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6 What do they want ?,Unit 6 :What do they want ? (第一课时),教学目标:学会询问和表达自己以及其他人的需要。 重点词汇:computer game、doll、puzzle、stuffed animal、skateboard、drum、toy car、guitar 重点句型: 1、What do they want ? They want a 2、Do they want a guitar ? Yes , they do . No , they dont .,Vocabulary computer game 电子游戏 doll 玩具娃娃 puzzle 拼图玩具 stuffed animal 布制的动物玩具 skateboard 滑板 drum 鼓 toy car 玩具汽车 guitar 吉他,Free time.,Read the words by yourselves.,Play a game.,Pass the card.(传卡片) The teacher show the card and have the students try to read them. 音乐开始,同学开始传卡片,音乐暂停时,谁拿到卡片谁就站起来用该词造一个句子。,Look at the pictures,puzzle,stuffed animal,guitar,skateboard,doll,toy car,drum,computer game,Practice1 Fill in the bank.,computer game,doll,puzzle,stuffed animal,skateboard,drum,toy car,guitar,Target. (Listen and say.) What do they want ?Do they want a guitar ? No,they want a computer game. Does she want a guitar? No,she doesnt. Do you want a guitar? Yes,please.,Practice2 Your turn.,1、What do you want ? I want a doll. 2、Do you want a doll ? Yes, I do. No, I dont. 3、Do you want a guitar ? Yes, I do. No, I dont. 4、Does your mother want a game ? Yes, she does . No, she doesnt.,Practice3 Ask and answer.,What do they want?,Does she want a toy car?,What do they want?,Does he want a doll?,Do they want an umbrella?,Does she want a guitar?,Fill in the bank.,1、What _ you want ?,2、_ you want a doll ?,3、_ your mother want a game ?,4、_ she want a guitar?,No,she _.,5、_ you want a guitar ? Yes, I _.,Homework 1、Read the words. 2、Write the words.,Bye !,

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