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2019-2020年高三质量调研试卷英语本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分.共150分,考试时间120分钟.第一部分:听力(共三节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案划在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt ?A19.15.B9.15.C9.18.答案是B.1Where are the two speakers?AAt home.BIn a restaurant.CIn a shop. 2What will the woman do?ASet the table.BTake a book.CClean the room. 3What does the man mean?AHe doesnt believe the woman.BHe doesnt like Rose.CHes never met the producer.4How did Mike use to go to school?ABy bicycle.BIn his fathers car.CBy school bus.5Why didnt the woman go to Guilin?AShe missed the plane.BShe was hurt in an accident.CShe didnt have the time.第二节 (共12小题;每题1.5分,满分18分)xx0313请听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。请听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6Where are the two speakers now?AIn the womans office.BIn a puter shop.CIn a furniture shop.7How does the man find New Times magazine?AJust so so.BNot worth reading.CVery good. 8What does the woman offer to do?AGive the man a magazine.BMake the man a cup of coffee.CGive the man her puter.请听第7段材料,回答9至11题。9What season is it now according to the conversation?ASpring.BAutumn.CWinter.10How much will you pay if you buy something worth100 in this shop now?A80.B90.C120.11What does the man finally buy?AA sweater and a pair of trousers.BA sweater and a skirt.CA skirt and a pair of trousers.请听第8段材料,回答12至14题。12What is the conversation mainly about?Aa lost suitcase.BA lost dress.CA lost passport.13Where did the man go yesterday?AA bank.BThe airport.CA department store.14How does the woman promise to help the man with what hes lost?ABy watching for it.BBy looking for it.CBy filling in a form.请听第9段材料,回答15至17题。15What do we know about the man from the conversation?AHe doesnt know how to protect his car.BHe used to have a garage.CHes lived here for a long time.16What can we learn from the conversation?AThe woman couldnt start her car.BThe man couldnt start his car.CBoth of them started their cars.17How cold does it sometimes get here?A18B20C30第三节 (共3小题;每小题1.5分,满分4.5分)请听下面一段独白,用所听到的独白中的词或数填空,每空限填一个词或一个数。填入的内容要写在答题卡相应的位置上。在听本段独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟作答时间。本段独白读两遍。请听第10段材料,回答1820题。Cambridge UniversityIn 1209The first 18 came from Oxford.In 19 The first college, Peterhouse, was founded.From the 14th to 16th centuriesMore colleges were set up.In the 19th centuryNew colleges 20 two for women were founded.In the 20th centuryMore colleges appeared and some of the old ones have bee co educational.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。例:A puter can only do you have instructed it to do.AhowBafterCwhatDwhen答案是C。21When the next train leave for Boston, please? Usually at 13:15 but because of a small accident on the line, it at 13:45.Adoes; is going to startBwill; startsCdoes; will startDwill; is to start22She luckily missed the air crash because she on the way and was late for her flight.Ahad a flat tyreBcaught a bad cold Csped upDbroke down23How did I do on test?xx0313Well, actually you didnt do very well. I wonder if you had had good review of your lessons.Aa ;a Bthe; theCa; theDthe; a 24Shall we run around the park or go for a bike ride? . They are both good activities.AThats all rightBIt makes no difference to meCYes, I like them very muchDId prefer a bike ride25It is said that the old coins under the earth for about 100 years by the time they were discovered.Ahad buriedBhad been buriedCburiedDwere buried26 “Oh, Peter, you are running a high fever. You go to see a doctor or youll miss the entrance exam,” said the teacher.AmustBshouldCmightDcould27Im not sure if Ill type my paper myself; I have more important things to do than .AitBthoseCthatDothers28Oh, its so cold in here. Somebody the window, please.AclosesBcloseCshall closeDwill close29 got on the train when it began to move.ANo sooner had IBI had no soonerCHardly had IDI hardly had30After two weeks of tennis lessons, I think I finally managed to improve my backhand.Like my mom always says: “ .”APride goes before a fallBThink twice before you leapCIt never rains but it poursDPractice makes perfect31You can, the sky is clear, see as far as the old temple on top of the mountain, but not today.AwhenBwhereCthoughDbecause32The students are forbidden, unless they have special passes, after 11 pm.Afrom staying outBto stay outCstaying outDstay out33 “Id like to give my thanks to those help my son will be able to survive his terrible disease,” said the woman on TV.AwhoBthatCwith whoseDwith their34Shall we invite Mr. White to our wedding?Thatll be nice if you .AdoBshallCwantDshould35Clever as he is, he doesnt work hard enough to pass the test.AbutBhoweverCsoDyet第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。In the dining room of my grandfathers house stood a massive grandfather clock. Meals in that dining room were a 36 for four generations to bee one. The table was always 37 with food from wonderful family recipes(食谱)all containing 38 as the main ingredient(成分). And always that grandfather clock stood like a trusted old family 39 , sharing our happiness.As I was a child, the old clock 40 me. I watched and listened to it during meals. I 41 how at different times of the day, that clock would strike with a wonderful 42 . Year after year, the clock struck a part of my 43 , a part of my heart.Even more wonderful to me was what my grandfather did each day. He 44 wound that clock with a special and magic key, which 45 the clock ticking and striking. He never let that clock wind down and 46 . When we grandkids got a little older, he showed us how to 47 the clock.Several days after my grandfather died, I entered the dining room, with tears flowing 48 . The clock stood desertedly 49 , seeming smaller and not as magnificent as before. I couldnt 50 to look at it.Years later, my grandmother gave me the clock and the key. The old house was quiet. I opened the clock door with my shaking hand. Then 51 , reverently(虔诚地), I entered the key and wound the clock. It sprang to 52 . Tick tock , tick tock, life and chimes were 53 into the dining room, into house and into my 54 . In the movement of the hands of the clock, my grandfather 55 again.36ApartyBtimeCplaceDsituation37AfilledBclearedCspreadDleft38AwineBsurpriseCfishDlove39AfriendBguardCdoctorDlawyer40AdisappointedBencouragedCinterestedDforted41AquestionedBrememberedCdoubtedDwondered42AsoundBhammerCvoiceDring43AstudiesBopinionsCmemoriesDbrains44AstrangelyBcarefullyCeagerlyDusually45AgotBkeptCpreventedDfound46AbreakBfallCstopDmove47AwindBrepairCreadDclean48AunexpectedlyBgentlyCdifficultlyDfreely49AtickingBmovingCnoisyDquiet50AhelpBbearChopeDinsist51AslowlyBquicklyCunwillinglyDnaturally52AfeetBhandsCsenseDlife53AbreathedBblownCtakenDsent54AstudyBbedroomCheartDmind55AdiedBlivedCsmiledDsang第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。AEarlier, we explained how to begin a search for schools by going to one of the American educational advising centers around the world. We also discussed the rules for entering in the United States. And we talked about programs that can be pleted online.But if your goal is to e to the United States to study, then it is time to make a list of colleges or universities that interest you. Be sure to choose more than one. Directors of foreign student admissions say students should apply to at least three schools.Some students want to attend a small college. Others want to go to a big university. If a really big university appeals to you, then there are ones like Ohio State. That university in Columbus, Ohio, in the Midwest, has almost fifty two thousand students. There are students this year from around one hundred fifty countries.Ohio State provides international students with an application on its Web site. You can pay the application charge online with a credit card. Or you can print the forms and mail them with the payment.Many colleges and universities have their applications and also their catalogs(目录)online.You should start on your applications at least two years before you want to begin studies.pleting a college application can take some time. But answering all the questions is not enough. Another important step is taking admissions tests. The SAT is the college entry test that American high school students most monly take. Another one is the ACT.Colleges and universities may also require international students to take the TOEFL the Test of English as a Foreign Language.If you have a general question for our Foreign Student Series, write, to special voanews. .56What purpose does Paragraph 1 serve in the passage? ATo provide background information of the topic.BTo attract readers attention to the topic.CTo reminds the readers of a related article to the topic.DTo offer basic knowledge of the topic.57According to this passage, “Ohio State” is .Aone of the states in AmericaBthe name of a Web siteCanother name for “Columbus, Ohio”Da university in America58Besides a college application, you are required to take test(s) if youre not an American.AoneBtwoCthreeDfour59What will the author most probably talk about next? ASAT.BACT.CFSS.DTOFEL.BIn a living statue, just as the name implies, somebody transforms himself or herself into a statue. Last year, I came across an article in a magazine describing living statues in the streets of some Australian cities. The article was vividly written, except that there was not even a single picture; one could only imagine what a scene it would have been! All the harder, then, to believe that I ran into the “wonder” in Barcelona this year. The performers the living statues were street artists at Las Ramblas.Las Ramblas is the most famous street in Barcelona. Especially in summer, thousands of tourists go to the seaside by passing through this street, making it a center of shops and bazaars. Not only can you find tourists there, but also thieves, cheats, copsamong whom the living statue artists are the most special group.They were covered with greasepaint(化妆油)in different colors, wearing season disproportional (不和季节的)clothes, standing on a pedestal(底座)for several hours without making even a single move. Are they real or fake, the guests were wonderingand then suddenly the statues came to life, just for a few seconds to shift positions. But the movement of the statues seemed like someone just had breathed life into them. They really do look like statues, and thats how they got their name.Usually there is a jar or a hat in front of them. They would change to another pose whenever some tourist puts a coin in the hat. You may take photos after giving a Euro, or even less, but be careful not to touch the statues, unless you want yourself to be covered in paint. Its a really special experience, dont you think?60The best title for this passage would be .AThe Living Statues of BarcelonaBStreet Artists at Las RamblasCA Shopping Center in BarcelonaDSpecial Performances at Las Ramblas61We can infer from this passage that Las Ramblas is .Avery famous in BarcelonaBnear the seasideCa shopping centerDthe writers “wonder” 62The underlined word “fake” in paragraph 4 means “ ”.AtrueBlivingCunrealDwrong63From the passage, we can see that the living statues perform in the street in order to . Ashow off Bbeautify the city Cmake tourists happy Dmake a livingCA study has warned that seafood supplies from the worlds oceans could be almost gone by the middle of the century.The researchers say there has already been a breakdown in wild populations of almost one third of currently fished seafoods. The study says that means their catch has fallen by ninety percent from their highest levels. Boris Worm of Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia, Canada, led the international team that did the study. Professor Worm says species have recently been disappearing from oceans at an increasing speed. At this rate, he says, all seafood species could break down by two thousand forty eight.Other studies have also warned about the dangers of overfishing and the effects on ocean environments. But not everyone thinks the oceans are likely to be empty in fifty years. Some scientists said parts of the world do have problems, but others are doing a good job of protecting fish populations. Government officials in several countries with large fishing industries also questioned the research.The study appeared earlier this month in Science magazine.The researchers say damage to oceans affects not only fish populations but also the productivity of ecosystems(生态系统). These plex systems help control water quality. The scientists say the loss of different kinds of sea life appeared to increase the risk of fish kills and beach closures from harmful algae(藻类)growth.The scientists examined the results of thirty two experiments and observed forty eight protected areas. They also looked at records of catches worldwide. They studied records from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization for nineteen fifty to two thousand three.And they examined archeological information and other historical records for twelve coastal areas. That research reached back over a thousand years.Boris Worm says the findings were, in his words, “beyond anything we suspected.” But he also said the situation is not too late to correct. He said that with good fisheries management, some species could pletely recover in three to ten years.64The two underlined words “their” in the second paragraph most probably mean “ .” AresearchersBfishermensCof seafoodsDof the oceans 65Which of the following is true according to the passage?ANot all scientists believe that all seafood species will disappear very soon.BMost government officials disagree to the seafood disappearing research.CSome scientists are doing a good job of protecting fish populations.DThe author is a strong supporter of the study.66According to Boris Worm, .Athere is nothing we can do to change the present situationBthe ocean ecosystems can be improved with right measuresCthings are getting worse though efforts can be madeDsome more species will e into being with right measures67What is the main purpose of the passage?ATo call on people to protect the ocean environmentsBTo introduce a study about the disappearing of seafoodsCTo report different opinions about the seafood researchDTo criticize the present fisheries managementDFOCUS MEXICCategory : Tours/ Guides Ad Number:508Date Posted: 27/05/xx Price: 1297 for 7 daysExpires On: 03/12/xxDescriptionSubscribe to FREE Focus e newsletter online.Focus on Mexico website provides FREE prehensive information about living, retiring, working or investing in Lake Chapala, Mexico. Covering all topics; health care, cost of living, driving to Mexico, non residency for Canadians, taxes, banking and investing, munications, real estate(renting or buying), immigration, Mexican legal system, safety, religion, the Lake, transportation, things to do, charities, clubs and organizations and more.In addition, we offer 7- Day and 10- Day Focus on Mexico Programs where you can experience(test drive)Lake Chapala to see if it is for you.Hear from Experts at live conferences, all the meals are covered at excellent restaurants, all the trips included, even some cocktail parties. Meet the locals and get the straight goods. There is no better way to get all the information and the experience and no better way to find out in Mexico is right for you. “Mexico is the next destination of the Baby Boomer generation. And Focus on Mexico is the best way to get there. Whether its real estate (buying or renting), immigration advice, health care, legal matters or just about anything else, the friendly Focus on Mexico group can provide these services with expert advice and at a ridiculously low cost. Canadians and Americans couldnt hope for better.” From Paul Jackson, Associate Editor, Calgary Sun.Seller InformationContact: Marie Telephone: 376 766 3987 Dwyer Bullock APDO 1179Chapala, Jalisco E- mail: marie focusonmexico. 45900MexicoWeb Site:http:/focusonmexico. 68From Mexico Website, we can get information mainly about .Aretiring and inventing Blife and workCliving and entertainment Dhealth and career69If you take the 7 Day or 10 Day Focus on Mexico Program, you can .Ahave free meals at any excellent restaurantBget goods from the locals for freeChave a better understanding of MexicoDreceive letters about Mexico from Experts70The advertisement uses words from Paul Jackson to .Ahelp readers know the ad betterBprovide more information about the programCencourage readers to invest in MexicoDsell Focus on Mexico Program71In how many ways can you get further information directly from Marie?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.EThe supermarket of the past is racing toward a high tech future. And clever marketers are starting with their youngest customers. Publix Supermarkets in the U.S. city of Atlanta, Georgia have begun testing TV Karts for little kids. Moms can shop in peace while their kids ride along watching their favorite TV shows.Marketers say the TV Karts bring about ine by keeping children entertained so parents can shop longer.If the TV screen is not enough to hold a childs attention, parents can drop them off at a play center at Wegman s supermarket in Virginia.There is adult care so parents can scan the grocery aisles without having to rush.And there are high tech toys for grown ups, too.This puterized tablet is called the “Shopping Buddy”. The small puter keeps a running tab of every item in the shopping cart. Customers can e mail their grocery list and the device will let them know if any of the items are on sale. It also shows the location of the products.Stop and shop marketing manager Mike Grimes says the device can even take a deli(熟食)order from customers on the other side of the store and let them know when its ready for pick up. “The shopping buddy has two primary benefits to shoppers. The first saving money, extra savings. The other thing it saves is time.”If you really want to save time, “Veggie Vision”, a puterized scale and camera, identifies various fruits and vegetables and automatically prices them for you.And when its time to pay, a finger may be all you need. It takes just a few seconds for a machine to identify your unique fingerprint and debit(记入借方

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