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2019-2020年高三英语1月月考测试试题注意事项:1.本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。答题前,考生务必在将自己的姓名、考生号填写在答题卡上。2.回答第卷时,选出每小题的答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。写在试卷上无效。3.回答第卷时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在试卷上无效。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What soup did the man give to the woman? A. Tomato soup. B. A new kind of soup. C. Mushroom soup.2. What can we learn about the woman? A. She usually drinks her coffee black. B. She is trying to be healthier.C. She needs to add milk and sugar to her coffee.3. What time is it now? A. 6:30. B. 6:45. C. 6:00.4. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. A neighbor. B. A meal. C. A noise.5. What will the woman do on Saturday? A. Take the mans puter home. B. Write a paper at the library. C. Go to a party at the mans house. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What is the woman trying to do? A. Persuade the man to join a club. B. Encourage the man to do more exercise. C. Advise the man to pay more attention to his health.7. What is the man going to do? A. Go to a swimming pool. B. Take exercise with the woman. C. Apply for membership.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. According to the man, when is the best time to mail something? A. Early in the morning. B. In the middle of the day. C. In the late afternoon.9. Why was the man happy after he helped the disabled woman? A. He was praised by his boss. B. He didnt have to wait in line. C. He was given a discount.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What are the speakers talking about in general? A. Films. B. Lectures. C. A director. 11. How did Orson Welles bee famous? A. By making a good film. B. By giving a great lecture. C. By reading on the radio. 12. What do we know about the woman? A. She is familiar with Orson Welles. B. She is interested in lectures. C. She is overconfident. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. What made the womans host mother laugh? A. That the woman repeated her words. B. That the woman got angry for no reason. C. That the woman did the opposite of what she was asked. 14. What did the taxi driver say to the woman? A. “Get out of town!” B. “Get out of here!” C. “You can say that again!” 15. What does the man think about the womans situation? A. Confusing. B. Understandable. C. Funny. 16. What does the man say about Beijing? A. People speak with a strange accent there. B. People make a lot of jokes there. C. People speak too quickly there. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. What isnt mentioned about organic fruits and vegetables?A. The high quality of the seeds. B. The use of chemicals. C. Clean soil and water.18. What do most big farms care about? A. Growing food that lasts a long time.B. Making the most money.C. Selling food to other countries.19. According to the woman, why should people eat organic food?A. It costs less to produce. B. It can help you lose weight.C. It is better for health.20. Whats the womans advice to other restaurant owners?A. Be flexible. B. Be patient. C. Be aggressive.第二部分:阅读(共两节,满分40分) 第一节 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。AOn Christmas morning, 1 went to the Cockhedge Mall. People there were all busy buying their last minute requirements. I needed to buy a birthday card for my son-in-law whose birthday is the 29th of December. Picking up a few more things as well as my card 1 went to join the line for the express checkout which was for people who only had a few items in a basket and not a trolley load. Beside the line was the Customer Service desk. Seemingly waiting quite a long time,1 was jogged out of my thoughts by a voice behind me making ments on the things I bought. It was so funny when I realised that she was describing the contents of my basket. The owner of the voice was a very pretty young lady. I said to her that 1 was going to buy a box of Christmas cookies but the only ones left were not to my liking. The lady told me that just opposite Cockhedge in Superdrug they had lots of cookies. I said, “Im not going to bother now. I had enough of shops and Im going home.” The assistant from the Customer Service came across at this time saying “If there is anyone in the line with a few items in their basket,none of which needed to be weighed,1 will check out their groceries at the desk.” Because I had the sprouts which needed to be weighed, the young lady accepted the offer and walked away waving goodbye. Eventually my turn came at the checkout. I was walking away when I met my new friend once again who handed me a beautiful box of Christmas cookies. With a big hug she said, “Hope you have a lovely Christmas.” She had been into Superdrug to buy me the cookies while 1 was still queuing in Cockhedge. What a generosity to a stranger! I was so surprised you could have knocked me down with a feather. My Good Samaritan would never know what a joyful Christmas day I had with my family. Telling them this story, as we ate around the table, kept everyone spellbound.21. Which of the following could be the best title of the story? A. A Piece of Lucky Feather B. A Surprise Christmas Gift C. The Boring Shopping Experience D. The Unforgettable Big Hug22. The underlined word “spellbound” in the last paragraph probably means_. A. disappointed B. interested C. astonished D. frightened23. What can we learn from the story? A. Nobody is sure what will happen the next moment.B. Life without hope and faith is a dull thing.C. Being patient will decrease the waiting time.D. A simple action can bring other people happiness. BSome people would have you believe that being fat is the worst thing you can be. They think that if a person is fat they have no life, no love, no reason to want to look good in their clothes. The sad thing is that many people who are fat do feel the same loathing toward themselves and others who are overweight or obese.I know what Im talking about because I have been there. I have been that fat girl who wore big T-shirts to cover my “sins”. Forget style. Forget fashion sense. I absolutely had none. I didnt even bother getting haircuts for years, just wore my hair long and straight, pulled back in a ponytail. I have to wonder if the reason the fashion industry has ignored plus sized women and children for so long is because plus sized people, feeling they couldnt possibly look great, didnt bother shopping for new clothes, and therefore no profit was to be found by producing those sizes. For me, the change that improved my outer look actually started with my outlook on life. I started by being grateful for all I do have, like great health, a stable family, a steady ine, freedom, a decent home, the ability to see the trees turn orange in the fall, to hear my grandson humming in the back seat, to remember the great times Ive had in my life.I started to focus on all the positive aspects of the life I already had. I actually started to feel the beauty of the Universe all around me and to realize that I am part of that perfection. The self loathing stopped. I noticed all the people in my life who loved me in spite of my size. I got off the pity pot and smiled at myself. I acknowledged my shame and embarrassment and moved through that too.24. We can learn from the first paragraph that _. A. fat people usually envy others who are slim B. fat people always have a low opinion of themselves C. a fat person is easy to be taken away by others viewpoint D. fat people usually have pity on each other25. According to the author, the fashion industry_. A. makes a lot of money by making clothes for fat people B. does not bother to make clothes for fat people C. targets on fat people mainly for the purpose of making profit D. looks down upon fat people too26. What does the author think is the most important to lead a happy life? A. Focusing on ones inner beauty. B. The support and care from others. C. Neglecting others views. D. Ones outlook on life. 27. The author is probably _. A. an expert at weight loss B. a girl who is troubled by her weight C. an old lady who is content with almost everythingD. an old woman who is much careful with her appearanceCElephants display plex social behavior, living in tightly knit families that are matriarchalthat is, headed by the oldest females. Families are posed of sisters, cousins, aunts, and nieces, and their young offspring. Families range in size from 2 to 29 individuals. These animals may remain together for life. If a family bees too large, a few females leave to start a new herd.The members of a family bathe, forage, and travel as a group. Family members typically stay within 46 m(150 ft) of the matriarch, maintaining contact with their calls. If they are separated even for a matter of hours, their reunion is marked by an elaborate(复杂的) greeting ceremony, which includes running, rumbling, spinning, trumpeting, clicking tusks, and rubbing each others bodies with their heads. The family also defends the young, sick, old, and disabled from predators. When the elder cow in a family dies, the next oldest cow usually takes her place as leader.Yong males begin to wander away from the family at about age six, and gradually spend more and more time away, alone or in the pany of other young males. When they bee sexually mature they either leave the family for good or are driven away by the older females. They may roam about on their own or join other males to form bachelor herds, remaining nearby but operating independently of the female-led family units. Bulls within bachelor herds occasionally battle, although rarely to the death, to determine who is boss within their herd.During their seasonal migrations, many family groups may travel together as a single herd led by the oldest female, the matriarch. If a predator threatens, the herd groups together, with the matriarch facing the enemy and the young elephants hiding behind the adults. When danger es too close, the matriarch charges or leads the herd in a stampede to defeat the enemy.28. A matriarchal family is one in which _.A. there are only female members B. a male takes the controlC. males and females live together D. the oldest female acts as the leader 29. We can learn from the first paragraph that _.A. an elephant family will grow bigger and biggerB. only one adult male elephant will remain in the familyC. the smaller an elephant family is, the better it will beD. an elephant family will remain in a certain size30. If a member returns after separating from the whole family for an hour, _.A. it will be driven away by other elephantsB. all the elephants will celebrate itC. it has to do everything possible to please other elephantsD. other elephants will give it a warning but accept it31. Adult male elephants will _.A. stay far from the female family B. depend on the females for a living.C. form a herd of single sex D. always go about on its ownDThe Swine Flu is not the only thing you catch at work. The latest research demonstrates what weve all known to be true, that emotions are contagious(感染性的). Researchers call them emotional contagions and they impact our work environments, productivity, teamwork and performance in significant ways.As we know all too well, one negative leader can make work miserable for hisher team. An employee in a bad mood can turn off and turn away countless customers. plaining can act like a cancer and spread throughout the entire organization and eventually destroy your goals. And negative attitudes can spoil the morale and performance of teams with great talent and potential. Thats the bad news but theres also good news. One positive leader can rally(召集)a group of willing people to acplish amazing things. One positive team member can slowly but surely improve the mood and morale of hisher team. And positive attitudes and emotions at work can fuel the morale and performance of your organization.These are the reason when I am invited to speak to businesses, schools and sports teams I say that everyone in the organization contributes to the culture of it. You are not just a creation of your culture. What you think matters. What you value matters. And the energy you share with others, whether its positive or negative,really matters. You can be a germ and attack your organizations immune system or you can act like a dose of vitamin C and strengthen it. So the next time you head into work with a bad mood you might want to stop before you walk in and consider what your boss would say if you had the Swine Flu. You can go home so you dont infect anyone with your bad mood, or you can choose to get healthy right there, change your attitude, and decide to be positively contagious. You are not an island to yourself. You are forever contagious and you and your emotions impact the world around you.32. What does the writer probably do? A. A manager. B. A psychologist. C. An athlete. D. A coach.33. From the passage, we can learn that _. A. few people know that emotions can be contagious B. employees affect the teamwork more than leaders C. positive emotions are as contagious as negative emotions D. a positive member can improve the mood of the team quickly34. The underlined word “these” probably refers to_. A. negative emotions B. positive emotions C. personal contributions D. emotional contagions35. The passage is developed mainly by_. A. examples and explanation B. parison and persuasion C. facts and descriptionsD. figures and conclusion第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。Scholarship NewsletterWele back! I hope everyone had a great summer and you are looking forward to your senior year. Every month you will receive the scholarship newsletter. 36 Scholarships will be announced in the newsletter and on the bulletin boards in Guidance and in the cafeteriaYou should bring all of your scholarship applications to Guidance to be processed and mailed outIf the scholarship application requires SAT or ACT scores, you are responsible for providing those If you have any questions about scholarships, see Mrs. Fontaine in Guidance. Meanwhile, here are some helpful tips for pleting scholarship applications: 37 Your time is valuable so dont waste it applying for scholarships you are not qualified for. There will be plenty of scholarships you will be qualified for Pay attention to directions. Some organizations have very specific rules along with their applications,so make sure your application is pleted to their specificationsPay attention to deadlines 38 This means the due date on the application may be different from the due date On the newsletterPlease go by the deadline on the newsletter to ensure your application will go out on timeKeep track of the scholarships you apply for. As you fill out the applications, write the names down and keep it with your scholarship information. 39 .Keep copies of your essays. 40 Your essay may be able to be used for more than one application.APay attention to the criteria.BBelieve in yourself and have a try.CNot all scholarships require essays, but some do.DGuidance needs two weeks to process your applications.EIt will inform you of any scholarships we have in Guidance.FThere will be some scholarships at the beginning of the year.GIn the late winter or spring when there are so many applications, it is easy to lose track of which ones you filled out.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A man lived at the foot of a hill. For a long time, he heard tales of the other side of the hill. 41 of fertile land and prosperous crops, pleasant weather and breathtaking 42 .One day, he decided he was 43 of his current life and felt it wastime to improve it. So he packed his bags, left his home and started climbing the hill 44 greener pastures(牧场).The climb was extremely 45 both physically and mentally. At some points, the hill was very 46 indeed, and many times, he really felt like giving up. But the 47 of a better life kept him going.One day, the man came to a very steep part of the hillit was 48 vertical. And at the top lay some very thick vegetation. All those days of 49 and bashing through vegetation had taken their toil(困苦)on him. And, all this time, he had no results to 50 , no fruits to enjoy. He was sick and tired. He decided all this 51 wasnt really worth it. So 52 he got to the other side of the hill? There was no 53 that it held what the tales 54 . His old home wasnt that bad anyway. He 55 to give up. He turned around and set off for home.Little did the man know, that 56 that steep slope and thick vegetation, was already the peak of the hill. After that, it was to be a 57 journey downhill. And, indeed, on the other side of the hill, was 58 what the tales had promised. 59 , even better than what they claimed.He had already done the hard part, but he chose to 60 just when things were going to get much better. 41. A. StoriesB. AnecdotesC. AccountsD. Records 42. A. standardB. conditionsC. sceneryD. attraction 43. A. fed B. tired C. fond D. cautious 44. A. in sight ofB. in need of C. in case of D. in search of 45. A. rewarding B. trying C. amazing D. confusing 46. A. straight B. sharp C. shallow D. steep 47. A. thought B. idea C. imagination D. concept 48. A. still B. already C. almostD. yet 49. A. climbing B. planningC. crawling D. traveling 50. A. gain B. reach C. make D. show 51. A. damaging B. exercising C. suffering D. sweating 52. A. what if B. even thoughC. if only D. even when 53. A. doubt B. wonder C. hope D. guarantee 54. A. indicated B. retold C. promisedD. suggested55. A. decided B. managedC. tried D. used 56 .A. within B. through C. acrossD. beyond 57. A. short B. smooth C. fortable D. endless 58. A. finallyB. naturallyC. exactlyD. totally 59. A. In generalB. After all C. Above all D. In fact 60. A. change B. rest C. quit D. pause第卷注意:将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。第二节(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下列材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。On receiving my learners permit a couple of months ago, I started driving lessons straight away. However, 61 wasnt until two days ago that Dad allowed me to drive on the motorway. Our destination 62 (be) Orewa, a beautifuI seaside townThat morning I made sure I had everything ready for the journey, 63 nothing could have prepared me for my familys plaints“Relax! Dont hold the steering wheel so tightly.” I 64 (call) by a nervous voice from the backseat.“Speed up70km/h isnt fast enoughYou are holding up the traffic,” ordered another voice from the seat next 65 meH

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