we should o_ rulers in school. 6.Most of us know the i_ of learning English.,olunteer,ierced,icence,pportunity,bey,mportance,重点短语,1.代替,而不是 _ 2.熬夜_ 3.全神贯注_ 4.目前_ 5.挡道的_ 6.担心,关心_ 7.答复_ 8.被允许做某事_ 9.有机会做某事_ 10.对某事要求严格_ 11.实现某人的理想_ 12.成功地做了某事_,instead of,stay up,concentrate on,at present,get in the way,care about,replay to,be allowed to do sth,have an opportunity to do sth,be strict with sb,achieve ones dream,succeed in doing sth,1.语态: 英语有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态 主动语态表示是动作的执行者 被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者 Cats eat fish. (主动语态)猫吃鱼。 Fish is eaten by cats.(被动语态)鱼被猫吃 被动语态的构成 由“助动词be 及物动词的过去分词”构成 助动词be 有人称、数和时态的变化,其变化规则与be 作为连系动词时完全一样。,知识点,时态被动语态结构例句 一般现在时am /is/ are +V.过去分词 如:English is spoken in many countries. 一般过去时was /were +V,过去分词 如:This bridge was built in 1989. 情态动词can/should/may /must/+be+V.过去分词 如:The work must be done right now.,the grammar,含有情态动词的被动语态 肯定句:主语+情态动词+be+过去分词+ 否定句:主语+情态动词+not + be+过去分词 疑问句:情态动词+主语+be + 过去分词+ 以should为例: eg:主+should+be+done+(by +执行者) 主+should+not+be+done+(by+执行者) Should+主+be+done+(by+执行者),练一练,1.我认为青少年不应该被允许晚上出去。 2.他们将会把更多的精力集中在衣服上而不是学习上。 3.老师对我们要求很严格。 4.我们自愿去帮助养老院的老人。,I dont think teenagers should be allowed to go out at night.,They will concentrate on clothes more than their studies.,Theachers are strict with us.,We vonlunteer to help the old people in old peoples home.,测一测,1.We should allow teenagers to choose their own clothes.(把主动语态变成被动语态) 2.Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.(被动语态肯定句) 3.Teenagers should not be allowed to choose their own clothes.(被动语态否定句) 4.Should teenagers be allowed to choose their own clothes?(被动语态疑问句),1.Your classroom should _ every day. A.cleaned B.be cleaned C.be clean D.being cleaned 2.The bad food should _. A. not be eat B. not be ate C. not be eaten D.be eaten 3.Should the book _ to her this Friday? A.be return B.being returned C.returned D.be returned,B,C,D,1. 青少年应该被允许每晚和朋友外出。 Teenagers should _ _ _ go out with their friends every night. 2. 十六岁的青少年应该被允许扎耳洞。 _ should_ _ to get their ears_. 答案:1. be allowed to 2. Sixteen-year-olds; be allowed; pierced,3. 他不该再戴那傻里傻气的耳环了。 He should stop _ that silly _ . 4. 他好像没有很多朋友。 He doesnt _ _ have many friends. 5. 在那个年龄他们不够严肃认真。 They arent _ _ at that age. 答案:3. wearing; earring seem to serious enough,. 句型转换 1. I think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. (改为否定句) I _ _ sixteen-year-olds _ be allowed to drive. 2. Students should be allowed to work at night. (改为否定句) Students _ _ be allowed to work at night. 答案: 1. dont think; should 2. should not,她没有和妈妈一起去购物,而是待在家里。 She stayed at home _ _ going shopping with her mother. 我不喜欢数学,而是喜欢英语。 I dont like math, I like English _ . 答案:instead of instead,. 单项选择 1. Please stop _! It _ in the hospital. smoking; isnt allowed B. smoking, allows to smoke; isnt allowed D. to smoke; doesnt allow 2. I dont think children should be allowed _ . drive B. driving C. drives D. to drive,3. He didnt write _ , though he had _ . A. careful enough; enough time B. carefully enough; enough time C. enough careful; enough time D. enough carefully; time enough,4. Ann shouldnt wear that earring. _ . I like it. It looks cool. A. I think so B. I agree C. I disagree D. I hope so 5. They talk instead of _ . A. work B. to work C. working D. works,. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. The boy seems _ (be) thirsty. 2. Students should _ (allow) to watch TV on weekends. 3. Hes been working for two hours. He needs _(have) a good rest. 答案:1. to be be allowed to have,4. Your hair is too long. You should have it _ (cut) this afternoon. 5. Teenagers should not wear _ (ear) at school. 答案:4. cut 5. earrings,See you !,Game Time,

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