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2019-2020年高三英语下学期周练试题(二)评卷人得分一、单项选择:共6题 每题1分 共6分1To_,she keeps on exercising every day as well as_.A.lose weight; goes on a dietB.lose her weight; going on a dietC.lose weight; going on a dietD.lose her weight; go on a diet2Jane hopes that she will have a good way to have her written English_in a short period.A.improvedB.improvingC.to improveD.improve3The plan was that the two panies should first reach an agreement on the basic principle, the detailslater.A.to be discussedB.discussedC.were discussedD.discussing4Has Peter started out? He said he would go hiking with us.He . He is a man of his word.A.could have startedB.must have startedC.could startD.must start5I dont like to talk to my new neighbour because she is too difficult to_.A.get alongB.get along withC.be got alongD.be got on with6The taxi driver is to blame for the serious accident.I cant agree more. He .A.shouldnt have drunkB.couldnt have drunkC.mustnt have drunkD.may not have drunk评卷人得分二、阅读理解:共12题 每题2分 共24分(潍坊模拟)Name: Off the Beaten PathCover price: $30.00Our price: $19.80The best-selling Readers Digest travel book has 40% new content including over 200 new sites, over 200 new full-colour photographs, and all-new, up-to-date maps. It focuses on more than 1,000 of the United States most overlooked must-see destinations.Name: Container Gardens by NumberCover price: $ 15.95Our price: $9.49A unique book contains 50 easy-to-follow container designs. Each design provides a simple numbered planting plan that shows exactly how to create each display, with an instruction of the finished planter and in-depth plant information. The plans are easy to follow and for any type of living space or garden.Name. Best Weekend ProjectsCover price: $17.95Our price: $13.96Choose from 80 unique ideas to create an extraordinary living space. The projects are practical, as well as attractive,and will improve your home and yard and can be made in a weekend. These 80 well-designed projects are presented in a clear, easy-to-follow style that addresses readers in an accessible, user-friendly tone.Name :1801 Home Remedies (治疗方案)Cover price: $ 40.00Our price: $ 29.96Plenty of health plaints can be handled at home. Each and every remedy will be tested by a doctor to make sure it is safe and sound.Dozens of conditions are covered, from headaches, sunburn, bad breath, and blisters(水疱)to allergies , and hiccups(打嗝).7You can most probably read the passage in a_.A.travel guideB.medicine bookletC.textbookD.newspaper8How much money could you save if you want to buy a travel book?A.$10.20.B.$6.46.C.$13.96.D.$19.80.9Which of the following could help you to deal with mon diseases without a doctor?A.Off the Beaten Path.B.Container Gardens by Number.C.1801 Home Remedies.D.Best Weekend Projects.EmpathyLast year, researchers from the University of Michigan reported that empathy, the ability to understand other people, among college students had dropped sharply over the past 10 years. 10._ Today, people spend more time alone and are less likely to join groups and clubs.Jennifer Freed, a co-director of a teen programme, has another explanation. Turn on the TV, and youre showered with news and reality shows full of people fighting, peting, and generally treating one another with no respect. 11._There are good reasons not to follow those bad examples. Humans are socially related by nature.12._Researchers have also found that empathetic teenagers are more likely to have high self-respect. Besides, empathy can be a cure for loneliness, sadness, anxiety and fear.Empathy is also an indication of a good leader. In fact, Freed says, many top panies report that empathy is one of the most important things they look for in new managers.13._Academics are important. But if you dont have emotional (情感的) intelligence, you wont be as successful in work or in your love life, she says.Whats the best way to up your EQ (情商)? For starters, let down your guard and really listen to others. 14._To really develop empathy, youd better volunteer at a nursing home or a hospital, join a club or a team that has a diverse membership, have a sharing circle with your family, or spend time caring for pets at an animal shelter.A. Everyone is different, and levels of empathy differ from person to person.B. That could be because so many people have replaced face time with screen time, the researchers said.C. One doesnt develop empathy by having a lot of opinions and doing a lot of talking, Freed says.D. Humans learn by exampleand most of the examples on it are anything but empathetic.E. Empathy is a matter of learning how to understand someone elseboth what they think and how they feel.F. Good social skillsincluding empathyare a kind of emotional intelligence that will help you succeed in many areas of life.G. Having relationships with other people is an important part of being humanand having empathy is decisive to those relationships.Since I became a full-time freelancer (自由作家) , Ive found one of the hardest things to do is get up early. Without the danger of being fired, there just hasnt been a lot of motivation (动机) to get out of bed.Ive quickly learned that getting up is the key to success and better yet:waking up early is really just a habit.The most important thing to keep in mind is that you must have strong reasons to get out of bed. Motivation is the only thing that keeps us from lying in bed all day.Writing down all the big and important things youll do the next day can give you an extra push in your goal to wake up early and quickly.Dont read in bed. Spending as little time as possible in bed will actually help your body realize that the bed is for sleeping, and not for lying awake for hours. The goal of reading in bed is just to help you fall asleep within 10 minutes.Stress is one of the main causes of poor sleep. Relax yourself before getting into bed. Try controlled breathing exercises or yoga to lower your stress level.These are just a few ways you can use to wake up earlier. Finding the best way is the most important, and it requires a little work. The key thing is that waking up should be a pleasant experience. If you can make waking up something you are looking forward to, youre already halfway on your journey toward being an early riser.15What do we know about the author?A.He has a full-time job outside.B.He likes lying in bed all day.C.He was once fired by a pany.D.He has difficulty getting up early.16The author gives us some tips to help us _ .A.find the key to successB.bee an early riserC.fall asleep within 10 minutesD.relax after a days hard work17Which of the following is NOT true about doing yoga?A.It is a good way to reduce stress.B.It can help you sleep.C.It can make you worried.D.It will help you wake up earlier.18What is the motivation of getting up early?A.Motivation.B.Experience.C.Success.D.Ability.第II卷(非选择题)评卷人得分三、完成句子:共2题 每题1分 共2分19 1.我可以用你的电脑吗?不,绝对不行。_ _ _your puter? (use)No,_ _.2.如果有人试图去救他,或许他就不会溺死。If someone had attempted to save him,he_ _ _ _. (drown)3.别那样对我大喊大叫,我能听清楚你说话。Dont shout loudly at me like that. I_ _ _very well. (hear)4.我认为这项任务能在本月底之前完成。I think the task_ _ _by the end of this month. (plete)5.玛丽五岁时便能拉小提琴了。Mary_ _ _ _when she was five. (play)6.我希望天气会好转,你也能玩得开心。I hope the weather_ _ _ and you will have a good time. (fine)7.我告诉她我做作业时不要放那么大声的音乐,可她就是不听。I told her to stop playing loud music while I was doing my homework, but she just_ _. (listen)This time next week I_ _ _ on the beach in Greece, (sit)9.那个女孩不可能是艾丽斯,因为她住院了。That girl_ _ Alice because shes in hospital. (be)10.要是你当时能快点儿,你就能赶上火车了。You _ _ _ the train if you had hurried. (catch)11.溺水的人连根稻草都要抓。A drowning man_ _at a straw. (catch)12.她处于困境时,常常来找我。She_ _ _ _when she was in trouble. (turn)20完成句子1.我必须因为没能见你而向你道歉。I must_ _ _ _ _ _ _to meet you.2.上周日我们几个约好在镇上见面,但是Jenny却没有露面。Last Sunday a few of us arranged to meet in the town,but Jenny_ _ _.3.杰克试图捉弄他妹妹,但是她没有上当。Jack tried to_ _ _ _ his sister but she wasnt taken in.4.如果你答应要带孩子们去看电影,就一定要遵守诺言。_ _ _ _ _ if you promised to take the children to the cinema.5.很显然他一开始就被愚弄了。_ _ _ _ he was fooled from the beginning.评卷人得分四、书面表达:共2题 每题25分 共50分21假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号 () , 并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线 () 划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处, 多者 (从第11处起) 不计分。After he married with Portia, Henry had bad luck in business, but he was very upset all day long. Portia felt very puzzling and wanted to know what was matter with him. Having known that had happened to him, Portia looked so calm but tried to fort him. And meanwhile, she encouraged him to overe the trouble she met with and wanted to wait for Henry to make some more money, what made him very happy.Portias actions made Henry so confident for himself that he promised that he would work twice as hard as he could to earn a lot of money because he loved her so much and hoped Portia will live a better life.22假如你是李华。你的美国笔友Mike即将随其父母来中国, 并在中国度过春节。他来信向你询问有关春节的习俗, 请你告诉他有关春节的习俗。要点如下:1.历史悠久。 2. 中国人独有的传统节日。3.家庭团圆。 4. 共进晚餐。5.看春晚。要求:1. 词数100个左右。2.可适当添加细节。3.开头已给出, 不计入总词数。Dear Mike,Im glad to know that you are ing to China with your parents and spend the Spring Festival here. _Yours,Li Hua评卷人得分五、其他:共1题 每题1分 共1分23Fill in the blanks according to the passage and the given words.Festivals and celebrations are held for different reasons. Some festivals are meant to 1._the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, 2._might return either to help 3._to do harm, 4._ other festivals are held to honour famous people, such as the Dragon Boat Festival, which honours the famous ancient 5._, Qu Yuan. In the USA, Columbus Day is in memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the New World.Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals are happy events because the food 6._(gather) for the winter and a season of 7._(agriculture) work is over.The 8._(energetic) and important festivals are the ones that look 9._to the end of winter and to the ing of spring, such as the Lunar New Year, at which people get together to eat, drink and have 10._with each other.参考答案1.C【解析】考査短语。句意:为了减肥,除了节食她还天天坚持锻炼。lose weight减肥;go on a diet节食。句中as well as 连接两个并列结构。故选C项。【备注】无2.A【解析】考查非谓语动词。have在此处为使役词,意为使, 让,后可接do, doing或done作宾语补足语。宾语her written English与improve之间为被动关系,故应用过去分词作宾语补足语。【备注】无3.A【解析】考查独立主格结构。逗号后部分是独立主格结构,the details与discuss之间是动宾关系,且非谓语所表示动作尚未发生,故选A。【备注】无4.B【解析】考查情态动词。Peter已经出发了吗?他说他会与我们一起去远足。 他肯定已出发了。他是一个信守诺言的人。根据He is a man of his word.可知,答话人猜测Peter肯定已经动身了。must have done 表示对过去情况的肯定猜测,符合语境。【备注】无5.B【解析】句意:我不喜欢和我的新邻居说话,因为她很难相处。在句型主语+be+adj.+ to do中,不定式与前面的主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系,不定式应使用主动形式表示被动含义。get along with与相处。【备注】无6.A【解析】考查情态动词。出租车司机应为这起严重的事故负责。我非常赞同。他本不应该喝酒的。should not have done sth.意为本不应该做某事,但实际上却做了。【备注】无7D【解析】推理判断题。这些书籍包括旅游、园艺、家居、健康等多个方面,所以本文应该是报纸上的广告。8A【解析】细节理解题。Off the Beaten Path是一本旅游方面的书籍,标价$ 30.00,售价$ 19.80,可计算出节省$ 10.20。9C【解析】推理判断题。1801 Home Remedies是一本关于健康方面的书籍,所以选C。【备注】无10B【解析】后句people spend more time alone and are less likely to join groups and clubs是结果,所以前句应为原因,故选B。11D【解析】由前文可知人们打开电视看到的是fighting, peting, and generally treating one another with no respect,答案选D。12G【解析】由上下文描述的内容可知G项符舍文意。13F【解析】由后面的emotional intelligence可知F项符合文意。14C【解析】由空格前面的listen toothers可知C项符合文意。【备注】无15D【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段第一句“Ive found one of the hardest things to do is get up early。”我发现早起是最难的事情之一。故选D。16B【解析】推理判断题。阅读文章可知作者教给我们一些小技巧使我们可以早起。故选B。17C【解析】细节理解题。根据第六段最后一句“Try controlled breathing exercises or yoga to lower your stress level.”试着控制呼吸或练习瑜伽来降低你的压力水平。由此可知, 没有压力可以入睡, 早入睡可以早起。只有C项是不正确的。故选C。18A【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“Motivation is the only thing that keepsus from lying in bed all day”动机是唯一一件事让我们避免整天躺在床上。故选A。【备注】无19.1.May I use,you mustnt 2. might not have drowned 3. can hear you 4. can be pleted 5. could play the violin 6. will be fine 7. wouldnt listen 8. shall/will be sitting 9. cant be 10. could have caught 11. will catch 12. would turn to me【解析】无【备注】无20.1. make an apology for not being able2.didnt turn up3.play a trick on4.You must keep your word5.It is obvious that【解析】无【备注】无21.【解析】第一句中with去掉。因为marry为及物动词。第一句中but改为so。前后两句是因果关系, 用so表示结果。第二句中puzzling改为puzzled。puzzling令人困惑的; puzzled (人) 感到困惑的。第二句中matter前加the或将matter改为wrong。whats the matter with sb. whats wrong with sb. 为固定句式, 意为“某人怎么了”。第三句中that改为what。that引导宾语从句时, 不作句子成分, 此处宾语从句中缺少主语, 故将that改为what。第三句中but改为and。looked so calm与tried to fort him为顺承而非转折关系。第四句中第二个she改为he。此处应与前面的him一致。第四句中what改为which。what不能引导定语从句, 此处非限制性定语从句的先行词为整个主句, 且非限制性定语从句中缺少主语, 故应将what改为which。第五句中for改为of。be confident of有信心, 此处为形容词短语作宾语补足语。第五句中will改为would。主句谓语动词为hoped, 故宾语从句应用过去将来时。【备注】无22.Dear Mike,Im glad to know that you are ing to China with your parents and spend the Spring Festival here.The Spring Festival is a traditional festival with a long history which is celebrated only by Chinese people. It falls on January 1st of the Chinese lunar year, when people of a family get together and enjoy the dinner together. The dinner stands for the spirits of the festival unity.Often, we will be watching Spring Festival Gala Evening, and talking about something pleasant. It is one of the most important festivals for Chinese people.I wish you a pleasant journey and Tm sure you will like our traditional Spring Festival.Yours,Li Hua【解析】无【备注】无23.l. honour 2. who 3. or 4. while 5. poet 6. is gathered 7. agricultural 8. most energetic 9. forward 10. fun【解析】无【备注】无

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