2019-2020年高一上学期英语周练(零班9.21) 含答案.doc

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丰城中学xx学年上学期周练试卷(1)高一(1)班命题:邹虹 审题:高一英语备课组 2016-9-21第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。2019-2020年高一上学期英语周练(零班9.21) 含答案 My family had always been close and lucky. No one died and no one was sick. We were all living a happy life until my grandfather had cancer. No matter how much I told myself he might not die, somehow I still felt as if it was a death sentence. He fought so hard but died at 63. I honestly didnt know how I dealt with. I never cried alone. I had the support of my family and teachers. I just remembered my grandfathers wish that we should celebrate his life. Thats how we came up with the idea for Hives (蜂房) for Lives a business my sister and I started where all the profits (赢利) go to the American Cancer Society (ACS). During our first year we donated (捐赠) more than $2,000 to the ACS. The next year a man who belonged to my grandparents “bee club” gave his honey to us, and our little business grew. We sold at wine festivals, schools, and to anyone else who would buy! We had my uncle sell in California and my grandmother sell in Chicago. We have sold honey in 13 states even in Puerto Rico! This year we donated more than $10,000 to the ACS and were hoping to do more next year. Hopefully our business will help research into the causes of cancer or just improve the life of someone with cancer. I feel like Hives for Lives is a way to honor my grandfather. Honor his love, his life, and his strength. With Hives for Lives reminding me of my grandfather every day, I feel as if I can move on in life, that he will always be alive in my heart and memories. It made me deal with his death, because I felt like I had truly honored his wish of celebrating his life.1. From the first paragraph, we can learn _.A. the authors grandfather had been ill for years B. the author hadnt thought his grandfather would die C. the author showed little love towards his grandfatherD. the authors grandfather had tried to fight against his disease2. The purpose of the authors starting Hives for Lives is NOT for _.A. improving his life B. honoring his grandfatherC. helping do research for cancer D. supporting people with cancer3. What would be the best title for the text?A. Turning sadness into hope B. The meaning of lifeC. To my grandfather D. Living with cancerB “Lizzie, theres a letter for you!” Emily called up the stairs to her sister. Elizabeth looked down. “Is it from Harvard? They refused my application once.” Emily answered, “No, its from Yale.” Quickly, Elizabeth walked downstairs. She took the letter and opened it. “Rejected again,” Elizabeth said unhappily. “Who says women cant be doctors?” “They are fools not to accept you. You cant let them stop you, Lizzie,” Emily said. “I wont. Ill apply to (申请) Geneva Medical College,” Elizabeth told her sister. As it turned out, the professors at Geneva Medical College were not fools. They allowed Elizabeth Blackwell to study medicine. In 1848, a year before Elizabeth would graduate, a typhoid epidemic (伤寒流行病) broke out in New York. Elizabeth wrote to Emily. “Theres an outbreak (爆发) of typhoid, and I am going to help. It is dangerous, so if I should not survive, please do me the honor of studying medicine yourself.” Emily replied, “Encouraged by your dream and success, I have decided to study in medical school, as well.” Having survived the disease, Elizabeth tried to set up a private medical practice. “I graduated first in my class but no one believes a woman can be a good doctor,” she said to Emily one day. “All I hear is that doctors should be men, while women should stay home to cook and clean.” Emily said worriedly, “I will graduate in June with my medical degree. What shall we do?” Elizabeth thought for a while and replied, “Theres a big house in the poor part of our town. We can practice medicine there for people who couldnt afford care.” Soon with the help of some friends, Elizabeth and Emily bought the house and opened a hospital for poor women and children. “Well have an all-women staff (员工),” Elizabeth said. “And later, well add a medical college for women!” Emily added. At last, Elizabeth realized her dream of being a doctor. 4. The underlined word “Rejected” in the first paragraph can be best replaced by _.A. Refused B. PraisedC. Changed D. Accepted5. Hearing Elizabeths words about the letter from Yale, Emily felt _. A. excitedB. calmC. satisfied D. angry6. In 1848, Elizabeth wrote to Emily to _. A. persuade Emily to e to help the sick B. ask Emily to study medicine if she died C. warn Emily the danger of typhoid epidemic D. tell Emily she would graduate from college7. We can learn from the text that Elizabeth _. A. received strong support from her sister B. refused to go to study at Yale University C. founded a medical college after graduation D. was finally accepted by Harvard after her efforts8. Which of the following can best be used to describe Elizabeth? A. Humorous. B. Honest. C. Determined. D. Careful. C Glastonbury Festival, one of the pioneer festivals, is famous not only for its amazing bands, but also for its wonderful performances in many fields surrounding (围绕) the stages. It attracts over 130,000 people every year, who join in the three-day party to celebrate the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. Glastonbury Festival has been held on Worthy Farm in Somerset since 1970. This year, all sorts of singers and bands were there, from the likes of Beyonc, Jessie J, to my favourite Paolo Nutini, who I really wish I could have met! We drove straight into one of the muddiest (泥泞的) Glastonbury Festivals ever! We came to our camp site, carrying enough clothes for a weekend of extreme weather conditions, and spent an hour or so putting up the tent. On the second day it began to rain and didnt stop for the rest of the day. We sat in the tent waiting for it to stop, and after several hours we realized that it wouldnt. When the need for food became too strong we put on boots and raincoats and made our way across many muddy fields. There is something for everyone at the festival my favourite place is the Circus Field, which is full of interactive (互动的) performances. Also, I love the Kidz Field, where famous CBBC stars perform, and where you can get your face painted then run around on a climbing frame (框架) with dragons. 9. According to the text, Glastonbury Festival is actually a _.A. harvest festival B. music festival C. film festival D. flower festival10. What attracted the author most at this years festival?A. Paolo Nutini. B. CBBC stars.C. The food sold in the festival. D. The performance in the Circus Field.第二节 (共10分,每题2分)根据短文内容,从文后的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Between sports, games, and playing outside, there is lots of petition for kids time. Here are some ways they can still keep up their reading. 16. _ Encourage kids to take five or ten minutes at the beginning of each day to read, before doing anything else. They can even set a timer (计时器). Its always possible that theyll want to keep going after their time is up.Match books to activities Know a child going to soccer camp? Connect him or her with sports stories by authors like Matt Christopher.17. _ The Summer of May by Cecilia Galante is a moving story about a girl experiencing her own summer school. 18. _ Encourage children to always carry a book with them. It sounds simple, but kids may be surprised to discover all the time during the day they have for reading on the bus to camp, in a waiting room, or during breaks. Have family reading time Just as you set aside time for reading during the school year, ask families to devote 20 minutes a day to books.19. _ Set goals Some kids will have no problem finishing reading four books in the summer. 20. _ Meet with kids to determine them. A. Read for funB. Read over breakfast C. Always carry a bookD. Have a student wholl be in summer school? E. Others may need to make sound plans, such as two books a month.F. Every family member should read during this time, including Mom and Dad.G. That means three months with books can make a difference in their vocabularies.第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) As a young boy my family was very poor. I would often help do something for the neighbors to 21 a little pocket money. One day I 22 on the door of an elderly woman and asked 23 she needed me to clean the yard. She asked why I was not in 24 and I showed her my worn 25 , which no longer kept me warm. She 26 me to work in the yard. When I finished, she looked at me and said, “I suppose you want to be 27 now.” She then 28 a jar filled with dollar bills and said, “Im glad youve done a 29 job today but that is not something you should be doing again. I want you to 30 new clothes and get back to school. I also want you to e back to 31 me with your report card and I will 32 you when I see you have worked hard and have some good 33 . Now reach out your little hands and take out as much 34 as you can.” I put my hands in the jar and 35 so much money that it was 36 for me to buy what I badly needed. Later, I returned several times to see the woman and she did just as she 37 . She looked at my report card and gave me a handful of dollars and some delicious food every time I 38 her that I had an “A”. I was twelve years old when I moved from that neighborhood. I will never forget the huge 39 this wonderful lady made over my life with her 40 . This is something I hope to do myself in this lifetime over and over again.21. A. save B. give C. earn D. change22. A. turned B. knocked C. worked D. looked 23. A. how B. when C. why D. if24. A. school B. time C. trouble D. bed 25. A. bag B. carpet C. coat D. sofa26. A. allowed B. forced C. helped D. stopped27. A. punished B. tested C. praised D. paid28. A. set up B. took out C. talked about D. put away29. A. boring B. new C. fine D. terrible30. A. keep B. buy C. remove D. make31. A. visit B. forgive C. wele D. serve32. A. recognize B. reward C. understand D. protect33. A. goals B. stories C. marks D. ideas34. A. room B. money C. food D. time35. A. grabbed B. lost C. borrowed D. charged36. A. rare B. enough C. simpleD. special37. A. promisedB. discovered C. knew D. admitted38. A. asked B. required C. showed D. wrote39. A. decisionB. progress C. mistake D. difference40. A. courage B. kindness C. honesty D. happiness第三节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。41. New Year _ (celebrate) in Scotland go on for three days.42. The _ (hunt) camped in the middle of the thick forest.43. It is my _ (believe) that we will find a cure for cancer in the next ten years.44. Let me know the date and time of your _ (arrive).45. My little brother quite likes living alone. Its made him more _ (independence).46. The land is only to be used for _ (agriculture) purposes.47. How many students were in the classroom when you got there? _. They were all playing football on the playground. 48. All the people in the hall held their breath, _ (wait) for the great moment.49. I met your boss in the street this morning. Ah? You _ be joking. He flew to Europe yesterday!50. Though _ (remind) of the danger of hiking in such weather, the young men still wouldnt give up their plan. 第四节:短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)短文中共有10处语言错误,每行中最多两处错误。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在此处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出增加的词;删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉;修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在其下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从十一处起)不计分。Today is Mothers Day. I hadnt seen my mother for two months since I left home at last time. My mother is a doctor and always busy on her work. When I was a child, my mother sent me live with my grandparents, who lived in the small village. When I was older enough to go to school, I began to live with my parents. However, Mother was often too busy that every day when she came back after work, I had fallen sleep. I used to hating her, but now I can understand her. Thisafternoon we called her, saying, “Mom, I love you.”丰城中学xx学年上学期周练1试卷参考答案阅读1-5 DAAAD 6-10 BACBD 16-20 BDCFE完型21-25 CBDAC26-30 ADBCB 31-35 ABCBA 36-40 BACDB语法填空. 1. celebrations 2. hunter(s) 3. belief 4. arrival 5. independent 6. agricultural 7.None 8.waiting 9.must 10.reminded改错: 51.hadnt havent 52.去掉at53.on with54.live前加to55.the a56. older old57.too so58. .sleep asleep59. hating hate 60.we I


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