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2019-2020年高三英语上学期第一次期中模拟考试试题一区春考班无答案一、选择题(本题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分。将符合题意的选项选出,将其序号填入答卷页的表格中。)1一Long time no see, Mike. ? 一Pretty good. Everything goes well. A. What are you doing B. What are you C. How is it going D. Whats wrong 2. 一 nice gift you have given to me! 一Im glad you like it. A. How B. What C. How a D. What a 3. 一My father was born .When he was ,he went abroad. A. in 1970;in his thirty B. in the 1970s;in his thirties C. in the 1970;in his thirty D. in 1970s;in his thirties 4. 一Would you like something to drink?一 . Im thirsty. A. Yes,I can B. No,thanks C. Yes,please D. No,I dont like it5. 一Bad weather! ? 一Its 15-5. A. Whats the weather like B. How is the weather C. Whats the temperature D. How do you like the weather 6. Lindas parents bought a large house with a swimming pool. It be very expensive. A. must B. need C. mustnt D. neednt 7. 一May I use mobile phone? 一Sorry, is left in the office. A . you; I B. your my C. yours mine D. your mine 8. 一How are you getting along with your classmates? 一Very well. They are all me. A. afraid of B. angry with C. friendly to D. tired of9. 一 late again, Li Ming. 一Sorry, sir. I wont. A. Not be B. Dont be C. Not to be D. Dont to be 10.一Would you mind my closing the window? 一 A. Certainly not B. Yes, please C. Sorry, I wont D. You mustnt 11.一Who is the little girl in the photo, Kate? 一Its me. The photo ten years ago. A. takes B. took C. is taken D. was taken 12.一Id like two tickets for the next concert. 一Im sorry, sir. No tickets are now. A. fortable B. available C. valuable D. enjoyable 13. James as well as his friends fond of playing the guitar. A. is B. do C. are D. does 14. Jack White wants to Lost and Found Lost: A black bag in Room 601. Phone Jack White at 6885741. Found: A mans gold watch. Please call Mr. Green at 6485797.A. return a gold watch B. find a gold watch C. return a black bag D. find a black bag 15. 一How long have you the book? 一Two weeks. A. lent B. kept C. bought D. borrowed 16. It was noisy. The guide raised her voice to make herself . A. hear B. heard C. to hear D.hearing17.一What does your new English teacher look like? 一 A. She is from Canada B. She is very humorous C. She is pretty with big blue eyes D. She teaches English very well 18.一Is Jack in the supermarket? 一Maybe. I saw him it with a shopping cart just now. A. enter B. entered C. to enter D. enters 19.Owen will never forget the sweet days he stayed in China. A.that B. which C. why D. when20.一How far is it from Jinan to Qingdao? 一Its about . A. four hours drive B. four hours drive C. four hour drive D. four hours drive 21.The people in the earthquake meet lots of difficulties, but they havent hope.A. looked up B. waken up C. picked up D. given up 22.一Tom, lets go swimming. 一I wont go until I my homework. A. finished B. finish C. am finishing D. will finish 23.一The food here is delicious. I will surely e to this restaurant again. 一 . A. So will I B. Neither will I C. So do I D. Neither do I 24.一 ?一Its a time for the family to get together. A. What is Mid-autumn Festival about B. When is Mid-autumn Festival C. Where do you spend Mid-autumn Festival D. Do you like Mid-autumn Festival 25. 一Will you please show me how to the new machine? 一Sure. Its a piece of cake. Now let me tell you what to do first. A. warn B. feed C. operate D. grow 26. 一I will take my driving test tomorrow. 一 ! A. Enjoy yourself B. Congratulations C. Good luck D. Good idea 27. 一Shall we buy some cards for our teachers? 一Why not make some by ourselves? It will be much A. meaningful B. more meaningful C. most meaningful D. the most meaningful 28.一Whats the for the double room? 一200 yuan a night, including breakfast. A.date B. size C. rate D. sale 29. 一What skills do you have? 一Well, . A. Id like to apply for the job B. I graduated from a vocational school C. I want to be a teacher D. I can fix buses and trucks 30.一Someone is knocking at the door, mom! 一Go and see . A. who is it B. who it is C. who is he D. who he is二、阅读理解(本题10个小题,每小题2分,共20分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项字母代号选出,并填涂在答题卡上)A School Programs Josephine School Music Program is offered all year round to students of grades 1-5. You can choose violin lessons or piano lessons. Enjoy our beautiful school with gardens and playgrounds. Tel: 650-903-5957 josephineVeronica School Sports Program for students of grades 1-3 starts in January! Woodwork Program starts on January 15th. Students of grades 4-6 are wele. Tel: 650-968-0986 veronicaWinifred School Group classes in art are offered every day. Nice an experienced teachers are waiting for you. Monthly shows and weekly classes with guest artists. Art Program is only for beginners. Tel: 650-632-1677 winifred Benjamin School Every child can be different and special. Our Development Program helps students of grades 1-6 improve thinking skills through math, science, life skills, cultural activities and fun games. Tel: 650-715-3575 benjamin31. Which school offers Music Program? A. Josephine School B. Veronica School. C. Winifred School D. Benjamin School 32. If you are interested in group classes in art, you can call . A. 650-903-5957 B. 650-968-0986 C. 650-715-3575 D. 650-632-1677 33. Which program helps improve thinking skills? A. Sports Program. B. Art Program. C. Development Program D. Woodwork Program. 34.You can get more information about sports on . A. josephine B. veronicaC. winifred D. benjamin35. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Art Program is only for beginners. B. Woodwork Program starts on February 15th. C. You can enjoy beautiful gardens at Veronica School. D. Development Program helps students of grades 1-7 improve thinking skills.B Even in early times, people could realize the importance of dreams and knew that dreams gave meaning to life. Every great achievement(成就)has been the result of years of dreaming. If a person has a dream and holds fast to it, he or she will find a way to bring it into reality(现实). Children do not have much experience or knowledge. However, they are natural dreamers. We should not laugh at them for their being nave. With their rich imagination, they will e up with fantastic dreams. History is full of examples. Many great men were dreamers when they were children. One such dreamer was Thomas Edison. He used to be laughed at when he was in primary school, but his achievements were greater than anyone elses in his time. Teenagers and young people should also be encouraged to dream. They dreamt big and their dreams changed their lives and even the world. The world is full of successful teenagers and young people. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are the good examples. They have developed technology and brought great progress to human besides making money for themselves. Older people should believe that it is never too late to dream and that human mind is never too old to make dreams turn into reality. Colonel Sanders realized his dreams at the age of 67 and set up the biggest fried chicken pany(KFC) in the world. No one is too young or too old to dream and to make dreams e ture. 36. People could probably realize their dreams if A. they get the meaning of life B. they have very good school results C. they dream and hold fast to them D. they find a way to dream 37. Whats the meaning of the underlined word “naive”in the passage? A幼稚的 B积极地 C幽默的 D聪明的38. Why should teenagers and young people be encouraged to dream? A. Because their dreams are natural. B. Because they are greater than anyone else. C. Because they have much knowledge.D. Because their dreams might change the world. 39. What can we learn from the example of Colonel Sanders? A. Developing technology can bring great progress. B. Even older people can make their dreams e true. C. People should be brave enough to dream when they are young. D. Setting up a big pany is a wonderful ability. 40. The best title for the passage is “ ”. A. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates B. Achievements in History C. From Dream to Reality D.A List of Successful Dreamers第II卷 非选择题三、根据情景内容补全对话(本题10个空,每空只填一词,每词1分,共10分)41. 一Let me myself. Im Mary. 一Nice to meet you, Mary. Please call me Lily. 42. 一Whats the of the flight? 一It will take off at 14:00 this afternoon. 43. 一Happy Mothers Day. Here are the carnations for you, mom. 一 , dear. 44. (Ann is shopping at a department store.) Shop assistant: Can I help you? Ann: I am looking for a blouse. Shop assistant: What (1) do you like best? Ann: Red. Shop assistant: What size do you want? Ann: Size M. Shop assistant: (2) (3) this one? Ann: Can I try it on? Shop assistant: Of course, please. Ann: Great! It fits me well. How much is it? Shop assistant: 268 yuan. Ann: I will (4) it. Here is the money, 300 yuan. Shop assistant: Thanks. Here is your (5) and this is your blouse. Ann: OK.四职场应用(A部分10分,B部分10分)任务:为经理和朋友选择合适的电影观看假如你是ABC公司的秘书Zhang Hua,你有公司经理和朋友对电影的喜好的要求和人民影院周日播放的三部电影的信息。你需要归纳出三部电影的相关的信息,根据经理和朋友的喜好为他们选出一个可以观看的电影。任务要求:A.阅读经理和朋友对电影的喜好和人民影院周日播放的三部电影的信息,完成任务单。Please read the information about the interests of the manager and his friends. Mr. Black is a boss in ABC pany. Tomorrow is Sunday. He and his friend want to go to see a movie. He likes all kinds of movies, especially action movies directed by Zhang Yimou, Jiang Wen, Cheng Kaige and Chenglong. His friend only likes edy very much no matter who is the director. They both like Ge You. They want to spend no more than 100 yuan. And they must return home before 6:00pm. Please read the information about Films in Peoples Cinema on Sunday.1 Sacrifice Directed by Chen Kaige Mainly acted by Ge You, Wang Xueqi, Huang Xiaoming,Fan Bingbing Film type: Action movie & Historical movie Time: at 17:00 pm Ticket price: ¥40 3 Let The Bullets Fly Directed by Jiang Wen Mainly acted by Chow Yun fat, Jiang Wen, Carina Lau, Ge You Film type: Action movie & edy Time: at 14:00 pm Ticket price:¥452 Just Call Me Nobody Directed by Zhu Yanping Mainly acted by Zhao Benshan, Xiao Shenyang, Lin Xilei Film type: edy Time: at 10:30 am Ticket price: ¥60 (Half for students on Sunday) Work sheet(任务单) the manager and his friends intereststhe information about Films in Peoples Cinema on Sunday. filmsDirectorTypeTicket priceTimeActorSacrifice (4)_ _(5)_ _(7)_ at 17:00 pm GeYou, Wang Xueqi, HuangXiaoming,Fan BingbingJustCall Me Nobody ZhuYanping (6)_ _¥60 (Half for students on Sunday)at 10:30 am (10)_ _ Let The Bullets FlyJiang Wen Actionmovie & edy(8)_ (9)_Chow Yun fat, Jiang Wen, Carina Lau, Ge Youperson type director Total expenses returning time manager all kinds of moviesZhang Yimou, Jiang Wen, Cheng Kaige and Cheng Long(2)_ (3)_ _His friend (1)_no matter who is the directorB.选出经理和朋友可以观看的电影,写出汇报内容向经理汇报。内容要点:1.Whats your task? 2.What film do you choose for your manager? 3.Why have you chosen this film? 注意:文中不得透漏个人姓名,词数80-120. Dear manager,

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