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2019-2020年高三英语3月复习试题一、单项选择1What a pity! George _ well quit the trip to Hangzhou.Let me phone him for the final decision.A. can B. must C. shall D. may2If they are close to the cinema entrance or ,it is easier for disabled people to get to the film in fort.A. educator B. exit C. eruption D. existence3When I was little,my mother used to sit by my bed, me stories till I fell asleep.A. having told B. telling C. told D. to tell4No one _ be more generous; he has a heart of gold.A. could B. must C. dare D. need5To tell you the truth, if it were not for the fact that you _ my daughter, I would not take such pains to serve you.A. wereB. have beenC. had beenD. are6_ about fatness, she still has confidence in her performance of daily life.A. TeasedB. TeasingC. TeaseD. To tease7Happiness and success often e to those are good at recognizing their own strengths.A. whom B. who C. what D. which8Among the children _ by the rich couple _ a clever boy called Tom.A. adopted; wereB. adapted; wereC. adopted; wasD. adapted; was9Claire knew that Gladys thought she was having an .A. affair B. assistant C. aspect D. attraction10Bob checked the equipment thoroughly, only _ the power was not set.A. findB. foundC. findingD. to find11The ancient Silk Road _ China and Europe has bee an ideal place for studying and traveling.A. amongB. alongC. acrossD. between12Even though we have made much progress in preventing pollution, yet much _.A. is remained to doB. remains being doneC. remains to be doneD. is remained to be done13Toms ments on this issue are confusing because they appear to _the remarks on the same issue made earlier by him.A. violate B. induce C. clarify D. contradict14Her son, _ whom she was so _ went abroad 20 years ago, leaving her alone in the small village.A. of, loved B. for, cared C. to, devoted D. on, affected二、完形填空One day I was driven by a rain-storm to take shelter in a little hut by the road-side, which was_by a shoemaker as his workshop. The man and his son were_at their work, and_saying, “Good-day,” we began to talk together.Before I had been with them long, the old man_his son out to get something that he_for his work. The boy was only five minutes_, but it was too_for the active old shoemaker to be idle(懒惰的). He became_, moved about the room, and_took up a piece of leather and fell to_it, saying, “You know, sir, it will never do to be idle.”As soon as the rain was over, I went on my way home, _what I had heard“It will never do to be idle.” Some people are _idle; others are idle only now and then I was one of the latter class. I could work only_. So the old mans words came home to me. They awakened my_, and I began to feel how wrong it was to _ so much of my life in idleness.I had often heard and read that_is a very great evil, but now I began to see that it_far more sorrow than people are_. It is the man who is doing nothing that is drawn into disaster, while the busy man is_. It is only the idle that are unhappy. So I made up my mind to_the shoemakers rule for the rest of my life.15A. regarded B. treated C. used D. counted16A. strict B. nervous C. awkward D. busy17A. before B. while C. after D. when18A. sent B. took C. picked D. gave19A. treasured B. needed C. registered D. delivered20A. far B. outwards C. forwards D. away21A. short B. chose C. long D. loose22A. relaxed B. uneasy C. eager D. hopeless23A. at last B. at present C. at first D. at once24A. cut up B. work upon C. put on D. carry on25A. working out B. going after C. dating from D. thinking over26A. always B. sometimes C. once D. nowadays27A. in particular B. at length C. at times D. in advance28A. enthusiasm B. conscience C. hope D. energy29A. waste B. plete C. achieve D. deserve30A. patience B. pleasure C. fort D. idleness31A. shrinks B. leads C. causes D. reduces32A. aware of B. fond of C. confident of D. crazy about33A. tired B. safe C. worried D. anxious34A. receive B. promise C. explore D. followAcross the street from where we live, there stands a big hospital. To earn some money, we rented the rooms upstairs to patients. One evening, there was a(n) _ at the door. I opened it and saw a short old man who was hardly _ than my eight-year-old son. But the worst thing was his faceit was _ ugly. He told me hed been _ a room since that noon but no one seemed to have one. For a moment I hesitated, not _ to rent him a room, but his next words convinced me. He said,“I could _ on this chair. My bus leaves early in the morning. I told him we would find him a _.It wasnt a long time before I found that this old man had a _ heart in that tiny body. He fished for a living to _ his daughter, his daughters children, and her disabled husband. He didnt tell it by way of plaint. Instead, he was _ that no pain was caused by his disease and that he still had strength to keep going. At _, we put a camp cot(吊床) in my childrens room for him. _ he left the next morning, he asked, “Could I please e back and _ when I see the doctor next time? Grown-ups are bothered by my _, but children dont seem to _. ”I told him he was wele to e again.On his next trip, he brought a big fish and a bag of the largest oysters(牡蛎)I had ever seen. Other times we received _ in the mail. There were oysters, fish or some fresh vegetables. _ how little money he had and that he must walk three miles to _ these made these gifts much more precious. And from him we _ what it was to accept the bad without plaint and the good _ gratitude.35A. bellB. answerC. knockD. call36A. tallerB. healthierC. betterD. stronger37A. hardlyB. usuallyC. reallyD. finally38A. searchingB. looking at C. hunting forD. checking in39A. knowingB. refusingC. fearing D. wanting40A. waitB. sitC. hideD. sleep41A. bedB. seat C. tableD. living room42A. funnyB. beautifulC. smallD. normal43A. pleaseB. surpriseC. supportD. exchange44A. interestedB. scaredC. gratefulD. worried45A. midnightB. suppertimeC. bedtimeD. noon46A. ifB. onceC. beforeD. after47A. visitB. stayC. payD. chat48A. actionB. voiceC. faceD. manner49A. noticeB. requireC. mindD. escape50A. cardB. lettersC. greetingsD. packages51A. BelievingB. KnowingC. DoubtingD. Telling52A. mailB. getC. findD. make53A. rememberedB. explainedC. learnedD. showed54A. forB. withC. inD. under三、阅读理解Prom(高中毕业舞会)is a day youll never forget. Its one of the most important events of your senior year, one you certainly dont want to miss.About a month before prom, I started my countdown(倒计时). It took me about a week to find my dress. I bought it secondhand, but it was the most beautiful dress Id ever seen-not too fancy, just the look I wanted. My shoes were bought from Wal-Mart. It might not seem the best place for shoes, but they were so fortable that I couldnt wait to dance all night long in them. My cousin Melissa did my hair and make-up. I received so many pliments(恭维)at prom about my hair and make-up and I felt grateful to her.I had much fun with a group of friends. We danced for four hours and I felt as if my feet were going to fall off. After that came the dessert buffet(自助餐). There were four to five tables filled with sweets. I only had a piece of chocolate cheesecake and this little cup of strawberry dessert, but both were to die for.By the time the casino(老虎机)and magician arrived, everyone was super tired. I wanted to sleep, but I went out into the hall with friends and took pictures. At around 6:30 am, we headed into the breakfast hall for breakfast and goodbyes. Although it wasnt the last time we would be seeing each other, it felt as if we were leaving behind so much.Prom is going to be one of the best times in your life. Dont think of it as a dance. Think of it as a life-changing moment. I know it was for me.55Paragraph 2 is mainly about the authors_.A. plans for the prom B. decision to attend the promC. regrets at the prom D. preparations for the prom56At the prom, the author did all except_.A. dancing B. sleeping C. taking photos D. eating sweets57What does the author think of the prom?A. It is a good chance to danceB. It is an occasion to say goodbyeC. It is a life-changing event with funD. It is the most important to senior students58Whats the best title for this text?A. Going to prom B. Senior promsC. Best time in your life D. Last moment of senior yearA man walked into a small Irish pub and ordered three beers. Bartender was surprised, but he served that man three beers. One hour later the man ordered three beers again. The very next day that man ordered three beers again and drank quietly at a table. This repeated several times and shortly after the people of the town were whispering about the man, who was ordering three beers at once.A couple of weeks later, the bartender decided to clear this out and inquired: “I do not want to pry, but could you explain, why do you order three beers all the time?” The man replied: “It seems strange, isnt it? You see, my two brothers live abroad at the moment, one in France and another in Italy. We have made an agreement, that every time we go to pub each of us will order extra two beers and it will help keeping up the family bond”.Soon all the town have heard about the mans answer and liked it a lot. The man became a local celebrity. Residents of the town were telling this story to newers or tourists and even invited them to that pub to look at Three Beer Man.However, one day the man came to pub and ordered only two beers, not three as usual. The bartender served him with bad feeling. All that evening the man ordered and drank only two beers. The very next day all the town was talking about this news, some people pray for the soul of one of the brothers, others quietly grieve.When the man came to pub the next time and ordered two beers again, the bartender asked him: “I would like to offer condolences to you, due to the death of your dear brother”. The man considered this for a moment and then replied: “Oh, you may be surprised that I order only two beers now? Well, my two brothers are alive and well. Its just because of my decision. I promised myself to give up drinking.”59The man ordered three beers all the time because _.A. he missed his two brothers living abroad very muchB. this would help him bee a local celebrityC. people were fond of drinking beers in this pubD. it was an agreement with his brothers to keep up the family bond60We can infer from the passage that _.A. the mans brothers liked drinking beer very muchB. news traveled fast in the townC. the man became famous in the town because he was a heavy drinkerD. the man was strong-minded to give up drinking61The bartender served the man with bad feeling because _.A. the man decided to drink two beerB. he thought the man should order three beersC. he would earn less moneyD. he thought one of the mans brothers had passed away62The underlined word “condolences” in the last paragraph can be replaced by _.A. sympathy B. surpriseC. gratitudeD. appreciationGlobal Positioning Systems are now a part of everyday driving in many countries.These satellite-based systems provide turn-by-turn directions to help people get to where they want to go.But,they can also cause a lot of problems, send you to the wrong place or leave you pletely lost.Many times,the driver is to blame.Sometimes a GPS error is responsible.Most often,says Barry Brown,an expert in human-puter interaction,it is a bination of the two.We spoke to Mr Brown by Skype (网络电话软件).He told us about an incident involving a friend who had flown to an airport in the eastern United States.There he borrowed a GPS-equipped car to use during his stay.Barry Brown:“And they just plugged in an address and then set off to their destination.And,then it wasnt until they were driving for thirty minutes that they realized they actually put in a destination back on the West Coast where they lived.They actually put their home address ia So again,the GPS is kind of garbage in garbage out”.Mr Brown says this is a mon human error.But,he says,what makes the problem worse has to do with some of the shortings,or failures,of GPS equipment.Barry Brown:“One problem with a lot of the GPS units is they have a very small screen and they just tell you the next turn.Because they just give you the next turn,sometimes that means that it is not really giving you the overview that you would need to know that its going to the wrong place.”Barry Brown once worked on a project with Eric Laurier from the University of Edinburgh.The two men studied the effects of GPS devices on driving by placing cameras in peoples cars.They wrote a paper based on their research.It is called “The Normal,Natural Troubles of Driving with GPS”.It lists several areas where GPS systems can cause confusion for drivers.These include maps that are outdated,incorrect or difficult to understand.They also include timing issues related to when GPS mands are given.Barry Brown says to make GPS systems better we need a better understanding of how drivers,passengers and GPS systems work together.63In Paragraph 2,Mr Brown mentioned his friend in the conversation to .A.build up his own reputation B.laugh at his stupid friendC.prove the GPS system is only garbage D.describe an example of human error64Which of the following statements would Barry Brown most likely agree with?A.GPS units are to blame for most GPS service failures.B.We should introduce higher standards for the driving license.C.Cameras are urgently needed to help improve GPS systems.D.Drivers,GPS systems and passengers should unite to improve GPS systems.65What is Mr Browns attitude towards GPS?A.Unconcerned. B.Prejudiced. C.Objective. D.Critical.66What would be the best title for the text?A.Driving with GPS can be difficultB.Driving confusions can be caused by small screensC.Driving without GPS should be much more convenientD.GPS equipment in driving:to be deserted or improved?Papas jaw dropped when Mama told him that Sister had cheated on her final examsnot to succeed but to fail. “Its unbelievable!” he said. “Sister has always been so proud of her good grades!”“Yes, she has,” said Mama. “But its not unbelievable. It just shows how badly she wanted off the swimming team.”“Wanted off the swimming team?” said Papa. “She never said anything about that to me.”“Of course she didnt,” said Mama. “She was afraid youd blow your top. You already had her getting a swimming scholarship to college and winning gold medals at the Olympics. Can you imagine how much pressure she must have felt? For her, being on the team couldnt have been much fun.”“Oh, my gosh!” Papa said, clapping a hand to his forehead. “Ive been so stupid! I just thought shed want to be a champion swimmer because shes so good at it.”“Its like anything else, dear,” said Mama. “No matter how good at it you are, if it stops being fun, you wont want to do it anymore.”Papa put his head in his hands.“She must be really mad at me,” he mumbled. “Maybe I should say sorry to her.”Sisters footsteps could be heard on the stairs. She came into the kitchen and looked hopefully up at her parents.“Honey,” said Mama with a smile, “your papa and I have decided that theres no reason for you to be on the swimming team if you dont want to.”Sisters face lit up like a Christmas tree. “Yippee!” she cried.“And,” added Papa, “theres no need for any more drills. Im sure youll bring your grades back up all by yourself.”Sister ran to Papa and jumped into his arms. She gave him a big hug. “Im going to go play cards with Lizzy!” she said. “See you later!”From the kitchen window, Mama and Papa watched their daughter run down the sunny road toward Lizzys house.“Its good to see her happy again,” said Mama.“It sure is,” Papa agreed. “As for the swimming team, theres always next year.”“If?” Mama prompted him. “Oh, right,” said Papa. “If she wants to.”Mama smiled. “At least youre learning, dear,” she said. She kissed him.“Well, you know what they say,” Papa said. “Better late than never.”67The underlined expression “blow your top” probably means _.A. change your opinionB. bee very excitedC. get very angryD. fall down with fear68Mama insisted that the child should do_.A. what she was willing toB. what she felt easy toC. what she was able toD. what she felt right to69Which of the following words best describes Papa?A. Cruel but reasonable.B. Crazy but confident.C. Stubborn but honest.D. Ambitious but considerate.70Which might be the proper title for the passage?A. Easier Said Than DoneB. Health Is Better Than WealthC. Better Late Than NeverD. Something Is Better Than NothingThe news of Harper Lees second novel broke the internet. Go Set a Watchman would be published in July. Lee became a recluse (隐士)after the publication of her first book, To Kill a Mockingbird, in 1960. Although the author has been out of the public eye for more than 50 years, the wave that followed the announcement showed her novels beloved place in the American literary works.In 1991, The Book of the Month Club and the library of Congress conducted a survey that made readers identify books that had made a difference in their lives. Lees book followed only The Bible. Alongside the works of Shakespeare and Twain, To Kill a Mockingbird remains one of the most widely taught books nationwide, reaching an estimated 70% of American public schools. What makes it such a perfect read for young people?English class is a place where young Americans e to know themselves. In the folds of dusty books, students can make contact with humanity beyond the superficial(肤浅的) conversations of the school hallways. Literature promises relief, a place to figure out ones problems and get to know oneself better.To Kill a Mockingbird particularly distinguishes itself in this regard. It speaks in childs voice without treating its readership as children. People have called it an impossible achievement, a childrens book penned in the prose(散文) of a well-educated adultits unlikely that a child likeScout could exist in the real world. But thats exactly what makes it such a charming read for young people. It alludes to (转弯抹角地说到)the consciousness of a well-educated adult going through difficult realities, but shows it through the light and playful voice of a curious little girl.71In which year might Go Set a Watchman e out?A. xx B. 1960 C. 1910 D. 199172Which book leaves the deepest impression on American readers?A. Go Set a Watchman B. To Kill a MockingbirdC. The Bible D. Shakespeares works73Which of the following statements is right about To Kill a Mockingbird?A. Its author may be a


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